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Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of swift-json-schema with Swift 5.10 for macOS (SPM).

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64

Build Log

Builder version: 4.41.1
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: v0.1.0
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * tag               v0.1.0     -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at cab4904 Documentation and remove macros (#3)
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SPI manifest file found: $workDir/.spi.yml
SUCCESS checkout at v0.1.0
[1/1577] Fetching swift-docc-plugin
[585/4457] Fetching swift-docc-plugin, swift-docc-symbolkit
Fetched from cache (1.95s)
Fetched from cache (1.95s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.3.0 (3.07s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.0 (0.63s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.3.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.0
Resolving dependencies ...
  "identity": ".resolve-product-dependencies",
  "name": "resolve-dependencies",
  "url": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies",
  "version": "unspecified",
  "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies",
  "dependencies": [
      "identity": "swift-json-schema",
      "name": "swift-json-schema",
      "url": "",
      "version": "unspecified",
      "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-json-schema",
      "dependencies": [
[1/428] Fetching swift-json-schema
Fetched from cache (0.77s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at v0.1.0 (cab4904)
warning: '.resolve-product-dependencies': dependency 'swift-json-schema' is not used by any target
Found 0 product dependencies
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             5.10
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64
[1/1] Compiling plugin Swift-DocC
[2/2] Compiling plugin Swift-DocC Preview
Building for debugging...
[2/5] Write sources
[4/5] Write swift-version-33747A42983211AE.txt
[6/17] Emitting module JSONSchema
[7/17] Compiling JSONSchema Schema+Codable.swift
[8/17] Compiling JSONSchema Schema+Equatable.swift
[9/17] Compiling JSONSchema JSONType.swift
[10/17] Compiling JSONSchema JSONValue.swift
[11/18] Compiling JSONSchema AnnotationOptions.swift
[12/18] Compiling JSONSchema NumberSchemaOptions.swift
[13/18] Compiling JSONSchema ObjectSchemaOptions.swift
[14/18] Compiling JSONSchema Schema.swift
[15/18] Compiling JSONSchema SchemaControlOption.swift
[16/18] Compiling JSONSchema ArraySchemaOptions.swift
[17/18] Compiling JSONSchema SchemaOptions.swift
[18/18] Compiling JSONSchema StringSchemaOptions.swift
[19/39] Emitting module JSONResultBuilders
[20/39] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONSchemaBuilder.swift
[21/39] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONSchemaRepresentable+Annotations.swift
[22/39] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONSchemaRepresentable.swift
[23/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONString.swift
[24/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONArrayValue.swift
[25/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONInteger.swift
[26/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONNull.swift
[27/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONNullValue.swift
[28/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONNumberValue.swift
[29/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONBooleanValue.swift
[30/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONIntegerValue.swift
[31/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONPropertyBuilders.swift
[32/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONPropertyValue.swift
[33/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONArray.swift
[34/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONBoolean.swift
[35/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONObjectValue.swift
[36/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONStringValue.swift
[37/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONValueBuilder.swift
[38/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONValueRepresentable.swift
[39/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONProperty.swift
[40/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONNumber.swift
[41/41] Compiling JSONResultBuilders JSONObject.swift
Build complete! (10.89s)
Build complete.
✅  Doc result (pending) reported
Generating docs at path:  $workDir/.docs/ajevans99/swift-json-schema/v0.1.0
Repository:               ajevans99/swift-json-schema
Swift version used:       5.10
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
Target:                   JSONSchema
Generating documentation for 'JSONSchema'...
Converting documentation...
warning: 'AnnotationsOptions' doesn't exist at '/JSONSchema'
51 | #### Annotations
52 |
53 + ``AnnotationsOptions`` can be added to a schema object using the ``AnnotationOptions/annotations(title:description:default:examples:readOnly:writeOnly:deprecated:comment:)`` factory method. This is the first argument in the ``Schema`` factory methods.
   |   ├─suggestion: Replace 'AnnotationsOptions' with 'AnnotationOptions'
   |   ╰─suggestion: Replace 'AnnotationsOptions' with 'Annotations'
54 |
55 | Annotations are used to provide additional information about the schema object. For example, the ``title`` annotation provides a title for the schema object, and the ``description`` annotation provides a description of the schema object. They are typically not used for validation.
warning: 'title' doesn't exist at '/JSONSchema'
53 | ``AnnotationsOptions`` can be added to a schema object using the ``AnnotationOptions/annotations(title:description:default:examples:readOnly:writeOnly:deprecated:comment:)`` factory method. This is the first argument in the ``Schema`` factory methods.
54 |
55 + Annotations are used to provide additional information about the schema object. For example, the ``title`` annotation provides a title for the schema object, and the ``description`` annotation provides a description of the schema object. They are typically not used for validation.
56 |
57 | ```swift
warning: 'description' doesn't exist at '/JSONSchema'
53 | ``AnnotationsOptions`` can be added to a schema object using the ``AnnotationOptions/annotations(title:description:default:examples:readOnly:writeOnly:deprecated:comment:)`` factory method. This is the first argument in the ``Schema`` factory methods.
54 |
55 + Annotations are used to provide additional information about the schema object. For example, the ``title`` annotation provides a title for the schema object, and the ``description`` annotation provides a description of the schema object. They are typically not used for validation.
56 |
57 | ```swiftConversion complete! (0.21s)
Generated DocC archive at '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.docs/ajevans99/swift-json-schema/v0.1.0'
Building for debugging...
[0/8] Write sources
[3/8] Write snippet-extract-entitlement.plist
[4/8] Write swift-version-33747A42983211AE.txt
[6/53] Emitting module SymbolKit
[7/57] Compiling SymbolKit SourceRange.swift
[8/57] Compiling SymbolKit Metadata.swift
[9/57] Compiling SymbolKit Module.swift
[10/57] Compiling SymbolKit OperatingSystem.swift
[11/57] Compiling SymbolKit Platform.swift
[12/57] Compiling SymbolKit Mixin+Equals.swift
[13/57] Compiling SymbolKit Mixin+Hash.swift
[14/57] Compiling SymbolKit Mixin.swift
[15/57] Compiling SymbolKit LineList.swift
[16/57] Compiling SymbolKit Position.swift
[17/57] Compiling SymbolKit GenericConstraint.swift
[18/57] Compiling SymbolKit GenericParameter.swift
[19/57] Compiling SymbolKit Generics.swift
[20/57] Compiling SymbolKit Namespace.swift
[21/57] Compiling SymbolKit Identifier.swift
[22/57] Compiling SymbolKit KindIdentifier.swift
[23/57] Compiling SymbolKit Location.swift
[24/57] Compiling SymbolKit Mutability.swift
[25/57] Compiling SymbolKit SemanticVersion.swift
[26/57] Compiling SymbolKit AccessControl.swift
[27/57] Compiling SymbolKit Availability.swift
[28/57] Compiling SymbolKit AvailabilityItem.swift
[29/57] Compiling SymbolKit Domain.swift
[30/57] Compiling SymbolKit Symbol.swift
[31/57] Compiling SymbolKit SymbolKind.swift
[32/57] Compiling SymbolKit SymbolGraph.swift
[33/57] Compiling SymbolKit GraphCollector.swift
[34/57] Compiling SymbolKit UnifiedSymbol+Encodable.swift
[35/57] Compiling SymbolKit UnifiedSymbol.swift
[36/57] Compiling SymbolKit UnifiedSymbolGraph+Encodable.swift
[37/57] Compiling SymbolKit UnifiedSymbolGraph.swift
[38/57] Compiling SymbolKit Names.swift
[39/57] Compiling SymbolKit SPI.swift
[40/57] Compiling SymbolKit Snippet.swift
[41/57] Compiling SymbolKit Extension.swift
[42/57] Compiling SymbolKit Relationship.swift
[43/57] Compiling SymbolKit RelationshipKind.swift
[44/57] Compiling SymbolKit SourceOrigin.swift
[45/57] Compiling SymbolKit GenericConstraints.swift
[46/57] Compiling SymbolKit Swift.swift
[47/57] Compiling SymbolKit DeclarationFragments.swift
[48/57] Compiling SymbolKit Fragment.swift
[49/57] Compiling SymbolKit FragmentKind.swift
[50/57] Compiling SymbolKit FunctionParameter.swift
[51/57] Compiling SymbolKit FunctionSignature.swift
[52/57] Compiling Snippets Snippet.swift
[53/57] Emitting module Snippets
[54/57] Compiling Snippets SnippetParser.swift
[55/61] Compiling snippet_extract URL+Status.swift
[56/61] Compiling snippet_extract SymbolGraph+Snippet.swift
[57/61] Compiling snippet_extract SnippetBuildCommand.swift
[58/61] Emitting module snippet_extract
[58/61] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[59/61] Linking snippet-extract
[60/61] Applying snippet-extract
Build complete! (4.66s)
Building for debugging...
[0/1] Write swift-version-33747A42983211AE.txt
Build complete! (0.15s)
Target:                   JSONResultBuilers
Building for debugging...
[0/3] Write swift-version-33747A42983211AE.txt
Build complete! (0.23s)
error: no target named 'JSONResultBuilers'
compatible targets: 'JSONSchema', 'JSONResultBuilders'
3	/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.docs/ajevans99/swift-json-schema/v0.1.0
✅  Doc result (uploading) reported
Doc archive source directory: $workDir/.docs/ajevans99/swift-json-schema/v0.1.0
File count: 396
Doc size:   3.0MB
Preparing doc bundle ...
Uploading to s3://spi-docs-inbox/
Copying... [10%]
Copying... [20%]
Copying... [31%]
Copying... [41%]
Copying... [51%]
Copying... [61%]
Copying... [72%]
Copying... [82%]
Copying... [92%]
Copying... [100%]