The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Build Information

Successful build of ZeeQL3 with Swift 5.7 for macOS (SPM).

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/" xcrun swift build --arch arm64

Build Log

Builder version: 4.22.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: develop
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/builder/builds/o86TiJKT/1/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            develop    -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      develop    -> origin/develop
HEAD is now at cd018bc Note on schema sync primitive
Cloned into spi-builder-workspace
SUCCESS checkout at develop
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             5.7
Building package at path:  spi-builder-workspace
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/" xcrun swift build --arch arm64
Fetching from cache
Fetched (0.27s)
Computing version for
Computed at 2.0.3 (0.43s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 2.0.3
Building for debugging...
[1/85] Compiling ZeeQL ModelFetchSpecification.swift
[2/85] Compiling ZeeQL NotQualifier.swift
[3/85] Compiling ZeeQL ObjectStore.swift
[4/85] Compiling ZeeQL ObjectTrackingContext.swift
[5/85] Compiling ZeeQL Qualifier.swift
[6/85] Compiling ZeeQL QualifierEvaluation.swift
[7/85] Compiling ZeeQL QualifierParser.swift
[8/85] Compiling ZeeQL QualifierVariable.swift
[9/85] Compiling ZeeQL QueryBuilder.swift
[10/85] Compiling ZeeQL SQLQualifier.swift
[11/85] Compiling ZeeQL SortOrdering.swift
[12/85] Compiling ZeeQL StoreKeyValueCoding.swift
[13/85] Compiling ZeeQL ComparisonOperation.swift
[14/85] Compiling ZeeQL CompoundQualifier.swift
[15/85] Compiling ZeeQL Constant.swift
[16/85] Compiling ZeeQL DataSource.swift
[17/85] Compiling ZeeQL EntityType.swift
[18/85] Compiling ZeeQL Expression.swift
[19/85] Compiling ZeeQL ExpressionEvaluation.swift
[20/85] Compiling ZeeQL FetchSpecification.swift
[21/85] Compiling ZeeQL GlobalID.swift
[22/85] Compiling ZeeQL Key.swift
[23/85] Compiling ZeeQL KeyComparisonQualifier.swift
[24/85] Compiling ZeeQL KeyValueQualifier.swift
[25/85] Compiling ZeeQL AdaptorOperation.swift
[26/85] Compiling ZeeQL AdaptorQueryColumnRepresentable.swift
[27/85] Compiling ZeeQL AdaptorQueryType.swift
[28/85] Compiling ZeeQL AdaptorRecord.swift
[29/85] Compiling ZeeQL AdaptorRecordSchema.swift
[30/85] Compiling ZeeQL Attribute.swift
[31/85] Compiling ZeeQL AttributeKey.swift
[32/85] Compiling ZeeQL AttributeValue.swift
[33/85] Compiling ZeeQL AdaptorRecordDecoder.swift
[34/85] Compiling ZeeQL CodableEntity.swift
[35/85] Compiling ZeeQL CodableModel.swift
[36/85] Compiling ZeeQL CodableModelDecoder.swift
[37/85] Emitting module ZeeQL
[38/85] Compiling ZeeQL AccessDataSource.swift
[39/85] Compiling ZeeQL AccessDataSourceError.swift
[40/85] Compiling ZeeQL AccessDataSourceFinders.swift
[41/85] Compiling ZeeQL ActiveDataSource.swift
[42/85] Compiling ZeeQL ActiveRecord.swift
[43/85] Compiling ZeeQL ActiveRecordType.swift
[44/85] Compiling ZeeQL Adaptor.swift
[45/85] Compiling ZeeQL AdaptorChannel.swift
[46/85] Compiling ZeeQL AdaptorChannelPool.swift
[47/85] Compiling ZeeQL AdaptorDataSource.swift
[48/85] Compiling ZeeQL AdaptorError.swift
[49/85] Compiling ZeeQL AdaptorModelFetch.swift
[50/85] Compiling ZeeQL SQLAttributeChange.swift
[51/85] Compiling ZeeQL SQLExpression.swift
[52/85] Compiling ZeeQL SQLExpressionFactory.swift
[53/85] Compiling ZeeQL SQLForeignKey.swift
[54/85] Compiling ZeeQL SQLTableGroups.swift
[55/85] Compiling ZeeQL SchemaGeneration.swift
[56/85] Compiling ZeeQL SchemaSynchronization.swift
[57/85] Compiling ZeeQL SchemaSynchronizationFactory.swift
[58/85] Compiling ZeeQL TypedFetchSpecification.swift
[59/85] Compiling ZeeQL ZeeQLTypes.swift
[60/85] Compiling ZeeQL ArrayDataSource.swift
[61/85] Compiling ZeeQL BooleanQualifier.swift
[62/85] Compiling ZeeQL DatabaseDataSource.swift
[63/85] Compiling ZeeQL DatabaseObject.swift
[64/85] Compiling ZeeQL DatabaseOperation.swift
[65/85] Compiling ZeeQL Entity.swift
[66/85] Compiling ZeeQL FancyModelMaker.swift
[67/85] Compiling ZeeQL Join.swift
[68/85] Compiling ZeeQL MirrorHelpers.swift
[69/85] Compiling ZeeQL Model.swift
[70/85] Compiling ZeeQL ModelLoader.swift
[71/85] Compiling ZeeQL ModelSQLizer.swift
[72/85] Compiling ZeeQL Property.swift
[73/85] Compiling ZeeQL Relationship.swift
[74/85] Compiling ZeeQL CodableModelEntityDecoder.swift
[75/85] Compiling ZeeQL CodableModelPostProcessor.swift
[76/85] Compiling ZeeQL CodableRelationship.swift
[77/85] Compiling ZeeQL EntityPropertyReflectionContainer.swift
[78/85] Compiling ZeeQL CodeAttribute.swift
[79/85] Compiling ZeeQL CodeEntity.swift
[80/85] Compiling ZeeQL CodeFetchSpecification.swift
[81/85] Compiling ZeeQL CodeRelationship.swift
[82/85] Compiling ZeeQL CodeValueAttribute.swift
[83/85] Compiling ZeeQL Database.swift
[84/85] Compiling ZeeQL DatabaseChannel.swift
[85/85] Compiling ZeeQL DatabaseContext.swift
[86/97] Compiling ZeeQL EquatableType.swift
[87/97] Compiling ZeeQL KeyValueStringFormatter.swift
[88/97] Compiling ZeeQL Logger.swift
[89/97] Compiling ZeeQL Pluralize.swift
[90/97] Compiling ZeeQL SimpleKVC.swift
[91/97] Compiling ZeeQL SmartDescription.swift
[92/97] Compiling ZeeQL TimeRange.swift
[93/97] Compiling ZeeQL SQLite3Adaptor.swift
[94/97] Compiling ZeeQL SQLite3AdaptorChannel.swift
[95/97] Compiling ZeeQL SQLite3Expression.swift
[96/97] Compiling ZeeQL SQLite3ModelFetch.swift
[97/97] Compiling ZeeQL SQLite3SchemaSynchronizationFactory.swift
Build complete! (11.03s)
Build complete.

Build Machine: Mac 5