The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Build Information

Successful build of Lindenmayer with Swift 5.10 for macOS (SPM).

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64

Build Log

Builder version: 4.34.1
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at 4798c18 proxy work
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SPI manifest file found: $workDir/.spi.yml
SUCCESS checkout at main
Fetching from cache
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.17s)
Fetched from cache (0.18s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.3.0 (0.02s)
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.31s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.0 (0.03s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.1.5 (0.41s)
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.14s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.6.0 (0.35s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.6.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.1.5
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.3.0
Resolving dependencies ...
  "identity": ".resolve-product-dependencies",
  "name": "resolve-dependencies",
  "url": "/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies",
  "version": "unspecified",
  "path": "/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies",
  "dependencies": [
      "identity": "lindenmayer",
      "name": "Lindenmayer",
      "url": "",
      "version": "unspecified",
      "path": "/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/Lindenmayer",
      "dependencies": [
          "identity": "scenekitdebugtools",
          "name": "SceneKitDebugTools",
          "url": "",
          "version": "0.1.5",
          "path": "/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/SceneKitDebugTools",
          "dependencies": [
              "identity": "meshgenerator",
              "name": "MeshGenerator",
              "url": "",
              "version": "0.6.0",
              "path": "/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/MeshGenerator",
              "dependencies": [
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.23s)
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.16s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.1.5 (0.02s)
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.15s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.6.0 (0.02s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.6.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.1.5
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at main (4798c18)
warning: '.resolve-product-dependencies': dependency 'lindenmayer' is not used by any target
Found 1 product dependencies
  - SceneKitDebugTools
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             5.10
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64
[1/1] Compiling plugin Swift-DocC
[2/2] Compiling plugin Swift-DocC Preview
Building for debugging...
[2/7] Write sources
[6/7] Write swift-version-6044DDE57671499D.txt
[8/21] Compiling MeshGenerator LineSegment.swift
[9/21] Compiling MeshGenerator Mesh.swift
[10/21] Compiling MeshGenerator TextureCoordinates.swift
[11/21] Compiling MeshGenerator Triangle.swift
[12/21] Compiling MeshGenerator Plane.swift
[13/21] Compiling MeshGenerator QuickTestView.swift
[14/21] Compiling MeshGenerator Vector.swift
[15/21] Compiling MeshGenerator MeshGenerator+SceneKit.swift
[16/21] Compiling MeshGenerator MeshGenerator+UIKit.swift
[17/21] Compiling MeshGenerator Bounds.swift
[18/21] Compiling MeshGenerator ColorRepresentation.swift
[19/21] Emitting module MeshGenerator
[20/21] Compiling MeshGenerator MeshGenerator+AppKit.swift
[21/21] Compiling MeshGenerator MeshGenerator+RealityKit.swift
[22/22] Compiling MeshGenerator Vertex.swift
[23/37] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools OptionalNodeInfoView.swift
[24/37] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools PasteboardHelpers.swift
[25/37] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools NodeInfoView.swift
[26/37] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools ObservableSCNNode.swift
[27/37] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools SearchableSceneInfoView.swift
[28/37] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools Simd3View.swift
[29/37] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools QuaternionView.swift
[30/37] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools SceneInfoView.swift
[31/37] Emitting module SceneKitDebugTools
[32/37] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools Simd4View.swift
[33/37] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools Simd4x4View.swift
[34/39] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools AngleView.swift
[35/39] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools DebugNodes.swift
[36/39] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools DebugSceneView.swift
[37/39] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools EulerAngleView.swift
[38/39] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools Transforms.swift
[39/39] Compiling SceneKitDebugTools simd+codetext.swift
[40/73] Compiling Lindenmayer ModuleSet.swift
[41/73] Compiling Lindenmayer RNGWrapper.swift
[42/73] Compiling Lindenmayer SeededRandomNumberGenerator.swift
[43/73] Compiling Lindenmayer Xoshiro.swift
[44/73] Compiling Lindenmayer Angle.swift
[45/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleLeftDirectRightDefines.swift
[46/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleLeftDirectRightDefinesRNG.swift
[47/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleLeftDirectRightRNG.swift
[48/77] Compiling Lindenmayer Rule.swift
[49/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleLeftDirectDefines.swift
[50/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleLeftDirectDefinesRNG.swift
[51/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleLeftDirectRNG.swift
[52/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleLeftDirectRight.swift
[53/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RandomContextualLSystem.swift
[54/77] Compiling Lindenmayer LindenmayerSystem.swift
[55/77] Compiling Lindenmayer BuiltinModules.swift
[56/77] Compiling Lindenmayer DebugModule.swift
[57/77] Compiling Lindenmayer Module.swift
[58/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleDirect.swift
[59/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleDirectDefines.swift
[60/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleDirectDefinesRNG.swift
[61/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleDirectRNG.swift
[62/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleDirectRight.swift
[63/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleDirectRightDefines.swift
[64/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleDirectRightDefinesRNG.swift
[65/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleDirectRightRNG.swift
[66/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RewriteRuleLeftDirect.swift
[67/77] Emitting module Lindenmayer
[68/77] Compiling Lindenmayer GraphicsContextRenderer.swift
[69/77] Compiling Lindenmayer RenderCommands.swift
[70/77] Compiling Lindenmayer SIMD_Float4x4+Extensions.swift
[71/77] Compiling Lindenmayer SceneKitRenderer.swift
[72/77] Compiling Lindenmayer Transforms.swift
[73/77] Compiling Lindenmayer Examples2D.swift
[74/77] Compiling Lindenmayer Examples3D.swift
[75/77] Compiling Lindenmayer LSystem.swift
[76/77] Compiling Lindenmayer ContextualLSystem.swift
[77/77] Compiling Lindenmayer ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem.swift
[78/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews Monopodial4Examples.swift
[79/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews Sympodial4Examples.swift
[80/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews LSystem3DControlView.swift
[81/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews LSystem3DModel.swift
[82/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews Lsystem2DView.swift
[83/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews Lsystem3DView.swift
[84/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews RollToVerticalTestView.swift
[85/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews Dynamic2DLSystemViews.swift
[86/92] Emitting module LindenmayerViews
[87/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews LSystemMetrics.swift
[88/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews ModuleDetailView.swift
[89/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews EmptyModuleSummaryView.swift
[90/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews HorizontalLSystemStateView.swift
[91/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews ModuleSummaryView.swift
/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/LindenmayerViews/ViewComponents/StateSelectorView.swift:117:45: warning: capture of 'proxy' with non-sendable type 'ScrollViewProxy' in a `@Sendable` closure
SwiftUI.ScrollViewProxy:2:15: note: struct 'ScrollViewProxy' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
public struct ScrollViewProxy {
/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/LindenmayerViews/ViewComponents/StateSelectorView.swift:117:45: warning: capture of 'proxy' with non-sendable type 'ScrollViewProxy' in a `@Sendable` closure
SwiftUI.ScrollViewProxy:2:15: note: struct 'ScrollViewProxy' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
public struct ScrollViewProxy {
/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/LindenmayerViews/ViewComponents/StateSelectorView.swift:175:45: warning: capture of 'proxy' with non-sendable type 'ScrollViewProxy' in a `@Sendable` closure
SwiftUI.ScrollViewProxy:2:15: note: struct 'ScrollViewProxy' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
public struct ScrollViewProxy {
/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/LindenmayerViews/ViewComponents/StateSelectorView.swift:175:45: warning: capture of 'proxy' with non-sendable type 'ScrollViewProxy' in a `@Sendable` closure
SwiftUI.ScrollViewProxy:2:15: note: struct 'ScrollViewProxy' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
public struct ScrollViewProxy {
[92/92] Compiling LindenmayerViews StateSelectorView.swift
/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/LindenmayerViews/ViewComponents/StateSelectorView.swift:117:45: warning: capture of 'proxy' with non-sendable type 'ScrollViewProxy' in a `@Sendable` closure
SwiftUI.ScrollViewProxy:2:15: note: struct 'ScrollViewProxy' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
public struct ScrollViewProxy {
/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/LindenmayerViews/ViewComponents/StateSelectorView.swift:117:45: warning: capture of 'proxy' with non-sendable type 'ScrollViewProxy' in a `@Sendable` closure
SwiftUI.ScrollViewProxy:2:15: note: struct 'ScrollViewProxy' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
public struct ScrollViewProxy {
/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/LindenmayerViews/ViewComponents/StateSelectorView.swift:175:45: warning: capture of 'proxy' with non-sendable type 'ScrollViewProxy' in a `@Sendable` closure
SwiftUI.ScrollViewProxy:2:15: note: struct 'ScrollViewProxy' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
public struct ScrollViewProxy {
/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/LindenmayerViews/ViewComponents/StateSelectorView.swift:175:45: warning: capture of 'proxy' with non-sendable type 'ScrollViewProxy' in a `@Sendable` closure
SwiftUI.ScrollViewProxy:2:15: note: struct 'ScrollViewProxy' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
public struct ScrollViewProxy {
[93/94] Compiling LindenmayerViews SummarySizes.swift
[94/94] Compiling LindenmayerViews WindowedSmallModuleView.swift
Build complete! (28.11s)
Build complete.
✅  Doc result (pending) reported
Generating docs at path:  $workDir/.docs/heckj/lindenmayer/main
Repository:               heckj/Lindenmayer
Swift version used:       5.10
        .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
Target:                   Lindenmayer
Generating documentation for 'Lindenmayer'...
Converting documentation...
warning: '1nce9' isn't a disambiguation for 'create(_:with:using:)' at '/Lindenmayer/LSystem'
  --> ../LSystem.swift:36:50-36:56
34 | /// ### Creating a Contextual L-system with Randomness and Parameters
35 | ///
36 + /// - ``Lindenmayer/LSystem/create(_:with:using:)-1nce9``
   |                                                  ├─suggestion: Replace '1nce9' with '1cghg' for'static func create<PType, RNGType>(_ axiom: [any Module], with prng: RNGType?, using parameters: PType) -> ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem<PType, RNGType> where PType : Sendable, RNGType : SeededRandomNumberGenerator'
   |                                                  ╰─suggestion: Replace '1nce9' with '2xak5' for'static func create<PType, RNGType>(_ axiom: any Module, with prng: RNGType?, using parameters: PType) -> ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem<PType, RNGType> where PType : Sendable, RNGType : SeededRandomNumberGenerator'
37 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LSystem/create(_:with:using:)-2nwqc``
38 | ///
warning: '2nwqc' isn't a disambiguation for 'create(_:with:using:)' at '/Lindenmayer/LSystem'
  --> ../LSystem.swift:37:50-37:56
35 | ///
36 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LSystem/create(_:with:using:)-1nce9``
37 + /// - ``Lindenmayer/LSystem/create(_:with:using:)-2nwqc``
   |                                                  ├─suggestion: Replace '2nwqc' with '1cghg' for'static func create<PType, RNGType>(_ axiom: [any Module], with prng: RNGType?, using parameters: PType) -> ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem<PType, RNGType> where PType : Sendable, RNGType : SeededRandomNumberGenerator'
   |                                                  ╰─suggestion: Replace '2nwqc' with '2xak5' for'static func create<PType, RNGType>(_ axiom: any Module, with prng: RNGType?, using parameters: PType) -> ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem<PType, RNGType> where PType : Sendable, RNGType : SeededRandomNumberGenerator'
38 | ///
39 | public enum LSystem: Sendable {
warning: 'state(at:)' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/ContextualLSystem'
  --> ../LSystemTypes/ContextualLSystem.swift:28:27-28:37
26 | ///
27 | /// - ``ContextualLSystem/state``
28 + /// - ``ContextualLSystem/state(at:)``
   |                           ╰─suggestion: Replace 'state(at:)' with 'state'
29 | /// - ``ContextualLSystem/newStateIndicators``
30 | ///
warning: 'evolve()' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/ContextualLSystem'
  --> ../LSystemTypes/ContextualLSystem.swift:51:27-51:35
49 | /// ### Evolving the L-system
50 | ///
51 + /// - ``ContextualLSystem/evolve()``
52 | /// - ``ContextualLSystem/evolved(iterations:)``
53 | ///
warning: 'evolved(iterations:)' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/ContextualLSystem'
  --> ../LSystemTypes/ContextualLSystem.swift:52:27-52:47
50 | ///
51 | /// - ``ContextualLSystem/evolve()``
52 + /// - ``ContextualLSystem/evolved(iterations:)``
53 | ///
54 | /// ### Resetting L-systems to their initial state
warning: 'state(at:)' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem'
  --> ../LSystemTypes/ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem.swift:28:46-28:56
26 | ///
27 | /// - ``ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem/state``
28 + /// - ``ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem/state(at:)``
   |                                              ╰─suggestion: Replace 'state(at:)' with 'state'
29 | /// - ``ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem/newStateIndicators``
30 | ///
warning: 'set(seed:params:)' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem'
  --> ../LSystemTypes/ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem.swift:77:46-77:63
75 | /// - ``ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem/setSeed(seed:)``
76 | /// - ``ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem/setParameters(params:)``
77 + /// - ``ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem/set(seed:params:)``
   |                                              ├─suggestion: Replace 'set(seed:params:)' with 'set(seed:)'
   |                                              ╰─suggestion: Replace 'set(seed:params:)' with 'setParameters(params:)'
78 | ///
79 | /// ### Evolving the L-system
warning: 'evolve()' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem'
  --> ../LSystemTypes/ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem.swift:81:46-81:54
79 | /// ### Evolving the L-system
80 | ///
81 + /// - ``ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem/evolve()``
82 | /// - ``ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem/evolved(iterations:)``
83 | ///
warning: 'evolved(iterations:)' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem'
  --> ../LSystemTypes/ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem.swift:82:46-82:66
80 | ///
81 | /// - ``ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem/evolve()``
82 + /// - ``ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem/evolved(iterations:)``
83 | ///
84 | /// ### Resetting L-systems to their initial state
warning: '1nce9' isn't a disambiguation for 'create(_:with:using:)' at '/Lindenmayer/LSystem'
   --> ../LSystemTypes/ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem.swift:115:136-115:142
113 |     ///   - rules: A collection of rules that the Lindenmayer system applies when you call the evolve function.
114 |     ///
115 +     /// Convenient initializers for creating contextual L-systems uses ``LSystem``, calling ``Lindenmayer/LSystem/create(_:with:using:)-1nce9``, or ``Lindenmayer/LSystem/create(_:with:using:)-2nwqc``
    |                                                                                                                                        ├─suggestion: Replace '1nce9' with '1cghg' for'static func create<PType, RNGType>(_ axiom: [any Module], with prng: RNGType?, using parameters: PType) -> ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem<PType, RNGType> where PType : Sendable, RNGType : SeededRandomNumberGenerator'
    |                                                                                                                                        ╰─suggestion: Replace '1nce9' with '2xak5' for'static func create<PType, RNGType>(_ axiom: any Module, with prng: RNGType?, using parameters: PType) -> ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem<PType, RNGType> where PType : Sendable, RNGType : SeededRandomNumberGenerator'
116 |     public init(axiom: [Module],
117 |                 state: [Module]?,
warning: '2nwqc' isn't a disambiguation for 'create(_:with:using:)' at '/Lindenmayer/LSystem'
   --> ../LSystemTypes/ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem.swift:115:192-115:198
113 |     ///   - rules: A collection of rules that the Lindenmayer system applies when you call the evolve function.
114 |     ///
115 +     /// Convenient initializers for creating contextual L-systems uses ``LSystem``, calling ``Lindenmayer/LSystem/create(_:with:using:)-1nce9``, or ``Lindenmayer/LSystem/create(_:with:using:)-2nwqc``
    |                                                                                                                                                                                                ├─suggestion: Replace '2nwqc' with '1cghg' for'static func create<PType, RNGType>(_ axiom: [any Module], with prng: RNGType?, using parameters: PType) -> ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem<PType, RNGType> where PType : Sendable, RNGType : SeededRandomNumberGenerator'
    |                                                                                                                                                                                                ╰─suggestion: Replace '2nwqc' with '2xak5' for'static func create<PType, RNGType>(_ axiom: any Module, with prng: RNGType?, using parameters: PType) -> ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem<PType, RNGType> where PType : Sendable, RNGType : SeededRandomNumberGenerator'
116 |     public init(axiom: [Module],
117 |                 state: [Module]?,
warning: 'state(at:)' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RandomContextualLSystem'
  --> ../LSystemTypes/RandomContextualLSystem.swift:28:33-28:43
26 | ///
27 | /// - ``RandomContextualLSystem/state``
28 + /// - ``RandomContextualLSystem/state(at:)``
   |                                 ╰─suggestion: Replace 'state(at:)' with 'state'
29 | /// - ``RandomContextualLSystem/newStateIndicators``
30 | ///
warning: 'evolve()' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RandomContextualLSystem'
  --> ../LSystemTypes/RandomContextualLSystem.swift:63:33-63:41
61 | /// ### Evolving the L-system
62 | ///
63 + /// - ``RandomContextualLSystem/evolve()``
64 | /// - ``RandomContextualLSystem/evolved(iterations:)``
65 | ///
warning: 'evolved(iterations:)' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RandomContextualLSystem'
  --> ../LSystemTypes/RandomContextualLSystem.swift:64:33-64:53
62 | ///
63 | /// - ``RandomContextualLSystem/evolve()``
64 + /// - ``RandomContextualLSystem/evolved(iterations:)``
65 | ///
66 | /// ### Resetting L-systems to their initial state
warning: '1nce9' isn't a disambiguation for 'create(_:with:using:)' at '/Lindenmayer/LSystem'
  --> ../LSystemTypes/RandomContextualLSystem.swift:94:60-94:66
92 |     ///
93 |     /// Convenient initializers for creating contextual L-systems uses ``LSystem``,
94 +     /// calling ``Lindenmayer/LSystem/create(_:with:using:)-1nce9``, or ``Lindenmayer/LSystem/create(_:with:using:)-2nwqc``.
   |                                                            ├─suggestion: Replace '1nce9' with '1cghg' for'static func create<PType, RNGType>(_ axiom: [any Module], with prng: RNGType?, using parameters: PType) -> ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem<PType, RNGType> where PType : Sendable, RNGType : SeededRandomNumberGenerator'
   |                                                            ╰─suggestion: Replace '1nce9' with '2xak5' for'static func create<PType, RNGType>(_ axiom: any Module, with prng: RNGType?, using parameters: PType) -> ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem<PType, RNGType> where PType : Sendable, RNGType : SeededRandomNumberGenerator'
95 |     public init(axiom: [Module],
96 |                 state: [Module]?,
warning: '2nwqc' isn't a disambiguation for 'create(_:with:using:)' at '/Lindenmayer/LSystem'
  --> ../LSystemTypes/RandomContextualLSystem.swift:94:116-94:122
92 |     ///
93 |     /// Convenient initializers for creating contextual L-systems uses ``LSystem``,
94 +     /// calling ``Lindenmayer/LSystem/create(_:with:using:)-1nce9``, or ``Lindenmayer/LSystem/create(_:with:using:)-2nwqc``.
   |                                                                                                                    ├─suggestion: Replace '2nwqc' with '1cghg' for'static func create<PType, RNGType>(_ axiom: [any Module], with prng: RNGType?, using parameters: PType) -> ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem<PType, RNGType> where PType : Sendable, RNGType : SeededRandomNumberGenerator'
   |                                                                                                                    ╰─suggestion: Replace '2nwqc' with '2xak5' for'static func create<PType, RNGType>(_ axiom: any Module, with prng: RNGType?, using parameters: PType) -> ParameterizedRandomContextualLSystem<PType, RNGType> where PType : Sendable, RNGType : SeededRandomNumberGenerator'
95 |     public init(axiom: [Module],
96 |                 state: [Module]?,
warning: '9uqn7' isn't a disambiguation for 'evolve()' at '/Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem'
  --> ../LindenmayerSystem.swift:31:47-31:53
29 | /// ### Evolving L-Systems
30 | ///
31 + /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolve()-9uqn7``
   |                                               ├─suggestion: Replace '9uqn7' with '7364v' for'func evolve() async -> Self'
   |                                               ╰─suggestion: Replace '9uqn7' with '77mq4' for'func evolve() async -> Self'
32 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolve()-3md66``
33 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolved(iterations:)-3x4ko``
warning: '3md66' isn't a disambiguation for 'evolve()' at '/Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem'
  --> ../LindenmayerSystem.swift:32:47-32:53
30 | ///
31 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolve()-9uqn7``
32 + /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolve()-3md66``
   |                                               ├─suggestion: Replace '3md66' with '7364v' for'func evolve() async -> Self'
   |                                               ╰─suggestion: Replace '3md66' with '77mq4' for'func evolve() async -> Self'
33 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolved(iterations:)-3x4ko``
34 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolved(iterations:)-679jh``
warning: '3x4ko' isn't a disambiguation for 'evolved(iterations:)' at '/Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem'
  --> ../LindenmayerSystem.swift:33:59-33:65
31 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolve()-9uqn7``
32 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolve()-3md66``
33 + /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolved(iterations:)-3x4ko``
   |                                                           ├─suggestion: Replace '3x4ko' with '64q4c' for'func evolved(iterations: Int = 1) async -> Self'
   |                                                           ╰─suggestion: Replace '3x4ko' with '3z9of' for'func evolved(iterations: Int) async -> Self'
34 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolved(iterations:)-679jh``
35 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/updatedLSystem(with:newItemIndicators:)``
warning: '679jh' isn't a disambiguation for 'evolved(iterations:)' at '/Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem'
  --> ../LindenmayerSystem.swift:34:59-34:65
32 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolve()-3md66``
33 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolved(iterations:)-3x4ko``
34 + /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/evolved(iterations:)-679jh``
   |                                                           ├─suggestion: Replace '679jh' with '64q4c' for'func evolved(iterations: Int = 1) async -> Self'
   |                                                           ╰─suggestion: Replace '679jh' with '3z9of' for'func evolved(iterations: Int) async -> Self'
35 | /// - ``Lindenmayer/LindenmayerSystem/updatedLSystem(with:newItemIndicators:)``
36 | ///
warning: 'singleMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleDirect'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleDirect.swift:28:9-28:32
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``singleMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'singleMatchProducesList' with 'SingleMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 | public struct RewriteRuleDirect<DC>: Rule where DC: Module {
warning: 'singleMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleDirectDefines'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleDirectDefines.swift:28:9-28:32
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``singleMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'singleMatchProducesList' with 'SingleMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 |
warning: 'singleMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleDirectDefinesRNG'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleDirectDefinesRNG.swift:28:9-28:32
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``singleMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'singleMatchProducesList' with 'SingleMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 |
warning: 'singleMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleDirectRNG'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleDirectRNG.swift:28:9-28:32
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``singleMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'singleMatchProducesList' with 'SingleMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 |
warning: 'rightMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleDirectRight'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleDirectRight.swift:28:9-28:31
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``rightMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'rightMatchProducesList' with 'RightMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 | public struct RewriteRuleDirectRight<DC, RC>: Rule where DC: Module, RC: Module {
warning: 'combinationMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleDirectRightDefines'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleDirectRightDefines.swift:28:9-28:37
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``combinationMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'combinationMatchProducesList' with 'CombinationMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 | public struct RewriteRuleDirectRightDefines<DC, RC, PType>: Rule where DC: Module, RC: Module, PType: Sendable {
warning: 'combinationMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleDirectRightDefinesRNG'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleDirectRightDefinesRNG.swift:28:9-28:37
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``combinationMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'combinationMatchProducesList' with 'CombinationMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 | public struct RewriteRuleDirectRightDefinesRNG<DC, RC, PType, PRNG>: Rule where DC: Module, RC: Module, PRNG: SeededRandomNumberGenerator, PType: Sendable {
warning: 'combinationMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleDirectRightRNG'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleDirectRightRNG.swift:28:9-28:37
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``combinationMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'combinationMatchProducesList' with 'CombinationMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 | public struct RewriteRuleDirectRightRNG<DC, RC, PRNG>: Rule where DC: Module, RC: Module, PRNG: SeededRandomNumberGenerator {
warning: 'leftMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleLeftDirect'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleLeftDirect.swift:28:9-28:30
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``leftMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'leftMatchProducesList' with 'LeftMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 | public struct RewriteRuleLeftDirect<LC, DC>: Rule where LC: Module, DC: Module {
warning: 'combinationMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleLeftDirectDefines'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleLeftDirectDefines.swift:28:9-28:37
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``combinationMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'combinationMatchProducesList' with 'CombinationMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 | public struct RewriteRuleLeftDirectDefines<LC, DC, PType>: Rule where LC: Module, DC: Module, PType: Sendable {
warning: 'combinationMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleLeftDirectDefinesRNG'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleLeftDirectDefinesRNG.swift:28:9-28:37
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``combinationMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'combinationMatchProducesList' with 'CombinationMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 |
warning: 'combinationMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleLeftDirectRNG'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleLeftDirectRNG.swift:28:9-28:37
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``combinationMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'combinationMatchProducesList' with 'CombinationMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 | public struct RewriteRuleLeftDirectRNG<LC, DC, PRNG>: Rule where LC: Module, DC: Module, PRNG: SeededRandomNumberGenerator {
warning: 'combinationMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleLeftDirectRight'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleLeftDirectRight.swift:28:9-28:37
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``combinationMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'combinationMatchProducesList' with 'CombinationMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 | public struct RewriteRuleLeftDirectRight<LC, DC, RC>: Rule where LC: Module, DC: Module, RC: Module {
warning: 'combinationMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleLeftDirectRightDefines'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleLeftDirectRightDefines.swift:28:9-28:37
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``combinationMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'combinationMatchProducesList' with 'CombinationMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 | public struct RewriteRuleLeftDirectRightDefines<LC, DC, RC, PType>: Rule where LC: Module, DC: Module, RC: Module, PType: Sendable {
warning: 'combinationMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleLeftDirectRightDefinesRNG'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleLeftDirectRightDefinesRNG.swift:28:9-28:37
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``combinationMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'combinationMatchProducesList' with 'CombinationMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 |
warning: 'combinationMatchProducesList' doesn't exist at '/Lindenmayer/RewriteRuleLeftDirectRightRNG'
  --> ../Rules/RewriteRuleLeftDirectRightRNG.swift:28:9-28:37
26 | /// - ``produce(_:)``
27 | /// - ``produceClosure``
28 + /// - ``combinationMatchProducesList``
   |         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'combinationMatchProducesList' with 'CombinationMatchProducesList'
29 | ///
30 | public struct RewriteRuleLeftDirectRightRNG<LC, DC, RC, PRNG>: Rule where LC: Module, DC: Module, RC: Module, PRNG: SeededRandomNumberGenerator {Conversion complete! (0.68s)
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[0/8] Write sources
[1/8] Write snippet-extract-entitlement.plist
[2/8] Write sources
[4/8] Write swift-version-6044DDE57671499D.txt
[6/52] Emitting module Snippets
[7/52] Compiling Snippets Snippet.swift
[8/52] Compiling Snippets SnippetParser.swift
[9/52] Compiling SymbolKit AvailabilityItem.swift
[10/52] Compiling SymbolKit Domain.swift
[11/52] Compiling SymbolKit DeclarationFragments.swift
[12/52] Compiling SymbolKit Fragment.swift
[13/52] Compiling SymbolKit FragmentKind.swift
[14/52] Compiling SymbolKit FunctionParameter.swift
[15/57] Compiling SymbolKit Mixin+Equals.swift
[16/57] Compiling SymbolKit Mixin+Hash.swift
[17/57] Compiling SymbolKit Mixin.swift
[18/57] Compiling SymbolKit LineList.swift
[19/57] Compiling SymbolKit Position.swift
[20/57] Compiling SymbolKit SourceRange.swift
[21/57] Compiling SymbolKit SourceOrigin.swift
[22/57] Compiling SymbolKit GenericConstraints.swift
[23/57] Compiling SymbolKit Swift.swift
[24/57] Compiling SymbolKit SemanticVersion.swift
[25/57] Compiling SymbolKit AccessControl.swift
[26/57] Compiling SymbolKit Availability.swift
[27/57] Compiling SymbolKit Generics.swift
[28/57] Compiling SymbolKit Namespace.swift
[29/57] Compiling SymbolKit Symbol.swift
[30/57] Compiling SymbolKit SymbolKind.swift
[31/57] Compiling SymbolKit SymbolGraph.swift
[32/57] Compiling SymbolKit SPI.swift
[33/57] Compiling SymbolKit Snippet.swift
[34/57] Compiling SymbolKit Extension.swift
[35/57] Compiling SymbolKit GenericConstraint.swift
[36/57] Compiling SymbolKit GenericParameter.swift
[37/57] Compiling SymbolKit FunctionSignature.swift
[38/57] Compiling SymbolKit Identifier.swift
[39/57] Compiling SymbolKit KindIdentifier.swift
[40/57] Compiling SymbolKit Location.swift
[41/57] Compiling SymbolKit Mutability.swift
[42/57] Compiling SymbolKit Names.swift
[43/57] Compiling SymbolKit Metadata.swift
[44/57] Compiling SymbolKit Module.swift
[45/57] Compiling SymbolKit OperatingSystem.swift
[46/57] Compiling SymbolKit Platform.swift
[47/57] Compiling SymbolKit Relationship.swift
[48/57] Compiling SymbolKit RelationshipKind.swift
[49/57] Emitting module SymbolKit
[50/57] Compiling SymbolKit GraphCollector.swift
[51/57] Compiling SymbolKit UnifiedSymbol+Encodable.swift
[52/57] Compiling SymbolKit UnifiedSymbol.swift
[53/57] Compiling SymbolKit UnifiedSymbolGraph+Encodable.swift
[54/57] Compiling SymbolKit UnifiedSymbolGraph.swift
[55/61] Compiling snippet_extract SymbolGraph+Snippet.swift
[56/61] Compiling snippet_extract URL+Status.swift
[57/61] Emitting module snippet_extract
[58/61] Compiling snippet_extract SnippetBuildCommand.swift
[58/61] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[59/61] Linking snippet-extract
[60/61] Applying snippet-extract
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[0/1] Write swift-version-6044DDE57671499D.txt
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Target:                   LindenmayerViews
Generating documentation for 'LindenmayerViews'...
Converting documentation...
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Generated DocC archive at '/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.docs/heckj/lindenmayer/main'
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[0/3] Write swift-version-6044DDE57671499D.txt
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[0/1] Write swift-version-6044DDE57671499D.txt
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15	/Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.docs/heckj/lindenmayer/main
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