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Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of swift-sdk-generator with Swift 6.0 (beta) for macOS (SPM) (7d1798) on 3 Jul 2024 10:42:58 UTC.

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

Builder version: 4.44.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at 7d1798e Untar using `-xf` instead of `-xzf` (#113)
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at main
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete
[1/1] Compiling plugin GenerateManual
Building for debugging...
[1/490] Write sources
[7/490] Write swift-sdk-generator-entitlement.plist
[7/490] Write sources
[28/490] Write swift-version--14728B76ED507284.txt
[29/490] Compiling CNIOWindows WSAStartup.c
[30/490] Compiling CNIOWindows shim.c
[31/490] Compiling CSystem shims.c
[32/490] Compiling CNIOLinux shim.c
[33/490] Compiling CNIOLinux liburing_shims.c
[34/490] Compiling CNIOExtrasZlib empty.c
[35/573] Compiling _AtomicsShims.c
[36/573] Compiling CNIOLLHTTP c_nio_llhttp.c
[37/592] Compiling CNIOLLHTTP c_nio_api.c
[38/592] Compiling CNIOLLHTTP c_nio_http.c
[39/668] Compiling CNIODarwin shim.c
[40/668] Compiling CNIOBoringSSLShims shims.c
[41/668] Compiling
[42/668] Compiling
[43/668] Compiling
[44/668] Compiling
[45/668] Compiling
[46/668] Compiling
[47/668] Compiling
[48/668] Compiling
[49/668] Compiling
[50/668] Compiling
[51/668] Compiling
[52/668] Compiling
[53/668] Compiling
[54/668] Compiling
[55/668] Compiling
[56/668] Compiling
[57/668] Compiling
[58/668] Compiling
[59/668] Compiling
[61/668] Emitting module OrderedCollections
[61/673] Compiling
[62/673] Compiling
[64/673] Emitting module Helpers
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Helpers/Vendor/Triple.swift:64:23: warning: static property 'zero' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Triple.Version' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
  61 |
  62 |   /// Represents a version that may be present in the target triple.
  63 |   public struct Version: Equatable, Comparable, CustomStringConvertible {
     |                 `- note: consider making struct 'Version' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  64 |     public static let zero = Version(0, 0, 0)
     |                       |- warning: static property 'zero' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Triple.Version' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
     |                       |- note: annotate 'zero' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
     |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
  65 |
  66 |     public var major: Int
[65/673] Emitting module _NIOBase64
[66/673] Compiling _NIOBase64 Base64.swift
[67/673] Compiling Crypto HPKE.swift
[68/673] Compiling Crypto HPKE-Context.swift
[68/675] Compiling
[69/675] Compiling
[70/675] Compiling
[72/675] Compiling Crypto HPKE-KeySchedule.swift
[73/675] Compiling Crypto ECDSASignature.swift
[74/675] Compiling DequeModule _DequeSlot.swift
[75/675] Compiling DequeModule _UnsafeWrappedBuffer.swift
[76/675] Compiling Crypto SEC1PrivateKey.swift
[77/675] Compiling Crypto SubjectPublicKeyInfo.swift
[78/675] Compiling Crypto HPKE-Ciphersuite.swift
[79/675] Compiling Crypto HPKE-KDF.swift
[80/675] Compiling Crypto HPKE-KexKeyDerivation.swift
[81/675] Compiling Crypto HPKE-LabeledExtract.swift
[82/675] Compiling Crypto HPKE-Utils.swift
[83/675] Compiling Crypto Ed25519Keys.swift
[84/675] Compiling Crypto NISTCurvesKeys.swift
[85/675] Compiling Crypto X25519Keys.swift
[86/675] Compiling Crypto SymmetricKeys.swift
[87/675] Compiling Crypto HMAC.swift
[88/675] Compiling Crypto ArbitraryPrecisionInteger_boring.swift
[89/675] Compiling Crypto CryptoKitErrors_boring.swift
[90/675] Compiling Crypto HashFunctions.swift
[91/675] Compiling Crypto HashFunctions_SHA2.swift
[92/675] Compiling Crypto HPKE-AEAD.swift
[93/675] Compiling Crypto CryptoKitErrors.swift
[94/675] Compiling Crypto Digest_boring.swift
[95/675] Compiling Crypto Digest.swift
[96/675] Compiling Crypto Digests.swift
[97/675] Compiling Crypto ECDSASignature_boring.swift
[98/675] Compiling Crypto ECDSA_boring.swift
[99/675] Compiling Crypto EdDSA_boring.swift
[100/675] Compiling Crypto ECDSA.swift
[101/675] Compiling Crypto Ed25519.swift
[102/675] Compiling Crypto Signature.swift
[103/675] Compiling Crypto ASN1.swift
[104/675] Compiling Crypto ASN1Any.swift
[105/675] Compiling Crypto ASN1BitString.swift
[106/675] Compiling Crypto DHKEM.swift
[107/675] Compiling Crypto HPKE-KEM-Curve25519.swift
[108/675] Compiling Crypto HPKE-NIST-EC-KEMs.swift
[109/675] Compiling Crypto HPKE-KEM.swift
[110/675] Compiling Crypto HPKE-Errors.swift
[113/675] Compiling Crypto AES-GCM.swift
[114/675] Compiling Crypto AES-GCM_boring.swift
[115/675] Compiling Crypto ChaChaPoly_boring.swift
[116/675] Compiling Crypto ChaChaPoly.swift
[117/675] Compiling Crypto Cipher.swift
[118/675] Compiling Crypto Nonces.swift
[120/675] Compiling
[121/675] Compiling
[123/675] Emitting module Logging
[127/677] Compiling
[129/677] Compiling Logging MetadataProvider.swift
[130/677] Compiling _NIODataStructures _TinyArray.swift
[131/677] Emitting module _NIODataStructures
[132/677] Compiling _NIODataStructures PriorityQueue.swift
[133/677] Compiling _NIODataStructures Heap.swift
[133/677] Compiling
[145/677] Emitting module DequeModule
[151/677] Compiling
[160/677] Compiling
[162/677] Compiling SystemPackage Util.swift
[163/677] Compiling SystemPackage UtilConsumers.swift
[164/677] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+UnorderedView.swift
[165/677] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+UnstableInternals.swift
[166/677] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet.swift
[167/677] Compiling OrderedCollections RandomAccessCollection+Offsets.swift
[168/677] Compiling OrderedCollections _UnsafeBitset.swift
[169/677] Compiling Logging LogHandler.swift
[170/677] Compiling Logging Logging.swift
[171/677] Compiling Logging Locks.swift
[171/679] Compiling
[173/679] Compiling Collections Collections.swift
[174/679] Emitting module Collections
[175/679] Emitting module SystemPackage
[183/679] Compiling v3_utl.c
[184/679] Compiling
[186/679] Compiling Helpers ThrowingDefer.swift
[187/679] Compiling Helpers Triple.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Helpers/Vendor/Triple.swift:64:23: warning: static property 'zero' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Triple.Version' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
  61 |
  62 |   /// Represents a version that may be present in the target triple.
  63 |   public struct Version: Equatable, Comparable, CustomStringConvertible {
     |                 `- note: consider making struct 'Version' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  64 |     public static let zero = Version(0, 0, 0)
     |                       |- warning: static property 'zero' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Triple.Version' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
     |                       |- note: annotate 'zero' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
     |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
  65 |
  66 |     public var major: Int
[187/679] Compiling v3_skey.c
[188/679] Compiling
[189/679] Compiling v3_prn.c
[190/679] Compiling v3_pmaps.c
[191/679] Compiling v3_purp.c
[192/679] Compiling
[193/679] Compiling v3_pcons.c
[194/679] Compiling v3_pcia.c
[195/679] Compiling
[196/679] Compiling v3_ocsp.c
[197/679] Compiling v3_pci.c
[198/679] Compiling v3_ncons.c
[199/679] Compiling v3_int.c
[200/679] Compiling v3_lib.c
[201/679] Compiling v3_info.c
[202/679] Compiling v3_ia5.c
[203/679] Compiling
[204/679] Compiling
[205/679] Compiling v3_genn.c
[206/679] Compiling v3_extku.c
[207/679] Compiling v3_enum.c
[208/679] Compiling v3_cpols.c
[209/679] Compiling v3_crld.c
[210/679] Compiling v3_bcons.c
[211/679] Compiling v3_bitst.c
[212/679] Compiling v3_conf.c
[213/679] Compiling v3_alt.c
[214/679] Compiling v3_akeya.c
[215/679] Compiling v3_akey.c
[216/679] Compiling pcy_tree.c
[217/679] Compiling pcy_map.c
[218/679] Compiling x_val.c
[219/679] Compiling pcy_node.c
[220/679] Compiling x_x509a.c
[221/679] Compiling pcy_data.c
[222/679] Compiling pcy_cache.c
[223/679] Compiling x_spki.c
[224/679] Compiling x_x509.c
[225/679] Compiling x_sig.c
[226/679] Compiling x_req.c
[227/679] Compiling x_info.c
[228/679] Compiling x_pkey.c
[229/679] Compiling x_pubkey.c
[230/679] Compiling x_exten.c
[231/679] Compiling x_name.c
[232/679] Compiling x_attrib.c
[233/679] Compiling x_crl.c
[234/679] Compiling x_algor.c
[235/679] Compiling x509spki.c
[235/679] Compiling x_all.c
[237/679] Compiling x509rset.c
[238/679] Compiling x509name.c
[239/679] Compiling x509cset.c
[240/679] Compiling x509_vpm.c
[241/679] Compiling x509_txt.c
[242/679] Compiling x509_v3.c
[243/679] Compiling x509_set.c
[244/679] Compiling x509_obj.c
[245/679] Compiling x509_req.c
[246/679] Compiling x509_trs.c
[247/679] Compiling x509_vfy.c
[248/679] Compiling x509_def.c
[249/679] Compiling x509_d2.c
[250/679] Compiling x509_lu.c
[251/679] Compiling x509_ext.c
[252/679] Compiling x509.c
[253/679] Compiling x509_att.c
[254/679] Compiling t_x509a.c
[255/679] Compiling x509_cmp.c
[256/679] Compiling t_x509.c
[257/679] Compiling i2d_pr.c
[258/679] Compiling rsa_pss.c
[259/679] Compiling t_crl.c
[260/679] Compiling name_print.c
[261/679] Compiling t_req.c
[262/679] Compiling by_file.c
[263/679] Compiling by_dir.c
[264/679] Compiling voprf.c
[265/679] Compiling a_verify.c
[266/679] Compiling algorithm.c
[267/679] Compiling asn1_gen.c
[268/679] Compiling a_digest.c
[269/679] Compiling trust_token.c
[270/679] Compiling thread_win.c
[271/679] Compiling a_sign.c
[272/679] Compiling thread_pthread.c
[273/679] Compiling thread.c
[274/679] Compiling thread_none.c
[275/679] Compiling siphash.c
[276/679] Compiling stack.c
[277/679] Compiling rsa_print.c
[278/679] Compiling rsa_asn1.c
[279/679] Compiling refcount_lock.c
[280/679] Compiling rc4.c
[281/679] Compiling windows.c
[282/679] Compiling refcount_c11.c
[283/679] Compiling rand_extra.c
[284/679] Compiling fuchsia.c
[285/679] Compiling pmbtoken.c
[286/679] Compiling passive.c
[287/679] Compiling deterministic.c
[288/679] Compiling poly1305_arm_asm.S
[289/679] Compiling forkunsafe.c
[290/679] Compiling poly1305_vec.c
[291/679] Compiling poly1305_arm.c
[292/679] Compiling pool.c
[293/679] Compiling poly1305.c
[294/679] Compiling pkcs7.c
[295/679] Compiling pem_xaux.c
[296/679] Compiling pkcs8.c
[297/679] Compiling p5_pbev2.c
[298/679] Compiling pkcs7_x509.c
[299/679] Compiling pem_x509.c
[300/679] Compiling pem_oth.c
[301/679] Compiling pem_pkey.c
[302/679] Compiling pkcs8_x509.c
[303/679] Compiling pem_pk8.c
[304/679] Compiling obj_xref.c
[305/679] Compiling mem.c
[306/679] Compiling poly_rq_mul.S
[307/679] Compiling lhash.c
[308/679] Compiling x86_64-mont5.mac.x86_64.S
[309/679] Compiling x86_64-mont5.linux.x86_64.S
[310/679] Compiling obj.c
[311/679] Compiling hpke.c
[312/679] Compiling hkdf.c
[313/679] Compiling pem_info.c
[314/679] Compiling pem_lib.c
[315/679] Compiling x86_64-mont.mac.x86_64.S
[316/679] Compiling x86_64-mont.linux.x86_64.S
[317/679] Compiling x86-mont.linux.x86.S
[318/679] Compiling vpaes-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[319/679] Compiling vpaes-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[320/679] Compiling vpaes-x86.linux.x86.S
[321/679] Compiling pem_all.c
[322/679] Compiling vpaes-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[323/679] Compiling vpaes-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[324/679] Compiling vpaes-armv7.ios.arm.S
[325/679] Compiling vpaes-armv7.linux.arm.S
[326/679] Compiling sha512-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[327/679] Compiling sha512-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[328/679] Compiling sha512-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[329/679] Compiling kdf.c
[330/679] Compiling sha512-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[331/679] Compiling sha512-armv4.linux.arm.S
[332/679] Compiling sha512-586.linux.x86.S
[333/679] Compiling sha512-armv4.ios.arm.S
[334/679] Compiling sha256-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[335/679] Compiling sha256-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[336/679] Compiling sha256-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[337/679] Compiling sha256-armv4.linux.arm.S
[338/679] Compiling sha256-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[339/679] Compiling sha256-armv4.ios.arm.S
[340/679] Compiling sha256-586.linux.x86.S
[341/679] Compiling sha1-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[342/679] Compiling sha1-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[343/679] Compiling sha1-armv4-large.linux.arm.S
[344/679] Compiling sha1-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[345/679] Compiling sha1-armv4-large.ios.arm.S
[346/679] Compiling sha1-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[347/679] Compiling sha1-586.linux.x86.S
[348/679] Compiling rsaz-avx2.mac.x86_64.S
[349/679] Compiling sha1-altivec.c
[350/679] Compiling sha512.c
[351/679] Compiling sha1.c
[352/679] Compiling sha256.c
[353/679] Compiling fips.c
[354/679] Compiling service_indicator.c
[355/679] Compiling rsaz-avx2.linux.x86_64.S
[356/679] Compiling rdrand-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[357/679] Compiling hrss.c
[358/679] Compiling rdrand-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[359/679] Compiling blinding.c
[360/679] Compiling self_check.c
[361/679] Compiling urandom.c
[362/679] Compiling fork_detect.c
[363/679] Compiling p256_beeu-x86_64-asm.mac.x86_64.S
[364/679] Compiling padding.c
[365/679] Compiling rand.c
[366/679] Compiling ctrdrbg.c
[367/679] Compiling p256_beeu-x86_64-asm.linux.x86_64.S
[368/679] Compiling rsa_impl.c
[369/679] Compiling p256_beeu-armv8-asm.linux.aarch64.S
[370/679] Compiling rsa.c
[371/679] Compiling p256_beeu-armv8-asm.ios.aarch64.S
[372/679] Compiling p256-x86_64-asm.mac.x86_64.S
[372/679] Compiling p256-x86_64-asm.linux.x86_64.S
[374/679] Compiling p256-armv8-asm.linux.aarch64.S
[375/679] Compiling p256-armv8-asm.ios.aarch64.S
[376/679] Compiling polyval.c
[377/679] Compiling ofb.c
[378/679] Compiling gcm_nohw.c
[379/679] Compiling md5-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[380/679] Compiling ctr.c
[381/679] Compiling cfb.c
[382/679] Compiling md5.c
[383/679] Compiling md5-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[384/679] Compiling md5-586.linux.x86.S
[385/679] Compiling gcm.c
[386/679] Compiling cbc.c
[387/679] Compiling ghashv8-armx64.linux.aarch64.S
[388/679] Compiling ghashv8-armx32.linux.arm.S
[388/679] Compiling ghashv8-armx64.ios.aarch64.S
[390/679] Compiling ghashv8-armx32.ios.arm.S
[391/679] Compiling md4.c
[392/679] Compiling ghash-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[393/679] Compiling ghash-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[394/679] Compiling hmac.c
[395/679] Compiling ghash-x86.linux.x86.S
[396/679] Compiling ghash-ssse3-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[397/679] Compiling ghash-ssse3-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[398/679] Compiling ghash-neon-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[399/679] Compiling ghash-ssse3-x86.linux.x86.S
[400/679] Compiling ghash-armv4.linux.arm.S
[401/679] Compiling ghash-armv4.ios.arm.S
[402/679] Compiling fips_shared_support.c
[403/679] Compiling ghash-neon-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[404/679] Compiling ecdh.c
[405/679] Compiling util.c
[406/679] Compiling scalar.c
[407/679] Compiling wnaf.c
[408/679] Compiling ecdsa.c
[409/679] Compiling simple_mul.c
[410/679] Compiling simple.c
[411/679] Compiling p256.c
[412/679] Compiling felem.c
[413/679] Compiling oct.c
[414/679] Compiling digestsign.c
[415/679] Compiling ec_key.c
[416/679] Compiling p224-64.c
[417/679] Compiling ec_montgomery.c
[418/679] Compiling ec.c
[419/679] Compiling co-586.linux.x86.S
[420/679] Compiling digests.c
[421/679] Compiling check.c
[421/679] Compiling digest.c
[423/679] Compiling dh.c
[424/679] Compiling cmac.c
[425/679] Compiling bsaes-armv7.ios.arm.S
[426/679] Compiling bsaes-armv7.linux.arm.S
[427/679] Compiling e_aesccm.c
[428/679] Compiling aead.c
[429/679] Compiling sqrt.c
[430/679] Compiling shift.c
[431/679] Compiling cipher.c
[432/679] Compiling rsaz_exp.c
[433/679] Compiling random.c
[434/679] Compiling e_aes.c
[435/679] Compiling prime.c
[436/679] Compiling montgomery_inv.c
[437/679] Compiling jacobi.c
[438/679] Compiling montgomery.c
[439/679] Compiling mul.c
[440/679] Compiling gcd.c
[441/679] Compiling gcd_extra.c
[442/679] Compiling div_extra.c
[443/679] Compiling p256-nistz.c
[444/679] Compiling generic.c
[445/679] Compiling cmp.c
[446/679] Compiling ctx.c
[447/679] Compiling exponentiation.c
[448/679] Compiling div.c
[449/679] Compiling bytes.c
[450/679] Compiling x86_64-gcc.c
[451/679] Compiling bn.c
[452/679] Compiling bn-586.linux.x86.S
[453/679] Compiling armv8-mont.linux.aarch64.S
[454/679] Compiling add.c
[455/679] Compiling aesv8-armx64.linux.aarch64.S
[455/679] Compiling armv4-mont.ios.arm.S
[457/679] Compiling armv4-mont.linux.arm.S
[457/679] Compiling armv8-mont.ios.aarch64.S
[459/679] Compiling aesv8-armx64.ios.aarch64.S
[460/679] Compiling aesv8-armx32.linux.arm.S
[461/679] Compiling aesni-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[462/679] Compiling aesv8-armx32.ios.arm.S
[463/679] Compiling aesni-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[464/679] Compiling aesni-gcm-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[465/679] Compiling aesni-x86.linux.x86.S
[466/679] Compiling aesni-gcm-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[467/679] Compiling mode_wrappers.c
[468/679] Compiling key_wrap.c
[469/679] Compiling ex_data.c
[470/679] Compiling aes.c
[471/679] Compiling sign.c
[472/679] Compiling pbkdf.c
[473/679] Compiling scrypt.c
[474/679] Compiling aes_nohw.c
[475/679] Compiling print.c
[476/679] Compiling p_x25519_asn1.c
[477/679] Compiling p_x25519.c
[478/679] Compiling p_rsa_asn1.c
[479/679] Compiling p_rsa.c
[480/679] Compiling p_ed25519_asn1.c
[481/679] Compiling p_hkdf.c
[482/679] Compiling p_ed25519.c
[483/679] Compiling p_ec_asn1.c
[484/679] Compiling err_data.c
[485/679] Compiling p_dsa_asn1.c
[486/679] Compiling evp_asn1.c
[486/679] Compiling engine.c
[488/679] Compiling evp_ctx.c
[489/679] Compiling p_ec.c
[490/679] Compiling evp.c
[491/679] Compiling ecdsa_asn1.c
[492/679] Compiling err.c
[493/679] Compiling ecdh_extra.c
[494/679] Compiling dh_asn1.c
[495/679] Compiling dsa_asn1.c
[496/679] Compiling ec_derive.c
[497/679] Compiling hash_to_curve.c
[498/679] Compiling params.c
[499/679] Compiling dsa.c
[500/679] Compiling ec_asn1.c
[501/679] Compiling digest_extra.c
[502/679] Compiling x25519-asm-arm.S
[503/679] Compiling cpu_ppc64le.c
[504/679] Compiling cpu_intel.c
[505/679] Compiling cpu_arm_linux.c
[506/679] Compiling crypto.c
[507/679] Compiling cpu_arm_freebsd.c
[508/679] Compiling des.c
[509/679] Compiling spake25519.c
[510/679] Compiling cpu_arm.c
[511/679] Compiling cpu_aarch64_win.c
[512/679] Compiling cpu_aarch64_linux.c
[513/679] Compiling cpu_aarch64_freebsd.c
[514/679] Compiling cpu_aarch64_apple.c
[515/679] Compiling cpu_aarch64_fuchsia.c
[516/679] Compiling e_rc4.c
[517/679] Compiling e_tls.c
[518/679] Compiling tls_cbc.c
[519/679] Compiling conf.c
[520/679] Compiling e_null.c
[521/679] Compiling e_rc2.c
[522/679] Compiling e_chacha20poly1305.c
[523/679] Compiling e_des.c
[524/679] Compiling curve25519.c
[525/679] Compiling chacha20_poly1305_x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[526/679] Compiling e_aesgcmsiv.c
[527/679] Compiling chacha20_poly1305_x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[528/679] Compiling derive_key.c
[529/679] Compiling e_aesctrhmac.c
[530/679] Compiling chacha20_poly1305_armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[531/679] Compiling cipher_extra.c
[532/679] Compiling chacha20_poly1305_armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[533/679] Compiling aes128gcmsiv-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[534/679] Compiling aes128gcmsiv-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[535/679] Compiling chacha-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[536/679] Compiling chacha-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[536/679] Compiling chacha-x86.linux.x86.S
[538/679] Compiling chacha-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[539/679] Compiling chacha-armv4.linux.arm.S
[540/679] Compiling chacha.c
[541/679] Compiling chacha-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[542/679] Compiling chacha-armv4.ios.arm.S
[543/679] Compiling unicode.c
[544/679] Compiling ber.c
[545/679] Compiling bn_asn1.c
[546/679] Compiling asn1_compat.c
[547/679] Compiling buf.c
[548/679] Compiling blake2.c
[549/679] Compiling cbb.c
[550/679] Compiling convert.c
[551/679] Compiling socket_helper.c
[552/679] Compiling socket.c
[553/679] Compiling printf.c
[554/679] Compiling cbs.c
[555/679] Compiling hexdump.c
[556/679] Compiling pair.c
[557/679] Compiling file.c
[558/679] Compiling connect.c
[559/679] Compiling bio_mem.c
[560/679] Compiling fd.c
[561/679] Compiling base64.c
[562/679] Compiling tasn_typ.c
[563/679] Compiling tasn_utl.c
[564/679] Compiling tasn_fre.c
[565/679] Compiling tasn_new.c
[566/679] Compiling bio.c
[567/679] Compiling posix_time.c
[568/679] Compiling tasn_enc.c
[569/679] Compiling f_string.c
[570/679] Compiling tasn_dec.c
[571/679] Compiling f_int.c
[572/679] Compiling asn_pack.c
[573/679] Compiling asn1_par.c
[574/679] Compiling a_type.c
[575/679] Compiling a_utctm.c
[576/679] Compiling asn1_lib.c
[577/679] Compiling a_time.c
[578/679] Compiling a_strex.c
[579/679] Compiling a_strnid.c
[580/679] Compiling a_print.c
[581/679] Compiling a_octet.c
[582/679] Compiling a_i2d_fp.c
[583/679] Compiling a_object.c
[584/679] Compiling a_mbstr.c
[585/679] Compiling a_dup.c
[586/679] Write sources
[588/679] Compiling a_d2i_fp.c
[589/679] Write sources
[592/679] Compiling a_bool.c
[593/679] Compiling a_int.c
[594/679] Write sources
[595/679] Compiling a_gentm.c
[596/679] Compiling CAsyncHTTPClient CAsyncHTTPClient.c
[597/679] Compiling a_bitstr.c
[599/743] Compiling Atomics Primitives.native.swift
[600/744] Emitting module Crypto
[601/744] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms CombineLatestStorage.swift
[602/744] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncDebounceSequence.swift
[603/744] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms DebounceStateMachine.swift
[604/744] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms DebounceStorage.swift
[605/744] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncChunkedOnProjectionSequence.swift
[606/744] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncChunksOfCountOrSignalSequence.swift
[607/744] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncChunksOfCountSequence.swift
[608/744] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncCompactedSequence.swift
[609/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncThrowingInclusiveReductionsSequence.swift
[610/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncTimerSequence.swift
[611/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncBufferSequence.swift
[612/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncInclusiveReductionsSequence.swift
[613/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncJoinedBySeparatorSequence.swift
[614/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncJoinedSequence.swift
[615/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncRemoveDuplicatesSequence.swift
[616/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncSyncSequence.swift
[617/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms CombineLatestStateMachine.swift
[618/752] Compiling Atomics DoubleWord.swift
[619/752] Compiling Atomics AtomicLazyReference.swift
[620/752] Compiling Atomics HighLevelTypes.swift
[621/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms RangeReplaceableCollection.swift
[622/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms Rethrow.swift
[623/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms SetAlgebra.swift
[624/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncThrottleSequence.swift
[625/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncThrowingExclusiveReductionsSequence.swift
[626/752] Compiling Atomics AtomicOptional.swift
[627/752] Compiling Atomics AtomicOptionalRawRepresentable.swift
[628/752] Compiling Atomics AtomicInteger.swift
[629/752] Compiling Atomics AtomicMemoryOrderings.swift
[630/752] Compiling Atomics AtomicRawRepresentable.swift
[631/752] Compiling Atomics AtomicStrongReference.swift
[632/752] Compiling Atomics Unmanaged extensions.swift
[633/752] Compiling Atomics AtomicBool.swift
[634/752] Compiling Atomics AtomicValue.swift
[637/752] Compiling Crypto ASN1Integer.swift
[638/752] Compiling Crypto ASN1Null.swift
[639/752] Compiling Crypto ASN1OctetString.swift
[640/752] Compiling Crypto ASN1Strings.swift
[641/752] Compiling Crypto ArraySliceBigint.swift
[642/752] Compiling Crypto GeneralizedTime.swift
[643/752] Compiling Crypto ObjectIdentifier.swift
[644/752] Compiling Crypto AESWrap.swift
[645/752] Compiling Crypto AESWrap_boring.swift
[646/752] Compiling Crypto Ed25519_boring.swift
[647/752] Compiling Crypto EllipticCurvePoint_boring.swift
[648/752] Compiling Crypto EllipticCurve_boring.swift
[649/752] Compiling Crypto NISTCurvesKeys_boring.swift
[650/752] Compiling Crypto X25519Keys_boring.swift
[651/752] Compiling Crypto Curve25519.swift
[652/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms Locking.swift
[653/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncMerge2Sequence.swift
[654/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncMerge3Sequence.swift
[660/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncExclusiveReductionsSequence.swift
[661/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncThrowingChannel.swift
[662/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms ChannelStateMachine.swift
[663/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms ChannelStorage.swift
[664/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncCombineLatest2Sequence.swift
[665/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncCombineLatest3Sequence.swift
[666/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms Dictionary.swift
[667/752] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncInterspersedSequence.swift
[668/752] Compiling Crypto HPKE-Modes.swift
[669/752] Compiling Crypto Insecure.swift
[670/752] Compiling Crypto Insecure_HashFunctions.swift
[671/752] Compiling Crypto KEM.swift
[672/752] Compiling Crypto ECDH_boring.swift
[673/752] Compiling Crypto DH.swift
[674/752] Compiling Crypto ECDH.swift
[675/752] Compiling Crypto HKDF.swift
[676/752] Compiling ArgumentParserToolInfo ToolInfo.swift
[677/752] Emitting module ArgumentParserToolInfo
[683/794] Compiling ArgumentParser ArgumentSet.swift
[684/794] Compiling ArgumentParser CommandParser.swift
[685/794] Compiling ArgumentParser InputKey.swift
[686/794] Compiling ArgumentParser AsyncParsableCommand.swift
[687/794] Compiling ArgumentParser CommandConfiguration.swift
[688/794] Compiling ArgumentParser EnumerableFlag.swift
[689/794] Compiling ArgumentParser ExpressibleByArgument.swift
[693/794] Compiling Crypto FiniteFieldArithmeticContext_boring.swift
[694/794] Compiling Crypto RNG_boring.swift
[695/794] Compiling Crypto SafeCompare_boring.swift
[696/794] Compiling Crypto Zeroization_boring.swift
[697/794] Compiling Crypto PrettyBytes.swift
[698/794] Compiling Crypto SafeCompare.swift
[699/794] Compiling Crypto SecureBytes.swift
[700/794] Compiling Crypto Zeroization.swift
[701/794] Compiling ArgumentParser ParserError.swift
[702/794] Compiling ArgumentParser SplitArguments.swift
[703/794] Compiling ArgumentParser DumpHelpGenerator.swift
[704/794] Compiling ArgumentParser HelpCommand.swift
[705/794] Compiling ArgumentParser InputOrigin.swift
[706/794] Compiling ArgumentParser Name.swift
[707/794] Compiling ArgumentParser Parsed.swift
[708/794] Compiling ArgumentParser ParsedValues.swift
[709/794] Compiling ArgumentParser Flag.swift
[710/794] Compiling ArgumentParser NameSpecification.swift
[711/794] Compiling ArgumentParser BashCompletionsGenerator.swift
[712/794] Compiling ArgumentParser CompletionsGenerator.swift
[713/794] Compiling ArgumentParser FishCompletionsGenerator.swift
[714/794] Compiling ArgumentParser ZshCompletionsGenerator.swift
[715/794] Compiling ArgumentParser Argument.swift
[716/794] Compiling Atomics PointerConformances.swift
[725/794] Compiling Atomics IntegerConformances.swift
[729/807] Compiling c-nioatomics.c
[731/807] Compiling Atomics Primitives.shims.swift
[732/807] Emitting module AsyncAlgorithms
[732/807] Compiling c-atomics.c
[734/807] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncZip2Sequence.swift
[735/807] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms AsyncZip3Sequence.swift
[736/807] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms ZipStateMachine.swift
[737/807] Compiling AsyncAlgorithms ZipStorage.swift
[738/813] Compiling ArgumentParser Option.swift
[739/813] Compiling ArgumentParser OptionGroup.swift
[740/813] Compiling ArgumentParser ParsableArguments.swift
[741/813] Compiling ArgumentParser ParsableArgumentsValidation.swift
[742/813] Compiling ArgumentParser ParsableCommand.swift
[743/813] Compiling ArgumentParser HelpGenerator.swift
[744/813] Compiling ArgumentParser MessageInfo.swift
[745/813] Compiling ArgumentParser UsageGenerator.swift
[746/813] Compiling ArgumentParser CollectionExtensions.swift
[747/813] Compiling ArgumentParser ArgumentDefinition.swift
[748/813] Compiling ArgumentParser ArgumentDecoder.swift
[749/813] Compiling ArgumentParser ArgumentHelp.swift
[750/813] Compiling ArgumentParser ArgumentVisibility.swift
[751/813] Compiling ArgumentParser CompletionKind.swift
[752/813] Compiling ArgumentParser Errors.swift
[753/813] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers NIOLock.swift
[754/813] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers NIOLockedValueBox.swift
[755/813] Emitting module Atomics
[756/813] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers NIOAtomic.swift
[757/813] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers lock.swift
[758/813] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers atomics.swift
[759/813] Emitting module NIOConcurrencyHelpers
[760/872] Compiling GeneratorEngine VirtualFileSystem.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorEngine/FileSystem/VirtualFileSystem.swift:39:22: warning: non-sendable type 'T' returned by implicitly asynchronous call to nonisolated function cannot cross actor boundary; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
33 |   }
34 |
35 |   func withOpenReadableFile<T>(_ path: FilePath, _ body: (OpenReadableFile) async throws -> T) async throws -> T {
   |                             `- note: consider making generic parameter 'T' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
36 |     guard let bytes = storage.content[path] else {
37 |       throw FileSystemError.fileDoesNotExist(path)
38 |     }
39 |     return try await body(.init(readChunkSize: self.readChunkSize, fileHandle: .virtual(bytes)))
   |                      `- warning: non-sendable type 'T' returned by implicitly asynchronous call to nonisolated function cannot cross actor boundary; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
40 |   }
41 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorEngine/FileSystem/VirtualFileSystem.swift:43:15: warning: non-sendable type 'T' returned by implicitly asynchronous call to nonisolated function cannot cross actor boundary; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
40 |   }
41 |
42 |   func withOpenWritableFile<T>(_ path: FilePath, _ body: (OpenWritableFile) async throws -> T) async throws -> T {
   |                             `- note: consider making generic parameter 'T' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
43 |     try await body(.init(fileHandle: .virtual(, path)))
   |               `- warning: non-sendable type 'T' returned by implicitly asynchronous call to nonisolated function cannot cross actor boundary; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
44 |   }
45 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorEngine/FileSystem/VirtualFileSystem.swift:43:15: warning: sending 'self'-isolated value of type 'OpenWritableFile' with later accesses to nonisolated context risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
41 |
42 |   func withOpenWritableFile<T>(_ path: FilePath, _ body: (OpenWritableFile) async throws -> T) async throws -> T {
43 |     try await body(.init(fileHandle: .virtual(, path)))
   |               `- warning: sending 'self'-isolated value of type 'OpenWritableFile' with later accesses to nonisolated context risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
44 |   }
45 | }
[761/872] Compiling GeneratorEngine OpenWritableFile.swift
[762/872] Compiling GeneratorEngine OpenReadableFile.swift
[763/872] Compiling GeneratorEngine FileSystem.swift
[764/872] Compiling GeneratorEngine LocalFileSystem.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorEngine/FileSystem/LocalFileSystem.swift:31:30: warning: non-sendable type 'T' returned by implicitly asynchronous call to nonisolated function cannot cross actor boundary; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
22 |   }
23 |
24 |   public func withOpenReadableFile<T>(
   |                                    `- note: consider making generic parameter 'T' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
25 |     _ path: FilePath,
26 |     _ body: (OpenReadableFile) async throws -> T
29 |     // Can't use ``FileDescriptor//closeAfter` here, as that doesn't support async closures.
30 |     do {
31 |       let result = try await body(.init(readChunkSize: readChunkSize, fileHandle: .local(fd)))
   |                              `- warning: non-sendable type 'T' returned by implicitly asynchronous call to nonisolated function cannot cross actor boundary; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
32 |       try fd.close()
33 |       return result
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorEngine/FileSystem/LocalFileSystem.swift:46:30: warning: non-sendable type 'T' returned by implicitly asynchronous call to nonisolated function cannot cross actor boundary; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
38 |   }
39 |
40 |   public func withOpenWritableFile<T>(
   |                                    `- note: consider making generic parameter 'T' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
41 |     _ path: SystemPackage.FilePath,
42 |     _ body: (OpenWritableFile) async throws -> T
44 |     let fd = try, .writeOnly)
45 |     do {
46 |       let result = try await body(.init(fileHandle: .local(fd)))
   |                              `- warning: non-sendable type 'T' returned by implicitly asynchronous call to nonisolated function cannot cross actor boundary; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
47 |       try fd.close()
48 |       return result
[765/872] Compiling GeneratorEngine ReadableFileStream.swift
[766/873] Compiling NIOCore AsyncChannel.swift
[767/873] Compiling NIOCore AsyncChannelInboundStream.swift
[768/873] Compiling NIOCore AsyncChannelOutboundWriter.swift
[769/873] Compiling NIOCore AsyncChannelOutboundWriterHandler.swift
[770/873] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-core.swift
[771/873] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-hexdump.swift
[772/877] Emitting module ArgumentParser
[773/877] Compiling NIOCore AddressedEnvelope.swift
[774/877] Compiling NIOCore AsyncAwaitSupport.swift
[777/877] Compiling NIOCore AsyncChannelInboundStreamChannelHandler.swift
[778/877] Compiling GeneratorEngine Query.swift
[779/877] Emitting module GeneratorEngine
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorEngine/Cache/SQLite.swift:17:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'FilePath' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SystemPackage' introduce this conformance in the future
 15 | import SystemSQLite
 16 |
 17 | extension FilePath: @unchecked Sendable {}
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'FilePath' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SystemPackage' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 18 | extension FilePath.Component: @unchecked Sendable {}
 19 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorEngine/Cache/SQLite.swift:18:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Component' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SystemPackage' introduce this conformance in the future
 16 |
 17 | extension FilePath: @unchecked Sendable {}
 18 | extension FilePath.Component: @unchecked Sendable {}
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Component' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SystemPackage' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 19 |
 20 | /// A minimal SQLite wrapper.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorEngine/Cache/SQLite.swift:17:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'FilePath' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SystemPackage' introduce this conformance in the future
 15 | import SystemSQLite
 16 |
 17 | extension FilePath: @unchecked Sendable {}
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'FilePath' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SystemPackage' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 18 | extension FilePath.Component: @unchecked Sendable {}
 19 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorEngine/Cache/SQLite.swift:18:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Component' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SystemPackage' introduce this conformance in the future
 16 |
 17 | extension FilePath: @unchecked Sendable {}
 18 | extension FilePath.Component: @unchecked Sendable {}
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Component' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SystemPackage' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 19 |
 20 | /// A minimal SQLite wrapper.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorEngine/Cache/SQLite.swift:17:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'FilePath' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SystemPackage' introduce this conformance in the future
 15 | import SystemSQLite
 16 |
 17 | extension FilePath: @unchecked Sendable {}
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'FilePath' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SystemPackage' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 18 | extension FilePath.Component: @unchecked Sendable {}
 19 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorEngine/Cache/SQLite.swift:18:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Component' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SystemPackage' introduce this conformance in the future
 16 |
 17 | extension FilePath: @unchecked Sendable {}
 18 | extension FilePath.Component: @unchecked Sendable {}
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Component' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SystemPackage' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 19 |
 20 | /// A minimal SQLite wrapper.
[784/877] Compiling NIOCore Channel.swift
[785/877] Compiling NIOCore ChannelHandler.swift
[786/877] Compiling NIOCore ChannelHandlers.swift
[787/877] Compiling NIOCore ChannelInvoker.swift
[788/877] Compiling NIOCore FileHandle.swift
[789/877] Compiling NIOCore FileRegion.swift
[790/877] Compiling NIOCore NIOAsyncSequenceProducer.swift
[791/877] Compiling NIOCore NIOAsyncSequenceProducerStrategies.swift
[792/877] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-conversions.swift
[793/877] Compiling NIOCore GlobalSingletons.swift
[794/877] Compiling NIOCore IO.swift
[795/877] Compiling NIOCore IOData.swift
[796/877] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-int.swift
[797/877] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-lengthPrefix.swift
[798/877] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-multi-int.swift
[799/877] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-views.swift
[800/877] Compiling NIOCore ChannelOption.swift
[801/877] Compiling NIOCore ChannelPipeline.swift
[802/877] Compiling NIOCore CircularBuffer.swift
[803/877] Compiling NIOCore Codec.swift
[804/877] Compiling NIOCore EventLoopFuture+Deprecated.swift
[805/877] Compiling NIOCore EventLoopFuture+WithEventLoop.swift
[806/877] Compiling NIOCore EventLoopFuture.swift
[807/877] Compiling NIOCore FileDescriptor.swift
[808/877] Compiling NIOCore NIOAsyncWriter.swift
[809/877] Compiling NIOCore NIOThrowingAsyncSequenceProducer.swift
[810/877] Compiling NIOCore BSDSocketAPI.swift
[811/877] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-aux.swift
[815/877] Compiling ArgumentParser Platform.swift
[816/877] Compiling ArgumentParser SequenceExtensions.swift
[817/877] Compiling ArgumentParser StringExtensions.swift
[818/877] Compiling NIOCore ConvenienceOptionSupport.swift
[819/877] Compiling NIOCore DeadChannel.swift
[820/877] Compiling NIOCore DispatchQueue+WithFuture.swift
[821/877] Compiling NIOCore EventLoop+Deprecated.swift
[822/877] Compiling NIOCore EventLoop+SerialExecutor.swift
[823/877] Compiling NIOCore EventLoop.swift
[824/877] Compiling ArgumentParser Tree.swift
[825/877] Compiling NIOCore Linux.swift
[826/877] Compiling NIOCore MarkedCircularBuffer.swift
[827/877] Compiling NIOCore MulticastChannel.swift
[828/877] Compiling NIOCore NIOAny.swift
[829/877] Compiling NIOCore NIOCloseOnErrorHandler.swift
[830/877] Compiling NIOCore NIOLoopBound.swift
[831/877] Compiling NIOCore NIOSendable.swift
[832/877] Compiling NIOCore PointerHelpers.swift
[833/877] Compiling NIOCore RecvByteBufferAllocator.swift
[834/877] Compiling NIOCore SingleStepByteToMessageDecoder.swift
[835/877] Compiling NIOCore SocketAddresses.swift
[847/883] Compiling NIOCore SocketOptionProvider.swift
[848/883] Compiling NIOCore SystemCallHelpers.swift
[849/883] Compiling NIOCore TimeAmount+Duration.swift
[850/883] Compiling NIOCore TypeAssistedChannelHandler.swift
[851/883] Compiling NIOCore UniversalBootstrapSupport.swift
[852/883] Compiling NIOCore Utilities.swift
[880/883] Emitting module NIOCore
[881/935] Compiling NIOEmbedded AsyncTestingEventLoop.swift
[882/935] Emitting module NIOEmbedded
[883/935] Compiling NIOEmbedded AsyncTestingChannel.swift
[884/935] Compiling NIOEmbedded Embedded.swift
[885/935] Compiling NIOPosix HappyEyeballs.swift
[886/935] Compiling NIOPosix IO.swift
[887/935] Compiling NIOPosix IntegerBitPacking.swift
[888/935] Compiling NIOPosix IntegerTypes.swift
[889/935] Compiling NIOPosix Linux.swift
[890/940] Compiling NIOPosix SelectorGeneric.swift
[891/940] Compiling NIOPosix SelectorKqueue.swift
[892/940] Compiling NIOPosix SelectorUring.swift
[893/940] Compiling NIOPosix ServerSocket.swift
[894/940] Compiling NIOPosix Socket.swift
[895/940] Compiling NIOPosix ThreadWindows.swift
[896/940] Compiling NIOPosix UnsafeTransfer.swift
[897/940] Compiling NIOPosix Utilities.swift
[898/940] Compiling NIOPosix VsockAddress.swift
[899/940] Compiling NIOPosix VsockChannelEvents.swift
[900/940] Compiling NIOPosix BSDSocketAPICommon.swift
[901/940] Compiling NIOPosix BSDSocketAPIPosix.swift
[902/940] Compiling NIOPosix BSDSocketAPIWindows.swift
[903/940] Compiling NIOPosix BaseSocket.swift
[904/940] Compiling NIOPosix BaseSocketChannel+SocketOptionProvider.swift
[905/940] Compiling NIOPosix BaseSocketChannel.swift
[906/940] Compiling NIOPosix PendingDatagramWritesManager.swift
[907/940] Compiling NIOPosix PendingWritesManager.swift
[908/940] Compiling NIOPosix PipeChannel.swift
[909/940] Compiling NIOPosix PipePair.swift
[910/940] Compiling NIOPosix PointerHelpers.swift
[911/940] Compiling NIOPosix Pool.swift
[912/940] Compiling NIOPosix PooledRecvBufferAllocator.swift
[913/940] Compiling NIOPosix PosixSingletons+ConcurrencyTakeOver.swift
[914/940] Compiling NIOPosix PosixSingletons.swift
[915/940] Compiling NIOPosix RawSocketBootstrap.swift
[916/940] Compiling NIOPosix SocketChannel.swift
[917/940] Compiling NIOPosix SocketProtocols.swift
[918/940] Compiling NIOPosix System.swift
[919/940] Compiling NIOPosix Thread.swift
[920/940] Compiling NIOPosix ThreadPosix.swift
[921/940] Compiling NIOPosix BaseStreamSocketChannel.swift
[922/940] Compiling NIOPosix Bootstrap.swift
[923/940] Compiling NIOPosix ControlMessage.swift
[924/940] Compiling NIOPosix DatagramVectorReadManager.swift
[925/940] Compiling NIOPosix FileDescriptor.swift
[926/940] Compiling NIOPosix GetaddrinfoResolver.swift
[927/940] Emitting module NIOPosix
[928/940] Compiling NIOPosix LinuxCPUSet.swift
[929/940] Compiling NIOPosix LinuxUring.swift
[930/940] Compiling NIOPosix MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup.swift
[931/940] Compiling NIOPosix NIOThreadPool.swift
[932/940] Compiling NIOPosix NonBlockingFileIO.swift
[933/940] Compiling NIOPosix Resolver.swift
[934/940] Compiling NIOPosix Selectable.swift
[935/940] Compiling NIOPosix SelectableChannel.swift
[936/940] Compiling NIOPosix SelectableEventLoop.swift
[937/940] Compiling NIOPosix SelectorEpoll.swift
[938/942] Compiling NIO Exports.swift
[939/942] Emitting module NIO
[940/989] Compiling NIOSOCKS Helpers.swift
[941/990] Compiling NIOSOCKS Errors.swift
[942/990] Compiling AsyncProcess ChunkSequence.swift
[943/990] Compiling NIOSOCKS SOCKSResponse.swift
[944/990] Compiling AsyncProcess ProcessExit.swift
[945/990] Compiling NIOSOCKS ClientStateMachine.swift
[946/990] Compiling NIOSOCKS SelectedAuthenticationMethod.swift
[947/990] Compiling NIOHTTP1 HTTPEncoder.swift
[948/990] Compiling NIOHTTP1 HTTPHeaderValidator.swift
[949/990] Compiling NIOSOCKS Messages.swift
[950/990] Compiling NIOSOCKS SOCKSRequest.swift
[951/990] Emitting module NIOSOCKS
[952/990] Compiling NIOHTTP1 ByteCollectionUtils.swift
[953/990] Compiling NIOHTTP1 HTTPDecoder.swift
[954/990] Compiling NIOSOCKS ServerStateMachine.swift
[955/990] Compiling NIOTLS NIOTypedApplicationProtocolNegotiationHandler.swift
[956/990] Compiling NIOTLS TLSEvents.swift
[957/990] Compiling NIOTLS SNIHandler.swift
[958/990] Emitting module NIOTLS
[959/990] Compiling NIOTLS ProtocolNegotiationHandlerStateMachine.swift
[960/990] Compiling NIOTLS ApplicationProtocolNegotiationHandler.swift
[961/990] Compiling NIOHTTP1 NIOTypedHTTPClientUpgraderStateMachine.swift
[962/990] Compiling NIOHTTP1 NIOTypedHTTPServerUpgradeHandler.swift
[963/991] Compiling NIOHTTP1 HTTPHeaders+Validation.swift
[964/991] Compiling NIOHTTP1 HTTPPipelineSetup.swift
[965/1018] Compiling NIOSSL SSLCallbacks.swift
[966/1018] Compiling NIOSSL SSLCertificate.swift
[967/1018] Emitting module AsyncProcess
[968/1018] Compiling NIOFoundationCompat JSONSerialization+ByteBuffer.swift
[969/1018] Compiling NIOFoundationCompat ByteBuffer-foundation.swift
[970/1018] Compiling NIOFoundationCompat Codable+ByteBuffer.swift
[971/1018] Emitting module NIOFoundationCompat
[972/1018] Compiling NIOSSL PosixPort.swift
[973/1018] Compiling NIOSSL LinuxCABundle.swift
[974/1018] Compiling NIOSSL SSLPublicKey.swift
[975/1018] Compiling NIOSSL SecurityFrameworkCertificateVerification.swift
[976/1018] Compiling AsyncProcess EOFSequence.swift
[977/1018] Compiling NIOHTTP1 NIOTypedHTTPServerUpgraderStateMachine.swift
[978/1040] Compiling NIOTransportServices SocketAddress+NWEndpoint.swift
[979/1040] Compiling NIOTransportServices StateManagedChannel.swift
[980/1040] Emitting module NIOHTTP1
[981/1040] Compiling AsyncProcess ProcessExecutor+Convenience.swift
[982/1040] Compiling AsyncProcess NIOAsyncPipeWriter.swift
[983/1040] Compiling AsyncProcess ProcessExecutor.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AsyncProcess/ProcessExecutor.swift:651:21: warning: type 'AnyAsyncSequence<ByteBuffer>' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
120 |
121 | /// Type-erasing type analogous to `AnySequence` from the Swift standard library.
122 | private struct AnyAsyncSequence<Element>: AsyncSequence {
    |                `- note: consider making generic struct 'AnyAsyncSequence' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
123 |   private let iteratorFactory: () -> AsyncIterator
124 |
649 |           try! stdinPipe.fileHandleForWriting.close()
650 |
651 |           try await NIOAsyncPipeWriter<AnyAsyncSequence<ByteBuffer>>.sinkSequenceInto(
    |                     `- warning: type 'AnyAsyncSequence<ByteBuffer>' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
652 |             self.standardInput,
653 |             takingOwnershipOfFD: fdForNIO,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AsyncProcess/ProcessExecutor.swift:651:70: warning: type 'AnyAsyncSequence<ByteBuffer>' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
120 |
121 | /// Type-erasing type analogous to `AnySequence` from the Swift standard library.
122 | private struct AnyAsyncSequence<Element>: AsyncSequence {
    |                `- note: consider making generic struct 'AnyAsyncSequence' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
123 |   private let iteratorFactory: () -> AsyncIterator
124 |
649 |           try! stdinPipe.fileHandleForWriting.close()
650 |
651 |           try await NIOAsyncPipeWriter<AnyAsyncSequence<ByteBuffer>>.sinkSequenceInto(
    |                                                                      `- warning: type 'AnyAsyncSequence<ByteBuffer>' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
652 |             self.standardInput,
653 |             takingOwnershipOfFD: fdForNIO,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AsyncProcess/ProcessExecutor.swift:652:18: warning: non-sendable type 'AnyAsyncSequence<ByteBuffer>' in implicitly asynchronous access to actor-isolated property 'standardInput' cannot cross actor boundary; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
120 |
121 | /// Type-erasing type analogous to `AnySequence` from the Swift standard library.
122 | private struct AnyAsyncSequence<Element>: AsyncSequence {
    |                `- note: consider making generic struct 'AnyAsyncSequence' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
123 |   private let iteratorFactory: () -> AsyncIterator
124 |
650 |
651 |           try await NIOAsyncPipeWriter<AnyAsyncSequence<ByteBuffer>>.sinkSequenceInto(
652 |             self.standardInput,
    |                  `- warning: non-sendable type 'AnyAsyncSequence<ByteBuffer>' in implicitly asynchronous access to actor-isolated property 'standardInput' cannot cross actor boundary; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
653 |             takingOwnershipOfFD: fdForNIO,
654 |             eventLoop:
[984/1040] Compiling AsyncProcess FileContentStream.swift
[985/1040] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSConnectionBootstrap.swift
[986/1040] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSEventLoop.swift
[987/1040] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSBootstraps.swift
[988/1040] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSChannelOptions.swift
[989/1058] Compiling NIOHPACK DynamicHeaderTable.swift
[990/1058] Compiling NIOHPACK HPACKDecoder.swift
[991/1058] Compiling NIOTransportServices AcceptHandler.swift
[992/1060] Compiling NIOSSL ByteBufferBIO.swift
[993/1060] Compiling NIOSSL CustomPrivateKey.swift
[994/1060] Compiling NIOSSL IdentityVerification.swift
[995/1060] Compiling NIOSSL SafeCompare.swift
[996/1060] Compiling NIOSSL Zeroization.swift
[997/1060] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSListenerBootstrap.swift
[998/1060] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSListenerChannel.swift
[999/1060] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSNetworkEvents.swift
[1000/1060] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSSingletons.swift
[1001/1060] Compiling NIOTransportServices StateManagedListenerChannel.swift
[1002/1060] Compiling NIOTransportServices StateManagedNWConnectionChannel.swift
[1003/1060] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSDatagramBootstrap.swift
[1004/1060] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSDatagramChannel.swift
[1005/1060] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSDatagramListener.swift
[1006/1060] Compiling NIOHTTPCompression HTTPRequestDecompressor.swift
[1007/1060] Compiling NIOHTTPCompression HTTPRequestCompressor.swift
[1008/1060] Compiling NIOHTTPCompression HTTPResponseDecompressor.swift
[1009/1060] Compiling NIOHTTPCompression HTTPDecompression.swift
[1010/1060] Compiling NIOHTTPCompression HTTPResponseCompressor.swift
[1011/1060] Compiling NIOHTTPCompression HTTPCompression.swift
[1012/1060] Emitting module NIOHTTPCompression
[1014/1060] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSDatagramListenerChannel.swift
[1015/1060] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOFilterEmptyWritesHandler.swift
[1021/1062] Emitting module NIOTransportServices
[1022/1062] Emitting module NIOSSL
[1027/1062] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSConnectionChannel.swift
[1028/1062] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSErrors.swift
[1030/1062] Compiling NIOTransportServices NIOTSEventLoopGroup.swift
[1036/1062] Compiling NIOTransportServices TCPOptions+SocketChannelOption.swift
[1037/1062] Compiling NIOTransportServices UDPOptions+SocketChannelOption.swift
[1038/1062] Compiling NIOHPACK IndexedHeaderTable.swift
[1039/1062] Compiling NIOHPACK IntegerCoding.swift
[1040/1062] Compiling NIOHPACK HeaderTables.swift
[1041/1062] Compiling NIOHPACK HPACKErrors.swift
[1042/1062] Compiling NIOHPACK HuffmanCoding.swift
[1043/1062] Compiling NIOHPACK HPACKHeader.swift
[1044/1062] Compiling NIOHPACK HPACKEncoder.swift
[1045/1062] Compiling NIOHPACK HuffmanTables.swift
[1048/1062] Emitting module NIOHPACK
[1049/1063] Compiling NIOHPACK StaticHeaderTable.swift
[1050/1063] Compiling NIOSSL TLSConfiguration.swift
[1051/1063] Compiling NIOSSL UniversalBootstrapSupport.swift
[1061/1121] Compiling NIOHTTP2 QuiescingState.swift
[1062/1121] Compiling NIOHTTP2 RemotelyQuiescingState.swift
[1063/1121] Compiling NIOHTTP2 SendAndReceiveGoawayState.swift
[1064/1121] Compiling NIOHTTP2 StateMachineResult.swift
[1065/1121] Compiling NIOHTTP2 ContentLengthVerifier.swift
[1066/1121] Compiling NIOHTTP2 DOSHeuristics.swift
[1067/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 SendingRstStreamState.swift
[1068/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 SendingWindowUpdateState.swift
[1069/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2SettingsState.swift
[1070/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HasFlowControlWindows.swift
[1071/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HasLocalSettings.swift
[1072/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HasRemoteSettings.swift
[1073/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 LocallyQuiescingState.swift
[1074/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2StreamMultiplexer.swift
[1075/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2ToHTTP1Codec.swift
[1076/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2UserEvents.swift
[1077/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 InboundEventBuffer.swift
[1078/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 InboundWindowManager.swift
[1079/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 MultiplexerAbstractChannel.swift
[1080/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 StreamChannelFlowController.swift
[1081/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 StreamChannelList.swift
[1082/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 StreamMap.swift
[1083/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 StreamStateMachine.swift
[1084/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 UnsafeTransfer.swift
[1085/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 WatermarkedFlowController.swift
[1086/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 ConcurrentStreamBuffer.swift
[1087/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 ControlFrameBuffer.swift
[1088/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 OutboundFlowControlBuffer.swift
[1089/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 OutboundFrameBuffer.swift
[1090/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HPACKHeaders+Validation.swift
[1091/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2ChannelHandler+InboundStreamMultiplexer.swift
[1092/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 ConnectionStateMachine.swift
[1093/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 ConnectionStreamsState.swift
[1094/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 MayReceiveFrames.swift
[1095/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 ReceivingDataState.swift
[1096/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 ReceivingGoAwayState.swift
[1097/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 ReceivingHeadersState.swift
[1098/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 ReceivingPushPromiseState.swift
[1099/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2Settings.swift
[1100/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2Stream.swift
[1101/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2StreamChannel+OutboundStreamMultiplexer.swift
[1102/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2StreamChannel.swift
[1103/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2StreamDelegate.swift
[1104/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2StreamID.swift
[1105/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 ReceivingRstStreamState.swift
[1106/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 ReceivingWindowUpdateState.swift
[1107/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 MaySendFrames.swift
[1108/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 SendingDataState.swift
[1109/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 SendingGoawayState.swift
[1110/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 SendingHeadersState.swift
[1111/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 SendingPushPromiseState.swift
[1112/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2FlowControlWindow.swift
[1113/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2Frame.swift
[1114/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2FrameEncoder.swift
[1115/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2FrameParser.swift
[1116/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2PingData.swift
[1117/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2PipelineHelpers.swift
[1118/1127] Emitting module NIOHTTP2
[1119/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2ChannelHandler+InlineStreamMultiplexer.swift
[1120/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2ChannelHandler.swift
[1121/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2CommonInboundStreamMultiplexer.swift
[1122/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2ConnectionStateChange.swift
[1123/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2Error.swift
[1124/1127] Compiling NIOHTTP2 HTTP2ErrorCode.swift
[1125/1183] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient AnyAsyncSequence.swift
[1126/1183] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient AnyAsyncSequenceProucerDelete.swift
[1127/1183] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient AsyncLazySequence.swift
[1128/1183] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPClient+execute.swift
[1129/1183] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPClient+shutdown.swift
[1130/1183] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPClientRequest+Prepared.swift
[1131/1183] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPClientRequest.swift
[1132/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient ConnectionPool.swift
[1133/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTP1ProxyConnectHandler.swift
[1134/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient SOCKSEventsHandler.swift
[1135/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient TLSEventsHandler.swift
[1136/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTP1ClientChannelHandler.swift
[1137/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTP1Connection.swift
[1138/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient RequestValidation.swift
[1139/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient SSLContextCache.swift
[1140/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient Scheme.swift
[1141/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient StringConvertibleInstances.swift
[1142/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient UnsafeTransfer.swift
[1143/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient Utils.swift
[1144/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTP1ConnectionStateMachine.swift
[1145/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTP2ClientRequestHandler.swift
[1146/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTP2Connection.swift
[1147/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTP2IdleHandler.swift
[1148/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPConnectionEvent.swift
[1149/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPConnectionPool+Factory.swift
[1150/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPClientResponse.swift
[1151/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient SingleIteratorPrecondition.swift
[1152/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient Transaction+StateMachine.swift
[1153/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient Transaction.swift
[1154/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient Base64.swift
[1155/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient BestEffortHashableTLSConfiguration.swift
[1156/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient RequestFramingMetadata.swift
[1157/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient RequestOptions.swift
[1158/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPConnectionPool+Backoff.swift
[1159/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPConnectionPool+HTTP1Connections.swift
[1160/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPConnectionPool+HTTP1StateMachine.swift
[1161/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPConnectionPool+HTTP2Connections.swift
[1162/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPConnectionPool+Manager.swift
[1163/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPConnectionPool.swift
[1164/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPExecutableRequest.swift
[1165/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPRequestStateMachine+Demand.swift
[1166/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPRequestStateMachine.swift
[1167/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient RequestBodyLength.swift
[1168/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient NWErrorHandler.swift
[1169/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient NWWaitingHandler.swift
[1170/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient TLSConfiguration.swift
[1171/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient RedirectState.swift
[1172/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient RequestBag+StateMachine.swift
[1173/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient RequestBag.swift
[1174/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPConnectionPool+HTTP2StateMachine.swift
[1175/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPConnectionPool+RequestQueue.swift
[1176/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPConnectionPool+StateMachine.swift
[1177/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient ConnectionTarget.swift
[1178/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient DeconstructedURL.swift
[1179/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient FileDownloadDelegate.swift
[1180/1189] Emitting module AsyncHTTPClient
[1181/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient FoundationExtensions.swift
[1182/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPClient+HTTPCookie.swift
[1183/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPClient+Proxy.swift
[1184/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPClient.swift
[1185/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient HTTPHandler.swift
[1186/1189] Compiling AsyncHTTPClient LRUCache.swift
[1187/1215] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator ByteBuffer+Utils.swift
[1188/1215] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator FileOperationError.swift
[1189/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator VersionsConfiguration.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftSDKGenerator/Generator/SwiftSDKGenerator+Download.swift:26:5: warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 24 | private let ubuntuARM64Mirror = ""
 25 |
 26 | let byteCountFormatter = ByteCountFormatter()
    |     |- warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |     |- note: annotate 'byteCountFormatter' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |     `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 27 |
 28 | extension SwiftSDKGenerator {
Foundation.ByteCountFormatter:2:12: note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 10.8, *)
 2 | open class ByteCountFormatter : Formatter {
   |            `- note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     open class func string(fromByteCount byteCount: Int64, countStyle: ByteCountFormatter.CountStyle) -> String
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "string(fromByteCount:countStyle:)")
[1190/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator CMakeBuildQuery.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftSDKGenerator/Generator/SwiftSDKGenerator+Download.swift:26:5: warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 24 | private let ubuntuARM64Mirror = ""
 25 |
 26 | let byteCountFormatter = ByteCountFormatter()
    |     |- warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |     |- note: annotate 'byteCountFormatter' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |     `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 27 |
 28 | extension SwiftSDKGenerator {
Foundation.ByteCountFormatter:2:12: note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 10.8, *)
 2 | open class ByteCountFormatter : Formatter {
   |            `- note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     open class func string(fromByteCount byteCount: Int64, countStyle: ByteCountFormatter.CountStyle) -> String
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "string(fromByteCount:countStyle:)")
[1191/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator DownloadArtifactQuery.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftSDKGenerator/Generator/SwiftSDKGenerator+Download.swift:26:5: warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 24 | private let ubuntuARM64Mirror = ""
 25 |
 26 | let byteCountFormatter = ByteCountFormatter()
    |     |- warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |     |- note: annotate 'byteCountFormatter' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |     `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 27 |
 28 | extension SwiftSDKGenerator {
Foundation.ByteCountFormatter:2:12: note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 10.8, *)
 2 | open class ByteCountFormatter : Formatter {
   |            `- note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     open class func string(fromByteCount byteCount: Int64, countStyle: ByteCountFormatter.CountStyle) -> String
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "string(fromByteCount:countStyle:)")
[1192/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator DownloadFileQuery.swift
[1193/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator SwiftSDKMetadata.swift
[1194/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator Toolset.swift
[1195/1217] Emitting module SwiftSDKGenerator
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftSDKGenerator/Generator/SwiftSDKGenerator+Download.swift:26:5: warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 24 | private let ubuntuARM64Mirror = ""
 25 |
 26 | let byteCountFormatter = ByteCountFormatter()
    |     |- warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |     |- note: annotate 'byteCountFormatter' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |     `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 27 |
 28 | extension SwiftSDKGenerator {
Foundation.ByteCountFormatter:2:12: note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 10.8, *)
 2 | open class ByteCountFormatter : Formatter {
   |            `- note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     open class func string(fromByteCount byteCount: Int64, countStyle: ByteCountFormatter.CountStyle) -> String
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "string(fromByteCount:countStyle:)")
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftSDKGenerator/PlatformModels/Triple.swift:17:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Triple' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
15 | public typealias Triple = Helpers.Triple
16 |
17 | extension Triple: @unchecked Sendable {}
   | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Triple' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
   | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
18 |
19 | extension Triple {
[1196/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator LinuxRecipe.swift
[1197/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator SwiftSDKRecipe.swift
[1198/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator WebAssemblyRecipe.swift
[1199/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator DownloadableArtifacts.swift
[1200/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator ArtifactsArchiveMetadata.swift
[1201/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator SwiftSDKGenerator+Copy.swift
[1202/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator Shell.swift
[1203/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator UnixName.swift
[1204/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator PathsConfiguration.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftSDKGenerator/PlatformModels/Triple.swift:17:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Triple' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
15 | public typealias Triple = Helpers.Triple
16 |
17 | extension Triple: @unchecked Sendable {}
   | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Triple' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
   | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
18 |
19 | extension Triple {
[1205/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator LinuxDistribution.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftSDKGenerator/PlatformModels/Triple.swift:17:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Triple' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
15 | public typealias Triple = Helpers.Triple
16 |
17 | extension Triple: @unchecked Sendable {}
   | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Triple' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
   | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
18 |
19 | extension Triple {
[1206/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator Triple.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftSDKGenerator/PlatformModels/Triple.swift:17:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Triple' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
15 | public typealias Triple = Helpers.Triple
16 |
17 | extension Triple: @unchecked Sendable {}
   | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Triple' to imported protocol 'Sendable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
   | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
18 |
19 | extension Triple {
[1207/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator GeneratorError.swift
[1208/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator HTTPClient+Download.swift
[1209/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator SwiftSDKGenerator+Metadata.swift
[1210/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator SwiftSDKGenerator+Unpack.swift
[1211/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator SwiftSDKGenerator.swift
[1212/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator SwiftSDKGenerator+Download.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftSDKGenerator/Generator/SwiftSDKGenerator+Download.swift:26:5: warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 24 | private let ubuntuARM64Mirror = ""
 25 |
 26 | let byteCountFormatter = ByteCountFormatter()
    |     |- warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |     |- note: annotate 'byteCountFormatter' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |     `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 27 |
 28 | extension SwiftSDKGenerator {
Foundation.ByteCountFormatter:2:12: note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 10.8, *)
 2 | open class ByteCountFormatter : Formatter {
   |            `- note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     open class func string(fromByteCount byteCount: Int64, countStyle: ByteCountFormatter.CountStyle) -> String
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "string(fromByteCount:countStyle:)")
[1213/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator SwiftSDKGenerator+Entrypoint.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftSDKGenerator/Generator/SwiftSDKGenerator+Download.swift:26:5: warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 24 | private let ubuntuARM64Mirror = ""
 25 |
 26 | let byteCountFormatter = ByteCountFormatter()
    |     |- warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |     |- note: annotate 'byteCountFormatter' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |     `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 27 |
 28 | extension SwiftSDKGenerator {
Foundation.ByteCountFormatter:2:12: note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 10.8, *)
 2 | open class ByteCountFormatter : Formatter {
   |            `- note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     open class func string(fromByteCount byteCount: Int64, countStyle: ByteCountFormatter.CountStyle) -> String
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "string(fromByteCount:countStyle:)")
[1214/1217] Compiling SwiftSDKGenerator SwiftSDKGenerator+Fixup.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftSDKGenerator/Generator/SwiftSDKGenerator+Download.swift:26:5: warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 24 | private let ubuntuARM64Mirror = ""
 25 |
 26 | let byteCountFormatter = ByteCountFormatter()
    |     |- warning: let 'byteCountFormatter' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'ByteCountFormatter' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |     |- note: annotate 'byteCountFormatter' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |     `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 27 |
 28 | extension SwiftSDKGenerator {
Foundation.ByteCountFormatter:2:12: note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 10.8, *)
 2 | open class ByteCountFormatter : Formatter {
   |            `- note: class 'ByteCountFormatter' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     open class func string(fromByteCount byteCount: Int64, countStyle: ByteCountFormatter.CountStyle) -> String
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "string(fromByteCount:countStyle:)")
[1215/1219] Emitting module GeneratorCLI
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorCLI/GeneratorCLI.swift:20:14: warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'CommandConfiguration' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 18 | @main
 19 | struct GeneratorCLI: AsyncParsableCommand {
 20 |   static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
    |              `- warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'CommandConfiguration' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 21 |     commandName: "swift-sdk-generator",
 22 |     subcommands: [MakeLinuxSDK.self, MakeWasmSDK.self],
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-argument-parser/Sources/ArgumentParser/Parsable Types/CommandConfiguration.swift:13:15: note: struct 'CommandConfiguration' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 11 |
 12 | /// The configuration for a command.
 13 | public struct CommandConfiguration {
    |               `- note: struct 'CommandConfiguration' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 14 |   /// The name of the command to use on the command line.
 15 |   ///
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorCLI/GeneratorCLI.swift:13:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'ArgumentParser'
 11 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
 12 |
 13 | import ArgumentParser
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'ArgumentParser'
 14 | import Logging
 15 | import SwiftSDKGenerator
 18 | @main
 19 | struct GeneratorCLI: AsyncParsableCommand {
 20 |   static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
    |              |- note: annotate 'configuration' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |              `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 21 |     commandName: "swift-sdk-generator",
 22 |     subcommands: [MakeLinuxSDK.self, MakeWasmSDK.self],
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorCLI/GeneratorCLI.swift:64:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Arch' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
 62 | }
 63 |
 64 | extension Triple.Arch: ExpressibleByArgument {}
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Arch' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 65 | extension Triple: ExpressibleByArgument {
 66 |   public init?(argument: String) {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorCLI/GeneratorCLI.swift:65:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Triple' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
 63 |
 64 | extension Triple.Arch: ExpressibleByArgument {}
 65 | extension Triple: ExpressibleByArgument {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Triple' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 66 |   public init?(argument: String) {
 67 |     self.init(argument, normalizing: false)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorCLI/GeneratorCLI.swift:152:16: warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'CommandConfiguration' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
150 |
151 |   struct MakeLinuxSDK: AsyncParsableCommand {
152 |     static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
    |                |- warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'CommandConfiguration' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                |- note: annotate 'configuration' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
153 |       commandName: "make-linux-sdk",
154 |       abstract: "Generate a Swift SDK bundle for Linux.",
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-argument-parser/Sources/ArgumentParser/Parsable Types/CommandConfiguration.swift:13:15: note: struct 'CommandConfiguration' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 11 |
 12 | /// The configuration for a command.
 13 | public struct CommandConfiguration {
    |               `- note: struct 'CommandConfiguration' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 14 |   /// The name of the command to use on the command line.
 15 |   ///
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorCLI/GeneratorCLI.swift:247:16: warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'CommandConfiguration' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
245 |
246 |   struct MakeWasmSDK: AsyncParsableCommand {
247 |     static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
    |                |- warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'CommandConfiguration' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                |- note: annotate 'configuration' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
248 |       commandName: "make-wasm-sdk",
249 |       abstract: "Experimental: Generate a Swift SDK bundle for WebAssembly.",
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-argument-parser/Sources/ArgumentParser/Parsable Types/CommandConfiguration.swift:13:15: note: struct 'CommandConfiguration' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 11 |
 12 | /// The configuration for a command.
 13 | public struct CommandConfiguration {
    |               `- note: struct 'CommandConfiguration' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 14 |   /// The name of the command to use on the command line.
 15 |   ///
[1216/1219] Compiling GeneratorCLI GeneratorCLI.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorCLI/GeneratorCLI.swift:20:14: warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'CommandConfiguration' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 18 | @main
 19 | struct GeneratorCLI: AsyncParsableCommand {
 20 |   static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
    |              `- warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'CommandConfiguration' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 21 |     commandName: "swift-sdk-generator",
 22 |     subcommands: [MakeLinuxSDK.self, MakeWasmSDK.self],
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-argument-parser/Sources/ArgumentParser/Parsable Types/CommandConfiguration.swift:13:15: note: struct 'CommandConfiguration' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 11 |
 12 | /// The configuration for a command.
 13 | public struct CommandConfiguration {
    |               `- note: struct 'CommandConfiguration' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 14 |   /// The name of the command to use on the command line.
 15 |   ///
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorCLI/GeneratorCLI.swift:13:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'ArgumentParser'
 11 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
 12 |
 13 | import ArgumentParser
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'ArgumentParser'
 14 | import Logging
 15 | import SwiftSDKGenerator
 18 | @main
 19 | struct GeneratorCLI: AsyncParsableCommand {
 20 |   static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
    |              |- note: annotate 'configuration' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |              `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 21 |     commandName: "swift-sdk-generator",
 22 |     subcommands: [MakeLinuxSDK.self, MakeWasmSDK.self],
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorCLI/GeneratorCLI.swift:64:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Arch' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
 62 | }
 63 |
 64 | extension Triple.Arch: ExpressibleByArgument {}
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Arch' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 65 | extension Triple: ExpressibleByArgument {
 66 |   public init?(argument: String) {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorCLI/GeneratorCLI.swift:65:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Triple' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
 63 |
 64 | extension Triple.Arch: ExpressibleByArgument {}
 65 | extension Triple: ExpressibleByArgument {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Triple' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Helpers' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 66 |   public init?(argument: String) {
 67 |     self.init(argument, normalizing: false)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorCLI/GeneratorCLI.swift:152:16: warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'CommandConfiguration' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
150 |
151 |   struct MakeLinuxSDK: AsyncParsableCommand {
152 |     static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
    |                |- warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'CommandConfiguration' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                |- note: annotate 'configuration' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
153 |       commandName: "make-linux-sdk",
154 |       abstract: "Generate a Swift SDK bundle for Linux.",
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-argument-parser/Sources/ArgumentParser/Parsable Types/CommandConfiguration.swift:13:15: note: struct 'CommandConfiguration' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 11 |
 12 | /// The configuration for a command.
 13 | public struct CommandConfiguration {
    |               `- note: struct 'CommandConfiguration' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 14 |   /// The name of the command to use on the command line.
 15 |   ///
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/GeneratorCLI/GeneratorCLI.swift:247:16: warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'CommandConfiguration' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
245 |
246 |   struct MakeWasmSDK: AsyncParsableCommand {
247 |     static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
    |                |- warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'CommandConfiguration' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                |- note: annotate 'configuration' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
248 |       commandName: "make-wasm-sdk",
249 |       abstract: "Experimental: Generate a Swift SDK bundle for WebAssembly.",
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-argument-parser/Sources/ArgumentParser/Parsable Types/CommandConfiguration.swift:13:15: note: struct 'CommandConfiguration' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 11 |
 12 | /// The configuration for a command.
 13 | public struct CommandConfiguration {
    |               `- note: struct 'CommandConfiguration' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 14 |   /// The name of the command to use on the command line.
 15 |   ///
[1216/1219] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[1217/1219] Linking swift-sdk-generator
[1218/1219] Applying swift-sdk-generator
Build complete! (115.67s)
[1/441] Fetching swift-http-types
[107/2010] Fetching swift-http-types, swift-atomics
[108/10286] Fetching swift-http-types, swift-atomics, swift-crypto
[140/13811] Fetching swift-http-types, swift-atomics, swift-crypto, swift-log
[510/18189] Fetching swift-http-types, swift-atomics, swift-crypto, swift-log, swift-async-algorithms
[1026/23030] Fetching swift-http-types, swift-atomics, swift-crypto, swift-log, swift-async-algorithms, swift-nio-extras
[1850/37415] Fetching swift-http-types, swift-atomics, swift-crypto, swift-log, swift-async-algorithms, swift-nio-extras, swift-collections
Fetched from cache (1.31s)
[13178/32574] Fetching swift-http-types, swift-atomics, swift-crypto, swift-log, swift-async-algorithms, swift-collections
Fetched from cache (1.62s)
[21655/31005] Fetching swift-http-types, swift-crypto, swift-log, swift-async-algorithms, swift-collections
Fetched from cache (2.07s)
Fetched from cache (2.07s)
Fetched from cache (2.07s)
Fetched from cache (2.07s)
Fetched from cache (2.07s)
[1/12300] Fetching swift-nio-ssl
[2953/15863] Fetching swift-nio-ssl, swift-system
[3763/17968] Fetching swift-nio-ssl, swift-system, swift-nio-transport-services
[10145/30794] Fetching swift-nio-ssl, swift-system, swift-nio-transport-services, async-http-client
[15608/42810] Fetching swift-nio-ssl, swift-system, swift-nio-transport-services, async-http-client, swift-argument-parser
Fetched from cache (1.90s)
[7552/30510] Fetching swift-system, swift-nio-transport-services, async-http-client, swift-argument-parser
[27628/40851] Fetching swift-system, swift-nio-transport-services, async-http-client, swift-argument-parser, swift-nio-http2
[27749/106784] Fetching swift-system, swift-nio-transport-services, async-http-client, swift-argument-parser, swift-nio-http2, swift-nio
Fetched from cache (1.67s)
Fetched from cache (1.67s)
Fetched from cache (1.67s)
Fetched from cache (1.67s)
[2250/76274] Fetching swift-nio-http2, swift-nio
Fetched from cache (2.73s)
[33626/65933] Fetching swift-nio
Fetched from cache (4.35s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.5.3 (2.93s)
Computing version for
Computed at 2.63.0 (0.72s)
Computing version for
Computed at 3.1.0 (0.68s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.6 (0.67s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.1.0 (0.65s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.0-beta.1 (0.52s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.2.2 (0.68s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.2.1 (0.64s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.19.0 (0.67s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.19.0 (0.65s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.21.0 (0.70s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.30.0 (0.69s)
Computing version for
Computed at 2.23.0 (0.70s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.3 (0.62s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.30.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 3.1.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 2.23.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.2.1
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.21.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.6
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.3
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.0-beta.1
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.19.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.19.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.5.3
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 2.63.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.1.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.2.2
warning: failed to retrieve search paths with pkg-config; maybe pkg-config is not installed
warning: couldn't find pc file for sqlite3
Build complete.
  "dependencies" : [
      "identity" : "async-http-client",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "1.19.0",
            "upper_bound" : "2.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "swift-system",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "1.2.1",
            "upper_bound" : "2.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "swift-argument-parser",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "1.2.2",
            "upper_bound" : "2.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "swift-async-algorithms",
      "requirement" : {
        "exact" : [
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "swift-atomics",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "1.1.0",
            "upper_bound" : "2.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "swift-collections",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "1.0.5",
            "upper_bound" : "2.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "swift-crypto",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "3.1.0",
            "upper_bound" : "4.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "swift-nio",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "2.63.0",
            "upper_bound" : "3.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "swift-log",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "1.5.3",
            "upper_bound" : "2.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
  "manifest_display_name" : "swift-sdk-generator",
  "name" : "swift-sdk-generator",
  "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace",
  "platforms" : [
      "name" : "macos",
      "version" : "13.0"
  "products" : [
      "name" : "swift-sdk-generator",
      "targets" : [
      "type" : {
        "executable" : null
  "targets" : [
      "c99name" : "SystemSQLite",
      "module_type" : "SystemLibraryTarget",
      "name" : "SystemSQLite",
      "path" : "Sources/SystemSQLite",
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "type" : "system-target"
      "c99name" : "SwiftSDKGeneratorTests",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "SwiftSDKGeneratorTests",
      "path" : "Tests/SwiftSDKGeneratorTests",
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "test"
      "c99name" : "SwiftSDKGenerator",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "SwiftSDKGenerator",
      "path" : "Sources/SwiftSDKGenerator",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "library"
      "c99name" : "HelpersTests",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "HelpersTests",
      "path" : "Tests/HelpersTests",
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "test"
      "c99name" : "Helpers",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "Helpers",
      "path" : "Sources/Helpers",
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "type" : "library"
      "c99name" : "GeneratorEngineTests",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "GeneratorEngineTests",
      "path" : "Tests/GeneratorEngineTests",
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "test"
      "c99name" : "GeneratorEngine",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "GeneratorEngine",
      "path" : "Sources/GeneratorEngine",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "library"
      "c99name" : "GeneratorCLI",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "GeneratorCLI",
      "path" : "Sources/GeneratorCLI",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "executable"
      "c99name" : "AsyncProcessTests",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "AsyncProcessTests",
      "path" : "Tests/AsyncProcessTests",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "test"
      "c99name" : "AsyncProcess",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "AsyncProcess",
      "path" : "Sources/AsyncProcess",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "type" : "library"
  "tools_version" : "5.8"