The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Build Information

Successful build of Core with Swift 5.7 for macOS (SPM).

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/" xcrun swift build --arch arm64

Build Log

Builder version: 4.22.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: 3.10.1
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/builder/builds/o86TiJKT/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * tag               3.10.1     -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at 89c6989 Fix compilation error in Xcode 13
Cloned into spi-builder-workspace
SUCCESS checkout at 3.10.1
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             5.7
Building package at path:  spi-builder-workspace
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/" xcrun swift build --arch arm64
Fetching from cache
Fetched (0.42s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.14.4 (0.02s)
Fetching from cache
Fetched (0.16s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.0 (0.01s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.14.4
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.0
warning: 'swift-nio-zlib-support': ignoring declared target(s) 'swift-nio-zlib-support' in the system package
warning: failed to retrieve search paths with pkg-config; maybe pkg-config is not installed
warning: couldn't find pc file for zlib
Building for debugging...
[0/5] Compiling CNIOLinux ifaddrs-android.c
[1/5] Compiling CNIOLinux shim.c
[2/14] Compiling CNIOSHA1 c_nio_sha1.c
[3/14] Compiling CNIODarwin shim.c
[5/14] Emitting module NIOPriorityQueue
[6/14] Compiling NIOPriorityQueue PriorityQueue.swift
[7/14] Emitting module COperatingSystem
[8/14] Compiling COperatingSystem libc.swift
[9/14] Compiling NIOPriorityQueue Heap.swift
[9/14] Compiling c-atomics.c
[11/17] Emitting module NIOConcurrencyHelpers
[12/17] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers atomics.swift
[13/17] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers lock.swift
[14/67] Compiling NIO Heap.swift
[15/67] Compiling NIO IO.swift
[16/67] Compiling NIO IOData.swift
[17/67] Compiling NIO IntegerTypes.swift
[18/67] Compiling NIO Interfaces.swift
[19/67] Compiling NIO Linux.swift
[20/67] Compiling NIO LinuxCPUSet.swift
[21/73] Compiling NIO ByteBuffer-int.swift
[22/73] Compiling NIO ByteBuffer-views.swift
[23/73] Compiling NIO Channel.swift
[24/73] Compiling NIO ChannelHandler.swift
[25/73] Compiling NIO ChannelHandlers.swift
[26/73] Compiling NIO ChannelInvoker.swift
[27/73] Compiling NIO ChannelOption.swift
[28/73] Compiling Debugging SourceLocation.swift
[29/73] Emitting module Debugging
[30/73] Compiling Debugging Debuggable.swift
[31/73] Compiling Debugging Demangler.swift
[32/73] Emitting module NIO
[33/73] Compiling NIO MarkedCircularBuffer.swift
[34/73] Compiling NIO MulticastChannel.swift
[35/73] Compiling NIO NIOAny.swift
[36/73] Compiling NIO NonBlockingFileIO.swift
[37/73] Compiling NIO PendingDatagramWritesManager.swift
[38/73] Compiling NIO PendingWritesManager.swift
[39/73] Compiling NIO PriorityQueue.swift
[40/73] Compiling NIO RecvByteBufferAllocator.swift
[41/73] Compiling NIO Resolver.swift
[42/73] Compiling NIO Selectable.swift
[43/73] Compiling NIO Selector.swift
[44/73] Compiling NIO ServerSocket.swift
[45/73] Compiling NIO Socket.swift
[46/73] Compiling NIO SocketAddresses.swift
[47/73] Compiling NIO ChannelPipeline.swift
[48/73] Compiling NIO CircularBuffer.swift
[49/73] Compiling NIO Codec.swift
[50/73] Compiling NIO CompositeError.swift
[51/73] Compiling NIO ContiguousCollection.swift
[52/73] Compiling NIO DeadChannel.swift
[53/73] Compiling NIO Embedded.swift
[54/73] Compiling NIO EventLoop.swift
[55/73] Compiling NIO EventLoopFuture.swift
[56/73] Compiling NIO FileDescriptor.swift
[57/73] Compiling NIO FileHandle.swift
[58/73] Compiling NIO FileRegion.swift
[59/73] Compiling NIO GetaddrinfoResolver.swift
[60/73] Compiling NIO HappyEyeballs.swift
[61/73] Compiling NIO SocketChannel.swift
[62/73] Compiling NIO SocketOptionProvider.swift
[63/73] Compiling NIO System.swift
[64/73] Compiling NIO Thread.swift
[65/73] Compiling NIO TypeAssistedChannelHandler.swift
[66/73] Compiling NIO Utilities.swift
[67/73] Compiling NIO AddressedEnvelope.swift
[68/73] Compiling NIO BaseSocket.swift
[69/73] Compiling NIO BaseSocketChannel.swift
[70/73] Compiling NIO BlockingIOThreadPool.swift
[71/73] Compiling NIO Bootstrap.swift
[72/73] Compiling NIO ByteBuffer-aux.swift
[73/73] Compiling NIO ByteBuffer-core.swift
[74/102] Emitting module Async
[75/103] Compiling Async Collection+Future.swift
[76/103] Compiling Async Deprecated.swift
[77/103] Compiling Async Future+Map.swift
[78/103] Compiling Async Future+Transform.swift
[79/103] Compiling Async Async+NIO.swift
[80/103] Compiling Async AsyncError.swift
[81/103] Emitting module NIOFoundationCompat
[82/103] Compiling Async Worker.swift
[85/103] Compiling Bits Data+Bytes.swift
[86/104] Compiling Bits Bytes.swift
[87/104] Emitting module Bits
[92/104] Compiling Async Exports.swift
[93/104] Compiling Async Future+DoCatch.swift
[94/104] Compiling Bits Data+Strings.swift
[95/104] Compiling Async Future+Flatten.swift
[96/104] Compiling Async Future+Global.swift
[99/104] Compiling NIOFoundationCompat ByteBuffer-foundation.swift
[100/104] Compiling Async FutureType.swift
[101/104] Compiling Async QueueHandler.swift
[102/104] Compiling Async Future+Variadic.swift
[103/104] Compiling Async Future+Void.swift
[104/104] Compiling Bits Deprecated.swift
[105/127] Compiling Core Future+Unwrap.swift
[106/127] Compiling Core FutureEncoder.swift
[107/127] Compiling Core HeaderValue.swift
[108/130] Compiling Core NotFound.swift
[109/130] Compiling Core OptionalType.swift
[110/130] Compiling Core Process+Execute.swift
[111/130] Compiling Core ReflectionDecoders.swift
[112/130] Compiling Core CoreError.swift
[113/130] Compiling Core Data+Base64URL.swift
[114/130] Compiling Core Reflectable.swift
[115/130] Compiling Core String+Utilities.swift
[116/130] Compiling Core Thread+Async.swift
[117/130] Compiling Core BasicKey.swift
[118/130] Compiling Core CaseInsensitiveString.swift
[119/130] Compiling Core Decodable+Reflectable.swift
[120/130] Compiling Core ReflectionDecodable.swift
[121/130] Compiling Core DirectoryConfig.swift
[122/130] Compiling Core Exports.swift
[123/130] Compiling Core File.swift
[124/130] Compiling Core Data+Hex.swift
[125/130] Compiling Core DataCoders.swift
[126/130] Compiling Core Deprecated.swift
[127/130] Compiling Core LosslessDataConvertible.swift
[128/130] Compiling Core MediaType.swift
[129/130] Compiling Core NestedData.swift
[130/130] Emitting module Core
Build complete! (7.33s)
Build complete.

Build Machine: Mac 5