The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

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Build Information

Failed to build music-notation-import-guitarpro, reference main (e6d06e), with Swift 6.0 for macOS (SPM) on 24 Sep 2024 07:10:12 UTC.

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

Builder version: 4.54.2
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at e6d06e1 Use the latest SWXMLHash release
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at main
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $PWD
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete
Building for debugging...
[0/6] Write sources
[2/6] Copying PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy
[3/6] Write sources
[5/6] Write swift-version--4A847ED0836F2485.txt
[7/82] Emitting module MusicNotation
[8/85] Emitting module SWXMLHash
[9/87] Compiling ZIPFoundation Data+Compression.swift
[10/87] Compiling SWXMLHash ParsingError.swift
[11/87] Compiling SWXMLHash LazyXMLParser.swift
[12/87] Compiling SWXMLHash shim.swift
[13/87] Compiling MusicNotation Enharmonic.swift
[14/87] Compiling MusicNotation ImmutableMeasure.swift
[15/87] Compiling MusicNotation Instrument.swift
[16/87] Compiling MusicNotation PageHeader.swift
[17/87] Compiling MusicNotation Part.swift
[18/87] Compiling ZIPFoundation Archive+MemoryFile.swift
[19/87] Compiling MusicNotation NotesHolder.swift
[20/87] Compiling SWXMLHash XMLElementDeserializable.swift
[21/87] Compiling SWXMLHash XMLIndexer+XMLDeserialization.swift
[22/87] Compiling MusicNotation Accent.swift
[23/87] Compiling MusicNotation Accidental.swift
[24/87] Compiling MusicNotation Clef.swift
[25/87] Compiling MusicNotation Collection+Helpers.swift
[26/87] Compiling ZIPFoundation Entry.swift
[27/87] Compiling ZIPFoundation Date+ZIP.swift
[28/87] Compiling ZIPFoundation Entry+Serialization.swift
[29/87] Compiling SWXMLHash XMLDeserializationError.swift
[30/87] Compiling SWXMLHash FullXMLParser.swift
[31/87] Compiling ZIPFoundation Entry+ZIP64.swift
[32/87] Compiling SWXMLHash Stack.swift
[33/87] Compiling SWXMLHash String+Extensions.swift
[34/87] Compiling SWXMLHash XMLIndexer.swift
[35/87] Compiling ZIPFoundation Data+CompressionDeprecated.swift
[36/87] Compiling ZIPFoundation Data+Serialization.swift
[37/87] Compiling ZIPFoundation Archive.swift
[38/87] Compiling MusicNotation Tie.swift
[39/87] Compiling MusicNotation TimeSignature.swift
[40/87] Compiling MusicNotation Tuplet.swift
[59/89] Compiling ZIPFoundation URL+ZIP.swift
[80/89] Emitting module ZIPFoundation
[89/89] Compiling ZIPFoundation resource_bundle_accessor.swift
[90/119] Emitting module MusicNotationImportGuitarPro
[91/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro InstrumentSet.swift
[92/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Key.swift
[93/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Lyrics.swift
[94/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Score.swift
[95/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Sound.swift
[96/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Staff.swift
[97/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro BinaryDataErrors.swift
[98/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro BinaryDataReader.swift
[99/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Common.swift
[100/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro IntegerType.swift
[101/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Note.swift
[102/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Revision.swift
[103/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Rhythm.swift
[104/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro StringParser.swift
[105/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro TimeSignature.swift
[106/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Track.swift
[107/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Tuple.swift
[108/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Automation.swift
[109/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Bar.swift
[110/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Beat.swift
[111/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro ChannelStrip.swift
[112/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro GuitarProInterchangeFormat.swift
[113/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro MIDIConnection.swift
[114/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro MasterBar.swift
[115/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro MasterTrack.swift
[116/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro GuitarPro7Importer.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Importers/GuitarPro7Importer.swift:100:29: error: extra arguments at positions #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 in call
 98 | 		// Collect score field names
 99 |
100 | 		return MusicNotation.Score(
    |                             `- error: extra arguments at positions #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 in call
101 | 			parts: parts,
102 | 			title: interchangeFormat.score.title,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/music-notation/Sources/music-notation/Score.swift:41:9: note: 'init(parts:)' declared here
39 | 	public var pageFooter: PageFooter?
40 |
41 | 	public init(parts: [Part]) {
   |         `- note: 'init(parts:)' declared here
42 | = parts
43 | 	}
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/MusicNotationExtensions/MusicNotation+Part.swift:28:13: error: extra argument 'measure' in call
26 | 			clef: .treble,
27 | 			instrument: .init(name: "instrument"),
28 | 			measure: [Measure(
   |             `- error: extra argument 'measure' in call
29 | 				timeSignature: MusicNotation.TimeSignature(numerator: 4, denominator: 4, tempo: 120),
30 | 				key: MusicNotation.Key(noteLetter: .c)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/MusicNotationExtensions/MusicNotation+Part.swift:29:47: error: incorrect argument labels in call (have 'numerator:denominator:tempo:', expected 'topNumber:bottomNumber:tempo:')
27 | 			instrument: .init(name: "instrument"),
28 | 			measure: [Measure(
29 | 				timeSignature: MusicNotation.TimeSignature(numerator: 4, denominator: 4, tempo: 120),
   |                                               `- error: incorrect argument labels in call (have 'numerator:denominator:tempo:', expected 'topNumber:bottomNumber:tempo:')
30 | 				key: MusicNotation.Key(noteLetter: .c)
31 | 			)]
[117/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro PartConfiguration.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Importers/GuitarPro7Importer.swift:100:29: error: extra arguments at positions #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 in call
 98 | 		// Collect score field names
 99 |
100 | 		return MusicNotation.Score(
    |                             `- error: extra arguments at positions #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 in call
101 | 			parts: parts,
102 | 			title: interchangeFormat.score.title,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/music-notation/Sources/music-notation/Score.swift:41:9: note: 'init(parts:)' declared here
39 | 	public var pageFooter: PageFooter?
40 |
41 | 	public init(parts: [Part]) {
   |         `- note: 'init(parts:)' declared here
42 | = parts
43 | 	}
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/MusicNotationExtensions/MusicNotation+Part.swift:28:13: error: extra argument 'measure' in call
26 | 			clef: .treble,
27 | 			instrument: .init(name: "instrument"),
28 | 			measure: [Measure(
   |             `- error: extra argument 'measure' in call
29 | 				timeSignature: MusicNotation.TimeSignature(numerator: 4, denominator: 4, tempo: 120),
30 | 				key: MusicNotation.Key(noteLetter: .c)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/MusicNotationExtensions/MusicNotation+Part.swift:29:47: error: incorrect argument labels in call (have 'numerator:denominator:tempo:', expected 'topNumber:bottomNumber:tempo:')
27 | 			instrument: .init(name: "instrument"),
28 | 			measure: [Measure(
29 | 				timeSignature: MusicNotation.TimeSignature(numerator: 4, denominator: 4, tempo: 120),
   |                                               `- error: incorrect argument labels in call (have 'numerator:denominator:tempo:', expected 'topNumber:bottomNumber:tempo:')
30 | 				key: MusicNotation.Key(noteLetter: .c)
31 | 			)]
[118/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro MusicNotation+Part.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Importers/GuitarPro7Importer.swift:100:29: error: extra arguments at positions #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 in call
 98 | 		// Collect score field names
 99 |
100 | 		return MusicNotation.Score(
    |                             `- error: extra arguments at positions #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 in call
101 | 			parts: parts,
102 | 			title: interchangeFormat.score.title,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/music-notation/Sources/music-notation/Score.swift:41:9: note: 'init(parts:)' declared here
39 | 	public var pageFooter: PageFooter?
40 |
41 | 	public init(parts: [Part]) {
   |         `- note: 'init(parts:)' declared here
42 | = parts
43 | 	}
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/MusicNotationExtensions/MusicNotation+Part.swift:28:13: error: extra argument 'measure' in call
26 | 			clef: .treble,
27 | 			instrument: .init(name: "instrument"),
28 | 			measure: [Measure(
   |             `- error: extra argument 'measure' in call
29 | 				timeSignature: MusicNotation.TimeSignature(numerator: 4, denominator: 4, tempo: 120),
30 | 				key: MusicNotation.Key(noteLetter: .c)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/MusicNotationExtensions/MusicNotation+Part.swift:29:47: error: incorrect argument labels in call (have 'numerator:denominator:tempo:', expected 'topNumber:bottomNumber:tempo:')
27 | 			instrument: .init(name: "instrument"),
28 | 			measure: [Measure(
29 | 				timeSignature: MusicNotation.TimeSignature(numerator: 4, denominator: 4, tempo: 120),
   |                                               `- error: incorrect argument labels in call (have 'numerator:denominator:tempo:', expected 'topNumber:bottomNumber:tempo:')
30 | 				key: MusicNotation.Key(noteLetter: .c)
31 | 			)]
[119/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro BinaryData.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Importers/GuitarPro7Importer.swift:100:29: error: extra arguments at positions #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 in call
 98 | 		// Collect score field names
 99 |
100 | 		return MusicNotation.Score(
    |                             `- error: extra arguments at positions #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 in call
101 | 			parts: parts,
102 | 			title: interchangeFormat.score.title,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/music-notation/Sources/music-notation/Score.swift:41:9: note: 'init(parts:)' declared here
39 | 	public var pageFooter: PageFooter?
40 |
41 | 	public init(parts: [Part]) {
   |         `- note: 'init(parts:)' declared here
42 | = parts
43 | 	}
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/MusicNotationExtensions/MusicNotation+Part.swift:28:13: error: extra argument 'measure' in call
26 | 			clef: .treble,
27 | 			instrument: .init(name: "instrument"),
28 | 			measure: [Measure(
   |             `- error: extra argument 'measure' in call
29 | 				timeSignature: MusicNotation.TimeSignature(numerator: 4, denominator: 4, tempo: 120),
30 | 				key: MusicNotation.Key(noteLetter: .c)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/MusicNotationExtensions/MusicNotation+Part.swift:29:47: error: incorrect argument labels in call (have 'numerator:denominator:tempo:', expected 'topNumber:bottomNumber:tempo:')
27 | 			instrument: .init(name: "instrument"),
28 | 			measure: [Measure(
29 | 				timeSignature: MusicNotation.TimeSignature(numerator: 4, denominator: 4, tempo: 120),
   |                                               `- error: incorrect argument labels in call (have 'numerator:denominator:tempo:', expected 'topNumber:bottomNumber:tempo:')
30 | 				key: MusicNotation.Key(noteLetter: .c)
31 | 			)]
[120/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Transpose.swift
[121/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Version.swift
[122/122] Compiling MusicNotationImportGuitarPro Voice.swift
warning: 'spi-builder-workspace': /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Package.swift:11:15: warning: 'init(name:defaultLocalization:platforms:pkgConfig:providers:products:dependencies:targets:swiftLanguageVersions:cLanguageStandard:cxxLanguageStandard:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(name:defaultLocalization:platforms:pkgConfig:providers:products:dependencies:targets:swiftLanguageModes:cLanguageStandard:cxxLanguageStandard:)'
 9 | import PackageDescription
10 |
11 | let package = Package(
   |               |- warning: 'init(name:defaultLocalization:platforms:pkgConfig:providers:products:dependencies:targets:swiftLanguageVersions:cLanguageStandard:cxxLanguageStandard:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(name:defaultLocalization:platforms:pkgConfig:providers:products:dependencies:targets:swiftLanguageModes:cLanguageStandard:cxxLanguageStandard:)'
   |               `- note: use 'init(name:defaultLocalization:platforms:pkgConfig:providers:products:dependencies:targets:swiftLanguageModes:cLanguageStandard:cxxLanguageStandard:)' instead
12 | 	name: "music-notation-import-guitarpro",
13 | 	platforms: [.macOS(.v14)],
[1/2737] Fetching music-notation
[138/5575] Fetching music-notation, swxmlhash
[224/11029] Fetching music-notation, swxmlhash, zipfoundation
Fetched from cache (1.29s)
[3711/8292] Fetching swxmlhash, zipfoundation
Fetched from cache (1.44s)
Fetched from cache (1.44s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.9.19 (0.55s)
Computing version for
Computed at 8.0.0 (0.52s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.2.12 (3.55s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.2.12
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 8.0.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.9.19
BUILD FAILURE 6.0 macosSpm