The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of MusicXML with Swift 5.10 for Linux.

Build Command

bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4609320-1":/host -w "$workDir" swift build 2>&1

Build Log

Builder version: 4.29.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: latest
Initialized empty Git repository in /host/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint: 	git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint: 	git branch -m <name>
 * branch            latest     -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      latest     -> origin/latest
HEAD is now at bd65d61 Implement DynamicNodeEncoding (#232)
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at latest
Selected platform:         linux
Swift version:             5.10
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4609320-1":/host -w "$workDir" swift build 2>&1
[1/8829] Fetching yams
[90/18840] Fetching yams, xmlcoder
Fetched from cache (0.99s)
Fetched from cache (1.02s)
Computing version for
Computed at 2.0.0 (0.43s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.11.1 (0.44s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.11.1
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 2.0.0
Building for debugging...
[0/3] Write sources
[2/3] Write swift-version-24593BA9C3E375BF.txt
[4/45] Emitting module XMLCoder
[5/50] Compiling XMLCoder DoubleBox.swift
[6/50] Compiling XMLCoder FloatBox.swift
[7/50] Compiling XMLCoder IntBox.swift
[8/50] Compiling XMLCoder KeyedBox.swift
[9/50] Compiling XMLCoder NullBox.swift
[10/50] Compiling XMLCoder SharedBox.swift
[11/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLEncoderImplementation.swift
[12/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLEncodingStorage.swift
[13/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLKeyedEncodingContainer.swift
[14/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLReferencingEncoder.swift
[15/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLUnkeyedEncodingContainer.swift
[16/50] Compiling XMLCoder BoolBox.swift
[17/50] Compiling XMLCoder Box.swift
[18/50] Compiling XMLCoder ChoiceBox.swift
[19/50] Compiling XMLCoder DataBox.swift
[20/50] Compiling XMLCoder DateBox.swift
[21/50] Compiling XMLCoder DecimalBox.swift
[22/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLHeader.swift
[23/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLKey.swift
[24/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLStackParser.swift
[25/50] Compiling XMLCoder DecodingErrorExtension.swift
[26/50] Compiling XMLCoder DynamicNodeDecoding.swift
[27/50] Compiling XMLCoder SingleValueDecodingContainer.swift
[28/50] Compiling XMLCoder SingleKeyedBox.swift
[29/50] Compiling XMLCoder StringBox.swift
[30/50] Compiling XMLCoder UIntBox.swift
[31/50] Compiling XMLCoder URLBox.swift
[32/50] Compiling XMLCoder UnkeyedBox.swift
[33/50] Compiling XMLCoder ValueBox.swift
[34/50] Compiling XMLCoder DynamicNodeEncoding.swift
[35/50] Compiling XMLCoder EncodingErrorExtension.swift
[36/50] Compiling XMLCoder SingleValueEncodingContainer.swift
[37/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLChoiceEncodingContainer.swift
[38/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLEncoder.swift
[39/50] Compiling XMLCoder ISO8601DateFormatter.swift
[40/50] Compiling XMLCoder KeyedStorage.swift
[41/50] Compiling XMLCoder Metatypes.swift
[42/50] Compiling XMLCoder String+Extensions.swift
[43/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLChoiceCodingKey.swift
[44/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLCoderElement.swift
[45/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLChoiceDecodingContainer.swift
[46/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLDecoder.swift
[47/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLDecoderImplementation.swift
[48/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLDecodingStorage.swift
[49/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLKeyedDecodingContainer.swift
[50/50] Compiling XMLCoder XMLUnkeyedDecodingContainer.swift
[52/223] Compiling MusicXML Opus.swift
[53/223] Compiling MusicXML Ornament.swift
[54/223] Compiling MusicXML Ornaments.swift
[55/223] Compiling MusicXML OtherAppearance.swift
[56/223] Compiling MusicXML OtherDirection.swift
[57/223] Compiling MusicXML OtherDynamics.swift
[58/223] Compiling MusicXML OtherNotation.swift
[59/223] Compiling MusicXML OtherPlay.swift
[60/223] Compiling MusicXML PageLayout.swift
[61/223] Compiling MusicXML PageMargins.swift
[62/223] Compiling MusicXML PartGroup.swift
[63/223] Compiling MusicXML PartList.swift
[64/223] Compiling MusicXML PartName.swift
[65/223] Compiling MusicXML PartSymbol.swift
[66/223] Compiling MusicXML Partwise.Measure.swift
[67/223] Compiling MusicXML Partwise.Part.swift
[68/223] Compiling MusicXML Partwise.swift
[69/223] Compiling MusicXML Pedal.swift
[70/223] Compiling MusicXML PedalTuning.swift
[71/223] Compiling MusicXML PerMinute.swift
[72/223] Compiling MusicXML Percussion.swift
[73/223] Compiling MusicXML Pitch.swift
[74/223] Compiling MusicXML PitchUnpitchedRest.swift
[75/223] Compiling MusicXML PlacementPrintStyle.swift
[76/247] Compiling MusicXML HoleClosed.swift
[77/247] Compiling MusicXML HorizontalTurn.swift
[78/247] Compiling MusicXML Identification.swift
[79/247] Compiling MusicXML Image.swift
[80/247] Compiling MusicXML Instrument.swift
[81/247] Compiling MusicXML Interchangeable.swift
[82/247] Compiling MusicXML ComplexTypesInternalConformance.swift
[83/247] Compiling MusicXML Inversion.swift
[84/247] Compiling MusicXML Justify.swift
[85/247] Compiling MusicXML Key.swift
[86/247] Compiling MusicXML KeyOctave.swift
[87/247] Compiling MusicXML Kind.swift
[88/247] Compiling MusicXML Level.swift
[89/247] Compiling MusicXML LevelDisplay.swift
[90/247] Compiling MusicXML Line.swift
[91/247] Compiling MusicXML LineWidth.swift
[92/247] Compiling MusicXML LinearArrow.swift
[93/247] Compiling MusicXML Link.swift
[94/247] Compiling MusicXML Lyric.swift
[95/247] Compiling MusicXML LyricFont.swift
[96/247] Compiling MusicXML LyricLanguage.swift
[97/247] Compiling MusicXML MIDIDevice.swift
[98/247] Compiling MusicXML MIDIInstrument.swift
[99/247] Compiling MusicXML MeasureAttributes.swift
[100/271] Compiling MusicXML Figure.swift
[101/271] Compiling MusicXML FiguredBass.swift
[102/271] Compiling MusicXML Fingering.swift
[103/271] Compiling MusicXML FirstFret.swift
[104/271] Compiling MusicXML Font.swift
[105/271] Compiling MusicXML FormattedText.swift
[106/271] Compiling MusicXML Forward.swift
[107/271] Compiling MusicXML Frame.swift
[108/271] Compiling MusicXML FrameNote.swift
[109/271] Compiling MusicXML Fret.swift
[110/271] Compiling MusicXML Glissando.swift
[111/271] Compiling MusicXML Grace.swift
[112/271] Compiling MusicXML GroupBarline.swift
[113/271] Compiling MusicXML GroupName.swift
[114/271] Compiling MusicXML GroupSymbol.swift
[115/271] Compiling MusicXML Grouping.swift
[116/271] Compiling MusicXML HammerOnPullOff.swift
[117/271] Compiling MusicXML Handbell.swift
[118/271] Compiling MusicXML Harmonic.swift
[119/271] Compiling MusicXML Harmony.swift
[120/271] Compiling MusicXML HarmonyChord.swift
[121/271] Compiling MusicXML HarpPedals.swift
[122/271] Compiling MusicXML Header.swift
[123/271] Compiling MusicXML HeelToe.swift
[124/271] Compiling MusicXML Hole.swift
[125/295] Compiling MusicXML Accidental.swift
[126/295] Compiling MusicXML AccidentalMark.swift
[127/295] Compiling MusicXML AccidentalText.swift
[128/295] Compiling MusicXML Accord.swift
[129/295] Compiling MusicXML AccordionRegistration.swift
[130/295] Compiling MusicXML Appearance.swift
[131/295] Compiling MusicXML Arpeggiate.swift
[132/295] Compiling MusicXML Arrow.swift
[133/295] Compiling MusicXML Articulation.swift
[134/295] Compiling MusicXML Articulations.swift
[135/295] Compiling MusicXML Attributes.swift
[136/295] Compiling MusicXML Backup.swift
[137/295] Compiling MusicXML BarStyleColor.swift
[138/295] Compiling MusicXML Barline.swift
[139/295] Compiling MusicXML Barre.swift
[140/295] Compiling MusicXML Bass.swift
[141/295] Compiling MusicXML BassAlter.swift
[142/295] Compiling MusicXML BassStep.swift
[143/295] Compiling MusicXML Beam.swift
[144/295] Compiling MusicXML BeatRepeat.swift
[145/295] Compiling MusicXML Beater.swift
[146/295] Compiling MusicXML Bend.swift
[147/295] Compiling MusicXML BendSound.swift
[148/295] Compiling MusicXML Bezier.swift
[149/295] Compiling MusicXML Bookmark.swift
[150/319] Compiling MusicXML Bracket.swift
[151/319] Compiling MusicXML BreathMark.swift
[152/319] Compiling MusicXML Cancel.swift
[153/319] Compiling MusicXML Clef.swift
[154/319] Compiling MusicXML Creator.swift
[155/319] Compiling MusicXML Credit.swift
[156/319] Compiling MusicXML DashedFormatting.swift
[157/319] Compiling MusicXML Dashes.swift
[158/319] Compiling MusicXML Defaults.swift
[159/319] Compiling MusicXML Degree.swift
[160/319] Compiling MusicXML DegreeAlter.swift
[161/319] Compiling MusicXML DegreeType.swift
[162/319] Compiling MusicXML DegreeValue.swift
[163/319] Compiling MusicXML Direction.swift
[164/319] Compiling MusicXML DirectionType.swift
[165/319] Compiling MusicXML Distance.swift
[166/319] Compiling MusicXML Dynamic.swift
[167/319] Compiling MusicXML Dynamics.swift
[168/319] Compiling MusicXML Editorial.swift
[169/319] Compiling MusicXML EditorialVoice.swift
[170/319] Compiling MusicXML Encoding.swift
[171/319] Compiling MusicXML Ending.swift
[172/319] Compiling MusicXML Extend.swift
[173/319] Compiling MusicXML Feature.swift
[174/319] Compiling MusicXML Fermata.swift
[175/319] Compiling MusicXML PlacementText.swift
[176/319] Compiling MusicXML Play.swift
[177/319] Compiling MusicXML Position.swift
[178/319] Compiling MusicXML PrincipleVoice.swift
[179/319] Compiling MusicXML Print.swift
[180/319] Compiling MusicXML PrintStyle.swift
[181/319] Compiling MusicXML PrintStyleAlign.swift
[182/319] Compiling MusicXML PrintStyleAlignObject.swift
[183/319] Compiling MusicXML PrintStyleTrillSound.swift
[184/319] Compiling MusicXML Printout.swift
[185/319] Compiling MusicXML Repeat.swift
[186/319] Compiling MusicXML Rest.swift
[187/319] Compiling MusicXML Rights.swift
[188/319] Compiling MusicXML Root.swift
[189/319] Compiling MusicXML RootAlter.swift
[190/319] Compiling MusicXML RootStep.swift
[191/319] Compiling MusicXML SMuFL.swift
[192/319] Compiling MusicXML SMuFLGlyph.swift
[193/319] Compiling MusicXML Scaling.swift
[194/319] Compiling MusicXML Scordatura.swift
[195/319] Compiling MusicXML Score.swift
[196/319] Compiling MusicXML ScoreInstrument.swift
[197/319] Compiling MusicXML ScorePart.swift
[198/319] Compiling MusicXML Slash.swift
[199/319] Compiling MusicXML MeasureLayout.swift
[200/319] Compiling MusicXML MeasureNumbering.swift
[201/319] Compiling MusicXML MeasureRepeat.swift
[202/319] Compiling MusicXML MeasureStyle.swift
[203/319] Compiling MusicXML Metronome.swift
[204/319] Compiling MusicXML MetronomeBeam.swift
[205/319] Compiling MusicXML MetronomeNote.swift
[206/319] Compiling MusicXML MetronomeTuplet.swift
[207/319] Compiling MusicXML Miscellaneous.swift
[208/319] Compiling MusicXML MiscellaneousField.swift
[209/319] Compiling MusicXML Mordent.swift
[210/319] Compiling MusicXML MultipleRest.swift
[211/319] Compiling MusicXML MusicData.swift
[212/319] Compiling MusicXML MusicXML.String.swift
[213/319] Compiling MusicXML NameDisplay.swift
[214/319] Compiling MusicXML NonArpeggiate.swift
[215/319] Compiling MusicXML Notations.swift
[216/319] Compiling MusicXML Note.swift
[217/319] Compiling MusicXML NoteSize.swift
[218/319] Compiling MusicXML NoteType.swift
[219/319] Compiling MusicXML Notehead.swift
[220/319] Compiling MusicXML NoteheadText.swift
[221/319] Compiling MusicXML OctaveShift.swift
[222/319] Compiling MusicXML Offset.swift
[223/367] Compiling MusicXML Fifths.swift
[224/367] Compiling MusicXML FontSize.swift
[225/367] Compiling MusicXML FontStyle.swift
[226/367] Compiling MusicXML FontWeight.swift
[227/367] Compiling MusicXML Glass.swift
[228/367] Compiling MusicXML GroupBarlineValue.swift
[229/367] Compiling MusicXML GroupSymbolValue.swift
[230/367] Compiling MusicXML HandbellValue.swift
[231/367] Compiling MusicXML HarmonyType.swift
[232/367] Compiling MusicXML HoleClosedLocation.swift
[233/367] Compiling MusicXML HoleClosedValue.swift
[234/367] Compiling MusicXML KindValue.swift
[235/367] Compiling MusicXML LeftCenterRight.swift
[236/367] Compiling MusicXML LeftRight.swift
[237/367] Compiling MusicXML LineEnd.swift
[238/367] Compiling MusicXML LineShape.swift
[239/367] Compiling MusicXML LineType.swift
[240/367] Compiling MusicXML LineWidthType.swift
[241/367] Compiling MusicXML MarginType.swift
[242/367] Compiling MusicXML MeasureNumberingValue.swift
[243/367] Compiling MusicXML Membrane.swift
[244/367] Compiling MusicXML Metal.swift
[245/367] Compiling MusicXML Mode.swift
[246/367] Compiling MusicXML MusicXML.swift
[247/367] Compiling MusicXML AccordionMiddle.swift
[248/367] Compiling MusicXML ArrowDirection.swift
[249/367] Compiling MusicXML ArrowStyle.swift
[250/367] Compiling MusicXML BackwardForward.swift
[251/367] Compiling MusicXML BarStyle.swift
[252/367] Compiling MusicXML BeamLevel.swift
[253/367] Compiling MusicXML BeamValue.swift
[254/367] Compiling MusicXML BeaterValue.swift
[255/367] Compiling MusicXML BreathMarkValue.swift
[256/367] Compiling MusicXML CSSFontSize.swift
[257/367] Compiling MusicXML CancelLocation.swift
[258/367] Compiling MusicXML CircularArrow.swift
[259/367] Compiling MusicXML ClefSign.swift
[260/367] Compiling MusicXML Color.swift
[261/367] Compiling MusicXML CommaSeparatedText.swift
[262/367] Compiling MusicXML DegreeSymbolValue.swift
[263/367] Compiling MusicXML DegreeTypeValue.swift
[264/367] Compiling MusicXML DistanceType.swift
[265/367] Compiling MusicXML Divisions.swift
[266/367] Compiling MusicXML Effect.swift
[267/367] Compiling MusicXML EnclosureShape.swift
[268/367] Compiling MusicXML EndingNumber.swift
[269/367] Compiling MusicXML Fan.swift
[270/367] Compiling MusicXML FermataShape.swift
[271/367] Compiling MusicXML Mute.swift
[272/367] Compiling MusicXML NonNegativeDecimal.swift
[273/367] Compiling MusicXML NoteSizeType.swift
[274/367] Compiling MusicXML NoteTypeValue.swift
[275/367] Compiling MusicXML NoteheadValue.swift
[276/367] Compiling MusicXML NumberOrNormal.swift
[277/367] Compiling MusicXML OnOff.swift
[278/367] Compiling MusicXML OverUnder.swift
[279/367] Compiling MusicXML Pitched.swift
[280/367] Compiling MusicXML PrincipleVoiceSymbol.swift
[281/367] Compiling MusicXML RightLeftMiddle.swift
[282/367] Compiling MusicXML SemiPitched.swift
[283/367] Compiling MusicXML ShowFrets.swift
[284/367] Compiling MusicXML ShowTuplet.swift
[285/367] Compiling MusicXML StaffType.swift
[286/367] Compiling MusicXML StartNote.swift
[287/367] Compiling MusicXML StartStop.swift
[288/367] Compiling MusicXML StartStopChangeContinue.swift
[289/367] Compiling MusicXML StartStopContinue.swift
[290/367] Compiling MusicXML StartStopDiscontinue.swift
[291/367] Compiling MusicXML StartStopSingle.swift
[292/367] Compiling MusicXML StemValue.swift
[293/367] Compiling MusicXML Step.swift
[294/367] Compiling MusicXML StickLocation.swift
[295/367] Compiling MusicXML StickMaterial.swift
[296/367] Compiling MusicXML StickType.swift
[297/367] Compiling MusicXML Syllabic.swift
[298/367] Compiling MusicXML SymbolSize.swift
[299/367] Compiling MusicXML Tenths.swift
[300/367] Compiling MusicXML TextDirection.swift
[301/367] Compiling MusicXML TimeOnly.swift
[302/367] Compiling MusicXML TimeRelation.swift
[303/367] Compiling MusicXML TimeSeparator.swift
[304/367] Compiling MusicXML TimeSymbol.swift
[305/367] Compiling MusicXML TipDirection.swift
[306/367] Compiling MusicXML TopBottom.swift
[307/367] Compiling MusicXML TrillStep.swift
[308/367] Compiling MusicXML TwoNoteTurn.swift
[309/367] Compiling MusicXML UpDown.swift
[310/367] Compiling MusicXML UpDownStopContinue.swift
[311/367] Compiling MusicXML UprightInverted.swift
[312/367] Compiling MusicXML VAlign.swift
[313/367] Compiling MusicXML VAlignImage.swift
[314/367] Compiling MusicXML WedgeType.swift
[315/367] Compiling MusicXML Winged.swift
[316/367] Compiling MusicXML Wood.swift
[317/367] Compiling MusicXML YesNo.swift
[318/367] Compiling MusicXML YesNoNumber.swift
[319/367] Compiling MusicXML TimeModification.swift
[320/367] Compiling MusicXML Timewise.Measure.swift
[321/367] Compiling MusicXML Timewise.Part.swift
[322/367] Compiling MusicXML Timewise.swift
[323/367] Compiling MusicXML Transpose.swift
[324/367] Compiling MusicXML Tremolo.swift
[325/367] Compiling MusicXML TrillSound.swift
[326/367] Compiling MusicXML Tuplet.swift
[327/367] Compiling MusicXML TupletDot.swift
[328/367] Compiling MusicXML TupletNumber.swift
[329/367] Compiling MusicXML TupletPortion.swift
[330/367] Compiling MusicXML TupletType.swift
[331/367] Compiling MusicXML Unpitched.swift
[332/367] Compiling MusicXML VirtualInstrument.swift
[333/367] Compiling MusicXML WavyLine.swift
[334/367] Compiling MusicXML Wedge.swift
[335/367] Compiling MusicXML Work.swift
[336/367] Compiling MusicXML Decoding.swift
[337/367] Compiling MusicXML AttributeGroup.swift
[338/367] Compiling MusicXML Decoder.swift
[339/367] Compiling MusicXML Empty.swift
[340/367] Compiling MusicXML XMLAttributeGroupCodingKey.swift
[341/367] Compiling MusicXML AboveBelow.swift
[342/367] Compiling MusicXML AccidentalValue.swift
[343/367] Compiling MusicXML Slide.swift
[344/367] Compiling MusicXML Slur.swift
[345/367] Compiling MusicXML Sound.swift
[346/367] Compiling MusicXML StaffDetails.swift
[347/367] Compiling MusicXML StaffLayout.swift
[348/367] Compiling MusicXML StaffTuning.swift
[349/367] Compiling MusicXML Stem.swift
[350/367] Compiling MusicXML Stick.swift
[351/367] Compiling MusicXML StringMute.swift
[352/367] Compiling MusicXML StrongAccent.swift
[353/367] Compiling MusicXML StyleText.swift
[354/367] Compiling MusicXML Supports.swift
[355/367] Compiling MusicXML SystemDividers.swift
[356/367] Compiling MusicXML SystemLayout.swift
[357/367] Compiling MusicXML SystemMargins.swift
[358/367] Compiling MusicXML Technical.swift
[359/367] Compiling MusicXML Technique.swift
[360/367] Compiling MusicXML TextDecoration.swift
[361/367] Compiling MusicXML TextElementData.swift
[362/367] Compiling MusicXML TextFontColor.swift
[363/367] Compiling MusicXML Tie.swift
[364/367] Compiling MusicXML Tied.swift
[365/367] Compiling MusicXML Ties.swift
[366/367] Compiling MusicXML Time.swift
[367/367] Emitting module MusicXML
Build complete! (30.49s)
Build complete.