The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Failed to build PushExpressLib, reference main (deae72), with Swift 6.0 for macOS (SPM) on 16 Sep 2024 05:47:28 UTC.

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

Builder version: 4.53.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at deae723 Update
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at main
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $PWD
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete
Building for debugging...
[0/2] Write sources
[1/2] Write swift-version-117DEE11B69C53C9.txt
error: emit-module command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
[3/8] Emitting module PushExpressLib
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:11:50: error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
   |                 |                                `- error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
13 |         if let msgId = data["px.msg_id"] as? String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:11:102: error: 'UNNotification' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
   |                 |                                                                                    `- error: 'UNNotification' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
13 |         if let msgId = data["px.msg_id"] as? String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:11:170: error: 'UNNotificationPresentationOptions' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
   |                 |                                                                                                                                                        `- error: 'UNNotificationPresentationOptions' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
13 |         if let msgId = data["px.msg_id"] as? String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:40:50: error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
38 |     }
39 |
40 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
   |                 |                                `- error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
41 |
42 |         let userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:40:97: error: 'UNNotificationResponse' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
38 |     }
39 |
40 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
   |                 |                                                                               `- error: 'UNNotificationResponse' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
41 |
42 |         let userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/URLSessionLoadImage.swift:12:105: error: 'UNNotificationAttachment' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 9 | import UserNotifications
10 |
11 | extension URLSession {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
12 |     public class func downloadImage(atURL url: URL, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationAttachment?, NSError?) -> Void) {
   |                       |                                                                                 `- error: 'UNNotificationAttachment' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                       `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class method
13 |         let dataTask = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
14 |             if let error = error {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/NotificationManager.swift:15:45: error: 'UNNotificationRequest' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 9 | import UserNotifications
10 |
11 | public class NotificationManager {
   |              `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
12 |
13 |     public init() {}
14 |
15 |     public func handleNotification(request: UNNotificationRequest, contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) {
   |                 |                           `- error: 'UNNotificationRequest' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
16 |         guard let content = (request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent) else {
17 |             return contentHandler(request.content)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/NotificationManager.swift:15:95: error: 'UNNotificationContent' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 9 | import UserNotifications
10 |
11 | public class NotificationManager {
   |              `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
12 |
13 |     public init() {}
14 |
15 |     public func handleNotification(request: UNNotificationRequest, contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) {
   |                 |                                                                             `- error: 'UNNotificationContent' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
16 |         guard let content = (request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent) else {
17 |             return contentHandler(request.content)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/NotificationManager.swift:47:70: error: 'UNNotificationAttachment' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 9 | import UserNotifications
10 |
11 | public class NotificationManager {
   |              `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
12 |
13 |     public init() {}
45 |     }
46 |
47 |     public func downloadImage(atURL url: URL, completion: @escaping (UNNotificationAttachment?, Error?) -> Void) {
   |                 |                                                    `- error: 'UNNotificationAttachment' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
48 |         let task = URLSession.shared.downloadTask(with: url) { location, response, error in
49 |             guard let location = location, error == nil else {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:9:23: warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'PushExpressManager' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: class 'PushExpressManager' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
    |                       |- warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'PushExpressManager' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: annotate 'shared' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 10 |     private var appId: String?
 11 |     private var icId: String?
[4/8] Compiling PushExpressLib Enums.swift
[5/8] Compiling PushExpressLib UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:11:50: error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
   |                 |                                `- error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
13 |         if let msgId = data["px.msg_id"] as? String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:11:102: error: 'UNNotification' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
   |                 |                                                                                    `- error: 'UNNotification' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
13 |         if let msgId = data["px.msg_id"] as? String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:11:170: error: 'UNNotificationPresentationOptions' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
   |                 |                                                                                                                                                        `- error: 'UNNotificationPresentationOptions' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
13 |         if let msgId = data["px.msg_id"] as? String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:40:50: error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
38 |     }
39 |
40 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
   |                 |                                `- error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
41 |
42 |         let userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:40:97: error: 'UNNotificationResponse' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
38 |     }
39 |
40 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
   |                 |                                                                               `- error: 'UNNotificationResponse' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
41 |
42 |         let userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:15:31: error: 'UNMutableNotificationContent' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
13 |         if let msgId = data["px.msg_id"] as? String {
14 |             if let title = data["px.title"] as? String, let body = data["px.body"] as? String {
15 |                 let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
   |                               |- error: 'UNMutableNotificationContent' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                               `- note: add 'if #available' version check
16 |                 content.title = title
17 |                 content.body = body
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:26:39: error: 'UNNotificationRequest' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
13 |         if let msgId = data["px.msg_id"] as? String {
24 |                         }
25 |
26 |                         let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: msgId, content: content, trigger: nil)
   |                                       |- error: 'UNNotificationRequest' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                                       `- note: add 'if #available' version check
27 |                         UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add(request, withCompletionHandler: nil)
28 |                     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:27:25: error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
13 |         if let msgId = data["px.msg_id"] as? String {
25 |
26 |                         let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: msgId, content: content, trigger: nil)
27 |                         UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add(request, withCompletionHandler: nil)
   |                         |- error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                         `- note: add 'if #available' version check
28 |                     }
29 |                 } else {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:30:35: error: 'UNNotificationRequest' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
13 |         if let msgId = data["px.msg_id"] as? String {
28 |                     }
29 |                 } else {
30 |                     let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: msgId, content: content, trigger: nil)
   |                                   |- error: 'UNNotificationRequest' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                                   `- note: add 'if #available' version check
31 |                     UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add(request, withCompletionHandler: nil)
32 |                 }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:31:21: error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
13 |         if let msgId = data["px.msg_id"] as? String {
29 |                 } else {
30 |                     let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: msgId, content: content, trigger: nil)
31 |                     UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add(request, withCompletionHandler: nil)
   |                     |- error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                     `- note: add 'if #available' version check
32 |                 }
33 |                 PushExpressManager.shared.sendNotificationEvent(msgId: msgId, event: .delivered)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.swift:37:29: error: 'alert' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 8 | import UserNotifications
 9 |
10 | extension PushExpressManager: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
11 |     public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
12 |         let data = notification.request.content.userInfo
13 |         if let msgId = data["px.msg_id"] as? String {
35 |         }
36 |
37 |         completionHandler([.alert, .sound, .badge])
   |                             |- error: 'alert' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                             `- note: add 'if #available' version check
38 |     }
39 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:9:23: warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'PushExpressManager' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: class 'PushExpressManager' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
    |                       |- warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'PushExpressManager' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: annotate 'shared' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 10 |     private var appId: String?
 11 |     private var icId: String?
[6/8] Compiling PushExpressLib URLSessionLoadImage.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/URLSessionLoadImage.swift:12:105: error: 'UNNotificationAttachment' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 9 | import UserNotifications
10 |
11 | extension URLSession {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
12 |     public class func downloadImage(atURL url: URL, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationAttachment?, NSError?) -> Void) {
   |                       |                                                                                 `- error: 'UNNotificationAttachment' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                       `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class method
13 |         let dataTask = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
14 |             if let error = error {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/URLSessionLoadImage.swift:35:38: error: 'UNNotificationAttachment' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 9 | import UserNotifications
10 |
11 | extension URLSession {
   | `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
12 |     public class func downloadImage(atURL url: URL, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationAttachment?, NSError?) -> Void) {
   |                       `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class method
13 |         let dataTask = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
14 |             if let error = error {
33 |                 try data.write(to: fileURL)
34 |
35 |                 let attachment = try UNNotificationAttachment(identifier: "image", url: fileURL, options: nil)
   |                                      |- error: 'UNNotificationAttachment' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                                      `- note: add 'if #available' version check
36 |
37 |                 completionHandler(attachment, nil)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Extensions/URLSessionLoadImage.swift:15:17: warning: capture of 'completionHandler' with non-sendable type '(UNNotificationAttachment?, NSError?) -> Void' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
13 |         let dataTask = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
14 |             if let error = error {
15 |                 completionHandler(nil, error as NSError)
   |                 |- warning: capture of 'completionHandler' with non-sendable type '(UNNotificationAttachment?, NSError?) -> Void' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   |                 `- note: a function type must be marked '@Sendable' to conform to 'Sendable'
16 |                 return
17 |             }
[7/8] Compiling PushExpressLib PushExpressLib.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:9:23: warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'PushExpressManager' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: class 'PushExpressManager' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
    |                       |- warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'PushExpressManager' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: annotate 'shared' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 10 |     private var appId: String?
 11 |     private var icId: String?
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:35:13: error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
 10 |     private var appId: String?
 16 |     }
 17 |
 18 |     public func initialize(appId: String,
    |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
 19 |                     transportType: TransportType,
 20 |                            foreground: Bool,
 33 |
 34 |         if foreground {
 35 |             UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = PushExpressManager.shared
    |             |- error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
    |             `- note: add 'if #available' version check
 36 |
 37 |             UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) { granted, error in
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:37:13: error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
 10 |     private var appId: String?
 16 |     }
 17 |
 18 |     public func initialize(appId: String,
    |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
 19 |                     transportType: TransportType,
 20 |                            foreground: Bool,
 35 |             UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = PushExpressManager.shared
 36 |
 37 |             UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) { granted, error in
    |             |- error: 'UNUserNotificationCenter' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
    |             `- note: add 'if #available' version check
 38 |             }
 39 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:60:30: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'PushExpressManager?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: class 'PushExpressManager' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
 10 |     private var appId: String?
 58 |
 59 |         let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { [weak self] data, response, error in
 60 |             guard let self = self else { return }
    |                              `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'PushExpressManager?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 61 |
 62 |             if error != nil {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:63:60: warning: capture of 'transportType' with non-sendable type 'TransportType' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 61 |
 62 |             if error != nil {
 63 |                 self.retryCreateAppInstance(transportType: transportType,
    |                                                            `- warning: capture of 'transportType' with non-sendable type 'TransportType' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 64 |                                             extId: extId)
 65 |                 return
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Common/Enums.swift:10:13: note: consider making enum 'TransportType' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 8 | import Foundation
 9 |
10 | public enum TransportType: String {
   |             `- note: consider making enum 'TransportType' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
11 |     case fcm
12 |     case onesignal
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:95:13: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'PushExpressManager?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: class 'PushExpressManager' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
 10 |     private var appId: String?
 93 |
 94 | .now() + delay) { [weak self] in
 95 |             self?.createAppInstance(transportType: transportType,
    |             `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'PushExpressManager?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 96 |                                     extId: extId)
 97 |             delay = min(delay * 2, maxDelay)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:95:52: warning: capture of 'transportType' with non-sendable type 'TransportType' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 93 |
 94 | .now() + delay) { [weak self] in
 95 |             self?.createAppInstance(transportType: transportType,
    |                                                    `- warning: capture of 'transportType' with non-sendable type 'TransportType' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 96 |                                     extId: extId)
 97 |             delay = min(delay * 2, maxDelay)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Common/Enums.swift:10:13: note: consider making enum 'TransportType' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 8 | import Foundation
 9 |
10 | public enum TransportType: String {
   |             `- note: consider making enum 'TransportType' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
11 |     case fcm
12 |     case onesignal
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:97:13: warning: mutation of captured var 'delay' in concurrently-executing code; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 95 |             self?.createAppInstance(transportType: transportType,
 96 |                                     extId: extId)
 97 |             delay = min(delay * 2, maxDelay)
    |             `- warning: mutation of captured var 'delay' in concurrently-executing code; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 98 |         }
 99 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:97:25: warning: reference to captured var 'delay' in concurrently-executing code; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 95 |             self?.createAppInstance(transportType: transportType,
 96 |                                     extId: extId)
 97 |             delay = min(delay * 2, maxDelay)
    |                         `- warning: reference to captured var 'delay' in concurrently-executing code; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 98 |         }
 99 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:109:41: error: 'language' is only available in macOS 13 or newer
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
 10 |     private var appId: String?
105 |     }
106 |
107 |     private func getSettedLanguage() -> String {
    |                  `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
108 |         if #available(iOS 16, *) {
109 |             let locale = Locale.current.language.languageCode
    |                                         |- error: 'language' is only available in macOS 13 or newer
    |                                         `- note: add 'if #available' version check
110 |             return "\(locale ?? "")"
111 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:109:50: error: 'languageCode' is only available in macOS 13 or newer
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
 10 |     private var appId: String?
105 |     }
106 |
107 |     private func getSettedLanguage() -> String {
    |                  `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
108 |         if #available(iOS 16, *) {
109 |             let locale = Locale.current.language.languageCode
    |                                                  |- error: 'languageCode' is only available in macOS 13 or newer
    |                                                  `- note: add 'if #available' version check
110 |             return "\(locale ?? "")"
111 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:110:33: error: 'LanguageCode' is only available in macOS 13 or newer
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
 10 |     private var appId: String?
105 |     }
106 |
107 |     private func getSettedLanguage() -> String {
    |                  `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
108 |         if #available(iOS 16, *) {
109 |             let locale = Locale.current.language.languageCode
110 |             return "\(locale ?? "")"
    |                                 |- error: 'LanguageCode' is only available in macOS 13 or newer
    |                                 `- note: add 'if #available' version check
111 |         }
112 |         else {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:144:30: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'PushExpressManager?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: class 'PushExpressManager' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
 10 |     private var appId: String?
142 |
143 |         let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { [weak self] data, response, error in
144 |             guard let self = self else { return }
    |                              `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'PushExpressManager?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
145 |
146 |             if error != nil {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:147:60: warning: capture of 'transportType' with non-sendable type 'TransportType' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
145 |
146 |             if error != nil {
147 |                 self.retryUpdateAppInstance(transportType: transportType,
    |                                                            `- warning: capture of 'transportType' with non-sendable type 'TransportType' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
148 |                                             extId: extId)
149 |                 return
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Common/Enums.swift:10:13: note: consider making enum 'TransportType' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 8 | import Foundation
 9 |
10 | public enum TransportType: String {
   |             `- note: consider making enum 'TransportType' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
11 |     case fcm
12 |     case onesignal
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:174:13: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'PushExpressManager?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: class 'PushExpressManager' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
 10 |     private var appId: String?
172 |
173 | .now() + delay) { [weak self] in
174 |             self?.updateAppInstance(transportType: transportType,
    |             `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'PushExpressManager?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
175 |                                     extId: extId)
176 |             delay = min(delay * 2, maxDelay)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:174:52: warning: capture of 'transportType' with non-sendable type 'TransportType' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
172 |
173 | .now() + delay) { [weak self] in
174 |             self?.updateAppInstance(transportType: transportType,
    |                                                    `- warning: capture of 'transportType' with non-sendable type 'TransportType' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
175 |                                     extId: extId)
176 |             delay = min(delay * 2, maxDelay)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Common/Enums.swift:10:13: note: consider making enum 'TransportType' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 8 | import Foundation
 9 |
10 | public enum TransportType: String {
   |             `- note: consider making enum 'TransportType' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
11 |     case fcm
12 |     case onesignal
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:176:13: warning: mutation of captured var 'delay' in concurrently-executing code; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
174 |             self?.updateAppInstance(transportType: transportType,
175 |                                     extId: extId)
176 |             delay = min(delay * 2, maxDelay)
    |             `- warning: mutation of captured var 'delay' in concurrently-executing code; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
177 |         }
178 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:176:25: warning: reference to captured var 'delay' in concurrently-executing code; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
174 |             self?.updateAppInstance(transportType: transportType,
175 |                                     extId: extId)
176 |             delay = min(delay * 2, maxDelay)
    |                         `- warning: reference to captured var 'delay' in concurrently-executing code; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
177 |         }
178 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:183:13: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'PushExpressManager?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: class 'PushExpressManager' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
 10 |     private var appId: String?
181 |                                         extId: String?) {
182 | .now() + updateInterval) { [weak self] in
183 |             self?.updateAppInstance(transportType: transportType,
    |             `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'PushExpressManager?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
184 |                                     extId: extId)
185 |             self?.schedulePeriodicUpdate(transportType: transportType,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:183:52: warning: capture of 'transportType' with non-sendable type 'TransportType' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
181 |                                         extId: String?) {
182 | .now() + updateInterval) { [weak self] in
183 |             self?.updateAppInstance(transportType: transportType,
    |                                                    `- warning: capture of 'transportType' with non-sendable type 'TransportType' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
184 |                                     extId: extId)
185 |             self?.schedulePeriodicUpdate(transportType: transportType,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/Common/Enums.swift:10:13: note: consider making enum 'TransportType' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 8 | import Foundation
 9 |
10 | public enum TransportType: String {
   |             `- note: consider making enum 'TransportType' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
11 |     case fcm
12 |     case onesignal
[8/8] Compiling PushExpressLib NotificationManager.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/NotificationManager.swift:15:45: error: 'UNNotificationRequest' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 9 | import UserNotifications
10 |
11 | public class NotificationManager {
   |              `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
12 |
13 |     public init() {}
14 |
15 |     public func handleNotification(request: UNNotificationRequest, contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) {
   |                 |                           `- error: 'UNNotificationRequest' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
16 |         guard let content = (request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent) else {
17 |             return contentHandler(request.content)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/NotificationManager.swift:15:95: error: 'UNNotificationContent' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 9 | import UserNotifications
10 |
11 | public class NotificationManager {
   |              `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
12 |
13 |     public init() {}
14 |
15 |     public func handleNotification(request: UNNotificationRequest, contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) {
   |                 |                                                                             `- error: 'UNNotificationContent' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
16 |         guard let content = (request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent) else {
17 |             return contentHandler(request.content)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/NotificationManager.swift:47:70: error: 'UNNotificationAttachment' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 9 | import UserNotifications
10 |
11 | public class NotificationManager {
   |              `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
12 |
13 |     public init() {}
45 |     }
46 |
47 |     public func downloadImage(atURL url: URL, completion: @escaping (UNNotificationAttachment?, Error?) -> Void) {
   |                 |                                                    `- error: 'UNNotificationAttachment' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
48 |         let task = URLSession.shared.downloadTask(with: url) { location, response, error in
49 |             guard let location = location, error == nil else {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/NotificationManager.swift:16:64: error: 'UNMutableNotificationContent' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 9 | import UserNotifications
10 |
11 | public class NotificationManager {
   |              `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
12 |
13 |     public init() {}
14 |
15 |     public func handleNotification(request: UNNotificationRequest, contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) {
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
16 |         guard let content = (request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent) else {
   |                                                                |- error: 'UNMutableNotificationContent' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                                                                `- note: add 'if #available' version check
17 |             return contentHandler(request.content)
18 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/NotificationManager.swift:40:51: error: 'UNNotificationContent' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 9 | import UserNotifications
10 |
11 | public class NotificationManager {
   |              `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
12 |
13 |     public init() {}
14 |
15 |     public func handleNotification(request: UNNotificationRequest, contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) {
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
16 |         guard let content = (request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent) else {
17 |             return contentHandler(request.content)
38 |                     content.attachments = [attachment]
39 |                 }
40 |                 contentHandler(content.copy() as! UNNotificationContent)
   |                                                   |- error: 'UNNotificationContent' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                                                   `- note: add 'if #available' version check
41 |             }
42 |         } else {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/NotificationManager.swift:43:47: error: 'UNNotificationContent' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 9 | import UserNotifications
10 |
11 | public class NotificationManager {
   |              `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
12 |
13 |     public init() {}
14 |
15 |     public func handleNotification(request: UNNotificationRequest, contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) {
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
16 |         guard let content = (request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent) else {
17 |             return contentHandler(request.content)
41 |             }
42 |         } else {
43 |             contentHandler(content.copy() as! UNNotificationContent)
   |                                               |- error: 'UNNotificationContent' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                                               `- note: add 'if #available' version check
44 |         }
45 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/PushExpressLib.swift:9:23: warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'PushExpressManager' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
  6 | import UserNotifications
  7 |
  8 | public final class PushExpressManager: NSObject {
    |                    `- note: class 'PushExpressManager' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  9 |     public static let shared = PushExpressManager()
    |                       |- warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'PushExpressManager' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: annotate 'shared' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 10 |     private var appId: String?
 11 |     private var icId: String?
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/NotificationManager.swift:61:38: error: 'UNNotificationAttachment' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
 9 | import UserNotifications
10 |
11 | public class NotificationManager {
   |              `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
12 |
13 |     public init() {}
45 |     }
46 |
47 |     public func downloadImage(atURL url: URL, completion: @escaping (UNNotificationAttachment?, Error?) -> Void) {
   |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
48 |         let task = URLSession.shared.downloadTask(with: url) { location, response, error in
49 |             guard let location = location, error == nil else {
59 |             do {
60 |                 try fileManager.moveItem(at: location, to: tmpFileURL)
61 |                 let attachment = try UNNotificationAttachment(identifier: uniqueString, url: tmpFileURL, options: nil)
   |                                      |- error: 'UNNotificationAttachment' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
   |                                      `- note: add 'if #available' version check
62 |                 completion(attachment, nil)
63 |             } catch {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/PushExpressLib/NotificationManager.swift:50:17: warning: capture of 'completion' with non-sendable type '(UNNotificationAttachment?, (any Error)?) -> Void' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
48 |         let task = URLSession.shared.downloadTask(with: url) { location, response, error in
49 |             guard let location = location, error == nil else {
50 |                 completion(nil, error)
   |                 |- warning: capture of 'completion' with non-sendable type '(UNNotificationAttachment?, (any Error)?) -> Void' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   |                 `- note: a function type must be marked '@Sendable' to conform to 'Sendable'
51 |                 return
52 |             }
BUILD FAILURE 6.0 macosSpm