The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Build Information

Successful build of TMDb with Swift 5.10 for Linux.

Build Command

bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4609320-1":/host -w "$workDir" swift build --triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu 2>&1

Build Log

Builder version: 4.34.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: 12.0.0
Initialized empty Git repository in /host/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint: 	git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint: 	git branch -m <name>
 * tag               12.0.0     -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at 17d8ace FEATURE: Swift Strict Concurrency support (#170)
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SPI manifest file found: $workDir/.spi.yml
SUCCESS checkout at 12.0.0
Selected platform:         linux
Swift version:             5.10
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4609320-1":/host -w "$workDir" swift build --triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu 2>&1
Building for debugging...
[0/2] Write sources
[1/2] Write swift-version-24593BA9C3E375BF.txt
[3/122] Emitting module TMDb
[4/139] Compiling TMDb LocaleProvider.swift
[5/139] Compiling TMDb URLSessionHTTPClientAdapter.swift
[6/139] Compiling TMDb DateFormatter+TMDb.swift
[7/139] Compiling TMDb JSONDecoder+TMDb.swift
[8/139] Compiling TMDb JSONEncoder+TMDb.swift
[9/139] Compiling TMDb Sequence+Uniqued.swift
[10/139] Compiling TMDb URL+QueryItem.swift
[11/139] Compiling TMDb URL+TMDb.swift
[12/139] Compiling TMDb APIConfiguration.swift
[13/139] Compiling TMDb AccountAvatar.swift
[14/139] Compiling TMDb AccountDetails.swift
[15/139] Compiling TMDb CastMember.swift
[16/139] Compiling TMDb Certification.swift
[17/139] Compiling TMDb Certifications.swift
[18/139] Compiling TMDb Company.swift
[19/139] Compiling TMDb Country.swift
[20/139] Compiling TMDb Credential.swift
[21/139] Compiling TMDb Serialiser.swift
[22/139] Compiling TMDb TMDbAPIClient.swift
[23/139] Compiling TMDb TMDbAPIError+HTTPStatusCode.swift
[24/139] Compiling TMDb TMDbAPIError.swift
[25/139] Compiling TMDb TMDbAuthJSONSerialiser.swift
[26/139] Compiling TMDb TMDbJSONSerialiser.swift
[27/139] Compiling TMDb APIClient.swift
[28/139] Compiling TMDb AccountEndpoint.swift
[29/139] Compiling TMDb AccountService.swift
[30/139] Compiling TMDb FavouriteSort.swift
[31/139] Compiling TMDb AddFavouriteRequestBody.swift
[32/139] Compiling TMDb AddToWatchlistRequestBody.swift
[33/139] Compiling TMDb WatchlistSort.swift
[34/139] Compiling TMDb AuthenticateURLBuilder.swift
[35/139] Compiling TMDb AuthenticateURLBuilding.swift
[36/139] Compiling TMDb AuthenticationEndpoint.swift
[37/139] Compiling TMDb AuthenticationService.swift
[38/139] Compiling TMDb PeopleEndpoint.swift
[39/139] Compiling TMDb PersonService.swift
[40/139] Compiling TMDb SearchEndpoint.swift
[41/139] Compiling TMDb SearchService.swift
[42/139] Compiling TMDb TVEpisodeService.swift
[43/139] Compiling TMDb TVEpisodesEndpoint.swift
[44/139] Compiling TMDb TVSeasonService.swift
[45/139] Compiling TMDb TVSeasonsEndpoint.swift
[46/139] Compiling TMDb TVSeriesEndpoint.swift
[47/139] Compiling TMDb TVSeriesService.swift
[48/139] Compiling TMDb TrendingEndpoint.swift
[49/139] Compiling TMDb TrendingService.swift
[50/139] Compiling TMDb TrendingTimeWindowFilterType.swift
[51/139] Compiling TMDb WatchProviderEndpoint.swift
[52/139] Compiling TMDb WatchProviderService.swift
[53/139] Compiling TMDb TMDbConfiguration.swift
[54/139] Compiling TMDb TMDbFactory.swift
[55/139] Compiling TMDb TVSeriesExternalLinksCollection.swift
[56/139] Compiling TMDb TVSeriesPageableList.swift
[57/139] Compiling TMDb TVSeriesSort.swift
[58/139] Compiling TMDb TikTokLink.swift
[59/139] Compiling TMDb Token.swift
[60/139] Compiling TMDb TwitterLink.swift
[61/139] Compiling TMDb VideoCollection.swift
[62/139] Compiling TMDb VideoMetadata.swift
[63/139] Compiling TMDb VideoSize.swift
[64/139] Compiling TMDb VideoType.swift
[65/139] Compiling TMDb WatchProvider.swift
[66/139] Compiling TMDb WatchProviderRegions.swift
[67/139] Compiling TMDb WatchProviderResult.swift
[68/139] Compiling TMDb WikiDataLink.swift
[69/139] Compiling TMDb HTTPClient.swift
[70/139] Compiling TMDb HTTPRequest.swift
[71/139] Compiling TMDb HTTPResponse.swift
[72/139] Compiling TMDb CreateSessionRequestBody.swift
[73/139] Compiling TMDb CreateSessionWithLoginRequestBody.swift
[74/139] Compiling TMDb DeleteSessionRequestBody.swift
[75/139] Compiling TMDb CertificationService.swift
[76/139] Compiling TMDb CertificationsEndpoint.swift
[77/139] Compiling TMDb CompanyEndpoint.swift
[78/139] Compiling TMDb CompanyService.swift
[79/139] Compiling TMDb ConfigurationEndpoint.swift
[80/139] Compiling TMDb ConfigurationService.swift
[81/139] Compiling TMDb DiscoverEndpoint.swift
[82/139] Compiling TMDb DiscoverService.swift
[83/139] Compiling TMDb Endpoint.swift
[84/139] Compiling TMDb GenreService.swift
[85/139] Compiling TMDb GenresEndpoint.swift
[86/139] Compiling TMDb LocaleProviding.swift
[87/139] Compiling TMDb MovieService.swift
[88/139] Compiling TMDb MoviesEndpoint.swift
[89/139] Compiling TMDb Movie.swift
[90/139] Compiling TMDb MovieExternalLinksCollection.swift
[91/139] Compiling TMDb MoviePageableList.swift
[92/139] Compiling TMDb MovieSort.swift
[93/139] Compiling TMDb Network.swift
[94/139] Compiling TMDb PageableListResult.swift
[95/139] Compiling TMDb Person.swift
[96/139] Compiling TMDb PersonCombinedCredits.swift
[97/139] Compiling TMDb PersonExternalLinksCollection.swift
[98/139] Compiling TMDb PersonImageCollection.swift
[99/139] Compiling TMDb PersonMovieCredits.swift
[100/139] Compiling TMDb PersonPageableList.swift
[101/139] Compiling TMDb PersonTVSeriesCredits.swift
[102/139] Compiling TMDb ProductionCompany.swift
[103/139] Compiling TMDb ProductionCountry.swift
[104/139] Compiling TMDb Review.swift
[105/139] Compiling TMDb ReviewPageableList.swift
[106/139] Compiling TMDb CrewMember.swift
[107/139] Compiling TMDb Department.swift
[108/139] Compiling TMDb ExternalLink.swift
[109/139] Compiling TMDb FacebookLink.swift
[110/139] Compiling TMDb Gender.swift
[111/139] Compiling TMDb Genre.swift
[112/139] Compiling TMDb GenreList.swift
[113/139] Compiling TMDb GuestSession.swift
[114/139] Compiling TMDb IMDbLink.swift
[115/139] Compiling TMDb ImageCollection.swift
[116/139] Compiling TMDb ImageMetadata.swift
[117/139] Compiling TMDb ImagesConfiguration+URLs.swift
[118/139] Compiling TMDb ImagesConfiguration.swift
[119/139] Compiling TMDb InstagramLink.swift
[120/139] Compiling TMDb Language.swift
[121/139] Compiling TMDb Media.swift
[122/139] Compiling TMDb MediaPageableList.swift
[123/139] Compiling TMDb Session.swift
[124/139] Compiling TMDb Show.swift
[125/139] Compiling TMDb ShowCredits.swift
[126/139] Compiling TMDb ShowType.swift
[127/139] Compiling TMDb ShowWatchProvider.swift
[128/139] Compiling TMDb ShowWatchProviderResult.swift
[129/139] Compiling TMDb SpokenLanguage.swift
[130/139] Compiling TMDb Status.swift
[131/139] Compiling TMDb SuccessResult.swift
[132/139] Compiling TMDb TMDbError+TMDbAPIError.swift
[133/139] Compiling TMDb TMDbError.swift
[134/139] Compiling TMDb TMDbStatusResponse.swift
[135/139] Compiling TMDb TVEpisode.swift
[136/139] Compiling TMDb TVEpisodeImageCollection.swift
[137/139] Compiling TMDb TVSeason.swift
[138/139] Compiling TMDb TVSeasonImageCollection.swift
[139/139] Compiling TMDb TVSeries.swift
Build complete! (9.50s)
Build complete.

Build Machine: Linux 2