The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Build Information

Successful build of libjpeg with Swift 5.9 for Linux.

Build Command

docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4609320-0":/host -w "/host/spi-builder-workspace" swift build 2>&1

Build Log

Builder version: 4.19.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: 1.0.3
Cloned into spi-builder-workspace
SUCCESS checkout at 1.0.3
Selected platform:         linux
Swift version:             5.9
Building package at path:  spi-builder-workspace
Running build ...
docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4609320-0":/host -w "/host/spi-builder-workspace" swift build 2>&1
Building for debugging...
[0/53] Compiling shim.c
[1/53] Compiling jcapimin.c
[2/53] Compiling jccoefct.c
[3/53] Compiling jaricom.c
[4/53] Compiling jutils.c
[5/53] Compiling jcapistd.c
[6/53] Compiling jcarith.c
[7/53] Compiling jccolor.c
[8/53] Compiling jsimd_none.c
[8/53] Compiling jmemnobs.c
[10/53] Compiling jquant1.c
[11/53] Compiling jquant2.c
[12/53] Compiling jidctred.c
[13/53] Compiling jidctfst.c
[14/53] Compiling jidctflt.c
[15/53] Compiling jmemmgr.c
[16/53] Compiling jfdctflt.c
[16/53] Compiling jfdctfst.c
[18/53] Compiling jerror.c
[19/53] Compiling jfdctint.c
[20/53] Compiling jdtrans.c
[21/53] Compiling jdsample.c
[22/53] Compiling jidctint.c
[23/53] Compiling jdmaster.c
[23/53] Compiling jdphuff.c
[25/53] Compiling jdmainct.c
[26/53] Compiling jdinput.c
[27/53] Compiling jdpostct.c
[28/53] Compiling jdmarker.c
[29/53] Compiling jdicc.c
[30/53] Compiling jddctmgr.c
[31/53] Compiling jdmerge.c
[32/53] Compiling jdhuff.c
[33/53] Compiling jdatasrc.c
[34/53] Compiling jdatadst.c
[35/53] Compiling jdcoefct.c
[36/53] Compiling jdapistd.c
[37/53] Compiling jdcolor.c
[37/53] Compiling jdapimin.c
[39/53] Compiling jdarith.c
[40/53] Compiling jctrans.c
[41/53] Compiling jcprepct.c
[42/53] Compiling jcsample.c
[43/53] Compiling jcomapi.c
[44/53] Compiling jcmainct.c
[45/53] Compiling jcparam.c
[46/53] Compiling jcmarker.c
[47/53] Compiling jcmaster.c
[48/53] Compiling jcinit.c
[49/53] Compiling jcicc.c
[50/53] Compiling jcdctmgr.c
[51/53] Compiling jcphuff.c
[52/53] Compiling jchuff.c
Build complete! (3.52s)
Build complete.

Build Machine: Linux 2