The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of AnthropicSwiftSDK, reference main (13b221), with Swift 6.0 (beta) for macOS (SPM) on 17 Sep 2024 02:21:57 UTC.

Swift 6 data race errors: 3

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

Builder version: 4.53.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at 13b2210 Merge pull request #37 from fumito-ito/renovate/awslabs-aws-sdk-swift-0.x
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at main
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $PWD
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete
Building for debugging...
[0/295] Write sources
[4/295] Copying PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy
[5/295] Write sources
[7/295] Write swift-version-117DEE11B69C53C9.txt
[8/295] Compiling cmark-gfm linked_list.c
[9/295] Compiling cmark-gfm latex.c
[10/297] Compiling cmark-gfm-extensions table.c
[11/304] Compiling cmark-gfm utf8.c
[12/304] Compiling cmark-gfm-extensions core-extensions.c
[13/304] Compiling cmark-gfm-extensions tasklist.c
[14/304] Compiling cmark-gfm syntax_extension.c
[15/304] Compiling cmark-gfm xml.c
[16/304] Compiling cmark-gfm-extensions tagfilter.c
[17/304] Compiling cmark-gfm registry.c
[18/304] Compiling cmark-gfm render.c
[19/304] Compiling cmark-gfm references.c
[20/304] Compiling cmark-gfm-extensions strikethrough.c
[21/304] Compiling cmark-gfm plugin.c
[22/304] Compiling cmark-gfm plaintext.c
[23/304] Compiling cmark-gfm map.c
[24/304] Compiling cmark-gfm iterator.c
[24/304] Compiling cmark-gfm man.c
[26/304] Compiling cmark-gfm node.c
[27/304] Compiling cmark-gfm-extensions ext_scanners.c
[28/304] Compiling cmark-gfm scanners.c
[29/304] Compiling cmark-gfm html.c
[30/304] Compiling cmark-gfm inlines.c
[31/304] Compiling cmark-gfm houdini_href_e.c
[32/304] Compiling cmark-gfm houdini_html_e.c
[33/304] Compiling cmark-gfm houdini_html_u.c
[33/304] Copying sdk-partitions.json
[35/304] Copying PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy
[36/304] Copying Package.version
[36/304] Copying PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy
[38/304] Write sources
[52/304] Compiling cmark-gfm footnotes.c
[52/304] Write sources
[60/304] Compiling cmark-gfm cmark_ctype.c
[61/304] Compiling cmark-gfm commonmark.c
[61/304] Write sources
[76/304] Compiling cmark-gfm cmark.c
[77/304] Compiling cmark-gfm buffer.c
[77/304] Write sources
[82/304] Compiling cmark-gfm arena.c
[83/304] Compiling cmark-gfm blocks.c
[84/304] Compiling CAtomic CAtomic.c
[84/304] Write sources
[86/348] Compiling cmark-gfm-extensions autolink.c
[87/348] Compiling tracing.c
[88/348] Compiling tls_channel_handler_shared.c
[89/348] Compiling tls_channel_handler.c
[90/409] Compiling stream.c
[91/409] Compiling statistics.c
[92/409] Compiling standard_retry_strategy.c
[93/409] Compiling socket_shared.c
[94/409] Compiling socket_channel_handler.c
[95/409] Compiling retry_strategy.c
[96/409] Compiling socket.c
[97/409] Compiling shared_library.c
[98/409] Compiling pipe.c
[99/409] Compiling GRMustacheKeyAccess GRMustacheKeyAccess.m
[100/409] Compiling host_resolver.c
[101/409] Compiling pkcs11_tls_op_handler.c
[102/443] Compiling pkcs11_lib.c
[104/443] Compiling SwiftSyntax509 Empty.swift
[105/443] Emitting module SwiftSyntax509
[105/443] Compiling pem.c
[106/443] Compiling message_pool.c
[107/443] Compiling io.c
[108/489] Compiling host_resolver.c
[109/489] Compiling future.c
[110/489] Compiling exponential_backoff_retry_strategy.c
[111/489] Compiling event_loop.c
[112/489] Compiling secure_transport_tls_channel_handler.c
[113/489] Compiling darwin_pki_utils.c
[114/489] Compiling channel_bootstrap.c
[115/489] Compiling channel.c
[116/489] Compiling kqueue_event_loop.c
[117/489] Compiling async_stream.c
[118/489] Compiling alpn_handler.c
[119/489] Compiling websocket_encoder.c
[120/489] Compiling websocket_decoder.c
[121/489] Compiling websocket_bootstrap.c
[122/489] Compiling websocket.c
[123/489] Compiling strutil.c
[124/489] Compiling statistics.c
[125/489] Compiling request_response.c
[126/489] Compiling random_access_set.c
[127/489] Compiling proxy_strategy.c
[128/489] Compiling proxy_connection.c
[129/489] Compiling http2_stream_manager.c
[130/489] Compiling http.c
[131/489] Compiling hpack_huffman_static.c
[133/489] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxBaseNodes.swift
[134/489] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxCollections.swift
[135/489] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxEnum.swift
[136/489] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxKind.swift
[137/489] Compiling Markdown AtomicCounter.swift
[138/489] Compiling Markdown CharacterExtensions.swift
[138/495] Compiling hpack_encoder.c
[139/495] Compiling hpack_decoder.c
[140/495] Compiling hpack.c
[141/495] Compiling h2_stream.c
[142/495] Compiling h2_frames.c
[143/495] Compiling h2_decoder.c
[144/495] Compiling h2_connection.c
[145/495] Compiling h1_stream.c
[146/495] Compiling h1_encoder.c
[147/495] Compiling h1_decoder.c
[148/495] Compiling h1_connection.c
[149/495] Compiling connection_monitor.c
[150/495] Compiling connection_manager.c
[151/495] Compiling connection.c
[152/495] Compiling event_stream_rpc_server.c
[153/495] Compiling event_stream_rpc_client.c
[154/495] Compiling event_stream_rpc.c
[155/495] Compiling event_stream_channel_handler.c
[156/495] Compiling event_stream.c
[157/495] Compiling huffman_testing.c
[158/495] Compiling huffman.c
[159/495] Compiling compression.c
[160/495] Compiling xml_parser.c
[161/495] Compiling uuid.c
[162/495] Compiling uri.c
[163/495] Compiling thread_shared.c
[164/495] Compiling thread_scheduler.c
[165/495] Compiling task_scheduler.c
[166/495] Compiling system_info.c
[167/495] Compiling string.c
[168/495] Compiling statistics.c
[169/495] Compiling ring_buffer.c
[170/495] Compiling ref_count.c
[171/495] Compiling process_common.c
[172/495] Compiling priority_queue.c
[173/495] Compiling time.c
[174/495] Compiling thread.c
[175/495] Compiling system_resource_utils.c
[177/495] Compiling SwiftSyntax RawSyntaxTokenView.swift
[178/495] Compiling SwiftSyntax SourceLength.swift
[179/495] Compiling SwiftSyntax SourceLocation.swift
[180/495] Compiling SwiftSyntax SourcePresence.swift
[181/495] Compiling SwiftSyntax SwiftSyntaxCompatibility.swift
[181/500] Compiling system_info.c
[182/500] Compiling rw_lock.c
[183/500] Compiling process.c
[184/500] Compiling mutex.c
[185/500] Compiling file.c
[186/500] Compiling environment.c
[187/500] Compiling device_random.c
[188/500] Compiling cross_process_lock.c
[189/500] Compiling condition_variable.c
[190/500] Compiling clock.c
[191/500] Compiling system_info.c
[192/500] Compiling memtrace.c
[193/500] Compiling math.c
[194/500] Compiling lru_cache.c
[195/500] Compiling logging.c
[196/500] Compiling log_writer.c
[198/500] Emitting module Markdown
[198/500] Compiling log_formatter.c
[199/500] Compiling log_channel.c
[200/500] Compiling linked_hash_table.c
[201/500] Compiling lifo_cache.c
[202/500] Compiling json.c
[203/500] Compiling host_utils.c
[205/500] Compiling SwiftSyntax AbsolutePosition.swift
[206/500] Compiling SwiftSyntax Assert.swift
[207/500] Compiling SwiftSyntax BumpPtrAllocator.swift
[208/500] Compiling SwiftSyntax CommonAncestor.swift
[209/500] Compiling SwiftSyntax Convenience.swift
[210/500] Compiling SwiftSyntax Syntax.swift
[211/500] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxArena.swift
[212/500] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxChildren.swift
[213/500] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxCollection.swift
[214/500] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxData.swift
[214/500] Compiling hash_table.c
[215/500] Compiling file.c
[216/500] Compiling fifo_cache.c
[217/500] Compiling tags.c
[218/500] Compiling strings.c
[219/500] Compiling streaming.c
[220/500] Compiling serialization.c
[221/500] Compiling maps.c
[222/500] Compiling ints.c
[223/500] Compiling unicode.c
[224/500] Compiling stack.c
[225/500] Compiling memory_utils.c
[226/500] Compiling loaders.c
[227/500] Compiling encoders.c
[229/500] Compiling Logging Logging.swift
[230/500] Compiling Logging MetadataProvider.swift
[230/500] Compiling builder_callbacks.c
[231/500] Compiling floats_ctrls.c
[232/500] Compiling encoding.c
[233/500] Compiling common.c
[234/500] Compiling callbacks.c
[235/500] Compiling bytestrings.c
[236/500] Compiling arrays.c
[238/500] Compiling Logging Locks.swift
[239/500] Compiling Logging LogHandler.swift
[240/500] Emitting module Logging
[240/500] Compiling cbor.c
[241/500] Compiling allocators.c
[242/500] Compiling cJSON.c
[243/500] Compiling error.c
[244/532] Compiling encoding.c
[245/532] Compiling device_random.c
[246/532] Compiling date_time.c
[247/532] Compiling condition_variable.c
[248/532] Compiling common.c
[250/532] Compiling Smithy RequestMessage.swift
[251/532] Compiling Smithy RequestMessageBuilder.swift
[252/532] Compiling Smithy RequestMessageSerializer.swift
[252/535] Compiling command_line_parser.c
[253/535] Compiling codegen.c
[254/535] Compiling cbor.c
[255/535] Compiling cache.c
[256/535] Compiling byte_buf.c
[257/535] Compiling assert.c
[258/535] Compiling array_list.c
[259/535] Compiling cpuid.c
[260/535] Compiling allocator_sba.c
[261/535] Compiling allocator.c
[262/535] Compiling crc_sw.c
[263/535] Compiling crc64_sw.c
[264/535] Compiling crc64.c
[265/535] Compiling crc.c
[266/535] Compiling symmetric_cipher.c
[267/535] Compiling rsa.c
[268/535] Compiling hmac.c
[269/535] Compiling hash.c
[270/535] Compiling ecc.c
[271/535] Compiling der.c
[272/535] Compiling securityframework_rsa.c
[273/535] Compiling securityframework_ecc.c
[274/535] Compiling commoncrypto_sha256.c
[275/535] Compiling commoncrypto_sha1.c
[276/535] Compiling commoncrypto_platform_init.c
[277/535] Compiling commoncrypto_md5.c
[278/535] Compiling commoncrypto_hmac.c
[279/535] Compiling commoncrypto_aes.c
[280/535] Compiling cal.c
[282/535] Emitting module Smithy
[282/535] Compiling token_provider_sso_session.c
[283/535] Compiling token_provider_sso_profile.c
[284/535] Compiling sso_token_utils.c
[285/535] Compiling sigv4_http_request.c
[286/535] Compiling signing_result.c
[287/535] Compiling signing_config.c
[288/535] Compiling signing.c
[289/535] Compiling signable_trailer.c
[290/535] Compiling signable_http_request.c
[291/535] Compiling signable_chunk.c
[292/535] Compiling signable.c
[293/535] Compiling key_derivation.c
[294/535] Compiling credentials_utils.c
[295/535] Compiling credentials_provider_x509.c
[296/535] Compiling credentials_provider_sts_web_identity.c
[297/535] Compiling credentials_provider_sts.c
[298/535] Compiling credentials_provider_static.c
[299/535] Compiling credentials_provider_sso.c
[300/535] Compiling credentials_provider_profile.c
[301/535] Compiling credentials_provider_process.c
[302/535] Compiling credentials_provider_imds.c
[304/535] Compiling CommonModules FunctionCallingService.swift
[305/535] Compiling CommonModules FunctionCallingError.swift
[306/536] Compiling Smithy Attribute.swift
[307/536] Compiling Smithy ByteStream.swift
[308/536] Compiling CommonModules FunctionCallingDecoder.swift
[309/536] Compiling CommonModules FunctionCallingEncoder.swift
[309/536] Compiling credentials_provider_environment.c
[311/536] Compiling CommonModules InputSchema_DataType.swift
[312/536] Compiling CommonModules Tool.swift
[313/536] Compiling CommonModules InputSchema.swift
[314/536] Emitting module CommonModules
[315/536] Compiling Smithy ClientError.swift
[316/536] Compiling Smithy Context.swift
[317/536] Compiling CommonModules FunctionCallingService.swift
[318/536] Compiling CommonModules FunctionCallingError.swift
[319/536] Compiling CommonModules FunctionCallingDecoder.swift
[320/536] Compiling CommonModules FunctionCallingEncoder.swift
[321/537] Compiling Smithy DocumentError.swift
[322/537] Compiling Smithy BigDecimalDocument.swift
[323/537] Compiling Smithy BigIntegerDocument.swift
[324/537] Compiling Smithy BlobDocument.swift
[325/537] Compiling Smithy SmithyDocument.swift
[326/537] Compiling Smithy LogAgent.swift
[327/537] Compiling Smithy SwiftLog+LogAgent.swift
[327/537] Compiling credentials_provider_ecs.c
[329/537] Compiling Smithy TimestampDocument.swift
[330/537] Compiling Smithy ShapeType.swift
[331/537] Compiling Smithy URI.swift
[332/537] Compiling Smithy URIQueryItem.swift
[333/540] Compiling CommonModules Tool.swift
[338/540] Compiling CommonModules InputSchema.swift
[339/540] Compiling CommonModules InputSchema_DataType.swift
[340/540] Emitting module CommonModules
[341/540] Compiling SmithyTimestamps TimestampSerdeUtils.swift
[341/540] Compiling credentials_provider_delegate.c
[343/540] Compiling SmithyWaitersAPI WaiterOutcome.swift
[344/540] Compiling SmithyWaitersAPI WaiterErrors.swift
[345/540] Compiling SmithyWaitersAPI Waiter.swift
[346/540] Compiling SmithyWaitersAPI WaiterOptions.swift
[347/540] Compiling SmithyWaitersAPI Acceptor.swift
[348/540] Compiling SmithyWaitersAPI WaiterConfiguration.swift
[349/540] Compiling SmithyWaitersAPI WaiterRetryer.swift
[350/540] Compiling SmithyWaitersAPI WaiterScheduler.swift
[351/540] Emitting module SmithyTimestamps
[352/540] Compiling SmithyTimestamps DateFormatters.swift
[353/540] Compiling SmithyRetriesAPI RetryStrategyOptions.swift
[354/540] Compiling SmithyRetriesAPI RetryToken.swift
[355/540] Compiling SmithyRetriesAPI RetryStrategy.swift
[356/540] Compiling SmithyRetriesAPI RetryErrorType.swift
[356/540] Compiling credentials_provider_default_chain.c
[358/540] Compiling SmithyRetriesAPI RetryError.swift
[359/540] Emitting module SmithyRetriesAPI
[360/540] Compiling SmithyRetriesAPI RetryErrorInfo.swift
[361/540] Compiling SmithyRetriesAPI RetryBackoffStrategy.swift
[362/540] Compiling SmithyRetriesAPI RetryErrorInfoProvider.swift
[363/540] Emitting module SmithyWaitersAPI
[364/540] Compiling SmithyWaitersAPI JMESUtils.swift
[364/540] Compiling credentials_provider_chain.c
[365/540] Compiling credentials_provider_cached.c
[366/540] Compiling credentials_provider_anonymous.c
[371/540] Compiling credentials_provider_cognito.c
[372/540] Compiling credentials.c
[374/540] Emitting module Mustache
[377/540] Compiling aws_profile.c
[378/540] Write sources
[389/540] Compiling Smithy IntegerDocument.swift
[390/540] Compiling Smithy ListDocument.swift
[391/540] Compiling Smithy LongDocument.swift
[392/540] Compiling Smithy NullDocument.swift
[393/540] Compiling Smithy ShortDocument.swift
[394/540] Compiling Smithy StringDocument.swift
[395/540] Compiling Smithy BooleanDocument.swift
[396/540] Compiling Smithy ByteDocument.swift
[397/540] Compiling Smithy Document.swift
[398/540] Compiling Smithy DoubleDocument.swift
[399/540] Compiling Smithy FloatDocument.swift
[400/540] Compiling Smithy ResponseMessage.swift
[401/540] Compiling Smithy ResponseMessageDeserializer.swift
[402/540] Compiling Smithy Stream.swift
[403/540] Compiling Smithy StringMapDocument.swift
[403/540] Compiling auth.c
[405/540] Compiling CommonModules ToolContainer.swift
[406/540] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxPatternNodes.swift
[407/540] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxStmtNodes.swift
[408/540] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxTypeNodes.swift
[409/540] Compiling Markdown BlockQuote.swift
[410/540] Compiling Markdown CustomBlock.swift
[411/540] Compiling Markdown DoxygenParameter.swift
[412/540] Compiling Markdown DoxygenReturns.swift
[413/540] Compiling Markdown RangeAdjuster.swift
[414/540] Compiling Markdown RangerTracker.swift
[415/540] Compiling Markdown MarkupRewriter.swift
[416/540] Compiling Markdown BasicBlockContainer.swift
[417/540] Compiling Markdown BasicInlineContainer.swift
[418/540] Compiling Markdown BlockContainer.swift
[418/540] Compiling aws_signing.c
[419/540] Compiling aws_imds_client.c
[421/540] Compiling CommonModules ToolContainer.swift
[429/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit Checksums.swift
[430/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit CommonRuntimeError.swift
[431/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit ContinuationCore.swift
[432/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit CommonRuntimeKit.swift
[433/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit Credentials.swift
[434/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit CredentialsProvider.swift
[435/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit IAMProfile.swift
[436/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit IMDSClient.swift
[437/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit IMDSInstanceInfo.swift
[438/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit Signer.swift
[439/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit StreamCore.swift
[440/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit TLSConnectionOptions.swift
[441/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit TLSContext.swift
[442/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit TLSContextOptions.swift
[443/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit ExponentialBackoffJitterMode.swift
[444/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit RetryError.swift
[445/605] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit RetryStrategy.swift
[447/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit AWSString.swift
[448/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit Allocator.swift
[456/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit EventLoopGroup.swift
[460/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPStream.swift
[461/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPStreamCallbackCore.swift
[462/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPVersion.swift
[463/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit ClientBootstrap.swift
[464/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTP2StreamManagerOptions.swift
[465/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPRequestBase.swift
[466/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPRequestOptions.swift
[467/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit SigningConfig.swift
[468/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTP1Stream.swift
[469/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTP2ClientConnection.swift
[470/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTP2Error.swift
[471/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPClientConnectionManagerMetrics.swift
[472/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPClientConnectionOptions.swift
[473/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPHeader.swift
[474/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPHeaderBlock.swift
[475/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit RetryToken.swift
[476/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit FileBasedConfiguration.swift
[477/612] Emitting module AwsCommonRuntimeKit
[488/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTP2Settings.swift
[489/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTP2Stream.swift
[490/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTP2StreamManager.swift
[495/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit ByteBuffer.swift
[496/612] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit CStruct.swift
[498/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HostAddress.swift
[499/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HostAddressType.swift
[500/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HostResolver.swift
[501/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit SocketDomain.swift
[502/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit SocketOptions.swift
[503/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit SocketType.swift
[504/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit Stream.swift
[505/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPMonitoringOptions.swift
[506/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPProxyAuthenticationType.swift
[507/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPProxyConnectionType.swift
[508/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPProxyEnvSettings.swift
[509/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPProxyEnvType.swift
[510/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPProxyOptions.swift
[511/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPRequest.swift
[519/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit Hash.swift
[520/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit Logger.swift
[521/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit ShutdownCallbackCore.swift
[522/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit Utilities.swift
[523/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit EventStreamHeader.swift
[524/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit EventStreamMessage.swift
[525/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit EventStreamMessageDecoder.swift
[526/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPClientConnection.swift
[527/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPClientConnectionManager.swift
[528/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit HTTPClientConnectionManagerCallbackCore.swift
[533/652] Compiling SmithyHTTPAPI ALPNProtocol.swift
[534/652] Compiling SmithyHTTPAPI Context+HTTP.swift
[535/652] Compiling SmithyHTTPAPI Endpoint.swift
[536/652] Compiling SmithyHTTPAPI HTTPClient.swift
[543/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit EndpointProperty.swift
[544/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit EndpointsRequestContext.swift
[545/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit EndpointsRuleEngine.swift
[546/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit ResolvedEndpointType.swift
[547/652] Compiling AwsCommonRuntimeKit resource_bundle_accessor.swift
[548/652] Compiling SmithyIdentityAPI IdentityResolver.swift
[549/652] Compiling SmithyIdentityAPI Identity.swift
[577/652] Compiling SmithyIdentityAPI FlowType.swift
[578/652] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAPI UnmarshalClosure.swift
[579/652] Emitting module SmithyChecksumsAPI
[580/652] Compiling SmithyChecksumsAPI ChecksumAlgorithm.swift
[581/652] Compiling SmithyChecksumsAPI Checksum.swift
[582/652] Compiling SmithyChecksumsAPI Context+Checksum.swift
[583/671] Compiling SmithyIdentityAPI Context+FlowType.swift
[584/671] Emitting module SmithyIdentityAPI
[585/671] Compiling SmithyIdentityAPI Context+IdentityResolver.swift
[586/671] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAPI MessageEncoder.swift
[587/671] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAPI MessageDecoder.swift
[588/671] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAPI MessageType.swift
[589/684] Compiling SmithyReadWrite WritingClosure.swift
[590/684] Compiling SmithyReadWrite WireResponseOutputClosure.swift
[591/684] Compiling SmithyReadWrite WireResponseErrorClosure.swift
[592/684] Compiling SmithyReadWrite SmithyWriter.swift
[593/695] Compiling SmithyReadWrite ReadingClosure.swift
[594/695] Emitting module SmithyReadWrite
[595/695] Compiling SmithyReadWrite SmithyReader.swift
[596/695] Compiling SmithyReadWrite DataProviding.swift
[597/695] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAPI Context+EventStreamsAPI.swift
[598/695] Emitting module SmithyEventStreamsAPI
[599/695] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAPI Header.swift
[600/695] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAPI MarshalClosure.swift
[601/695] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAPI EventStreamError.swift
[602/695] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAPI Message.swift
[603/713] Compiling SmithyHTTPAPI HTTPResponse.swift
[604/713] Compiling SmithyHTTPAPI HTTPStatusCode.swift
[605/713] Compiling SmithyHTTPAPI Headers.swift
[606/713] Compiling SmithyHTTPAPI HTTPURLResponse.swift
[607/714] Compiling SmithyRetries ExponentialBackoffStrategyOptions.swift
[608/715] Compiling AWSSDKCommon FileBasedConfigurationKeys.swift
[609/715] Compiling AWSSDKCommon CRTFileBasedConfiguration.swift
[610/715] Emitting module AWSSDKCommon
[611/715] Compiling AWSSDKCommon FileBasedConfiguration.swift
[612/715] Compiling SmithyRetries ExponentialBackOffJitterType.swift
[613/715] Compiling SmithyRetries RetryQuotaRepository.swift
[614/715] Compiling SmithyRetries ExponentialBackoffStrategy.swift
[615/715] Compiling SmithyHTTPAPI HTTPMethodType.swift
[616/715] Compiling SmithyHTTPAPI HTTPClientError.swift
[617/715] Compiling DocumetationComment Abstract.swift
[618/715] Compiling DocumetationComment Description.swift
[619/715] Compiling SmithyIdentity AWSCredentialIdentity.swift
[620/715] Compiling SmithyIdentity AWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[621/715] Emitting module SmithyHTTPAPI
[622/715] Compiling SmithyHTTPAPI HTTPRequest.swift
[623/721] Compiling DocumetationComment MarkUp+Extension.swift
[624/721] Compiling DocumetationComment Array+Extension.swift
[625/722] Compiling SmithyIdentity AWSCredentialIdentityResolverCRTAdapter.swift
[626/722] Compiling SmithyIdentity AWSCredentialIdentityResolvedByCRT.swift
[627/722] Compiling SmithyIdentity StaticBearerTokenIdentityResolver.swift
[628/722] Compiling SmithyIdentity BearerTokenIdentityResolver.swift
[629/722] Emitting module SmithyIdentity
[630/722] Compiling SmithyIdentity AWSCredentialIdentityUtilityInitializers.swift
[631/723] Compiling SmithyIdentity StaticAWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[632/723] Compiling SmithyIdentity BearerTokenIdentity.swift
[633/723] Compiling SmithyIdentity CustomAWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[636/723] Compiling SmithyRetries DefaultRetryToken.swift
[637/723] Compiling SmithyRetries DefaultRetryStrategy.swift
[638/723] Compiling SmithyRetries RetryQuota.swift
[639/723] Compiling SmithyRetries ClientSideRateLimiter.swift
[640/723] Emitting module SmithyRetries
[641/723] Compiling SmithyRetries DefaultRetryStrategy+Error.swift
[642/723] Compiling SmithyStreams NSLock+Extension.swift
[643/723] Compiling SmithyStreams StreamableHttpBody.swift
[644/723] Emitting module SmithyStreams
[645/723] Compiling SmithyStreams FileStream.swift
[646/723] Compiling SmithyHTTPAPI URL+getQueryItems.swift
[647/723] Compiling SmithyRetries RetryErrorType+CRT.swift
[648/723] Compiling SmithyStreams BufferedStream.swift
[649/723] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAuthAPI MessageSigner.swift
[650/723] Emitting module DocumetationComment
[651/723] Compiling DocumetationComment Parameter.swift
[656/723] Compiling DocumetationComment ListItem+Extension.swift
[657/723] Compiling DocumetationComment Throws.swift
[658/740] Compiling SmithyIdentity CRTAWSCredentialIdentity.swift
[659/740] Compiling DocumetationComment Returns.swift
[660/740] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI Context+HTTPAuth.swift
[661/740] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI Context+RequestSignature.swift
[662/744] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAuthAPI MessageEncoderStream.swift
[663/744] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAuthAPI MessageDecoderStream.swift
[664/744] Emitting module SmithyEventStreamsAuthAPI
[665/744] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAuthAPI Context+EventStreamsAuthAPI.swift
[666/744] Compiling SmithyEventStreamsAuthAPI MessageDataSigner.swift
[667/751] Compiling SmithyJSON Writer.swift
[668/751] Compiling SmithyJSON Writer+JSONSerialization.swift
[669/751] Compiling SmithyXML Writer.swift
[670/751] Compiling DocumetationComment Sequence+Extension.swift
[671/751] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI SigningAlgorithm.swift
[672/752] Compiling SmithyJSON Reader+JSONDeserialization.swift
[673/752] Compiling SmithyJSON NodeInfo.swift
[674/752] Compiling SmithyJSON JSONNode.swift
[675/752] Compiling SmithyJSON Document+Init.swift
[676/752] Emitting module SmithyJSON
[677/752] Compiling SmithyJSON Document+JSONUtils.swift
[678/752] Compiling SmithyJSON Reader.swift
[679/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI SelectedAuthScheme.swift
[680/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI Signer.swift
[681/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI SigningPropertyKeys.swift
[682/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI IdentityResolverConfiguration.swift
[683/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI AWSSignatureType.swift
[684/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI AWSSignedBodyHeader.swift
[685/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI AWSSignedBodyValue.swift
[686/752] Compiling SmithyFormURL NodeInfo.swift
[687/752] Compiling SmithyFormURL Writer.swift
[688/752] Emitting module SmithyFormURL
[689/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPClient Headers+Extension.swift
[690/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI AuthSchemeResolver.swift
[691/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI AuthSchemeResolverParameters.swift
[692/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI Context+Chunked.swift
[693/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI Context+EstimatedSkew.swift
[694/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI AuthOption.swift
[695/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI AuthScheme.swift
[696/752] Emitting module SmithyHTTPAuthAPI
[699/752] Compiling SmithyXML Writer+libxml2.swift
[700/752] Compiling SmithyXML Reader.swift
[701/752] Compiling SmithyXML NodeInfo.swift
[702/752] Compiling SmithyXML Reader+libxml2.swift
[703/752] Emitting module SmithyXML
[704/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPClient SdkHttpRequest+CRT.swift
[705/752] Emitting module SmithyHTTPClient
[706/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPClient SdkHttpRequestBuilder+HTTPRequestBase.swift
[707/752] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuthAPI SigningFlags.swift
[708/752] Compiling SmithyEventStreams Header+CRT.swift
[709/752] Compiling SmithyEventStreams Message+CRT.swift
[710/770] Compiling SmithyEventStreams DefaultMessageEncoder.swift
[711/770] Emitting module SmithyEventStreams
[712/770] Compiling SmithyEventStreams DefaultMessageDecoder.swift
[713/770] Compiling SmithyEventStreams DefaultMessageDecoderStream.swift
[714/770] Compiling SmithyEventStreams DefaultMessageEncoderStream.swift
[715/770] Compiling SmithyChecksums SigningConfig+Extension.swift
[716/770] Compiling SmithyChecksums SHA256.swift
[717/771] Compiling SmithyChecksums SHA1.swift
[718/771] Compiling SmithyChecksums MD5.swift
[719/771] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuth SigV4AuthScheme.swift
[720/771] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuth BearerTokenSigner.swift
[721/771] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuth DefaultIdentityResolverConfiguration.swift
[722/771] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuth AWSSigningConfig.swift
[723/771] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuth BearerTokenAuthScheme.swift
[724/771] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuth SigV4Signer.swift
[725/771] Emitting module SmithyHTTPAuth
[726/771] Compiling SmithyHTTPAuth CRTAdapters.swift
[727/771] Compiling SmithyChecksums ChunkedStream.swift
[728/771] Compiling SmithyChecksums ChecksumAlgorithm.swift
[729/771] Compiling SmithyChecksums CRC32.swift
[730/771] Emitting module SmithyChecksums
[731/771] Compiling SmithyChecksums CRC32C.swift
[732/771] Compiling SmithyChecksums ChunkedReader.swift
[733/771] Compiling SmithyChecksums ValidatingBufferedStream.swift
[734/892] Compiling ClientRuntime Client.swift
[735/892] Compiling ClientRuntime ClientBuilder.swift
[736/892] Compiling ClientRuntime ClientConfiguration.swift
[737/892] Compiling ClientRuntime DefaultClientConfiguration.swift
[738/892] Compiling ClientRuntime DefaultHttpClientConfiguration.swift
[739/892] Compiling ClientRuntime DefaultIdempotencyTokenGenerator.swift
[740/892] Compiling ClientRuntime DefaultSDKRuntimeConfiguration.swift
[741/892] Compiling ClientRuntime IdempotencyTokenGenerator.swift
[742/892] Compiling ClientRuntime CRTResolvedEndpoint.swift
[743/892] Compiling ClientRuntime CRTResolvedEndpointType.swift
[744/892] Compiling ClientRuntime CredentialScope.swift
[745/892] Compiling ClientRuntime DefaultEndpointResolver.swift
[746/892] Compiling ClientRuntime EndpointError.swift
[747/892] Compiling ClientRuntime EndpointResolverMiddleware.swift
[748/905] Compiling ClientRuntime MonotonicCounter.swift
[749/905] Compiling ClientRuntime UpDownCounter.swift
[750/905] Compiling ClientRuntime TelemetryProvider.swift
[751/905] Compiling ClientRuntime SpanContext.swift
[752/905] Compiling ClientRuntime SpanKind.swift
[753/905] Compiling ClientRuntime TraceSpan.swift
[754/905] Compiling ClientRuntime TraceSpanStatus.swift
[755/905] Compiling ClientRuntime Tracer.swift
[756/905] Compiling ClientRuntime TracerProvider.swift
[757/905] Compiling ClientRuntime PlatformOperatingSystem.swift
[758/905] Compiling ClientRuntime PlatformOperationSystemVersion.swift
[759/905] Compiling ClientRuntime SwiftVersion.swift
[760/905] Compiling ClientRuntime resource_bundle_accessor.swift
[761/905] Compiling ClientRuntime HttpClientConfiguration.swift
[762/905] Compiling ClientRuntime HttpTelemetry.swift
[763/905] Compiling ClientRuntime AuthSchemeMiddleware.swift
[764/905] Compiling ClientRuntime ContentLengthMiddleware.swift
[765/905] Compiling ClientRuntime ContentMD5Middleware.swift
[766/905] Compiling ClientRuntime ContentTypeMiddleware.swift
[767/905] Compiling ClientRuntime DeserializeMiddleware.swift
[768/905] Compiling ClientRuntime HeaderMiddleware.swift
[769/905] Compiling ClientRuntime LoggerMiddleware.swift
[770/905] Compiling ClientRuntime MutateHeadersMiddleware.swift
[771/905] Compiling ClientRuntime HeaderProvider.swift
[772/905] Compiling ClientRuntime QueryItemProvider.swift
[773/905] Compiling ClientRuntime URLPathProvider.swift
[774/905] Compiling ClientRuntime AuthSchemeSelector.swift
[775/905] Compiling ClientRuntime ExecuteRequest.swift
[776/905] Compiling ClientRuntime Orchestrator.swift
[777/905] Compiling ClientRuntime OrchestratorBuilder.swift
[778/905] Compiling ClientRuntime OrchestratorTelemetry.swift
[779/905] Compiling ClientRuntime EndpointsAuthSchemeResolver.swift
[780/905] Compiling ClientRuntime EndpointsRequestContext.swift
[781/905] Compiling ClientRuntime EndpointsRequestContextProviding.swift
[782/905] Compiling ClientRuntime EndpointsRuleEngine.swift
[783/905] Compiling ClientRuntime PartitionDefinition.swift
[784/905] Compiling ClientRuntime ServiceEndpointMetadata.swift
[785/905] Compiling ClientRuntime SmithyEndpoint.swift
[786/905] Compiling ClientRuntime StaticEndpointResolver.swift
[787/905] Compiling ClientRuntime Context+Idempotency.swift
[788/905] Compiling ClientRuntime IdempotencyTokenMiddleware.swift
[789/905] Compiling ClientRuntime AnyInterceptor.swift
[790/905] Compiling ClientRuntime DefaultInterceptorContext.swift
[791/905] Compiling ClientRuntime HttpInterceptorProvider.swift
[792/905] Compiling ClientRuntime Interceptor.swift
[793/905] Compiling ClientRuntime TelemetryContextManager.swift
[794/905] Compiling ClientRuntime TelemetryScope.swift
[795/905] Compiling ClientRuntime DefaultTelemetry.swift
[796/905] Compiling ClientRuntime ClientLogMode.swift
[797/905] Compiling ClientRuntime LogLevel+StringExtension.swift
[798/905] Compiling ClientRuntime LoggerProvider.swift
[799/905] Compiling ClientRuntime SDKLogHandlerFactory.swift
[800/905] Compiling ClientRuntime SDKLogLevel.swift
[801/905] Compiling ClientRuntime SDKLoggingSystem.swift
[802/905] Compiling ClientRuntime AsyncMeasurement.swift
[803/905] Compiling ClientRuntime Histogram.swift
[804/905] Compiling ClientRuntime Meter.swift
[805/905] Compiling ClientRuntime MeterProvider.swift
[806/905] Emitting module ClientRuntime
[812/905] Compiling ClientRuntime PaginateToken.swift
[813/905] Compiling ClientRuntime PaginatorSequence.swift
[814/905] Compiling ClientRuntime AuthSchemePlugin.swift
[815/905] Compiling ClientRuntime DefaultClientPlugin.swift
[816/905] Compiling ClientRuntime HttpClientPlugin.swift
[817/905] Compiling ClientRuntime Plugin.swift
[818/905] Compiling ClientRuntime RetryPlugin.swift
[819/905] Compiling ClientRuntime TelemetryPlugin.swift
[820/905] Compiling ClientRuntime FoundationStreamBridge.swift
[821/905] Compiling ClientRuntime URLSessionConfiguration+HTTPClientConfiguration.swift
[822/905] Compiling ClientRuntime URLSessionHTTPClient.swift
[823/905] Compiling ClientRuntime URLSessionTLSOptions.swift
[824/905] Compiling ClientRuntime URLSessionTLSResolverUtils.swift
[825/905] Compiling ClientRuntime UnknownHttpServiceError.swift
[826/905] Compiling ClientRuntime ModeledError.swift
[827/905] Compiling ClientRuntime ServiceError.swift
[828/905] Compiling ClientRuntime ByteStream+FileHandle.swift
[829/905] Compiling ClientRuntime ByteStream+Validating.swift
[830/905] Compiling ClientRuntime UnknownServiceError.swift
[831/905] Compiling ClientRuntime ApplyEndpoint.swift
[832/905] Compiling ClientRuntime ApplySigner.swift
[833/905] Compiling ClientRuntime AsyncSequence+Extension.swift
[834/905] Compiling ClientRuntime Date+Extensions.swift
[835/905] Compiling ClientRuntime FileHandle+Extension.swift
[836/905] Compiling ClientRuntime Indirect.swift
[837/905] Compiling ClientRuntime NSLock+Extension.swift
[838/905] Compiling ClientRuntime Number+Extension.swift
[839/905] Compiling ClientRuntime String+Extensions.swift
[840/905] Compiling ClientRuntime DefaultRetryErrorInfoProvider.swift
[841/905] Compiling ClientRuntime CharacterSet+Extension.swift
[842/905] Compiling ClientRuntime Double+Extension.swift
[843/905] Compiling ClientRuntime HeaderUtils.swift
[844/905] Compiling ClientRuntime TimestampFormatter.swift
[845/905] Compiling ClientRuntime TelemetryContext.swift
[846/905] Compiling ClientRuntime InterceptorContext.swift
[847/905] Compiling ClientRuntime InterceptorProvider.swift
[848/905] Compiling ClientRuntime Interceptors.swift
[849/905] Compiling ClientRuntime BaseError.swift
[850/905] Compiling ClientRuntime CRTError+Error.swift
[851/905] Compiling ClientRuntime CRTClientEngine.swift
[852/905] Compiling ClientRuntime CRTClientEngineConfig.swift
[853/905] Compiling ClientRuntime CRTClientEngineLogHandlerFactory.swift
[854/905] Compiling ClientRuntime CRTClientTLSOptions.swift
[855/905] Compiling ClientRuntime HTTP2Stream+ByteStream.swift
[856/905] Compiling ClientRuntime SDKDefaultIO.swift
[857/905] Compiling ClientRuntime TLSConfiguration.swift
[858/905] Compiling ClientRuntime HTTPError.swift
[859/905] Compiling ClientRuntime HTTPResponse+WireDataProviding.swift
[860/905] Compiling ClientRuntime QueryItemMiddleware.swift
[861/905] Compiling ClientRuntime BlobBodyMiddleware.swift
[862/905] Compiling ClientRuntime BlobStreamBodyMiddleware.swift
[863/905] Compiling ClientRuntime BodyMiddleware.swift
[864/905] Compiling ClientRuntime EnumBodyMiddleware.swift
[865/905] Compiling ClientRuntime EventStreamBodyMiddleware.swift
[866/905] Compiling ClientRuntime PayloadBodyMiddleware.swift
[867/905] Compiling ClientRuntime StringBodyMiddleware.swift
[868/905] Compiling ClientRuntime SignerMiddleware.swift
[869/905] Compiling ClientRuntime URLHostMiddleware.swift
[870/905] Compiling ClientRuntime URLPathMiddleware.swift
[871/905] Compiling ClientRuntime SdkHttpClient.swift
[872/905] Compiling ClientRuntime String+URLPercentEncoding.swift
[873/922] Emitting module AWSSDKChecksums
[874/922] Compiling AWSSDKChecksums AWSChunkedUtil.swift
[875/922] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity StaticAWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[876/922] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity STSWebIdentityAWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[877/922] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity DefaultBearerTokenIdentityResolverChain.swift
[878/923] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity STSAssumeRoleAWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[879/923] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity ProfileAWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[880/923] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity SSOAWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[881/923] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity IMDSAWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[882/923] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity ProcessAWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[883/923] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity CustomAWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[884/923] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity DefaultAWSCredentialIdentityResolverChain.swift
[885/923] Emitting module AWSSDKIdentity
[886/923] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity AWSCredentialIdentity.swift
[887/923] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity CachedAWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[888/923] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity ECSAWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[889/923] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity EnvironmentAWSCredentialIdentityResolver.swift
[890/923] Compiling AWSSDKIdentity SSOBearerTokenIdentityResolver.swift
[891/928] Compiling AWSSDKHTTPAuth SigV4AuthScheme.swift
[892/928] Compiling AWSSDKHTTPAuth SigV4AAuthScheme.swift
[893/928] Compiling AWSSDKHTTPAuth CustomSigningPropertiesSetter.swift
[894/928] Emitting module AWSSDKHTTPAuth
[895/928] Compiling AWSSDKHTTPAuth AWSSigV4Signer.swift
[896/990] Emitting module AWSSDKEventStreamsAuth
[897/990] Compiling AWSSDKEventStreamsAuth Context+Signing.swift
[898/990] Compiling AWSSDKEventStreamsAuth Context+AWSEventStreamsAuth.swift
[899/990] Compiling AWSSDKEventStreamsAuth AWSSigV4Signer+EventStreams.swift
[900/990] Compiling AWSSDKEventStreamsAuth String+hexaData.swift
[901/990] Compiling AWSSDKEventStreamsAuth AWSMessageSigner.swift
[902/990] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AppIDConfig.swift
[903/990] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AppIDMetadata.swift
[904/990] Compiling AWSClientRuntime BusinessMetrics.swift
[905/990] Compiling AWSClientRuntime ExecutionEnvMetadata.swift
[906/990] Compiling AWSClientRuntime FrameworkMetadata.swift
[907/990] Compiling AWSClientRuntime InternalMetadata.swift
[908/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime Partition.swift
[909/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime ServiceEndpointMetadata+Extension.swift
[910/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime Environment.swift
[911/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSS3ServiceError.swift
[912/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSServiceError.swift
[913/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime InvalidAccessKeyId.swift
[914/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime UnknownAWSHTTPErrorCandidate.swift
[915/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime UnknownAWSHTTPServiceError.swift
[916/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime HttpResponse+AWS.swift
[917/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime IMDSClient.swift
[918/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime IMDSConfig.swift
[919/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSS3ErrorWith200StatusXMLMiddleware.swift
[920/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSClientConfigDefaultsProvider.swift
[921/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSDefaultClientConfiguration.swift
[922/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSRegionClientConfiguration.swift
[923/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime FieldResolver.swift
[924/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSEndpoint.swift
[925/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSPartitionDefinition.swift
[926/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime EndpointResolverMiddleware.swift
[927/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime DefaultRegionResolver.swift
[928/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime EnvironmentRegionProvider.swift
[929/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime IMDSRegionProvider.swift
[930/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime ProfileRegionProvider.swift
[931/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime RegionProvider.swift
[932/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime RegionResolver.swift
[933/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSRetryConfig.swift
[934/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSRetryErrorInfoProvider.swift
[935/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSRetryMode.swift
[936/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime APIMetadata.swift
[937/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSUserAgentMetadata.swift
[938/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AdditionalMetadata.swift
[939/996] Emitting module AWSClientRuntime
[940/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime LanguageMetadata.swift
[941/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime OSMetadata.swift
[942/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime SDKMetadata.swift
[943/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime UserAgentMetadata.swift
[944/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime Utils.swift
[945/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime resource_bundle_accessor.swift
[946/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime UserAgentMiddleware.swift
[947/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime XAmzTargetMiddleware.swift
[948/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime DefaultAWSClientPlugin.swift
[949/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime RegionPlugin.swift
[950/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime Data+Extension.swift
[951/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime String+Extension.swift
[952/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime TimeInterval+Extension.swift
[953/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSJSONError.swift
[954/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AWSQueryError.swift
[955/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime EC2QueryError.swift
[956/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime RestJSONError.swift
[957/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime RestXMLError.swift
[958/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AmzSdkInvocationIdMiddleware.swift
[959/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime AmzSdkRequestMiddleware.swift
[960/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime FlexibleChecksumsRequestMiddleware.swift
[961/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime FlexibleChecksumsResponseMiddleware.swift
[962/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime Route53TrimHostedZoneMiddleware.swift
[963/996] Compiling AWSClientRuntime Sha256TreeHashMiddleware.swift
[964/1003] Compiling AWSBedrockRuntime resource_bundle_accessor.swift
[965/1003] Compiling AWSBedrockRuntime Plugins.swift
[966/1003] Emitting module AWSBedrockRuntime
[967/1003] Compiling AWSBedrockRuntime BedrockRuntimeClient.swift
[968/1003] Compiling AWSBedrockRuntime AuthSchemeResolver.swift
[969/1003] Compiling AWSBedrockRuntime Models.swift
[970/1003] Compiling AWSBedrockRuntime Endpoints.swift
[971/1003] Emitting module SwiftSyntax
[1002/1065] Compiling SwiftBasicFormat SyntaxProtocol+Formatted.swift
[1003/1065] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics Note.swift
[1004/1065] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics Message.swift
[1005/1065] Compiling SwiftBasicFormat Trivia+FormatExtensions.swift
[1006/1065] Compiling SwiftBasicFormat Syntax+Extensions.swift
[1007/1065] Compiling SyntaxParser MemberAccessExprSyntax+Extension.swift
[1008/1066] Compiling SyntaxParser LabeledExprListSyntax+Extension.swift
[1009/1066] Compiling SyntaxParser FunctionParameterDeclaration.swift
[1010/1066] Compiling SyntaxParser AttributeListSyntax+Extension.swift
[1011/1066] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics GroupedDiagnostics.swift
[1012/1066] Compiling SyntaxParser DeclGroupSyntax+Extension.swift
[1013/1066] Compiling SyntaxParser FunctionParameterSyntax+Extension.swift
[1014/1066] Emitting module SyntaxParser
[1015/1066] Compiling SyntaxParser FunctionDeclaration.swift
[1016/1066] Compiling SyntaxParser Trivia+Extension.swift
[1017/1066] Compiling SyntaxParser FunctionDeclSyntax+Extension.swift
[1018/1066] Compiling SyntaxParser AttributeSyntax+Extension.swift
[1019/1066] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics FixIt.swift
[1020/1066] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics Diagnostic.swift
[1021/1066] Emitting module SwiftDiagnostics
[1022/1066] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics DiagnosticsFormatter.swift
[1023/1066] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics Convenience.swift
[1024/1066] Emitting module SwiftBasicFormat
[1025/1066] Compiling SwiftBasicFormat BasicFormat.swift
[1026/1066] Compiling SwiftParser Lexeme.swift
[1027/1066] Compiling SwiftParser LexemeSequence.swift
[1028/1066] Compiling SwiftParser Lexer.swift
[1029/1066] Compiling SwiftParser RegexLiteralLexer.swift
[1030/1066] Compiling SwiftParser UnicodeScalarExtensions.swift
[1031/1066] Compiling SwiftParser Lookahead.swift
[1032/1066] Compiling SwiftParser LoopProgressCondition.swift
[1033/1066] Compiling SwiftParser Modifiers.swift
[1034/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Statements.swift
[1035/1070] Compiling SwiftParser StringLiteralRepresentedLiteralValue.swift
[1036/1070] Compiling SwiftParser StringLiterals.swift
[1037/1070] Compiling SwiftParser SwiftParserCompatibility.swift
[1038/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Names.swift
[1039/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Nominals.swift
[1040/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Parameters.swift
[1041/1070] Compiling SwiftParser ParseSourceFile.swift
[1042/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Parser.swift
[1043/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Patterns.swift
[1044/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Recovery.swift
[1045/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Specifiers.swift
[1046/1070] Compiling SwiftParser SyntaxUtils.swift
[1047/1070] Compiling SwiftParser TokenConsumer.swift
[1048/1070] Compiling SwiftParser TokenPrecedence.swift
[1049/1070] Compiling SwiftParser TokenSpec.swift
[1050/1070] Compiling SwiftParser TokenSpecSet.swift
[1051/1070] Compiling SwiftParser TopLevel.swift
[1052/1070] Compiling SwiftParser TriviaParser.swift
[1053/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Types.swift
[1054/1070] Emitting module SwiftParser
[1055/1070] Compiling SwiftParser IsLexerClassified.swift
[1056/1070] Compiling SwiftParser LayoutNodes+Parsable.swift
[1057/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Parser+TokenSpecSet.swift
[1058/1070] Compiling SwiftParser TokenSpecStaticMembers.swift
[1059/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Attributes.swift
[1060/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Availability.swift
[1061/1070] Compiling SwiftParser CharacterInfo.swift
[1062/1070] Compiling SwiftParser CollectionNodes+Parsable.swift
[1063/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Declarations.swift
[1064/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Directives.swift
[1065/1070] Compiling SwiftParser ExperimentalFeatures.swift
[1066/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Expressions.swift
[1067/1070] Compiling SwiftParser IncrementalParseTransition.swift
[1068/1070] Compiling SwiftParser Cursor.swift
[1069/1093] Compiling SwiftOperators PrecedenceGroup.swift
[1070/1093] Compiling SwiftOperators OperatorTable.swift
[1071/1093] Compiling SwiftOperators PrecedenceGraph.swift
[1072/1094] Compiling SwiftOperators SyntaxSynthesis.swift
[1073/1094] Compiling SwiftOperators OperatorTable+Semantics.swift
[1074/1094] Compiling SwiftOperators OperatorError.swift
[1075/1094] Compiling SwiftOperators OperatorTable+Defaults.swift
[1076/1094] Compiling SwiftOperators OperatorError+Diagnostics.swift
[1077/1094] Compiling SwiftOperators Operator.swift
[1078/1094] Compiling SwiftOperators OperatorTable+Folding.swift
[1079/1094] Emitting module SwiftOperators
[1080/1094] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics ChildNameForDiagnostics.swift
[1081/1094] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics SyntaxKindNameForDiagnostics.swift
[1082/1095] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics TokenNameForDiagnostics.swift
[1083/1095] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics SyntaxExtensions.swift
[1084/1095] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics PresenceUtils.swift
[1085/1095] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics Utils.swift
[1086/1095] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics MissingNodesError.swift
[1087/1095] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics MissingTokenError.swift
[1088/1095] Emitting module SwiftParserDiagnostics
[1089/1095] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics ParserDiagnosticMessages.swift
[1090/1095] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics MultiLineStringLiteralDiagnosticsGenerator.swift
[1091/1095] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics ParseDiagnosticsGenerator.swift
[1092/1095] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics DiagnosticExtensions.swift
[1093/1095] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics LexerDiagnosticMessages.swift
[1094/1109] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder ValidatingSyntaxNodes.swift
[1095/1110] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder SyntaxExpressibleByStringInterpolationConformances.swift
[1096/1110] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder ConvenienceInitializers.swift
[1097/1110] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder DeclSyntaxParseable.swift
[1098/1110] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder SwiftSyntaxBuilderCompatibility.swift
[1099/1110] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder Syntax+StringInterpolation.swift
[1100/1110] Emitting module SwiftSyntaxBuilder
[1101/1110] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder WithTrailingCommaSyntax+EnsuringTrailingComma.swift
[1102/1110] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder BuildableNodes.swift
[1103/1110] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder Indenter.swift
[1104/1110] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder ResultBuilderExtensions.swift
[1105/1110] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder RenamedChildrenBuilderCompatibility.swift
[1106/1110] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder ResultBuilders.swift
[1107/1110] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder SyntaxNodeWithBody.swift
[1108/1110] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder SyntaxParsable+ExpressibleByStringInterpolation.swift
[1109/1124] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros MemberAttributeMacro.swift
[1110/1124] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros AccessorMacro.swift
[1111/1124] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros AttachedMacro.swift
[1112/1125] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros Macro+Format.swift
[1113/1125] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros FreestandingMacro.swift
[1114/1125] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros ExpressionMacro.swift
[1115/1125] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros ExtensionMacro.swift
[1116/1125] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros CodeItemMacro.swift
[1117/1125] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros DeclarationMacro.swift
[1118/1125] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros Macro.swift
[1119/1125] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros MemberMacro.swift
[1120/1125] Emitting module SwiftSyntaxMacros
[1121/1125] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros AbstractSourceLocation.swift
[1122/1125] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros MacroExpansionContext.swift
[1123/1125] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros PeerMacro.swift
[1124/1133] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacroExpansion MacroReplacement.swift
[1125/1133] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacroExpansion MacroExpansionDiagnosticMessages.swift
[1126/1133] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacroExpansion MacroExpansion.swift
[1127/1133] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacroExpansion BasicMacroExpansionContext.swift
[1128/1133] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacroExpansion MacroSystem.swift
[1129/1133] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacroExpansion FunctionParameterUtils.swift
[1130/1133] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacroExpansion IndentationUtils.swift
[1131/1133] Emitting module SwiftSyntaxMacroExpansion
[1132/1140] Compiling SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling PluginMessageCompatibility.swift
[1133/1140] Compiling SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling CompilerPluginMessageHandler.swift
[1134/1140] Emitting module SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling
[1135/1140] Compiling SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling PluginMessages.swift
[1136/1140] Compiling SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling PluginMacroExpansionContext.swift
[1137/1140] Compiling SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling Diagnostics.swift
[1138/1140] Compiling SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling Macros.swift
[1139/1142] Emitting module SwiftCompilerPlugin
[1140/1142] Compiling SwiftCompilerPlugin CompilerPlugin.swift
[1141/1156] Compiling SyntaxRenderer Parameter.swift
[1142/1156] Compiling SyntaxRenderer ExecuteTemplate.swift
[1143/1157] Compiling SyntaxRenderer Execute.swift
[1144/1157] Compiling SyntaxRenderer Tool.swift
[1145/1157] Compiling SyntaxRenderer String+Extension.swift
[1146/1157] Compiling SyntaxRenderer AllToolsSyntax.swift
[1147/1157] Emitting module SyntaxRenderer
[1148/1157] Compiling SyntaxRenderer FunctionTool.swift
[1149/1157] Compiling SyntaxRenderer InputSchema.swift
[1150/1157] Compiling SyntaxRenderer ExecuteSyntax.swift
[1151/1157] Compiling SyntaxRenderer ToolContainerExtensionSyntax.swift
[1152/1157] Compiling SyntaxRenderer AllToolsTemplate.swift
[1153/1157] Compiling SyntaxRenderer DataType.swift
[1154/1157] Compiling SyntaxRenderer Function.swift
[1155/1157] Compiling SyntaxRenderer ToolContainerExtension.swift
[1156/1161] Compiling FunctionCallingMacros CallableFunctionMacro.swift
[1157/1161] Compiling FunctionCallingMacros FunctionCallingMacro.swift
[1158/1161] Emitting module FunctionCallingMacros
[1159/1161] Compiling FunctionCallingMacros FunctionCallingPlugin.swift
[1159/1161] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[1160/1161] Linking FunctionCallingMacros-tool
[1162/1164] Compiling FunctionCalling PublicModules.swift
[1163/1164] Emitting module FunctionCalling
[1164/1164] Compiling FunctionCalling FunctionCalling.swift
[1165/1199] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK AnthropicStreamingParser.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Network/StreamingParser/AnthropicStreamingParser.swift:14:24: warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
12 |     public static func parse<T: AsyncSequence>(stream: T) async throws -> AsyncThrowingStream<StreamingResponse, Error> where T.Element == String {
13 |         return AsyncThrowingStream.init { continuation in
14 |             let task = Task {
   |                        `- warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
15 |                 var currentEvent: StreamingEvent?
16 |                 for try await line in stream {
[1166/1199] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK StreamingDataLineParser.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Network/StreamingParser/AnthropicStreamingParser.swift:14:24: warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
12 |     public static func parse<T: AsyncSequence>(stream: T) async throws -> AsyncThrowingStream<StreamingResponse, Error> where T.Element == String {
13 |         return AsyncThrowingStream.init { continuation in
14 |             let task = Task {
   |                        `- warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
15 |                 var currentEvent: StreamingEvent?
16 |                 for try await line in stream {
[1167/1199] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK StreamingEventLineParser.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Network/StreamingParser/AnthropicStreamingParser.swift:14:24: warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
12 |     public static func parse<T: AsyncSequence>(stream: T) async throws -> AsyncThrowingStream<StreamingResponse, Error> where T.Element == String {
13 |         return AsyncThrowingStream.init { continuation in
14 |             let task = Task {
   |                        `- warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
15 |                 var currentEvent: StreamingEvent?
16 |                 for try await line in stream {
[1168/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK Anthropic.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:25:10: warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'MessagesResponse'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
23 |     case anyToolsAreDefined
24 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in response
25 |     case cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse(MessagesResponse)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'MessagesResponse'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
26 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in content_block_start chunk
27 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Network/MessagesResponse.swift:18:15: note: consider making struct 'MessagesResponse' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
16 |
17 | /// Messages API response
18 | public struct MessagesResponse: Decodable {
   |               `- note: consider making struct 'MessagesResponse' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
19 |     /// Unique object identifier.
20 |     public let id: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:28:10: warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Content'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
26 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in content_block_start chunk
27 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
28 |     case cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart(Content?)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Content'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
29 |     /// SDK tries to aggregate partial json string into JSON object but failed
30 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Entity/Content.swift:27:13: note: consider making enum 'Content' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 25 | ///
 26 | /// Starting with Claude 3 models, you can also send `image` content blocks.
 27 | public enum Content {
    |             `- note: consider making enum 'Content' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 28 |     /// a single string
 29 |     case text(String)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:35:10: warning: associated value 'failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Any'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
33 |     case failedToDecodeToolUseContent
34 |     /// SDK failed to make `ToolUse.input` encodable
35 |     case failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput([String: Any])
   |          `- warning: associated value 'failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Any'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
36 |     /// SDK failed to encode `SystemPrompt` object
37 |     case failedToEncodeSystemPrompt
[1169/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK AnthropicAPIError.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:25:10: warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'MessagesResponse'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
23 |     case anyToolsAreDefined
24 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in response
25 |     case cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse(MessagesResponse)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'MessagesResponse'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
26 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in content_block_start chunk
27 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Network/MessagesResponse.swift:18:15: note: consider making struct 'MessagesResponse' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
16 |
17 | /// Messages API response
18 | public struct MessagesResponse: Decodable {
   |               `- note: consider making struct 'MessagesResponse' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
19 |     /// Unique object identifier.
20 |     public let id: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:28:10: warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Content'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
26 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in content_block_start chunk
27 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
28 |     case cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart(Content?)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Content'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
29 |     /// SDK tries to aggregate partial json string into JSON object but failed
30 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Entity/Content.swift:27:13: note: consider making enum 'Content' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 25 | ///
 26 | /// Starting with Claude 3 models, you can also send `image` content blocks.
 27 | public enum Content {
    |             `- note: consider making enum 'Content' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 28 |     /// a single string
 29 |     case text(String)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:35:10: warning: associated value 'failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Any'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
33 |     case failedToDecodeToolUseContent
34 |     /// SDK failed to make `ToolUse.input` encodable
35 |     case failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput([String: Any])
   |          `- warning: associated value 'failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Any'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
36 |     /// SDK failed to encode `SystemPrompt` object
37 |     case failedToEncodeSystemPrompt
[1170/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK AnthropicVersion.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:25:10: warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'MessagesResponse'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
23 |     case anyToolsAreDefined
24 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in response
25 |     case cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse(MessagesResponse)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'MessagesResponse'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
26 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in content_block_start chunk
27 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Network/MessagesResponse.swift:18:15: note: consider making struct 'MessagesResponse' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
16 |
17 | /// Messages API response
18 | public struct MessagesResponse: Decodable {
   |               `- note: consider making struct 'MessagesResponse' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
19 |     /// Unique object identifier.
20 |     public let id: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:28:10: warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Content'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
26 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in content_block_start chunk
27 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
28 |     case cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart(Content?)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Content'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
29 |     /// SDK tries to aggregate partial json string into JSON object but failed
30 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Entity/Content.swift:27:13: note: consider making enum 'Content' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 25 | ///
 26 | /// Starting with Claude 3 models, you can also send `image` content blocks.
 27 | public enum Content {
    |             `- note: consider making enum 'Content' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 28 |     /// a single string
 29 |     case text(String)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:35:10: warning: associated value 'failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Any'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
33 |     case failedToDecodeToolUseContent
34 |     /// SDK failed to make `ToolUse.input` encodable
35 |     case failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput([String: Any])
   |          `- warning: associated value 'failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Any'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
36 |     /// SDK failed to encode `SystemPrompt` object
37 |     case failedToEncodeSystemPrompt
[1171/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK ClientError.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:25:10: warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'MessagesResponse'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
23 |     case anyToolsAreDefined
24 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in response
25 |     case cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse(MessagesResponse)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'MessagesResponse'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
26 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in content_block_start chunk
27 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Network/MessagesResponse.swift:18:15: note: consider making struct 'MessagesResponse' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
16 |
17 | /// Messages API response
18 | public struct MessagesResponse: Decodable {
   |               `- note: consider making struct 'MessagesResponse' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
19 |     /// Unique object identifier.
20 |     public let id: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:28:10: warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Content'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
26 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in content_block_start chunk
27 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
28 |     case cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart(Content?)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Content'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
29 |     /// SDK tries to aggregate partial json string into JSON object but failed
30 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Entity/Content.swift:27:13: note: consider making enum 'Content' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 25 | ///
 26 | /// Starting with Claude 3 models, you can also send `image` content blocks.
 27 | public enum Content {
    |             `- note: consider making enum 'Content' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 28 |     /// a single string
 29 |     case text(String)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:35:10: warning: associated value 'failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Any'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
33 |     case failedToDecodeToolUseContent
34 |     /// SDK failed to make `ToolUse.input` encodable
35 |     case failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput([String: Any])
   |          `- warning: associated value 'failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Any'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
36 |     /// SDK failed to encode `SystemPrompt` object
37 |     case failedToEncodeSystemPrompt
[1172/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK SystemPrompt.swift
[1173/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK TokenUsage.swift
[1174/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK ToolChoice.swift
[1175/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK ToolResultContent.swift
[1176/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK Model.swift
[1177/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK Role.swift
[1178/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK StopReason.swift
[1179/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK ContentBlockDelta.swift
[1180/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK ContentBlockDeltaType.swift
[1181/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK MessageDelta.swift
[1182/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK StreamingError.swift
[1183/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK StreamingEvent.swift
[1184/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK StreamingResponseParser.swift
[1185/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK StreamingResponse.swift
[1186/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK AnthropicJSONDecoder.swift
[1187/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK Content.swift
[1188/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK ImageContent.swift
[1189/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK Message.swift
[1190/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK MetaData.swift
[1191/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK AnthropicHeaderProvider.swift
[1192/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK AuthenticationHeaderProvider.swift
[1193/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK MessagesRequest.swift
[1194/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK MessagesResponse.swift
[1195/1202] Emitting module AnthropicSwiftSDK
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:25:10: warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'MessagesResponse'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
23 |     case anyToolsAreDefined
24 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in response
25 |     case cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse(MessagesResponse)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'MessagesResponse'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
26 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in content_block_start chunk
27 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Network/MessagesResponse.swift:18:15: note: consider making struct 'MessagesResponse' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
16 |
17 | /// Messages API response
18 | public struct MessagesResponse: Decodable {
   |               `- note: consider making struct 'MessagesResponse' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
19 |     /// Unique object identifier.
20 |     public let id: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:28:10: warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Content'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
26 |     /// Claude API returns `tool_use` response but any tool_use contents are not defined in content_block_start chunk
27 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
28 |     case cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart(Content?)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotFindToolUseContentFromContentBlockStart' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Content'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
29 |     /// SDK tries to aggregate partial json string into JSON object but failed
30 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Entity/Content.swift:27:13: note: consider making enum 'Content' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 25 | ///
 26 | /// Starting with Claude 3 models, you can also send `image` content blocks.
 27 | public enum Content {
    |             `- note: consider making enum 'Content' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 28 |     /// a single string
 29 |     case text(String)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/ClientError.swift:35:10: warning: associated value 'failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Any'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
33 |     case failedToDecodeToolUseContent
34 |     /// SDK failed to make `ToolUse.input` encodable
35 |     case failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput([String: Any])
   |          `- warning: associated value 'failedToMakeEncodableToolUseInput' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'ClientError' has non-sendable type 'Any'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
36 |     /// SDK failed to encode `SystemPrompt` object
37 |     case failedToEncodeSystemPrompt
[1196/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK ToolUseContent.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Messages.swift:390:13: warning: task-isolated value of type '() async -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
388 |     ) -> AsyncThrowingStream<StreamingResponse, Error> {
389 |         AsyncThrowingStream { continuation in
390 |             Task {
    |             `- warning: task-isolated value of type '() async -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
391 |                 do {
392 |                     for try await response in stream {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Messages.swift:419:46: warning: sending 'responseWithToolResult' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
417 |
418 |                             for try await responseWithToolResult in streamWithToolResult {
419 |                                 continuation.yield(responseWithToolResult)
    |                                              |- warning: sending 'responseWithToolResult' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                                              `- note: task-isolated 'responseWithToolResult' is passed as a 'sending' parameter; Uses in callee may race with later task-isolated uses
420 |                             }
421 |                         } else {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Messages.swift:422:42: warning: sending 'response' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
420 |                             }
421 |                         } else {
422 |                             continuation.yield(response)
    |                                          |- warning: sending 'response' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                                          `- note: task-isolated 'response' is passed as a 'sending' parameter; Uses in callee may race with later task-isolated uses
423 |                         }
424 |                     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Network/Extension/StreamingResponse+Extension.swift:76:9: warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
74 |         let accumulativeStream = accumulator.createAccumulativeStream()
75 |
76 |         Task {
   |         `- warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
77 |             do {
78 |                 defer {
[1197/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK Messages.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Messages.swift:390:13: warning: task-isolated value of type '() async -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
388 |     ) -> AsyncThrowingStream<StreamingResponse, Error> {
389 |         AsyncThrowingStream { continuation in
390 |             Task {
    |             `- warning: task-isolated value of type '() async -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
391 |                 do {
392 |                     for try await response in stream {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Messages.swift:419:46: warning: sending 'responseWithToolResult' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
417 |
418 |                             for try await responseWithToolResult in streamWithToolResult {
419 |                                 continuation.yield(responseWithToolResult)
    |                                              |- warning: sending 'responseWithToolResult' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                                              `- note: task-isolated 'responseWithToolResult' is passed as a 'sending' parameter; Uses in callee may race with later task-isolated uses
420 |                             }
421 |                         } else {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Messages.swift:422:42: warning: sending 'response' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
420 |                             }
421 |                         } else {
422 |                             continuation.yield(response)
    |                                          |- warning: sending 'response' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                                          `- note: task-isolated 'response' is passed as a 'sending' parameter; Uses in callee may race with later task-isolated uses
423 |                         }
424 |                     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Network/Extension/StreamingResponse+Extension.swift:76:9: warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
74 |         let accumulativeStream = accumulator.createAccumulativeStream()
75 |
76 |         Task {
   |         `- warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
77 |             do {
78 |                 defer {
[1198/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK AnthropicAPIClient.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Messages.swift:390:13: warning: task-isolated value of type '() async -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
388 |     ) -> AsyncThrowingStream<StreamingResponse, Error> {
389 |         AsyncThrowingStream { continuation in
390 |             Task {
    |             `- warning: task-isolated value of type '() async -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
391 |                 do {
392 |                     for try await response in stream {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Messages.swift:419:46: warning: sending 'responseWithToolResult' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
417 |
418 |                             for try await responseWithToolResult in streamWithToolResult {
419 |                                 continuation.yield(responseWithToolResult)
    |                                              |- warning: sending 'responseWithToolResult' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                                              `- note: task-isolated 'responseWithToolResult' is passed as a 'sending' parameter; Uses in callee may race with later task-isolated uses
420 |                             }
421 |                         } else {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Messages.swift:422:42: warning: sending 'response' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
420 |                             }
421 |                         } else {
422 |                             continuation.yield(response)
    |                                          |- warning: sending 'response' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                                          `- note: task-isolated 'response' is passed as a 'sending' parameter; Uses in callee may race with later task-isolated uses
423 |                         }
424 |                     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Network/Extension/StreamingResponse+Extension.swift:76:9: warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
74 |         let accumulativeStream = accumulator.createAccumulativeStream()
75 |
76 |         Task {
   |         `- warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
77 |             do {
78 |                 defer {
[1199/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK StreamingResponse+Extension.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Messages.swift:390:13: warning: task-isolated value of type '() async -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
388 |     ) -> AsyncThrowingStream<StreamingResponse, Error> {
389 |         AsyncThrowingStream { continuation in
390 |             Task {
    |             `- warning: task-isolated value of type '() async -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
391 |                 do {
392 |                     for try await response in stream {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Messages.swift:419:46: warning: sending 'responseWithToolResult' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
417 |
418 |                             for try await responseWithToolResult in streamWithToolResult {
419 |                                 continuation.yield(responseWithToolResult)
    |                                              |- warning: sending 'responseWithToolResult' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                                              `- note: task-isolated 'responseWithToolResult' is passed as a 'sending' parameter; Uses in callee may race with later task-isolated uses
420 |                             }
421 |                         } else {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Messages.swift:422:42: warning: sending 'response' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
420 |                             }
421 |                         } else {
422 |                             continuation.yield(response)
    |                                          |- warning: sending 'response' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                                          `- note: task-isolated 'response' is passed as a 'sending' parameter; Uses in callee may race with later task-isolated uses
423 |                         }
424 |                     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Network/Extension/StreamingResponse+Extension.swift:76:9: warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
74 |         let accumulativeStream = accumulator.createAccumulativeStream()
75 |
76 |         Task {
   |         `- warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
77 |             do {
78 |                 defer {
[1200/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK AnthropicJSONEncoder.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Util/InputJSONDeltaAccumulator.swift:38:29: warning: sending 'modifiedResponse' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
36 |         }
37 |
38 |         accumulativeStream?.yield(modifiedResponse)
   |                             |- warning: sending 'modifiedResponse' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   |                             `- note: task-isolated 'modifiedResponse' is passed as a 'sending' parameter; Uses in callee may race with later task-isolated uses
39 |     }
40 |
[1201/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK AnyDecodable.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Util/InputJSONDeltaAccumulator.swift:38:29: warning: sending 'modifiedResponse' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
36 |         }
37 |
38 |         accumulativeStream?.yield(modifiedResponse)
   |                             |- warning: sending 'modifiedResponse' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   |                             `- note: task-isolated 'modifiedResponse' is passed as a 'sending' parameter; Uses in callee may race with later task-isolated uses
39 |     }
40 |
[1202/1202] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK InputJSONDeltaAccumulator.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Util/InputJSONDeltaAccumulator.swift:38:29: warning: sending 'modifiedResponse' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
36 |         }
37 |
38 |         accumulativeStream?.yield(modifiedResponse)
   |                             |- warning: sending 'modifiedResponse' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   |                             `- note: task-isolated 'modifiedResponse' is passed as a 'sending' parameter; Uses in callee may race with later task-isolated uses
39 |     }
40 |
[1203/1223] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_VertexAI VertexAIClientError.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-VertexAI/VertexAIClientError.swift:12:10: warning: associated value 'notSupportedModel' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'VertexAIClientError' has non-sendable type 'Model'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
10 |
11 | enum VertexAIClientError: Error {
12 |     case notSupportedModel(Model)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'notSupportedModel' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'VertexAIClientError' has non-sendable type 'Model'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
13 |
14 |     var localizedDescription: String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Entity/Model.swift:13:13: note: enum 'Model' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
11 | ///
12 | /// See [models]( for additional details and options.
13 | public enum Model {
   |             `- note: enum 'Model' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
14 |     /// Most powerful model for highly complex tasks
15 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-VertexAI/VertexAIClientError.swift:9:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'AnthropicSwiftSDK'
 7 |
 8 | import Foundation
 9 | import AnthropicSwiftSDK
   | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'AnthropicSwiftSDK'
10 |
11 | enum VertexAIClientError: Error {
[1204/1223] Emitting module AnthropicSwiftSDK_VertexAI
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-VertexAI/VertexAIClientError.swift:12:10: warning: associated value 'notSupportedModel' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'VertexAIClientError' has non-sendable type 'Model'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
10 |
11 | enum VertexAIClientError: Error {
12 |     case notSupportedModel(Model)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'notSupportedModel' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'VertexAIClientError' has non-sendable type 'Model'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
13 |
14 |     var localizedDescription: String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK/Entity/Model.swift:13:13: note: enum 'Model' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
11 | ///
12 | /// See [models]( for additional details and options.
13 | public enum Model {
   |             `- note: enum 'Model' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
14 |     /// Most powerful model for highly complex tasks
15 |     // swiftlint:disable:next identifier_name
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-VertexAI/VertexAIClientError.swift:9:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'AnthropicSwiftSDK'
 7 |
 8 | import Foundation
 9 | import AnthropicSwiftSDK
   | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'AnthropicSwiftSDK'
10 |
11 | enum VertexAIClientError: Error {
[1205/1223] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_TestUtils HTTPMock.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-TestUtils/HTTPMock.swift:18:23: warning: static property 'inspectType' is not concurrency-safe because it is nonisolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
16 |
17 | public class HTTPMock: URLProtocol {
18 |     public static var inspectType: MockInspectType = .none
   |                       |- warning: static property 'inspectType' is not concurrency-safe because it is nonisolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   |                       |- note: convert 'inspectType' to a 'let' constant to make 'Sendable' shared state immutable
   |                       |- note: annotate 'inspectType' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
   |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
19 |
20 |     public override class func canInit(with request: URLRequest) -> Bool {
[1206/1223] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_TestUtils MessagesRequest+Extensions.swift
[1207/1223] Emitting module AnthropicSwiftSDK_TestUtils
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-TestUtils/HTTPMock.swift:18:23: warning: static property 'inspectType' is not concurrency-safe because it is nonisolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
16 |
17 | public class HTTPMock: URLProtocol {
18 |     public static var inspectType: MockInspectType = .none
   |                       |- warning: static property 'inspectType' is not concurrency-safe because it is nonisolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   |                       |- note: convert 'inspectType' to a 'let' constant to make 'Sendable' shared state immutable
   |                       |- note: annotate 'inspectType' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
   |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
19 |
20 |     public override class func canInit(with request: URLRequest) -> Bool {
[1208/1223] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_VertexAI AnthropicSwiftSDK_Model+Extension.swift
[1209/1223] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_VertexAI SupportedRegion.swift
[1210/1223] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_VertexAI UnnecessaryParameter.swift
[1211/1223] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_VertexAI Messages.swift
[1212/1223] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_VertexAI AnthropicVertexAIClient.swift
[1213/1223] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_VertexAI VertexAIClient.swift
[1214/1223] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_Bedrock AnthropicBedrockClient.swift
[1215/1224] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_Bedrock BedrockClient+Extension.swift
[1216/1224] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_Bedrock InvokeModelInput+Extension.swift
[1217/1224] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_Bedrock InvokeModelWithResponseStreamInput+Extension.swift
[1218/1224] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_Bedrock AnthropicSwiftSDK_Model+Extension.swift
[1219/1224] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_Bedrock AnthropicBedrockClientError.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock/AnthropicBedrockClientError.swift:12:10: warning: associated value 'cannotGetDataFromBedrockMessageResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'InvokeModelOutput'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
10 |
11 | public enum AnthropicBedrockClientError: Error {
12 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockMessageResponse(InvokeModelOutput)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotGetDataFromBedrockMessageResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'InvokeModelOutput'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
13 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockStreamResponse(InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput)
14 |     case bedrockRuntimeClientGetsUnknownPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.ResponseStream)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/aws-sdk-swift/Sources/Services/AWSBedrockRuntime/Sources/AWSBedrockRuntime/Models.swift:2572:15: note: struct 'InvokeModelOutput' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2570 | }
2571 |
2572 | public struct InvokeModelOutput {
     |               `- note: struct 'InvokeModelOutput' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2573 |     /// Inference response from the model in the format specified in the contentType header. To see the format and content of the request and response bodies for different models, refer to [Inference parameters](
2574 |     /// This member is required.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock/AnthropicBedrockClientError.swift:9:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'AWSBedrockRuntime'
 7 |
 8 | import Foundation
 9 | import AWSBedrockRuntime
   | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'AWSBedrockRuntime'
10 |
11 | public enum AnthropicBedrockClientError: Error {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock/AnthropicBedrockClientError.swift:13:10: warning: associated value 'cannotGetDataFromBedrockStreamResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
11 | public enum AnthropicBedrockClientError: Error {
12 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockMessageResponse(InvokeModelOutput)
13 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockStreamResponse(InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotGetDataFromBedrockStreamResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
14 |     case bedrockRuntimeClientGetsUnknownPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.ResponseStream)
15 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockClientPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.PayloadPart)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/aws-sdk-swift/Sources/Services/AWSBedrockRuntime/Sources/AWSBedrockRuntime/Models.swift:2684:15: note: struct 'InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2682 | }
2683 |
2684 | public struct InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput {
     |               `- note: struct 'InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2685 |     /// Inference response from the model in the format specified by the contentType header. To see the format and content of this field for different models, refer to [Inference parameters](
2686 |     /// This member is required.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock/AnthropicBedrockClientError.swift:14:10: warning: associated value 'bedrockRuntimeClientGetsUnknownPayload' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.ResponseStream'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
12 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockMessageResponse(InvokeModelOutput)
13 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockStreamResponse(InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput)
14 |     case bedrockRuntimeClientGetsUnknownPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.ResponseStream)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'bedrockRuntimeClientGetsUnknownPayload' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.ResponseStream'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
15 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockClientPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.PayloadPart)
16 |     case bedrockRuntimeClientGetsErrorInStream(String)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/aws-sdk-swift/Sources/Services/AWSBedrockRuntime/Sources/AWSBedrockRuntime/Models.swift:2676:17: note: enum 'ResponseStream' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2674 | extension BedrockRuntimeClientTypes {
2675 |     /// Definition of content in the response stream.
2676 |     public enum ResponseStream {
     |                 `- note: enum 'ResponseStream' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2677 |         /// Content included in the response.
2678 |         case chunk(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.PayloadPart)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock/AnthropicBedrockClientError.swift:15:10: warning: associated value 'cannotGetDataFromBedrockClientPayload' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.PayloadPart'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
13 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockStreamResponse(InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput)
14 |     case bedrockRuntimeClientGetsUnknownPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.ResponseStream)
15 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockClientPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.PayloadPart)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotGetDataFromBedrockClientPayload' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.PayloadPart'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
16 |     case bedrockRuntimeClientGetsErrorInStream(String)
17 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/aws-sdk-swift/Sources/Services/AWSBedrockRuntime/Sources/AWSBedrockRuntime/Models.swift:2654:19: note: struct 'PayloadPart' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2652 | extension BedrockRuntimeClientTypes {
2653 |     /// Payload content included in the response.
2654 |     public struct PayloadPart {
     |                   `- note: struct 'PayloadPart' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2655 |         /// Base64-encoded bytes of payload data.
2656 |         public var bytes: Foundation.Data?
[1220/1224] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_Bedrock AnthropicStreamingParser+Extension.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock/Extensions/AnthropicStreamingParser+Extension.swift:51:24: warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
49 |     static func parseBedrockStream<T: AsyncSequence>(_ stream: T) async throws -> AsyncThrowingStream<StreamingResponse, Error> where T.Element == BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.ResponseStream {
50 |         return AsyncThrowingStream.init { continuation in
51 |             let task = Task {
   |                        `- warning: task-isolated value of type '() async throws -> ()' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
52 |                 for try await element in stream {
53 |                     do {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock/Extensions/AnthropicStreamingParser+Extension.swift:54:38: warning: task-isolated value of type 'any StreamingResponse' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
52 |                 for try await element in stream {
53 |                     do {
54 |                         continuation.yield(try parse(responseStream: element))
   |                                      `- warning: task-isolated value of type 'any StreamingResponse' passed as a strongly transferred parameter; later accesses could race; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
55 |                     } catch {
56 |                         continuation.finish(throwing: error)
[1221/1224] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_Bedrock MessagesResponse+Extension.swift
[1222/1224] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_Bedrock Messages.swift
[1223/1224] Emitting module AnthropicSwiftSDK_Bedrock
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock/AnthropicBedrockClientError.swift:12:10: warning: associated value 'cannotGetDataFromBedrockMessageResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'InvokeModelOutput'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
10 |
11 | public enum AnthropicBedrockClientError: Error {
12 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockMessageResponse(InvokeModelOutput)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotGetDataFromBedrockMessageResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'InvokeModelOutput'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
13 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockStreamResponse(InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput)
14 |     case bedrockRuntimeClientGetsUnknownPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.ResponseStream)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/aws-sdk-swift/Sources/Services/AWSBedrockRuntime/Sources/AWSBedrockRuntime/Models.swift:2572:15: note: struct 'InvokeModelOutput' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2570 | }
2571 |
2572 | public struct InvokeModelOutput {
     |               `- note: struct 'InvokeModelOutput' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2573 |     /// Inference response from the model in the format specified in the contentType header. To see the format and content of the request and response bodies for different models, refer to [Inference parameters](
2574 |     /// This member is required.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock/AnthropicBedrockClientError.swift:9:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'AWSBedrockRuntime'
 7 |
 8 | import Foundation
 9 | import AWSBedrockRuntime
   | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'AWSBedrockRuntime'
10 |
11 | public enum AnthropicBedrockClientError: Error {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock/AnthropicBedrockClientError.swift:13:10: warning: associated value 'cannotGetDataFromBedrockStreamResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
11 | public enum AnthropicBedrockClientError: Error {
12 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockMessageResponse(InvokeModelOutput)
13 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockStreamResponse(InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotGetDataFromBedrockStreamResponse' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
14 |     case bedrockRuntimeClientGetsUnknownPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.ResponseStream)
15 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockClientPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.PayloadPart)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/aws-sdk-swift/Sources/Services/AWSBedrockRuntime/Sources/AWSBedrockRuntime/Models.swift:2684:15: note: struct 'InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2682 | }
2683 |
2684 | public struct InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput {
     |               `- note: struct 'InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2685 |     /// Inference response from the model in the format specified by the contentType header. To see the format and content of this field for different models, refer to [Inference parameters](
2686 |     /// This member is required.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock/AnthropicBedrockClientError.swift:14:10: warning: associated value 'bedrockRuntimeClientGetsUnknownPayload' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.ResponseStream'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
12 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockMessageResponse(InvokeModelOutput)
13 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockStreamResponse(InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput)
14 |     case bedrockRuntimeClientGetsUnknownPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.ResponseStream)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'bedrockRuntimeClientGetsUnknownPayload' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.ResponseStream'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
15 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockClientPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.PayloadPart)
16 |     case bedrockRuntimeClientGetsErrorInStream(String)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/aws-sdk-swift/Sources/Services/AWSBedrockRuntime/Sources/AWSBedrockRuntime/Models.swift:2676:17: note: enum 'ResponseStream' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2674 | extension BedrockRuntimeClientTypes {
2675 |     /// Definition of content in the response stream.
2676 |     public enum ResponseStream {
     |                 `- note: enum 'ResponseStream' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2677 |         /// Content included in the response.
2678 |         case chunk(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.PayloadPart)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock/AnthropicBedrockClientError.swift:15:10: warning: associated value 'cannotGetDataFromBedrockClientPayload' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.PayloadPart'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
13 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockStreamResponse(InvokeModelWithResponseStreamOutput)
14 |     case bedrockRuntimeClientGetsUnknownPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.ResponseStream)
15 |     case cannotGetDataFromBedrockClientPayload(BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.PayloadPart)
   |          `- warning: associated value 'cannotGetDataFromBedrockClientPayload' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'AnthropicBedrockClientError' has non-sendable type 'BedrockRuntimeClientTypes.PayloadPart'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
16 |     case bedrockRuntimeClientGetsErrorInStream(String)
17 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/aws-sdk-swift/Sources/Services/AWSBedrockRuntime/Sources/AWSBedrockRuntime/Models.swift:2654:19: note: struct 'PayloadPart' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2652 | extension BedrockRuntimeClientTypes {
2653 |     /// Payload content included in the response.
2654 |     public struct PayloadPart {
     |                   `- note: struct 'PayloadPart' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
2655 |         /// Base64-encoded bytes of payload data.
2656 |         public var bytes: Foundation.Data?
[1224/1224] Compiling AnthropicSwiftSDK_Bedrock UnnecessaryParameter.swift
Build complete! (264.85s)
[1/11372] Fetching grmustache.swift
[115/11709] Fetching grmustache.swift, functioncalling
[257/15295] Fetching grmustache.swift, functioncalling, swift-log
[1123/43683] Fetching grmustache.swift, functioncalling, swift-log, aws-crt-swift
[4697/49861] Fetching grmustache.swift, functioncalling, swift-log, aws-crt-swift, swift-markdown
Fetched from cache (1.16s)
[15351/46275] Fetching grmustache.swift, functioncalling, aws-crt-swift, swift-markdown
[19079/111047] Fetching grmustache.swift, functioncalling, aws-crt-swift, swift-markdown, smithy-swift
[29280/176110] Fetching grmustache.swift, functioncalling, aws-crt-swift, swift-markdown, smithy-swift, swift-syntax
[95579/176217] Fetching grmustache.swift, functioncalling, aws-crt-swift, swift-markdown, smithy-swift, swift-syntax, documentationcomment
Fetched from cache (0.72s)
[98178/176110] Fetching grmustache.swift, functioncalling, aws-crt-swift, swift-markdown, smithy-swift, swift-syntax
Fetched from cache (1.98s)
[109526/169932] Fetching grmustache.swift, functioncalling, aws-crt-swift, smithy-swift, swift-syntax
Fetched from cache (3.12s)
Fetched from cache (3.12s)
Fetched from cache (3.12s)
Fetched from cache (3.15s)
Fetched from cache (3.15s)
[1/17852] Fetching swift-cmark
Fetched from cache (1.77s)
[1/431429] Fetching aws-sdk-swift
Fetched from cache (133.52s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.3.0 (0.83s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.77.1 (3.51s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.0.6 (0.49s)
Computing version for
Computed at 4.2.0 (0.66s)
Computing version for
Computed at 509.1.1 (0.74s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.36.0 (0.68s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.71.0 (0.70s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.4.0 (0.68s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.5.4 (0.66s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.4.0 (0.68s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.36.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 509.1.1
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.5.4
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.0.6
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.71.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.77.1
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.3.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 4.2.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.4.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.4.0
Build complete.
  "dependencies" : [
      "identity" : "aws-sdk-swift",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "0.77.1",
            "upper_bound" : "1.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "functioncalling",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "0.3.0",
            "upper_bound" : "1.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
  "manifest_display_name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK",
  "name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK",
  "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace",
  "platforms" : [
      "name" : "ios",
      "version" : "17.0"
      "name" : "macos",
      "version" : "13.0"
  "products" : [
      "name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK",
      "targets" : [
      "type" : {
        "library" : [
      "name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock",
      "targets" : [
      "type" : {
        "library" : [
      "name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK-VertexAI",
      "targets" : [
      "type" : {
        "library" : [
  "targets" : [
      "c99name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDKTests",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDKTests",
      "path" : "Tests/AnthropicSwiftSDKTests",
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "test"
      "c99name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK_VertexAITests",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK-VertexAITests",
      "path" : "Tests/AnthropicSwiftSDK-VertexAITests",
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "test"
      "c99name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK_VertexAI",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK-VertexAI",
      "path" : "Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-VertexAI",
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "library"
      "c99name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK_TestUtils",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK-TestUtils",
      "path" : "Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-TestUtils",
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "library"
      "c99name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK_BedrockTests",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK-BedrockTests",
      "path" : "Tests/AnthropicSwiftSDK-BedrockTests",
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "test"
      "c99name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK_Bedrock",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock",
      "path" : "Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK-Bedrock",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "library"
      "c99name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "AnthropicSwiftSDK",
      "path" : "Sources/AnthropicSwiftSDK",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "type" : "library"
  "tools_version" : "5.9"