The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of RxNimble, reference master (c7f2c8), with Swift 6.0 (beta) for macOS (SPM) on 15 Sep 2024 04:32:16 UTC.

Swift 6 data race errors: 0

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

Builder version: 4.53.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: master
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
HEAD is now at c7f2c85 Update Package.swift
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at master
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $PWD
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete
Building for debugging...
[0/11] Write sources
[7/11] Write swift-version-117DEE11B69C53C9.txt
[8/158] Compiling CwlMachBadInstructionHandler mach_excServer.c
[9/158] Compiling CwlCatchExceptionSupport CwlCatchException.m
[10/158] Compiling CwlMachBadInstructionHandler CwlMachBadInstructionHandler.m
[12/160] Emitting module CwlCatchException
[13/160] Compiling CwlCatchException CwlCatchException.swift
[14/160] Compiling RxSwift SingleAsync.swift
[15/160] Compiling RxSwift Sink.swift
[16/160] Compiling RxSwift Skip.swift
[17/160] Compiling RxSwift SkipUntil.swift
[18/160] Compiling RxSwift SkipWhile.swift
[19/160] Compiling RxSwift StartWith.swift
[20/160] Compiling RxSwift SubjectType.swift
[21/160] Compiling RxSwift SubscribeOn.swift
[22/160] Compiling RxSwift SubscriptionDisposable.swift
[23/160] Compiling RxSwift SwiftSupport.swift
[24/160] Compiling RxSwift Switch.swift
[25/160] Compiling RxSwift SwitchIfEmpty.swift
[26/160] Compiling RxSwift SynchronizedDisposeType.swift
[27/160] Compiling RxSwift SynchronizedOnType.swift
[28/160] Compiling RxSwift SynchronizedUnsubscribeType.swift
[29/160] Compiling RxSwift TailRecursiveSink.swift
[30/180] Compiling RxSwift Cancelable.swift
[31/180] Compiling RxSwift Catch.swift
[32/180] Compiling RxSwift CombineLatest+Collection.swift
[33/180] Compiling RxSwift CombineLatest+arity.swift
[34/180] Compiling RxSwift CombineLatest.swift
[35/180] Compiling RxSwift CompactMap.swift
[36/180] Compiling RxSwift Completable+AndThen.swift
[37/180] Compiling RxSwift Completable.swift
[38/180] Compiling RxSwift CompositeDisposable.swift
[39/180] Compiling RxSwift Concat.swift
[40/180] Compiling RxSwift ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler.swift
[41/180] Compiling RxSwift ConcurrentMainScheduler.swift
[42/180] Compiling RxSwift ConnectableObservableType.swift
[43/180] Compiling RxSwift Create.swift
[44/180] Compiling RxSwift CurrentThreadScheduler.swift
[45/180] Compiling RxSwift Date+Dispatch.swift
[46/180] Compiling RxSwift Debounce.swift
[47/180] Compiling RxSwift Multicast.swift
[48/180] Compiling RxSwift Never.swift
[49/180] Compiling RxSwift NopDisposable.swift
[50/180] Compiling RxSwift Observable+Concurrency.swift
[51/180] Compiling RxSwift Observable.swift
[52/180] Compiling RxSwift ObservableConvertibleType+Infallible.swift
[53/180] Compiling RxSwift ObservableConvertibleType.swift
[54/180] Compiling RxSwift ObservableType+Extensions.swift
[55/180] Compiling RxSwift ObservableType+PrimitiveSequence.swift
[56/180] Compiling RxSwift ObservableType.swift
[57/180] Compiling RxSwift ObserveOn.swift
[58/180] Compiling RxSwift ObserverBase.swift
[59/180] Compiling RxSwift ObserverType.swift
[60/180] Compiling RxSwift OperationQueueScheduler.swift
[61/180] Compiling RxSwift Optional.swift
[62/180] Compiling RxSwift Platform.Darwin.swift
[63/180] Emitting module RxSwift
[64/180] Compiling RxSwift AddRef.swift
[65/180] Compiling RxSwift Amb.swift
[66/180] Compiling RxSwift AnonymousDisposable.swift
[67/180] Compiling RxSwift AnonymousObserver.swift
[68/180] Compiling RxSwift AnyObserver.swift
[69/180] Compiling RxSwift AsMaybe.swift
[70/180] Compiling RxSwift AsSingle.swift
[71/180] Compiling RxSwift AsyncLock.swift
[72/180] Compiling RxSwift AsyncSubject.swift
[73/180] Compiling RxSwift AtomicInt.swift
[74/180] Compiling RxSwift Bag+Rx.swift
[75/180] Compiling RxSwift Bag.swift
[76/180] Compiling RxSwift BehaviorSubject.swift
[77/180] Compiling RxSwift BinaryDisposable.swift
[78/180] Compiling RxSwift Binder.swift
[79/180] Compiling RxSwift BooleanDisposable.swift
[80/180] Compiling RxSwift Buffer.swift
[81/180] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+Create.swift
[82/180] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+Debug.swift
[83/180] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+Operators.swift
[84/180] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+Zip+arity.swift
[85/180] Compiling RxSwift Infallible.swift
[86/180] Compiling RxSwift InfiniteSequence.swift
[87/180] Compiling RxSwift InvocableScheduledItem.swift
[88/180] Compiling RxSwift InvocableType.swift
[89/180] Compiling RxSwift Just.swift
[90/180] Compiling RxSwift Lock.swift
[91/180] Compiling RxSwift LockOwnerType.swift
[92/180] Compiling RxSwift MainScheduler.swift
[93/180] Compiling RxSwift Map.swift
[94/180] Compiling RxSwift Materialize.swift
[95/180] Compiling RxSwift Maybe.swift
[96/180] Compiling RxSwift Merge.swift
[97/180] Compiling RxSwift RetryWhen.swift
[98/180] Compiling RxSwift Rx.swift
[99/180] Compiling RxSwift RxMutableBox.swift
[100/180] Compiling RxSwift Sample.swift
[101/180] Compiling RxSwift Scan.swift
[102/180] Compiling RxSwift ScheduledDisposable.swift
[103/180] Compiling RxSwift ScheduledItem.swift
[104/180] Compiling RxSwift ScheduledItemType.swift
[105/180] Compiling RxSwift SchedulerServices+Emulation.swift
[106/180] Compiling RxSwift SchedulerType.swift
[107/180] Compiling RxSwift Sequence.swift
[108/180] Compiling RxSwift SerialDispatchQueueScheduler.swift
[109/180] Compiling RxSwift SerialDisposable.swift
[110/180] Compiling RxSwift ShareReplayScope.swift
[111/180] Compiling RxSwift Single.swift
[112/180] Compiling RxSwift SingleAssignmentDisposable.swift
[113/180] Compiling RxSwift Empty.swift
[114/180] Compiling RxSwift Enumerated.swift
[115/180] Compiling RxSwift Error.swift
[116/180] Compiling RxSwift Errors.swift
[117/180] Compiling RxSwift Event.swift
[118/180] Compiling RxSwift Filter.swift
[119/180] Compiling RxSwift First.swift
[120/180] Compiling RxSwift Generate.swift
[121/180] Compiling RxSwift GroupBy.swift
[122/180] Compiling RxSwift GroupedObservable.swift
[123/180] Compiling RxSwift HistoricalScheduler.swift
[124/180] Compiling RxSwift HistoricalSchedulerTimeConverter.swift
[125/180] Compiling RxSwift ImmediateSchedulerType.swift
[126/180] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+CombineLatest+Collection.swift
[127/180] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+CombineLatest+arity.swift
[128/180] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+Concurrency.swift
[129/180] Compiling RxSwift Debug.swift
[130/180] Compiling RxSwift Decode.swift
[131/180] Compiling RxSwift DefaultIfEmpty.swift
[132/180] Compiling RxSwift Deferred.swift
[133/180] Compiling RxSwift Delay.swift
[134/180] Compiling RxSwift DelaySubscription.swift
[135/180] Compiling RxSwift Dematerialize.swift
[136/180] Compiling RxSwift DispatchQueue+Extensions.swift
[137/180] Compiling RxSwift DispatchQueueConfiguration.swift
[138/180] Compiling RxSwift Disposable.swift
[139/180] Compiling RxSwift Disposables.swift
[140/180] Compiling RxSwift DisposeBag.swift
[141/180] Compiling RxSwift DisposeBase.swift
[142/180] Compiling RxSwift DistinctUntilChanged.swift
[143/180] Compiling RxSwift Do.swift
[144/180] Compiling RxSwift ElementAt.swift
[145/180] Compiling CwlPreconditionTesting CwlCatchBadInstruction.swift
[146/180] Compiling CwlPreconditionTesting CwlDarwinDefinitions.swift
[147/180] Compiling CwlPreconditionTesting CwlBadInstructionException.swift
[148/180] Emitting module CwlPreconditionTesting
[149/180] Compiling RxSwift Platform.Linux.swift
[150/180] Compiling RxSwift PrimitiveSequence+Concurrency.swift
[151/180] Compiling RxSwift PrimitiveSequence+Zip+arity.swift
[152/180] Compiling RxSwift PrimitiveSequence.swift
[153/180] Compiling RxSwift PriorityQueue.swift
[154/180] Compiling RxSwift Producer.swift
[155/180] Compiling RxSwift PublishSubject.swift
[156/180] Compiling RxSwift Queue.swift
[157/180] Compiling RxSwift Range.swift
[158/180] Compiling RxSwift Reactive.swift
[159/180] Compiling RxSwift RecursiveLock.swift
[160/180] Compiling RxSwift RecursiveScheduler.swift
[161/180] Compiling RxSwift Reduce.swift
[162/180] Compiling RxSwift RefCountDisposable.swift
[163/180] Compiling RxSwift Repeat.swift
[164/180] Compiling RxSwift ReplaySubject.swift
[165/230] Compiling RxSwift Take.swift
[166/230] Compiling RxSwift TakeLast.swift
[167/230] Compiling RxSwift TakeWithPredicate.swift
[168/230] Compiling RxSwift Throttle.swift
[169/230] Compiling RxSwift Timeout.swift
[170/230] Compiling RxSwift Timer.swift
[171/230] Compiling RxSwift ToArray.swift
[172/230] Compiling RxSwift Using.swift
[173/230] Compiling RxSwift VirtualTimeConverterType.swift
[174/230] Compiling RxSwift VirtualTimeScheduler.swift
[175/230] Compiling RxSwift Window.swift
[176/230] Compiling RxSwift WithLatestFrom.swift
[177/230] Compiling RxSwift WithUnretained.swift
[178/230] Compiling RxSwift Zip+Collection.swift
[179/230] Compiling RxSwift Zip+arity.swift
[180/230] Compiling RxSwift Zip.swift
[181/254] Emitting module RxBlocking
[182/254] Compiling RxBlocking Resources.swift
[183/254] Compiling RxBlocking RunLoopLock.swift
[184/254] Compiling RxBlocking RecursiveLock.swift
[185/254] Compiling RxBlocking Platform.Linux.swift
[186/254] Compiling RxBlocking Platform.Darwin.swift
[187/254] Compiling RxBlocking BlockingObservable.swift
[188/254] Compiling RxBlocking AtomicInt.swift
[189/254] Compiling RxBlocking ObservableConvertibleType+Blocking.swift
[190/254] Compiling RxBlocking BlockingObservable+Operators.swift
[191/254] Compiling RxTest TestableObserver.swift
[192/255] Compiling RxTest TestableObservable.swift
[193/255] Compiling RxTest TestSchedulerVirtualTimeConverter.swift
[194/255] Compiling RxTest Recorded.swift
[195/255] Compiling RxTest RxTest.swift
[196/255] Compiling RxTest TestScheduler.swift
[197/255] Compiling RxTest Subscription.swift
[198/255] Compiling RxTest HotObservable.swift
[199/255] Compiling RxTest Recorded+Event.swift
[200/255] Emitting module RxTest
[201/255] Compiling RxTest Any+Equatable.swift
[202/255] Compiling RxTest Bag.swift
[203/255] Compiling RxTest ColdObservable.swift
[204/255] Compiling RxTest Event+Equatable.swift
[211/260] Emitting module Nimble
[212/260] Compiling RxTest XCTest+Rx.swift
[213/260] Compiling Nimble BeginWithPrefix.swift
[214/260] Compiling Nimble Contain.swift
[215/260] Compiling Nimble ContainElementSatisfying.swift
[216/260] Compiling Nimble ElementsEqual.swift
[217/260] Compiling Nimble EndWith.swift
[218/260] Compiling Nimble SatisfyAllOf.swift
[219/260] Compiling Nimble SatisfyAnyOf.swift
[220/260] Compiling Nimble ThrowAssertion.swift
[221/260] Compiling Nimble ThrowError.swift
[222/260] Compiling Nimble ToSucceed.swift
[225/260] Compiling Nimble HaveCount.swift
[226/260] Compiling Nimble Match.swift
[227/260] Compiling Nimble MatchError.swift
[228/260] Compiling Nimble BeLessThanOrEqual.swift
[229/260] Compiling Nimble BeLogical.swift
[230/260] Compiling Nimble BeNil.swift
[231/260] Compiling Nimble BeVoid.swift
[232/260] Compiling Nimble BeginWith.swift
[233/260] Compiling Nimble BeCloseTo.swift
[234/260] Compiling Nimble BeEmpty.swift
[235/260] Compiling Nimble BeGreaterThan.swift
[236/260] Compiling Nimble BeGreaterThanOrEqualTo.swift
[237/260] Compiling Nimble BeIdenticalTo.swift
[238/260] Compiling Nimble BeLessThan.swift
[239/260] Compiling Nimble Expression.swift
[240/260] Compiling Nimble FailureMessage.swift
[241/260] Compiling Nimble AllPass.swift
[242/260] Compiling Nimble Async.swift
[243/260] Compiling Nimble BeAKindOf.swift
[244/260] Compiling Nimble BeAnInstanceOf.swift
[245/260] Compiling Nimble NimbleXCTestHandler.swift
[246/260] Compiling Nimble ExceptionCapture.swift
[247/260] Compiling Nimble DSL+Wait.swift
[248/260] Compiling Nimble DSL.swift
[249/260] Compiling Nimble Expectation.swift
[250/260] Compiling Nimble ExpectationMessage.swift
[251/260] Compiling Nimble MatcherFunc.swift
[252/260] Compiling Nimble MatcherProtocols.swift
[253/260] Compiling Nimble PostNotification.swift
[254/260] Compiling Nimble Predicate.swift
[255/260] Compiling Nimble RaisesException.swift
[256/260] Compiling Nimble Await.swift
[257/260] Compiling Nimble DispatchTimeInterval.swift
[258/260] Compiling Nimble Errors.swift
[259/260] Compiling Nimble SourceLocation.swift
[260/260] Compiling Nimble Stringers.swift
[261/266] Compiling RxNimble Expectation+RxTest.swift
[262/266] Compiling RxNimble ThrowError+RxTest.swift
[263/266] Compiling RxNimble Expectation+Blocking.swift
[264/266] Emitting module RxNimble
[265/266] Compiling RxNimble Equal+RxTest.swift
[266/266] Compiling RxNimble Expectation+Ext.swift
Build complete! (59.63s)
[1/51527] Fetching rxswift
[2578/70511] Fetching rxswift, nimble
Fetched from cache (18.63s)
Fetched from cache (18.63s)
Computing version for
Computed at 9.2.1 (0.65s)
[1/1257] Fetching cwlpreconditiontesting
Fetched from cache (0.85s)
Computing version for
Computed at 6.7.1 (0.65s)
Computing version for
Computed at 2.2.2 (0.61s)
[1/455] Fetching cwlcatchexception
Fetched from cache (0.77s)
Computing version for
Computed at 2.2.1 (0.63s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 9.2.1
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 2.2.1
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 6.7.1
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 2.2.2
Build complete.
  "dependencies" : [
      "identity" : "rxswift",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "6.0.0",
            "upper_bound" : "7.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "nimble",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "9.0.0",
            "upper_bound" : "10.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
  "manifest_display_name" : "RxNimble",
  "name" : "RxNimble",
  "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace",
  "platforms" : [
      "name" : "macos",
      "version" : "10.10"
      "name" : "ios",
      "version" : "9.0"
      "name" : "tvos",
      "version" : "9.0"
      "name" : "watchos",
      "version" : "3.0"
  "products" : [
      "name" : "RxNimble",
      "targets" : [
      "type" : {
        "library" : [
  "swift_languages_versions" : [
  "targets" : [
      "c99name" : "RxNimble",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "RxNimble",
      "path" : "Source",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "type" : "library"
  "tools_version" : "5.0"