The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of CXXTagLib with Swift 5.10 for Linux.

Build Command

bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4606859-0":/host -w "$workDir" swift build --triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu 2>&1

Build Log

Builder version: 4.40.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /host/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint: 	git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint: 	git branch -m <name>
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at b926d04 Create swift.yml
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at main
Selected platform:         linux
Swift version:             5.10
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4606859-0":/host -w "$workDir" swift build --triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu 2>&1
Building for debugging...
[0/111] Compiling apefooter.cpp
[1/111] Compiling asfpicture.cpp
[2/111] Compiling apeitem.cpp
[3/111] Compiling asfattribute.cpp
[4/111] Compiling apeproperties.cpp
[5/111] Compiling apefile.cpp
[6/111] Compiling xmproperties.cpp
[7/111] Compiling asffile.cpp
[8/111] Compiling trueaudioproperties.cpp
[9/111] Compiling tzlib.cpp
[10/111] Compiling apetag.cpp
[11/111] Compiling wavpackproperties.cpp
[12/111] Compiling tversionnumber.cpp
[13/111] Compiling wavpackfile.cpp
[14/111] Compiling trueaudiofile.cpp
[15/111] Compiling xmfile.cpp
[16/111] Compiling tiostream.cpp
[17/111] Compiling tpicturetype.cpp
[18/111] Compiling tstringlist.cpp
[19/111] Compiling tfilestream.cpp
[20/111] Compiling tpropertymap.cpp
[21/111] Compiling tstring.cpp
[22/111] Compiling tdebug.cpp
[23/111] Compiling tbytevectorstream.cpp
[24/111] Compiling tdebuglistener.cpp
[25/111] Compiling tfile.cpp
[26/111] Compiling s3mproperties.cpp
[27/111] Compiling tbytevectorlist.cpp
[28/111] Compiling taglib tagutils.cpp
[29/111] Compiling tvariant.cpp
[30/111] Compiling taglib tagunion.cpp
[31/111] Compiling taglib tag.cpp
[32/111] Compiling tbytevector.cpp
[33/111] Compiling s3mfile.cpp
[34/111] Compiling wavproperties.cpp
[35/111] Compiling rifffile.cpp
[36/111] Compiling wavfile.cpp
[37/111] Compiling aiffproperties.cpp
[38/111] Compiling aifffile.cpp
[39/111] Compiling infotag.cpp
[40/111] Compiling vorbisproperties.cpp
[41/111] Compiling taglib tag_c.cpp
[42/111] Compiling speexproperties.cpp
[43/111] Compiling vorbisfile.cpp
[44/111] Compiling speexfile.cpp
[45/111] Compiling xiphcomment.cpp
[46/111] Compiling opusproperties.cpp
[47/111] Compiling opusfile.cpp
[48/111] Compiling oggpageheader.cpp
[49/111] Compiling xingheader.cpp
[50/111] Compiling oggpage.cpp
[51/111] Compiling id3v2synchdata.cpp
[52/111] Compiling oggflacfile.cpp
[53/111] Compiling mpegheader.cpp
[54/111] Compiling mpegproperties.cpp
[55/111] Compiling oggfile.cpp
[56/111] Compiling id3v2extendedheader.cpp
[57/111] Compiling id3v2footer.cpp
[57/111] Compiling mpegfile.cpp
[59/111] Compiling id3v2header.cpp
[60/111] Compiling unknownframe.cpp
[61/111] Compiling urllinkframe.cpp
[62/111] Compiling id3v2frame.cpp
[63/111] Compiling id3v2framefactory.cpp
[64/111] Compiling uniquefileidentifierframe.cpp
[65/111] Compiling id3v2tag.cpp
[66/111] Compiling unsynchronizedlyricsframe.cpp
[67/111] Compiling textidentificationframe.cpp
[68/111] Compiling synchronizedlyricsframe.cpp
[69/111] Compiling popularimeterframe.cpp
[70/111] Compiling privateframe.cpp
[71/111] Compiling podcastframe.cpp
[72/111] Compiling relativevolumeframe.cpp
[73/111] Compiling tableofcontentsframe.cpp
[74/111] Compiling ownershipframe.cpp
[75/111] Compiling generalencapsulatedobjectframe.cpp
[76/111] Compiling attachedpictureframe.cpp
[77/111] Compiling eventtimingcodesframe.cpp
[78/111] Compiling id3v1tag.cpp
[79/111] Compiling commentsframe.cpp
[80/111] Compiling id3v1genres.cpp
[81/111] Compiling mpcproperties.cpp
[82/111] Compiling chapterframe.cpp
[83/111] Compiling mpcfile.cpp
[84/111] Compiling mp4properties.cpp
[85/111] Compiling mp4item.cpp
[86/111] Compiling mp4coverart.cpp
[87/111] Compiling mp4file.cpp
[88/111] Compiling modproperties.cpp
[89/111] Compiling mp4atom.cpp
[90/111] Compiling itproperties.cpp
[91/111] Compiling mp4tag.cpp
[92/111] Compiling modtag.cpp
[93/111] Compiling modfilebase.cpp
[94/111] Compiling flacunknownmetadatablock.cpp
[95/111] Compiling modfile.cpp
[96/111] Compiling flacproperties.cpp
[97/111] Compiling mp4itemfactory.cpp
[98/111] Compiling flacmetadatablock.cpp
[99/111] Compiling itfile.cpp
[100/111] Compiling flacpicture.cpp
[101/111] Compiling dsfproperties.cpp
[102/111] Compiling dsdiffproperties.cpp
[103/111] Compiling taglib audioproperties.cpp
[104/111] Compiling dsffile.cpp
[105/111] Compiling asfproperties.cpp
[106/111] Compiling dsdiffdiintag.cpp
[107/111] Compiling flacfile.cpp
[108/111] Compiling dsdifffile.cpp
[109/111] Compiling taglib fileref.cpp
[110/111] Compiling asftag.cpp
Build complete! (16.43s)
Build complete.

Build Machine: Linux 1