Packages authored by Wesley de Groot
These packages are available as a package collection, usable in Xcode 13 or the Swift Package Manager 5.5.
This library helps you to easily integrate the Admob SDK in your SwiftUI app. It is a wrapper around the Google Mobile Ads SDK for iOS. It provides a SwiftUI view that you can use to display banner ads in your app above your tabbar.
CachedAsyncImage is a Swift Package for asynchronously loading images from the web and caching them.
Colors is a Swift Package to enable all system colors in SwiftUI trough a Color extension. Colors which were previously only available in UIColor/NSColor are now available in Color as well.
Create a SwiftUI user interface through a JSON file. The JSON file will contain the structure of the user interface, and the program will create the user interface based on the JSON file.
GameControllerKit is a Swift package that makes it easy to work with game controllers on iOS, macOS, and tvOS. It provides a simple API to connect to game controllers, read input from them, and control their lights and haptics.
ImagePicker is a Swift Package to make it easy to pick images from the photo library.
This package provides introspected views that can be used to inspect the underlying *Kit element of a SwiftUI view.
OnboardingKit is a SwiftUI package that helps you create onboarding experiences for your app. It provides a set of views that you can use to create a welcome screen, a what's new screen, and a set of onboarding screens.
OSLogViewer is made for viewing your apps OS_Log history, it is a SwiftUI view which can be used in your app to view and export your logs.
This package adds a modifier to your SwiftUI elements to prevent screenshots. This is useful for apps that display sensitive information and want to prevent users from taking screenshots.
Simple networking is a Swift library for handling network requests. It is built on top of URLSession and provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for making network requests. the key features of SimpleNetworking are simple, mockable, reliable.
XCUITestHelper helps you writing UI tests within SwiftUI. It provides a set of useful extensions on XCUIApplication, XCUIElement and XCUIElementQuery to make your tests more readable and easier to maintain.
12 packages.