The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Failed to build sharelink-for-swiftui, reference main (13ba82), with Swift 6.0 (beta) for macOS (SPM) on 14 Sep 2024 19:42:03 UTC.

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

Builder version: 4.53.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at 13ba82b Create .spi.yml
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SPI manifest file found: $PWD/.spi.yml
SUCCESS checkout at main
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $PWD
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete
Building for debugging...
[0/2] Write sources
[1/2] Write swift-version-117DEE11B69C53C9.txt
[3/11] Compiling sharelink_for_swiftui ActivitySheetController.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/ActivitySheetController.swift:13:38: error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
11 |
12 | /// A custom `UIActivityViewController` subclass that customizes the presentation of the activity sheet.
13 | final class ActivitySheetController: UIActivityViewController {
   |                                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
14 |
15 |     deinit {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/ActivitySheetController.swift:24:26: error: method does not override any method from its superclass
22 |     ///
23 |     /// - Parameter animated: If true, the view is being added to the window using an animation.
24 |     public override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
   |                          `- error: method does not override any method from its superclass
25 |         super.viewWillAppear(animated)
26 |         if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/ActivitySheetController.swift:25:9: error: 'super' members cannot be referenced in a root class
23 |     /// - Parameter animated: If true, the view is being added to the window using an animation.
24 |     public override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
25 |         super.viewWillAppear(animated)
   |         `- error: 'super' members cannot be referenced in a root class
26 |         if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
27 |             /// Presentation for iOS 15 and later
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/ActivitySheetController.swift:28:35: error: cannot find 'sheetPresentationController' in scope
26 |         if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
27 |             /// Presentation for iOS 15 and later
28 |             if let presentation = sheetPresentationController {
   |                                   `- error: cannot find 'sheetPresentationController' in scope
29 |                 presentation.detents = [.medium(), .large()]
30 |                 presentation.prefersGrabberVisible = true
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/ActivitySheetController.swift:29:42: error: type 'Any' has no member 'medium'
27 |             /// Presentation for iOS 15 and later
28 |             if let presentation = sheetPresentationController {
29 |                 presentation.detents = [.medium(), .large()]
   |                                          `- error: type 'Any' has no member 'medium'
30 |                 presentation.prefersGrabberVisible = true
31 |             }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/ActivitySheetController.swift:29:53: error: type 'Any' has no member 'large'
27 |             /// Presentation for iOS 15 and later
28 |             if let presentation = sheetPresentationController {
29 |                 presentation.detents = [.medium(), .large()]
   |                                                     `- error: type 'Any' has no member 'large'
30 |                 presentation.prefersGrabberVisible = true
31 |             }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/ActivitySheetController.swift:34:13: error: cannot find 'modalPresentationStyle' in scope
32 |         } else {
33 |             /// Support for iOS 14
34 |             modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
   |             `- error: cannot find 'modalPresentationStyle' in scope
35 |         }
36 |     }
[4/11] Compiling sharelink_for_swiftui TransportableItem.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:46:25: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 44 |     ///   - icon: An optional icon for the item.
 45 |     ///   - title: An optional title for the item.
 46 |     init(item: T, icon: UIImage? = nil, title: String? = nil) {
    |                         `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 47 |         self.item = item
 48 |         self.title = title
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:15:60: error: cannot find type 'UIActivityItemSource' in scope
 13 |
 14 | /// A class that conforms to `UIActivityItemSource` to provide transportable items for sharing activities.
 15 | final class TransportableItem<T: Transportable>: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
    |                                                            `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivityItemSource' in scope
 16 |     /// The item to be shared, conforming to the `Transportable` protocol.
 17 |     private let item: T
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:23:23: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 21 |
 22 |     /// An optional icon for the item.
 23 |     private let icon: UIImage?
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 24 |
 25 |     /// Provides a getter for the item to be shared.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:36:18: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 34 |
 35 |     /// Provides a getter for the icon.
 36 |     var getIcon: UIImage? {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 37 |         return icon
 38 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:57:81: error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
 55 |     /// - Parameter activityViewController: The `UIActivityViewController` requesting the placeholder item.
 56 |     /// - Returns: The item to be shared.
 57 |     public func activityViewControllerPlaceholderItem(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController) -> Any {
    |                                                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
 58 |         return item
 59 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:67:66: error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
 65 |     ///   - activityType: The type of activity requesting the item.
 66 |     /// - Returns: The item to be shared.
 67 |     public func activityViewController(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController, itemForActivityType activityType: UIActivity.ActivityType?) -> Any? {
    |                                                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
 68 |         return item
 69 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:67:126: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
 65 |     ///   - activityType: The type of activity requesting the item.
 66 |     /// - Returns: The item to be shared.
 67 |     public func activityViewController(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController, itemForActivityType activityType: UIActivity.ActivityType?) -> Any? {
    |                                                                                                                              `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
 68 |         return item
 69 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:75:78: error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
 73 |     /// - Parameter activityViewController: The `UIActivityViewController` requesting the metadata.
 74 |     /// - Returns: The `LPLinkMetadata` object containing metadata about the item.
 75 |     public func activityViewControllerLinkMetadata(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController) -> LPLinkMetadata? {
    |                                                                              `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
 76 |         let metadata = LPLinkMetadata()
 77 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:75:107: error: 'LPLinkMetadata' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
 13 |
 14 | /// A class that conforms to `UIActivityItemSource` to provide transportable items for sharing activities.
 15 | final class TransportableItem<T: Transportable>: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
    |             `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing generic class
 16 |     /// The item to be shared, conforming to the `Transportable` protocol.
 17 |     private let item: T
 73 |     /// - Parameter activityViewController: The `UIActivityViewController` requesting the metadata.
 74 |     /// - Returns: The `LPLinkMetadata` object containing metadata about the item.
 75 |     public func activityViewControllerLinkMetadata(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController) -> LPLinkMetadata? {
    |                 |                                                                                         `- error: 'LPLinkMetadata' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
    |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
 76 |         let metadata = LPLinkMetadata()
 77 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:76:24: error: 'LPLinkMetadata' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
 13 |
 14 | /// A class that conforms to `UIActivityItemSource` to provide transportable items for sharing activities.
 15 | final class TransportableItem<T: Transportable>: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
    |             `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing generic class
 16 |     /// The item to be shared, conforming to the `Transportable` protocol.
 17 |     private let item: T
 73 |     /// - Parameter activityViewController: The `UIActivityViewController` requesting the metadata.
 74 |     /// - Returns: The `LPLinkMetadata` object containing metadata about the item.
 75 |     public func activityViewControllerLinkMetadata(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController) -> LPLinkMetadata? {
    |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
 76 |         let metadata = LPLinkMetadata()
    |                        |- error: 'LPLinkMetadata' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
    |                        `- note: add 'if #available' version check
 77 |
 78 |         // Set icon if available
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:81:39: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 79 |         if let icon = icon {
 80 |             metadata.iconProvider = NSItemProvider(object: icon)
 81 |         } else if let icon = item as? UIImage {
    |                                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 82 |             metadata.iconProvider = NSItemProvider(object: icon)
 83 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:86:33: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 84 |
 85 |         // Set image if available
 86 |         if let image = item as? UIImage {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 87 |             metadata.imageProvider = NSItemProvider(object: image)
 88 |         }
[5/11] Compiling sharelink_for_swiftui PrintFormatters.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/PrintFormatters.swift:18:64: error: cannot find type 'UISimpleTextPrintFormatter' in scope
16 | /// - Returns: A `UISimpleTextPrintFormatter` configured with the provided string and title.
17 | @MainActor
18 | func printStringFormatter(_ value: String, _ title: String) -> UISimpleTextPrintFormatter {
   |                                                                `- error: cannot find type 'UISimpleTextPrintFormatter' in scope
19 |     // Create attributed string for title using the builder
20 |     let titleStr = AttributedStringBuilder()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/PrintFormatters.swift:45:47: error: cannot find type 'UIViewPrintFormatter' in scope
43 | /// - Returns: A `UIViewPrintFormatter` configured with the provided image.
44 | @MainActor
45 | func printImageFormatter(_ value: UIImage) -> UIViewPrintFormatter {
   |                                               `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewPrintFormatter' in scope
46 |     return UIImageView(image: value).viewPrintFormatter()
47 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/PrintFormatters.swift:45:35: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
43 | /// - Returns: A `UIViewPrintFormatter` configured with the provided image.
44 | @MainActor
45 | func printImageFormatter(_ value: UIImage) -> UIViewPrintFormatter {
   |                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
46 |     return UIImageView(image: value).viewPrintFormatter()
47 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:16:23: error: cannot find type 'UIFont' in scope
14 |
15 |     /// Private variables for attributes
16 |     private var font: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)
   |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIFont' in scope
17 |     private var foregroundColor: UIColor = .black
18 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:17:34: error: cannot find type 'UIColor' in scope
15 |     /// Private variables for attributes
16 |     private var font: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)
17 |     private var foregroundColor: UIColor = .black
   |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIColor' in scope
18 |
19 |     /// Sets the font for the attributed string.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:25:28: error: cannot find type 'CGFloat' in scope
23 |     ///   - weight: The weight of the font.
24 |     /// - Returns: The builder instance with the updated font.
25 |     func setFont(fontSize: CGFloat, weight: UIFont.Weight = .regular) -> AttributedStringBuilder {
   |                            `- error: cannot find type 'CGFloat' in scope
26 |         self.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: fontSize, weight: weight)
27 |         return self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:25:45: error: cannot find type 'UIFont' in scope
23 |     ///   - weight: The weight of the font.
24 |     /// - Returns: The builder instance with the updated font.
25 |     func setFont(fontSize: CGFloat, weight: UIFont.Weight = .regular) -> AttributedStringBuilder {
   |                                             `- error: cannot find type 'UIFont' in scope
26 |         self.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: fontSize, weight: weight)
27 |         return self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/PrintFormatters.swift:21:41: error: cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'bold'
19 |     // Create attributed string for title using the builder
20 |     let titleStr = AttributedStringBuilder()
21 |         .setFont(fontSize: 50, weight: .bold)
   |                                         `- error: cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'bold'
22 |         .setForegroundColor(.black)
23 |         .build(with: title + "\n") // Adding a newline after the title
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/PrintFormatters.swift:22:30: error: cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'black'
20 |     let titleStr = AttributedStringBuilder()
21 |         .setFont(fontSize: 50, weight: .bold)
22 |         .setForegroundColor(.black)
   |                              `- error: cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'black'
23 |         .build(with: title + "\n") // Adding a newline after the title
24 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/PrintFormatters.swift:25:18: error: cannot find 'NSMutableAttributedString' in scope
23 |         .build(with: title + "\n") // Adding a newline after the title
24 |
25 |     let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
   |                  `- error: cannot find 'NSMutableAttributedString' in scope
26 |     result.append(titleStr)
27 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/PrintFormatters.swift:32:34: error: cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'black'
30 |         let valueStr = AttributedStringBuilder()
31 |             .setFont(fontSize: 27)
32 |             .setForegroundColor(.black)
   |                                  `- error: cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'black'
33 |             .build(with: value)
34 |         result.append(valueStr)
[6/11] Compiling sharelink_for_swiftui TransportableItemBuilder.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:30:23: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 28 |
 29 |     /// An optional icon for the item.
 30 |     private var icon: UIImage?
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 31 |
 32 |     /// A flag to determine if the print action should be included.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:57:33: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 55 |     /// - Parameter icon: An optional icon for the item.
 56 |     /// - Returns: The builder instance with the updated icon.
 57 |     public func setIcon(_ icon: UIImage?) -> TransportableItemBuilder {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 58 |         self.icon = icon
 59 |         return self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:162:93: error: cannot find type 'UISimpleTextPrintFormatter' in scope
160 | /// - Returns: A `UISimpleTextPrintFormatter` configured with the provided item and title.
161 | @MainActor
162 | fileprivate func createStringFormatter<T: Transportable>(item: T, resolvedTitle: String) -> UISimpleTextPrintFormatter {
    |                                                                                             `- error: cannot find type 'UISimpleTextPrintFormatter' in scope
163 |     switch item {
164 |     case let item as String:
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:92:30: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 90 |             case let item as URL:
 91 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item.absoluteString, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
 92 |             case let item as UIImage:
    |                              `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 93 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
 94 |             case let item as Data:
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:46:25: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 44 |     ///   - icon: An optional icon for the item.
 45 |     ///   - title: An optional title for the item.
 46 |     init(item: T, icon: UIImage? = nil, title: String? = nil) {
    |                         `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 47 |         self.item = item
 48 |         self.title = title
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:89:25: error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
 87 |         switch item {
 88 |             case let item as String:
 89 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
    |                         |- error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
    |                         `- note: explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue
 90 |             case let item as URL:
 91 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item.absoluteString, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:15:31: note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 13 |
 14 | /// A class that conforms to `UIActivityItemSource` to provide transportable items for sharing activities.
 15 | final class TransportableItem<T: Transportable>: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
    |                               `- note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 16 |     /// The item to be shared, conforming to the `Transportable` protocol.
 17 |     private let item: T
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:91:25: error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
 89 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
 90 |             case let item as URL:
 91 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item.absoluteString, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
    |                         |- error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
    |                         `- note: explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue
 92 |             case let item as UIImage:
 93 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:15:31: note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 13 |
 14 | /// A class that conforms to `UIActivityItemSource` to provide transportable items for sharing activities.
 15 | final class TransportableItem<T: Transportable>: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
    |                               `- note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 16 |     /// The item to be shared, conforming to the `Transportable` protocol.
 17 |     private let item: T
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:93:25: error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
 91 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item.absoluteString, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
 92 |             case let item as UIImage:
 93 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
    |                         |- error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
    |                         `- note: explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue
 94 |             case let item as Data:
 95 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:15:31: note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 13 |
 14 | /// A class that conforms to `UIActivityItemSource` to provide transportable items for sharing activities.
 15 | final class TransportableItem<T: Transportable>: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
    |                               `- note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 16 |     /// The item to be shared, conforming to the `Transportable` protocol.
 17 |     private let item: T
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:95:25: error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
 93 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
 94 |             case let item as Data:
 95 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
    |                         |- error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
    |                         `- note: explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue
 96 |             case let item as NSAttributedString:
 97 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item.string, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:15:31: note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 13 |
 14 | /// A class that conforms to `UIActivityItemSource` to provide transportable items for sharing activities.
 15 | final class TransportableItem<T: Transportable>: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
    |                               `- note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 16 |     /// The item to be shared, conforming to the `Transportable` protocol.
 17 |     private let item: T
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:97:25: error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
 95 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
 96 |             case let item as NSAttributedString:
 97 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item.string, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
    |                         |- error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
    |                         `- note: explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue
 98 |             case let item as CLLocation:
 99 |                 let locationURLString = "\(item.coordinate.latitude),\(item.coordinate.longitude)"
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:15:31: note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 13 |
 14 | /// A class that conforms to `UIActivityItemSource` to provide transportable items for sharing activities.
 15 | final class TransportableItem<T: Transportable>: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
    |                               `- note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 16 |     /// The item to be shared, conforming to the `Transportable` protocol.
 17 |     private let item: T
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:100:25: error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
 98 |             case let item as CLLocation:
 99 |                 let locationURLString = "\(item.coordinate.latitude),\(item.coordinate.longitude)"
100 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: locationURLString, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
    |                         |- error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
    |                         `- note: explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue
101 |             default:
102 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item.description, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:15:31: note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 13 |
 14 | /// A class that conforms to `UIActivityItemSource` to provide transportable items for sharing activities.
 15 | final class TransportableItem<T: Transportable>: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
    |                               `- note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 16 |     /// The item to be shared, conforming to the `Transportable` protocol.
 17 |     private let item: T
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:102:25: error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
100 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: locationURLString, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
101 |             default:
102 |                 return [TransportableItem(item: item.description, icon: icon, title: resolvedTitle)]
    |                         |- error: generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
    |                         `- note: explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue
103 |         }
104 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:15:31: note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 13 |
 14 | /// A class that conforms to `UIActivityItemSource` to provide transportable items for sharing activities.
 15 | final class TransportableItem<T: Transportable>: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
    |                               `- note: 'T' declared as parameter to type 'TransportableItem'
 16 |     /// The item to be shared, conforming to the `Transportable` protocol.
 17 |     private let item: T
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:116:37: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
114 |         let resolvedTitle = resolveTitle(item: item, title: title)
115 |
116 |         if let imageItem = item as? UIImage {
    |                                     `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
117 |             return [printImageFormatter(imageItem)]
118 |         } else {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/PrintFormatters.swift:45:47: error: cannot find type 'UIViewPrintFormatter' in scope
43 | /// - Returns: A `UIViewPrintFormatter` configured with the provided image.
44 | @MainActor
45 | func printImageFormatter(_ value: UIImage) -> UIViewPrintFormatter {
   |                                               `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewPrintFormatter' in scope
46 |     return UIImageView(image: value).viewPrintFormatter()
47 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/PrintFormatters.swift:45:35: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
43 | /// - Returns: A `UIViewPrintFormatter` configured with the provided image.
44 | @MainActor
45 | func printImageFormatter(_ value: UIImage) -> UIViewPrintFormatter {
   |                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
46 |     return UIImageView(image: value).viewPrintFormatter()
47 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:142:22: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
140 |     case let item as URL:
141 |         return item.absoluteString
142 |     case let item as UIImage:
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
143 |         return item.namedParameter ?? "Untitled"
144 |     case let item as Data:
[7/11] Compiling sharelink_for_swiftui AttributedStringBuilder.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:16:23: error: cannot find type 'UIFont' in scope
14 |
15 |     /// Private variables for attributes
16 |     private var font: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)
   |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIFont' in scope
17 |     private var foregroundColor: UIColor = .black
18 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:17:34: error: cannot find type 'UIColor' in scope
15 |     /// Private variables for attributes
16 |     private var font: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)
17 |     private var foregroundColor: UIColor = .black
   |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIColor' in scope
18 |
19 |     /// Sets the font for the attributed string.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:25:28: error: cannot find type 'CGFloat' in scope
23 |     ///   - weight: The weight of the font.
24 |     /// - Returns: The builder instance with the updated font.
25 |     func setFont(fontSize: CGFloat, weight: UIFont.Weight = .regular) -> AttributedStringBuilder {
   |                            `- error: cannot find type 'CGFloat' in scope
26 |         self.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: fontSize, weight: weight)
27 |         return self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:25:45: error: cannot find type 'UIFont' in scope
23 |     ///   - weight: The weight of the font.
24 |     /// - Returns: The builder instance with the updated font.
25 |     func setFont(fontSize: CGFloat, weight: UIFont.Weight = .regular) -> AttributedStringBuilder {
   |                                             `- error: cannot find type 'UIFont' in scope
26 |         self.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: fontSize, weight: weight)
27 |         return self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:34:38: error: cannot find type 'UIColor' in scope
32 |     /// - Parameter color: The color of the text.
33 |     /// - Returns: The builder instance with the updated color.
34 |     func setForegroundColor(_ color: UIColor) -> AttributedStringBuilder {
   |                                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIColor' in scope
35 |         self.foregroundColor = color
36 |         return self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:43:38: error: cannot find type 'NSAttributedString' in scope
41 |     /// - Parameter text: The text to be converted to an attributed string.
42 |     /// - Returns: An `NSAttributedString` with the set attributes.
43 |     func build(with text: String) -> NSAttributedString {
   |                                      `- error: cannot find type 'NSAttributedString' in scope
44 |         let attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [
45 |             .font: self.font,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:26:21: error: cannot find 'UIFont' in scope
24 |     /// - Returns: The builder instance with the updated font.
25 |     func setFont(fontSize: CGFloat, weight: UIFont.Weight = .regular) -> AttributedStringBuilder {
26 |         self.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: fontSize, weight: weight)
   |                     `- error: cannot find 'UIFont' in scope
27 |         return self
28 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:44:26: error: cannot find type 'NSAttributedString' in scope
42 |     /// - Returns: An `NSAttributedString` with the set attributes.
43 |     func build(with text: String) -> NSAttributedString {
44 |         let attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [
   |                          `- error: cannot find type 'NSAttributedString' in scope
45 |             .font: self.font,
46 |             .foregroundColor: self.foregroundColor
error: emit-module command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
[8/11] Emitting module sharelink_for_swiftui
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:18:6: error: 'State' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
13 | @available(iOS 14.0, *)
14 | @MainActor
15 | public struct ShareLinkButton<Label: View>: View {
   |               `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing generic struct
16 |
17 |     /// State to control the presentation of the share sheet.
18 |     @State private var isPresented: Bool = false
   |      `- error: 'State' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
19 |
20 |     /// The data to be shared. It can include items like text, images, URLs, etc.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:27:41: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
25 |
26 |     /// Optional custom activities to include in the share sheet.
27 |     private let applicationActivities: [UIActivity]?
   |                                         `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
28 |
29 |     /// Optional activity types to exclude from the share sheet.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:30:41: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
28 |
29 |     /// Optional activity types to exclude from the share sheet.
30 |     private let excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]?
   |                                         `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
31 |
32 |     /// Initializer for `Transportable` items using the builder internally.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:44:15: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
42 |     public init<T: Transportable>(
43 |         item: T,
44 |         icon: UIImage? = nil,
   |               `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
45 |         title: String? = nil,
46 |         printAction: Bool = true,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:47:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
45 |         title: String? = nil,
46 |         printAction: Bool = true,
47 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
48 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
49 |         @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> Label
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:48:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
46 |         printAction: Bool = true,
47 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
48 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
49 |         @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> Label
50 |     ) {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:49:10: error: 'ViewBuilder' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
13 | @available(iOS 14.0, *)
14 | @MainActor
15 | public struct ShareLinkButton<Label: View>: View {
   |               `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing generic struct
16 |
17 |     /// State to control the presentation of the share sheet.
40 |     ///   - excludedActivityTypes: Optional activity types to exclude from the share sheet.
41 |     ///   - label: A closure that provides the label for the button.
42 |     public init<T: Transportable>(
   |            `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing initializer
43 |         item: T,
44 |         icon: UIImage? = nil,
47 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
48 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
49 |         @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> Label
   |          `- error: 'ViewBuilder' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
50 |     ) {
51 |         let builder = TransportableItemBuilder(item: item)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:70:21: error: cannot find type 'UIActivityItemSource' in scope
68 |     ///   - label: A closure that provides the label for the button.
69 |     public init(
70 |         itemSource: UIActivityItemSource,
   |                     `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivityItemSource' in scope
71 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
72 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:71:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
69 |     public init(
70 |         itemSource: UIActivityItemSource,
71 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
72 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
73 |         @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> Label
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:72:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
70 |         itemSource: UIActivityItemSource,
71 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
72 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
73 |         @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> Label
74 |     ) {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:73:10: error: 'ViewBuilder' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
13 | @available(iOS 14.0, *)
14 | @MainActor
15 | public struct ShareLinkButton<Label: View>: View {
   |               `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing generic struct
16 |
17 |     /// State to control the presentation of the share sheet.
67 |     ///   - excludedActivityTypes: Optional activity types to exclude from the share sheet.
68 |     ///   - label: A closure that provides the label for the button.
69 |     public init(
   |            `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing initializer
70 |         itemSource: UIActivityItemSource,
71 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
72 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
73 |         @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> Label
   |          `- error: 'ViewBuilder' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
74 |     ) {
75 | = [itemSource]
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:82:27: error: 'View' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
13 | @available(iOS 14.0, *)
14 | @MainActor
15 | public struct ShareLinkButton<Label: View>: View {
   |               `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing generic struct
16 |
17 |     /// State to control the presentation of the share sheet.
80 |
81 |     /// The content and behavior of the view.
82 |     public var body: some View {
   |                |          `- error: 'View' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
   |                `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing property
83 |         Button(action: {
84 |             isPresented = true
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:15:38: error: 'View' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
13 | @available(iOS 14.0, *)
14 | @MainActor
15 | public struct ShareLinkButton<Label: View>: View {
   |               |                      `- error: 'View' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
   |               `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing generic struct
16 |
17 |     /// State to control the presentation of the share sheet.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/protocol/Transportable.swift:33:11: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
31 |
32 | @available(iOS 14.0, *)
33 | extension UIImage: Transportable {
   |           `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
34 |     /// Property to extract the named parameter from the image description.
35 |     var namedParameter: String? {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:26:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
24 |
25 |     /// Optional custom activities to include in the share sheet.
26 |     let applicationActivities: [UIActivity]?
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
27 |
28 |     /// Optional activity types to exclude from the share sheet.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:29:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
27 |
28 |     /// Optional activity types to exclude from the share sheet.
29 |     let excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]?
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
30 |
31 |     /// Initializes a new `ShareLinkView`.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:39:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
37 |     init(
38 |         data: [Any],
39 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
40 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil
41 |     ) {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:40:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
38 |         data: [Any],
39 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
40 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
41 |     ) {
42 | = data
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:51:47: error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
49 |     /// - Parameter context: The context in which the view is being created.
50 |     /// - Returns: An `ActivitySheetController` configured with the provided data, application activities, and excluded activity types.
51 |     public func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> ActivitySheetController {
   |                                               `- error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
52 |         let controller = ActivitySheetController(activityItems: data, applicationActivities: applicationActivities)
53 |         controller.excludedActivityTypes = excludedActivityTypes
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:63:94: error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
61 |     ///   - uiViewController: The view controller to be updated.
62 |     ///   - context: The context in which the view is being updated.
63 |     public func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: ActivitySheetController, context: Context) {}
   |                                                                                              `- error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
64 | }
65 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:20:23: error: cannot find type 'UIViewControllerRepresentable' in scope
18 |
19 | /// A SwiftUI view that wraps a `UIActivityViewController` to share data.
20 | struct ShareLinkView: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
   |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewControllerRepresentable' in scope
21 |
22 |     /// The data to be shared. It can include items like text, images, URLs, etc.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/ActivitySheetController.swift:13:38: error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
11 |
12 | /// A custom `UIActivityViewController` subclass that customizes the presentation of the activity sheet.
13 | final class ActivitySheetController: UIActivityViewController {
   |                                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
14 |
15 |     deinit {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/ActivitySheetController.swift:24:26: error: method does not override any method from its superclass
22 |     ///
23 |     /// - Parameter animated: If true, the view is being added to the window using an animation.
24 |     public override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
   |                          `- error: method does not override any method from its superclass
25 |         super.viewWillAppear(animated)
26 |         if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:46:25: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 44 |     ///   - icon: An optional icon for the item.
 45 |     ///   - title: An optional title for the item.
 46 |     init(item: T, icon: UIImage? = nil, title: String? = nil) {
    |                         `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 47 |         self.item = item
 48 |         self.title = title
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:15:60: error: cannot find type 'UIActivityItemSource' in scope
 13 |
 14 | /// A class that conforms to `UIActivityItemSource` to provide transportable items for sharing activities.
 15 | final class TransportableItem<T: Transportable>: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
    |                                                            `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivityItemSource' in scope
 16 |     /// The item to be shared, conforming to the `Transportable` protocol.
 17 |     private let item: T
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:23:23: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 21 |
 22 |     /// An optional icon for the item.
 23 |     private let icon: UIImage?
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 24 |
 25 |     /// Provides a getter for the item to be shared.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:36:18: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 34 |
 35 |     /// Provides a getter for the icon.
 36 |     var getIcon: UIImage? {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 37 |         return icon
 38 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:57:81: error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
 55 |     /// - Parameter activityViewController: The `UIActivityViewController` requesting the placeholder item.
 56 |     /// - Returns: The item to be shared.
 57 |     public func activityViewControllerPlaceholderItem(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController) -> Any {
    |                                                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
 58 |         return item
 59 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:67:66: error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
 65 |     ///   - activityType: The type of activity requesting the item.
 66 |     /// - Returns: The item to be shared.
 67 |     public func activityViewController(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController, itemForActivityType activityType: UIActivity.ActivityType?) -> Any? {
    |                                                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
 68 |         return item
 69 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:67:126: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
 65 |     ///   - activityType: The type of activity requesting the item.
 66 |     /// - Returns: The item to be shared.
 67 |     public func activityViewController(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController, itemForActivityType activityType: UIActivity.ActivityType?) -> Any? {
    |                                                                                                                              `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
 68 |         return item
 69 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:75:78: error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
 73 |     /// - Parameter activityViewController: The `UIActivityViewController` requesting the metadata.
 74 |     /// - Returns: The `LPLinkMetadata` object containing metadata about the item.
 75 |     public func activityViewControllerLinkMetadata(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController) -> LPLinkMetadata? {
    |                                                                              `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivityViewController' in scope
 76 |         let metadata = LPLinkMetadata()
 77 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/uikit/TransportableItem.swift:75:107: error: 'LPLinkMetadata' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
 13 |
 14 | /// A class that conforms to `UIActivityItemSource` to provide transportable items for sharing activities.
 15 | final class TransportableItem<T: Transportable>: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
    |             `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing generic class
 16 |     /// The item to be shared, conforming to the `Transportable` protocol.
 17 |     private let item: T
 73 |     /// - Parameter activityViewController: The `UIActivityViewController` requesting the metadata.
 74 |     /// - Returns: The `LPLinkMetadata` object containing metadata about the item.
 75 |     public func activityViewControllerLinkMetadata(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController) -> LPLinkMetadata? {
    |                 |                                                                                         `- error: 'LPLinkMetadata' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
    |                 `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
 76 |         let metadata = LPLinkMetadata()
 77 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:16:23: error: cannot find type 'UIFont' in scope
14 |
15 |     /// Private variables for attributes
16 |     private var font: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)
   |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIFont' in scope
17 |     private var foregroundColor: UIColor = .black
18 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:17:34: error: cannot find type 'UIColor' in scope
15 |     /// Private variables for attributes
16 |     private var font: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)
17 |     private var foregroundColor: UIColor = .black
   |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIColor' in scope
18 |
19 |     /// Sets the font for the attributed string.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:25:28: error: cannot find type 'CGFloat' in scope
23 |     ///   - weight: The weight of the font.
24 |     /// - Returns: The builder instance with the updated font.
25 |     func setFont(fontSize: CGFloat, weight: UIFont.Weight = .regular) -> AttributedStringBuilder {
   |                            `- error: cannot find type 'CGFloat' in scope
26 |         self.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: fontSize, weight: weight)
27 |         return self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:25:45: error: cannot find type 'UIFont' in scope
23 |     ///   - weight: The weight of the font.
24 |     /// - Returns: The builder instance with the updated font.
25 |     func setFont(fontSize: CGFloat, weight: UIFont.Weight = .regular) -> AttributedStringBuilder {
   |                                             `- error: cannot find type 'UIFont' in scope
26 |         self.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: fontSize, weight: weight)
27 |         return self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:34:38: error: cannot find type 'UIColor' in scope
32 |     /// - Parameter color: The color of the text.
33 |     /// - Returns: The builder instance with the updated color.
34 |     func setForegroundColor(_ color: UIColor) -> AttributedStringBuilder {
   |                                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIColor' in scope
35 |         self.foregroundColor = color
36 |         return self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/AttributedStringBuilder.swift:43:38: error: cannot find type 'NSAttributedString' in scope
41 |     /// - Parameter text: The text to be converted to an attributed string.
42 |     /// - Returns: An `NSAttributedString` with the set attributes.
43 |     func build(with text: String) -> NSAttributedString {
   |                                      `- error: cannot find type 'NSAttributedString' in scope
44 |         let attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [
45 |             .font: self.font,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/PrintFormatters.swift:18:64: error: cannot find type 'UISimpleTextPrintFormatter' in scope
16 | /// - Returns: A `UISimpleTextPrintFormatter` configured with the provided string and title.
17 | @MainActor
18 | func printStringFormatter(_ value: String, _ title: String) -> UISimpleTextPrintFormatter {
   |                                                                `- error: cannot find type 'UISimpleTextPrintFormatter' in scope
19 |     // Create attributed string for title using the builder
20 |     let titleStr = AttributedStringBuilder()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/PrintFormatters.swift:45:47: error: cannot find type 'UIViewPrintFormatter' in scope
43 | /// - Returns: A `UIViewPrintFormatter` configured with the provided image.
44 | @MainActor
45 | func printImageFormatter(_ value: UIImage) -> UIViewPrintFormatter {
   |                                               `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewPrintFormatter' in scope
46 |     return UIImageView(image: value).viewPrintFormatter()
47 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/PrintFormatters.swift:45:35: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
43 | /// - Returns: A `UIViewPrintFormatter` configured with the provided image.
44 | @MainActor
45 | func printImageFormatter(_ value: UIImage) -> UIViewPrintFormatter {
   |                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
46 |     return UIImageView(image: value).viewPrintFormatter()
47 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:30:23: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 28 |
 29 |     /// An optional icon for the item.
 30 |     private var icon: UIImage?
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 31 |
 32 |     /// A flag to determine if the print action should be included.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:57:33: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 55 |     /// - Parameter icon: An optional icon for the item.
 56 |     /// - Returns: The builder instance with the updated icon.
 57 |     public func setIcon(_ icon: UIImage?) -> TransportableItemBuilder {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 58 |         self.icon = icon
 59 |         return self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:162:93: error: cannot find type 'UISimpleTextPrintFormatter' in scope
160 | /// - Returns: A `UISimpleTextPrintFormatter` configured with the provided item and title.
161 | @MainActor
162 | fileprivate func createStringFormatter<T: Transportable>(item: T, resolvedTitle: String) -> UISimpleTextPrintFormatter {
    |                                                                                             `- error: cannot find type 'UISimpleTextPrintFormatter' in scope
163 |     switch item {
164 |     case let item as String:
[9/11] Compiling sharelink_for_swiftui ShareLinkButton.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:18:6: error: 'State' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
13 | @available(iOS 14.0, *)
14 | @MainActor
15 | public struct ShareLinkButton<Label: View>: View {
   |               `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing generic struct
16 |
17 |     /// State to control the presentation of the share sheet.
18 |     @State private var isPresented: Bool = false
   |      `- error: 'State' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
19 |
20 |     /// The data to be shared. It can include items like text, images, URLs, etc.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:27:41: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
25 |
26 |     /// Optional custom activities to include in the share sheet.
27 |     private let applicationActivities: [UIActivity]?
   |                                         `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
28 |
29 |     /// Optional activity types to exclude from the share sheet.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:30:41: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
28 |
29 |     /// Optional activity types to exclude from the share sheet.
30 |     private let excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]?
   |                                         `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
31 |
32 |     /// Initializer for `Transportable` items using the builder internally.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:44:15: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
42 |     public init<T: Transportable>(
43 |         item: T,
44 |         icon: UIImage? = nil,
   |               `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
45 |         title: String? = nil,
46 |         printAction: Bool = true,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:47:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
45 |         title: String? = nil,
46 |         printAction: Bool = true,
47 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
48 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
49 |         @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> Label
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:48:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
46 |         printAction: Bool = true,
47 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
48 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
49 |         @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> Label
50 |     ) {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:49:10: error: 'ViewBuilder' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
13 | @available(iOS 14.0, *)
14 | @MainActor
15 | public struct ShareLinkButton<Label: View>: View {
   |               `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing generic struct
16 |
17 |     /// State to control the presentation of the share sheet.
40 |     ///   - excludedActivityTypes: Optional activity types to exclude from the share sheet.
41 |     ///   - label: A closure that provides the label for the button.
42 |     public init<T: Transportable>(
   |            `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing initializer
43 |         item: T,
44 |         icon: UIImage? = nil,
47 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
48 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
49 |         @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> Label
   |          `- error: 'ViewBuilder' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
50 |     ) {
51 |         let builder = TransportableItemBuilder(item: item)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:70:21: error: cannot find type 'UIActivityItemSource' in scope
68 |     ///   - label: A closure that provides the label for the button.
69 |     public init(
70 |         itemSource: UIActivityItemSource,
   |                     `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivityItemSource' in scope
71 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
72 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:71:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
69 |     public init(
70 |         itemSource: UIActivityItemSource,
71 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
72 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
73 |         @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> Label
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:72:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
70 |         itemSource: UIActivityItemSource,
71 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
72 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
73 |         @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> Label
74 |     ) {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:73:10: error: 'ViewBuilder' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
13 | @available(iOS 14.0, *)
14 | @MainActor
15 | public struct ShareLinkButton<Label: View>: View {
   |               `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing generic struct
16 |
17 |     /// State to control the presentation of the share sheet.
67 |     ///   - excludedActivityTypes: Optional activity types to exclude from the share sheet.
68 |     ///   - label: A closure that provides the label for the button.
69 |     public init(
   |            `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing initializer
70 |         itemSource: UIActivityItemSource,
71 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
72 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil,
73 |         @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> Label
   |          `- error: 'ViewBuilder' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
74 |     ) {
75 | = [itemSource]
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:82:27: error: 'View' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
13 | @available(iOS 14.0, *)
14 | @MainActor
15 | public struct ShareLinkButton<Label: View>: View {
   |               `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing generic struct
16 |
17 |     /// State to control the presentation of the share sheet.
80 |
81 |     /// The content and behavior of the view.
82 |     public var body: some View {
   |                |          `- error: 'View' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
   |                `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing property
83 |         Button(action: {
84 |             isPresented = true
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/ShareLinkButton.swift:15:38: error: 'View' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
13 | @available(iOS 14.0, *)
14 | @MainActor
15 | public struct ShareLinkButton<Label: View>: View {
   |               |                      `- error: 'View' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
   |               `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing generic struct
16 |
17 |     /// State to control the presentation of the share sheet.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/utils/TransportableItemBuilder.swift:57:33: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 55 |     /// - Parameter icon: An optional icon for the item.
 56 |     /// - Returns: The builder instance with the updated icon.
 57 |     public func setIcon(_ icon: UIImage?) -> TransportableItemBuilder {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
 58 |         self.icon = icon
 59 |         return self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:39:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
37 |     init(
38 |         data: [Any],
39 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
40 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil
41 |     ) {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:40:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
38 |         data: [Any],
39 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
40 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
41 |     ) {
42 | = data
[10/11] Compiling sharelink_for_swiftui Transportable.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/protocol/Transportable.swift:33:11: error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
31 |
32 | @available(iOS 14.0, *)
33 | extension UIImage: Transportable {
   |           `- error: cannot find type 'UIImage' in scope
34 |     /// Property to extract the named parameter from the image description.
35 |     var namedParameter: String? {
[11/11] Compiling sharelink_for_swiftui ShareLinkView.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:26:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
24 |
25 |     /// Optional custom activities to include in the share sheet.
26 |     let applicationActivities: [UIActivity]?
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
27 |
28 |     /// Optional activity types to exclude from the share sheet.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:29:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
27 |
28 |     /// Optional activity types to exclude from the share sheet.
29 |     let excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]?
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
30 |
31 |     /// Initializes a new `ShareLinkView`.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:39:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
37 |     init(
38 |         data: [Any],
39 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
40 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil
41 |     ) {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:40:33: error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
38 |         data: [Any],
39 |         applicationActivities: [UIActivity]? = nil,
40 |         excludedActivityTypes: [UIActivity.ActivityType]? = nil
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIActivity' in scope
41 |     ) {
42 | = data
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:51:47: error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
49 |     /// - Parameter context: The context in which the view is being created.
50 |     /// - Returns: An `ActivitySheetController` configured with the provided data, application activities, and excluded activity types.
51 |     public func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> ActivitySheetController {
   |                                               `- error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
52 |         let controller = ActivitySheetController(activityItems: data, applicationActivities: applicationActivities)
53 |         controller.excludedActivityTypes = excludedActivityTypes
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:63:94: error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
61 |     ///   - uiViewController: The view controller to be updated.
62 |     ///   - context: The context in which the view is being updated.
63 |     public func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: ActivitySheetController, context: Context) {}
   |                                                                                              `- error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
64 | }
65 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:20:23: error: cannot find type 'UIViewControllerRepresentable' in scope
18 |
19 | /// A SwiftUI view that wraps a `UIActivityViewController` to share data.
20 | struct ShareLinkView: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
   |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewControllerRepresentable' in scope
21 |
22 |     /// The data to be shared. It can include items like text, images, URLs, etc.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:52:49: error: argument passed to call that takes no arguments
50 |     /// - Returns: An `ActivitySheetController` configured with the provided data, application activities, and excluded activity types.
51 |     public func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> ActivitySheetController {
52 |         let controller = ActivitySheetController(activityItems: data, applicationActivities: applicationActivities)
   |                                                 `- error: argument passed to call that takes no arguments
53 |         controller.excludedActivityTypes = excludedActivityTypes
54 |         controller.modalPresentationStyle = .popover
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/sharelink-for-swiftui/swiftui/ShareLinkView.swift:54:46: error: cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'popover'
52 |         let controller = ActivitySheetController(activityItems: data, applicationActivities: applicationActivities)
53 |         controller.excludedActivityTypes = excludedActivityTypes
54 |         controller.modalPresentationStyle = .popover
   |                                              `- error: cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'popover'
55 |         return controller
56 |     }
BUILD FAILURE 6.0 macosSpm