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Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of swift-create-xcframework, reference main (88472e), with Swift 6.0 for macOS (SPM) on 2 Nov 2024 15:21:52 UTC.

Swift 6 data race errors: 3

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

Builder version: 4.56.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at 88472e8 Update
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at main
[1/141934] Fetching swift-package-manager
Fetched from cache (9.96s)
[1/6522] Fetching swift-tools-support-core
Fetched from cache (1.42s)
[1/28305] Fetching swift-llbuild
Fetched from cache (2.90s)
[1/31947] Fetching swift-driver
Fetched from cache (2.47s)
[1/3901] Fetching swift-system
[509/19376] Fetching swift-system, swift-collections
[664/31729] Fetching swift-system, swift-collections, swift-argument-parser
[665/41631] Fetching swift-system, swift-collections, swift-argument-parser, yams
[821/52047] Fetching swift-system, swift-collections, swift-argument-parser, yams, swift-crypto
Fetched from cache (1.34s)
[1706/48146] Fetching swift-collections, swift-argument-parser, yams, swift-crypto
Fetched from cache (4.52s)
[7993/35793] Fetching swift-collections, yams, swift-crypto
Fetched from cache (16.24s)
Fetched from cache (16.24s)
[7625/9902] Fetching yams
Fetched from cache (19.11s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.3 (0.66s)
Computing version for
Computed at 4.0.6 (0.61s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.1.1 (0.62s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.2 (0.66s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.1.7 (0.65s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.2
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at release/5.7 (9f3157b)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.1.7
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at release/5.7 (e2c27ee)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.3
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.1.1
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 4.0.6
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at release/5.7 (184eba3)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at release/5.7 (3d1af45)
Resolving dependencies ...
  "identity": ".resolve-product-dependencies",
  "name": "resolve-dependencies",
  "url": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies",
  "version": "unspecified",
  "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies",
  "dependencies": [
      "identity": "swift-create-xcframework",
      "name": "swift-create-xcframework",
      "url": "",
      "version": "unspecified",
      "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-create-xcframework",
      "dependencies": [
          "identity": "swift-argument-parser",
          "name": "swift-argument-parser",
          "url": "",
          "version": "1.0.3",
          "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-argument-parser",
          "dependencies": [
          "identity": "swift-package-manager",
          "name": "SwiftPM",
          "url": "",
          "version": "unspecified",
          "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-package-manager",
          "dependencies": [
              "identity": "swift-llbuild",
              "name": "llbuild",
              "url": "",
              "version": "unspecified",
              "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-llbuild",
              "dependencies": [
              "identity": "swift-tools-support-core",
              "name": "swift-tools-support-core",
              "url": "",
              "version": "unspecified",
              "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-tools-support-core",
              "dependencies": [
                  "identity": "swift-system",
                  "name": "swift-system",
                  "url": "",
                  "version": "1.1.1",
                  "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-system",
                  "dependencies": [
              "identity": "swift-driver",
              "name": "swift-driver",
              "url": "",
              "version": "unspecified",
              "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-driver",
              "dependencies": [
                  "identity": "swift-llbuild",
                  "name": "llbuild",
                  "url": "",
                  "version": "unspecified",
                  "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-llbuild",
                  "dependencies": [
                  "identity": "swift-tools-support-core",
                  "name": "swift-tools-support-core",
                  "url": "",
                  "version": "unspecified",
                  "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-tools-support-core",
                  "dependencies": [
                      "identity": "swift-system",
                      "name": "swift-system",
                      "url": "",
                      "version": "1.1.1",
                      "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-system",
                      "dependencies": [
                  "identity": "yams",
                  "name": "Yams",
                  "url": "",
                  "version": "4.0.6",
                  "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/Yams",
                  "dependencies": [
                  "identity": "swift-argument-parser",
                  "name": "swift-argument-parser",
                  "url": "",
                  "version": "1.0.3",
                  "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-argument-parser",
                  "dependencies": [
              "identity": "swift-crypto",
              "name": "swift-crypto",
              "url": "",
              "version": "1.1.7",
              "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-crypto",
              "dependencies": [
              "identity": "swift-system",
              "name": "swift-system",
              "url": "",
              "version": "1.1.1",
              "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-system",
              "dependencies": [
              "identity": "swift-collections",
              "name": "swift-collections",
              "url": "",
              "version": "1.0.6",
              "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-collections",
              "dependencies": [
          "identity": "swift-tools-support-core",
          "name": "swift-tools-support-core",
          "url": "",
          "version": "unspecified",
          "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-tools-support-core",
          "dependencies": [
              "identity": "swift-system",
              "name": "swift-system",
              "url": "",
              "version": "1.1.1",
              "path": "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/swift-system",
              "dependencies": [
[1/804] Fetching swift-create-xcframework
Fetched from cache (0.93s)
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (1.20s)
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.74s)
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.93s)
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.83s)
Fetching from cache
Fetching from cache
Fetching from cache
Fetching from cache
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.62s)
Fetched from cache (0.62s)
Fetched from cache (0.62s)
Fetched from cache (0.63s)
Fetched from cache (0.63s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.3 (0.04s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.1.1 (0.03s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.1.7 (0.03s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.6 (0.67s)
Computing version for
Computed at 4.0.6 (0.03s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at release/5.7 (564424d)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.6
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at release/5.7 (286b48b)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at release/5.7 (c6e40ad)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.3
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 4.0.6
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.1.7
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.1.1
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at release/5.7 (82b274a)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at main (88472e8)
Found 3 product dependencies
  - swift-argument-parser
  - SwiftPM
  - swift-tools-support-core
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $PWD
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete
Building for debugging...
[0/538] Write sources
[8/538] Write swift-create-xcframework-entitlement.plist
[9/538] Write swift-version--7754E27361AE5C74.txt
[10/538] Compiling llvmSupport UnicodeCaseFold.cpp
[11/538] Compiling llvmSupport Valgrind.cpp
[12/538] Compiling llvmSupport StringSaver.cpp
[13/538] Compiling llvmSupport circular_raw_ostream.cpp
[13/538] Compiling llvmSupport Twine.cpp
[13/538] Compiling llvmSupport Unicode.cpp
[13/538] Compiling llvmSupport StringRef.cpp
[17/538] Compiling llvmSupport Threading.cpp
[18/538] Compiling llvmSupport Triple.cpp
[19/538] Compiling llvmSupport TargetParser.cpp
[20/538] Compiling llvmSupport raw_ostream.cpp
[21/538] Compiling llvmSupport SmallVector.cpp
[22/538] Compiling llvmSupport YAMLParser.cpp
[23/538] Compiling llvmSupport SmallPtrSet.cpp
[24/538] Compiling llvmSupport StringMap.cpp
[25/538] Compiling llvmSupport StringExtras.cpp
[26/538] Compiling llvmSupport Program.cpp
[27/538] Compiling llvmSupport Process.cpp
[28/538] Compiling llvmSupport Signals.cpp
[29/538] Compiling llvmSupport Options.cpp
[30/538] Compiling llvmSupport NativeFormatting.cpp
[31/538] Compiling llvmSupport Mutex.cpp
[32/538] Compiling llvmSupport SourceMgr.cpp
[33/538] Compiling llvmSupport Path.cpp
[34/538] Compiling llvmSupport MathExtras.cpp
[35/538] Compiling llvmSupport Memory.cpp
[36/538] Compiling llvmSupport MemoryBuffer.cpp
[37/538] Compiling llvmSupport ManagedStatic.cpp
[38/538] Compiling llvmSupport Locale.cpp
[39/538] Compiling llvmSupport MD5.cpp
[40/538] Compiling llvmSupport Hashing.cpp
[41/538] Compiling llvmSupport FormatVariadic.cpp
[42/538] Compiling llvmSupport FoldingSet.cpp
[43/538] Compiling llvmSupport ErrorHandling.cpp
[44/538] Compiling llvmSupport Host.cpp
[45/538] Compiling llvmSupport FileUtilities.cpp
[46/538] Compiling llvmSupport Errno.cpp
[47/538] Compiling llvmSupport Atomic.cpp
[48/538] Compiling llvmSupport ConvertUTF.cpp
[49/538] Compiling llvmSupport Debug.cpp
[50/538] Compiling llvmSupport DJB.cpp
[51/538] Compiling llvmSupport Error.cpp
[51/538] Write sources
[53/538] Compiling llvmSupport ConvertUTFWrapper.cpp
[54/538] Compiling llvmSupport Allocator.cpp
[55/538] Compiling llvmSupport Chrono.cpp
[56/538] Compiling llvmDemangle MicrosoftDemangle.cpp
[57/538] Compiling llvmSupport APSInt.cpp
[58/538] Compiling llvmSupport APInt.cpp
[59/538] Compiling llbuildNinja Parser.cpp
[60/538] Compiling llvmDemangle ItaniumDemangle.cpp
[61/538] Compiling llvmSupport APFloat.cpp
[62/538] Compiling llvmSupport CommandLine.cpp
[63/538] Compiling llbuildNinja Lexer.cpp
[64/538] Compiling llbuildCore MakefileDepsParser.cpp
[65/538] Compiling llbuildCore DependencyInfoParser.cpp
[66/538] Compiling llbuildNinja Manifest.cpp
[67/538] Compiling llbuildCore SQLiteBuildDB.cpp
[68/538] Compiling llbuildNinja ManifestLoader.cpp
[69/538] Compiling llbuildCore BuildEngineTrace.cpp
[70/538] Compiling llbuildCore BuildDB.cpp
[71/538] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildValue.cpp
[72/538] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem ExternalCommand.cpp
[73/538] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem ShellCommand.cpp
[74/538] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildNode.cpp
[75/538] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildSystemExtensionManager.cpp
[76/538] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildKey.cpp
[77/538] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildSystemFrontend.cpp
[78/538] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildDescription.cpp
[79/538] Compiling llbuildBasic Version.cpp
[80/538] Compiling llbuildCore BuildEngine.cpp
[81/538] Compiling llbuildBasic Tracing.cpp
[82/538] Compiling llbuildBasic ShellUtility.cpp
[83/538] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildFile.cpp
[84/538] Compiling llbuildBasic PlatformUtility.cpp
[85/538] Compiling llbuildBasic Hashing.cpp
[86/538] Compiling llbuildBasic Subprocess.cpp
[87/538] Compiling llbuildBasic FileSystem.cpp
[88/538] Compiling llbuildBasic FileInfo.cpp
[89/538] Compiling llbuildBasic SerialQueue.cpp
[90/538] Compiling llbuildBasic ExecutionQueue.cpp
[90/538] Write sources
[92/538] Compiling TSCclibc process.c
[93/538] Compiling TSCclibc libc.c
[94/538] Write sources
[103/538] Compiling libllbuild C-API.cpp
[104/538] Write sources
[111/538] Compiling llbuildBasic LaneBasedExecutionQueue.cpp
[112/540] Compiling libllbuild Ninja-C-API.cpp
[113/543] Compiling libllbuild Core-C-API.cpp
[114/560] Compiling writer.c
[115/589] Compiling reader.c
[116/589] Compiling parser.c
[117/589] Compiling libllbuild BuildValue-C-API.cpp
[118/589] Compiling scanner.c
[119/589] Compiling CSystem shims.c
[120/589] Compiling api.c
[121/589] Compiling emitter.c
[122/589] Compiling CSwiftScan CSwiftScanImpl.c
[123/625] Compiling libllbuild BuildKey-C-API.cpp
[124/625] Compiling CCryptoBoringSSLShims shims.c
[125/625] Compiling v3_skey.c
[126/625] Compiling v3_utl.c
[127/625] Compiling libllbuild BuildDB-C-API.cpp
[128/625] Compiling v3_purp.c
[129/625] Compiling v3_prn.c
[130/625] Compiling v3_pmaps.c
[131/625] Compiling v3_pcons.c
[132/625] Compiling v3_pcia.c
[133/625] Compiling v3_ocsp.c
[134/625] Compiling v3_pci.c
[135/625] Compiling v3_ncons.c
[136/625] Compiling v3_lib.c
[137/625] Compiling v3_int.c
[138/625] Compiling v3_info.c
[139/625] Compiling libllbuild BuildSystem-C-API.cpp
[140/625] Compiling v3_ia5.c
[141/625] Compiling v3_genn.c
[142/625] Compiling v3_extku.c
[143/633] Compiling v3_enum.c
[144/633] Compiling v3_crld.c
[145/633] Compiling v3_cpols.c
[146/633] Compiling v3_conf.c
[147/633] Compiling v3_bitst.c
[148/633] Compiling v3_bcons.c
[149/633] Compiling v3_alt.c
[150/633] Compiling v3_akeya.c
[151/633] Compiling v3_akey.c
[152/633] Compiling pcy_tree.c
[153/633] Compiling pcy_map.c
[154/633] Compiling pcy_node.c
[155/633] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildSystem.cpp
[156/633] Compiling pcy_data.c
[157/633] Compiling pcy_lib.c
[158/633] Compiling pcy_cache.c
[159/633] Compiling x_x509a.c
[160/633] Compiling x_val.c
[161/633] Compiling x_spki.c
[162/633] Compiling x_sig.c
[163/633] Compiling x_x509.c
[164/633] Compiling x_req.c
[165/633] Compiling x_pubkey.c
[166/633] Compiling x_pkey.c
[167/633] Compiling x_name.c
[168/633] Compiling x_info.c
[169/633] Compiling x_exten.c
[170/633] Compiling x_attrib.c
[171/633] Compiling x_algor.c
[172/633] Compiling x_crl.c
[173/633] Compiling x_all.c
[174/633] Compiling x509rset.c
[175/633] Compiling x509name.c
[176/633] Compiling x509spki.c
[177/633] Compiling x509cset.c
[178/633] Compiling x509_txt.c
[179/633] Compiling x509_v3.c
[180/633] Compiling x509_vpm.c
[181/633] Compiling x509_vfy.c
[182/633] Compiling x509_req.c
[183/633] Compiling x509_set.c
[184/633] Compiling x509_trs.c
[185/633] Compiling x509_obj.c
[186/633] Compiling x509_def.c
[187/633] Compiling x509_ext.c
[188/633] Compiling x509_lu.c
[189/633] Compiling x509_d2.c
[190/633] Compiling x509_att.c
[191/633] Compiling x509.c
[192/633] Compiling x509_cmp.c
[193/633] Compiling t_x509a.c
[194/633] Compiling t_req.c
[195/633] Compiling t_x509.c
[196/633] Compiling rsa_pss.c
[197/633] Compiling t_crl.c
[198/633] Compiling i2d_pr.c
[199/633] Compiling by_file.c
[200/633] Compiling algorithm.c
[201/633] Compiling asn1_gen.c
[202/633] Compiling a_verify.c
[203/633] Compiling a_strex.c
[204/633] Compiling a_sign.c
[205/633] Compiling a_digest.c
[206/633] Compiling voprf.c
[207/633] Compiling thread_win.c
[208/633] Compiling trust_token.c
[209/633] Compiling thread_pthread.c
[210/633] Compiling thread_none.c
[211/633] Compiling thread.c
[212/633] Compiling stack.c
[213/633] Compiling pmbtoken.c
[214/633] Compiling siphash.c
[215/633] Compiling rsa_print.c
[216/633] Compiling refcount_lock.c
[217/633] Compiling refcount_c11.c
[218/633] Compiling rc4.c
[219/633] Compiling rsa_asn1.c
[220/633] Compiling windows.c
[221/633] Compiling rand_extra.c
[222/633] Compiling passive.c
[223/633] Compiling fuchsia.c
[224/633] Compiling forkunsafe.c
[225/633] Compiling deterministic.c
[226/633] Compiling poly1305_arm_asm.S
[227/633] Compiling poly1305_vec.c
[228/633] Compiling pool.c
[229/633] Compiling poly1305_arm.c
[230/633] Compiling poly1305.c
[231/633] Compiling by_dir.c
[232/633] Compiling p5_pbev2.c
[233/633] Compiling pkcs8.c
[234/633] Compiling pkcs7.c
[235/633] Compiling pkcs7_x509.c
[236/633] Compiling pkcs8_x509.c
[237/633] Compiling pem_pkey.c
[238/633] Compiling pem_x509.c
[239/633] Compiling pem_xaux.c
[241/633] Emitting module SystemPackage
[241/635] Compiling pem_pk8.c
[242/635] Compiling pem_oth.c
[243/635] Compiling pem_info.c
[244/635] Compiling obj_xref.c
[245/635] Compiling pem_lib.c
[246/635] Compiling mem.c
[247/635] Compiling lhash.c
[248/635] Compiling pem_all.c
[249/635] Compiling poly_rq_mul.S
[250/635] Compiling hkdf.c
[251/635] Compiling x86_64-mont5.mac.x86_64.S
[252/635] Compiling x86_64-mont5.linux.x86_64.S
[253/635] Compiling hpke.c
[254/635] Compiling obj.c
[255/635] Compiling x86_64-mont.mac.x86_64.S
[256/635] Compiling x86_64-mont.linux.x86_64.S
[257/635] Compiling
[258/635] Compiling x86-mont.linux.x86.S
[259/635] Compiling vpaes-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[260/635] Compiling vpaes-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[261/635] Compiling
[262/635] Compiling vpaes-x86.linux.x86.S
[263/635] Compiling vpaes-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[264/635] Compiling vpaes-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[265/635] Compiling vpaes-armv7.linux.arm.S
[266/635] Compiling vpaes-armv7.ios.arm.S
[267/635] Compiling sha512-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[268/635] Compiling sha512-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[269/635] Compiling kdf.c
[270/635] Compiling sha512-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[271/635] Compiling sha512-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[272/635] Compiling sha512-armv4.linux.arm.S
[273/635] Compiling sha512-armv4.ios.arm.S
[274/635] Compiling
[275/635] Compiling sha512-586.linux.x86.S
[276/635] Compiling sha256-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[277/635] Compiling sha256-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[278/635] Compiling sha256-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[279/635] Compiling sha256-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[280/635] Compiling sha256-armv4.linux.arm.S
[281/635] Compiling sha256-armv4.ios.arm.S
[282/635] Compiling
[283/635] Compiling sha256-586.linux.x86.S
[284/635] Compiling sha1-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[285/635] Compiling sha1-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[286/635] Compiling sha1-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[287/635] Compiling sha1-armv4-large.linux.arm.S
[288/635] Compiling sha1-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[289/635] Compiling sha1-armv4-large.ios.arm.S
[290/635] Compiling
[291/635] Compiling sha1-586.linux.x86.S
[292/635] Compiling hrss.c
[293/635] Compiling sha256.c
[294/635] Compiling sha512.c
[295/635] Compiling sha1.c
[296/635] Compiling rsaz-avx2.mac.x86_64.S
[297/635] Compiling rsaz-avx2.linux.x86_64.S
[298/635] Compiling sha1-altivec.c
[299/635] Compiling padding.c
[300/635] Compiling self_check.c
[301/635] Compiling rsa.c
[302/635] Compiling rsa_impl.c
[303/635] Compiling rdrand-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[304/635] Compiling blinding.c
[305/635] Compiling rdrand-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[306/635] Compiling fork_detect.c
[307/635] Compiling ctrdrbg.c
[308/635] Compiling p256_beeu-x86_64-asm.mac.x86_64.S
[309/635] Compiling rand.c
[310/635] Compiling p256_beeu-x86_64-asm.linux.x86_64.S
[311/635] Compiling p256-x86_64-asm.mac.x86_64.S
[312/635] Compiling p256-x86_64-asm.linux.x86_64.S
[313/635] Compiling urandom.c
[314/635] Compiling polyval.c
[315/635] Compiling ofb.c
[316/635] Compiling gcm_nohw.c
[317/635] Compiling gcm.c
[318/635] Compiling cbc.c
[319/635] Compiling ctr.c
[320/635] Compiling md5-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[321/635] Compiling cfb.c
[322/635] Compiling md5-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[323/635] Compiling
[324/635] Compiling md5-586.linux.x86.S
[325/635] Compiling is_fips.c
[326/635] Compiling md5.c
[327/635] Compiling hmac.c
[328/635] Compiling ghashv8-armx64.linux.aarch64.S
[329/635] Compiling ghashv8-armx64.ios.aarch64.S
[330/635] Compiling ghashv8-armx32.linux.arm.S
[331/635] Compiling ghashv8-armx32.ios.arm.S
[332/635] Compiling ghash-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[333/635] Compiling md4.c
[334/635] Compiling ghash-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[335/635] Compiling
[336/635] Compiling ghash-x86.linux.x86.S
[337/635] Compiling ghash-ssse3-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[338/635] Compiling ghash-ssse3-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[339/635] Compiling
[340/635] Compiling ghash-ssse3-x86.linux.x86.S
[341/635] Compiling ghash-neon-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[342/635] Compiling ghash-armv4.linux.arm.S
[343/635] Compiling ghash-armv4.ios.arm.S
[344/635] Compiling ghash-neon-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[345/635] Compiling fips_shared_support.c
[346/635] Compiling util.c
[347/635] Compiling ecdh.c
[348/635] Compiling wnaf.c
[349/635] Compiling ecdsa.c
[350/635] Compiling simple_mul.c
[351/635] Compiling simple.c
[352/635] Compiling scalar.c
[353/635] Compiling p256-x86_64.c
[354/635] Compiling oct.c
[355/635] Compiling felem.c
[356/635] Compiling p224-64.c
[357/635] Compiling p256.c
[358/635] Compiling ec_key.c
[359/635] Compiling ec_montgomery.c
[360/635] Compiling digest.c
[361/635] Compiling dh.c
[362/635] Compiling digests.c
[363/635] Compiling ec.c
[364/635] Compiling check.c
[365/635] Compiling
[366/635] Compiling co-586.linux.x86.S
[367/635] Compiling e_des.c
[368/635] Compiling cipher.c
[369/635] Compiling bsaes-armv7.linux.arm.S
[370/635] Compiling des.c
[371/635] Compiling aead.c
[372/635] Compiling bsaes-armv7.ios.arm.S
[373/635] Compiling e_aes.c
[374/635] Compiling rsaz_exp.c
[375/635] Compiling random.c
[376/635] Compiling sqrt.c
[377/635] Compiling shift.c
[378/635] Compiling montgomery_inv.c
[379/635] Compiling prime.c
[381/635] Emitting module OrderedCollections
[381/640] Compiling mul.c
[382/640] Compiling montgomery.c
[383/640] Compiling jacobi.c
[384/640] Compiling gcd.c
[385/640] Compiling gcd_extra.c
[386/640] Compiling exponentiation.c
[387/640] Compiling generic.c
[388/640] Compiling div_extra.c
[389/640] Compiling ctx.c
[390/640] Compiling div.c
[391/640] Compiling bytes.c
[392/640] Compiling cmp.c
[393/640] Compiling x86_64-gcc.c
[394/640] Compiling
[395/640] Compiling bn-586.linux.x86.S
[396/640] Compiling armv8-mont.linux.aarch64.S
[397/640] Compiling bn.c
[398/640] Compiling add.c
[399/640] Compiling armv8-mont.ios.aarch64.S
[400/640] Compiling armv4-mont.linux.arm.S
[401/640] Compiling armv4-mont.ios.arm.S
[402/640] Compiling aesv8-armx64.linux.aarch64.S
[403/640] Compiling aesv8-armx32.linux.arm.S
[404/640] Compiling aesv8-armx64.ios.aarch64.S
[405/640] Compiling aesv8-armx32.ios.arm.S
[406/640] Compiling aesni-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[407/640] Compiling aesni-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[408/640] Compiling
[409/640] Compiling aesni-x86.linux.x86.S
[410/640] Compiling aesni-gcm-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[411/640] Compiling aesni-gcm-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[412/640] Compiling aes.c
[413/640] Compiling key_wrap.c
[414/640] Compiling mode_wrappers.c
[415/640] Compiling aes_nohw.c
[416/640] Compiling sign.c
[417/640] Compiling ex_data.c
[418/640] Compiling scrypt.c
[419/640] Compiling pbkdf.c
[420/640] Compiling p_x25519.c
[421/640] Compiling p_x25519_asn1.c
[422/640] Compiling print.c
[423/640] Compiling p_rsa_asn1.c
[424/640] Compiling p_ed25519.c
[425/640] Compiling p_ed25519_asn1.c
[426/640] Compiling p_rsa.c
[428/640] Compiling SystemPackage FilePath.swift
[429/640] Compiling SystemPackage FilePathComponentView.swift
[430/640] Compiling SystemPackage Exports.swift
[431/640] Compiling SystemPackage Mocking.swift
[432/640] Compiling SystemPackage FilePathWindows.swift
[432/640] Compiling p_dsa_asn1.c
[433/640] Compiling p_ec_asn1.c
[434/640] Compiling evp_ctx.c
[435/640] Compiling p_ec.c
[436/640] Compiling err_data.c
[437/640] Compiling digestsign.c
[438/640] Compiling evp.c
[439/640] Compiling evp_asn1.c
[440/640] Compiling engine.c
[441/640] Compiling err.c
[443/640] Compiling Yams Constructor.swift
[444/640] Compiling Yams Decoder.swift
[445/640] Compiling Yams Emitter.swift
[446/640] Compiling Yams Encoder.swift
[447/640] Compiling Yams Mark.swift
[447/640] Compiling ecdsa_asn1.c
[448/640] Compiling ecdh_extra.c
[449/640] Compiling ec_derive.c
[450/640] Compiling hash_to_curve.c
[451/640] Compiling dsa_asn1.c
[452/640] Compiling digest_extra.c
[453/640] Compiling params.c
[454/640] Compiling ec_asn1.c
[455/640] Compiling dsa.c
[456/640] Compiling dh_asn1.c
[457/640] Compiling x25519-asm-arm.S
[458/640] Compiling crypto.c
[459/640] Compiling cpu-ppc64le.c
[460/640] Compiling spake25519.c
[461/640] Compiling cpu-arm.c
[462/640] Compiling cpu-intel.c
[463/640] Compiling cpu-arm-linux.c
[464/640] Compiling cpu-aarch64-linux.c
[465/640] Compiling cpu-aarch64-win.c
[466/640] Compiling cpu-aarch64-fuchsia.c
[467/640] Compiling cmac.c
[469/640] Compiling SystemPackage FilePermissions.swift
[470/640] Compiling SystemPackage PlatformString.swift
[471/640] Compiling SystemPackage SystemString.swift
[472/640] Compiling SystemPackage CInterop.swift
[473/640] Compiling SystemPackage Constants.swift
[473/640] Compiling tls_cbc.c
[474/640] Compiling conf.c
[475/640] Compiling e_tls.c
[476/640] Compiling e_rc4.c
[477/640] Compiling curve25519.c
[478/640] Compiling e_null.c
[479/640] Compiling e_aesgcmsiv.c
[480/640] Compiling e_rc2.c
[481/640] Compiling e_chacha20poly1305.c
[482/640] Compiling e_aesctrhmac.c
[483/640] Compiling derive_key.c
[484/640] Compiling chacha20_poly1305_x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[485/640] Compiling chacha20_poly1305_x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[486/640] Compiling aes128gcmsiv-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[487/640] Compiling cipher_extra.c
[488/640] Compiling e_aesccm.c
[489/640] Compiling aes128gcmsiv-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[490/640] Compiling chacha-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[491/640] Compiling chacha-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[492/640] Compiling
[494/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+Codable.swift
[495/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+CustomDebugStringConvertible.swift
[496/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+CustomReflectable.swift
[497/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+CustomStringConvertible.swift
[498/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+Diffing.swift
[498/640] Compiling chacha-x86.linux.x86.S
[500/640] Emitting module TSCLibc
[501/640] Compiling TSCLibc libc.swift
[501/640] Compiling chacha.c
[502/640] Compiling chacha-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[503/640] Compiling chacha-armv4.linux.arm.S
[504/640] Compiling chacha-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[505/640] Compiling chacha-armv4.ios.arm.S
[506/640] Compiling unicode.c
[507/640] Compiling asn1_compat.c
[508/640] Compiling ber.c
[509/640] Compiling buf.c
[510/640] Compiling cbs.c
[511/640] Compiling bn_asn1.c
[511/640] Compiling cbb.c
[514/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+Invariants.swift
[515/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+Partial MutableCollection.swift
[516/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+Partial RangeReplaceableCollection.swift
[517/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+Partial SetAlgebra+Basics.swift
[518/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+Partial SetAlgebra+Operations.swift
[519/640] Compiling SystemPackage Util.swift
[520/640] Compiling SystemPackage UtilConsumers.swift
[521/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedDictionary+Hashable.swift
[522/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedDictionary+Initializers.swift
[523/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedDictionary+Invariants.swift
[524/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedDictionary+Partial MutableCollection.swift
[525/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedDictionary+Partial RangeReplaceableCollection.swift
[526/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedDictionary+Sequence.swift
[527/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedDictionary+Values.swift
[528/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedDictionary.swift
[529/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+Partial SetAlgebra+Predicates.swift
[530/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+RandomAccessCollection.swift
[531/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+ReserveCapacity.swift
[532/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+SubSequence.swift
[533/640] Compiling OrderedCollections OrderedSet+Testing.swift
[533/640] Compiling blake2.c
[534/640] Compiling convert.c
[535/640] Compiling printf.c
[536/640] Compiling pair.c
[537/640] Compiling hexdump.c
[538/640] Compiling socket.c
[539/640] Compiling socket_helper.c
[540/640] Compiling file.c
[541/640] Compiling bio_mem.c
[542/640] Compiling base64.c
[543/640] Compiling fd.c
[544/640] Compiling connect.c
[545/640] Compiling bio.c
[547/640] Compiling Yams Node.Mapping.swift
[548/640] Compiling Yams Node.swift
[549/640] Compiling Yams Parser.swift
[550/640] Compiling Yams Node.Scalar.swift
[551/640] Compiling Yams Node.Sequence.swift
[551/640] Compiling time_support.c
[552/640] Compiling tasn_typ.c
[553/640] Compiling tasn_utl.c
[554/640] Compiling tasn_fre.c
[555/640] Compiling f_string.c
[556/640] Compiling tasn_new.c
[557/640] Compiling f_int.c
[558/640] Compiling tasn_enc.c
[559/640] Compiling f_enum.c
[560/640] Compiling tasn_dec.c
[561/640] Compiling asn_pack.c
[562/640] Compiling asn1_par.c
[563/640] Compiling asn1_lib.c
[564/640] Compiling a_utf8.c
[565/640] Compiling a_utctm.c
[566/640] Compiling a_time.c
[567/640] Compiling a_type.c
[568/640] Compiling a_print.c
[569/640] Compiling a_strnid.c
[570/640] Compiling a_octet.c
[571/640] Compiling a_mbstr.c
[572/640] Compiling a_int.c
[573/640] Compiling a_i2d_fp.c
[574/640] Compiling a_gentm.c
[575/640] Compiling a_object.c
[576/640] Compiling a_d2i_fp.c
[577/640] Write sources
[580/640] Compiling a_enum.c
[581/640] Compiling a_dup.c
[582/640] Compiling a_bool.c
[583/640] Compiling a_bitstr.c
[585/697] Emitting module ArgumentParserToolInfo
[586/697] Compiling Crypto DH.swift
[587/697] Compiling Crypto ECDH.swift
[588/697] Compiling Crypto HKDF.swift
[589/697] Compiling Crypto MessageAuthenticationCode.swift
[590/697] Compiling Crypto AES.swift
[591/697] Compiling Crypto SEC1PrivateKey.swift
[592/697] Compiling Crypto SubjectPublicKeyInfo.swift
[593/697] Compiling Crypto PEMDocument.swift
[594/697] Compiling Crypto PKCS8PrivateKey.swift
[595/697] Compiling Crypto ObjectIdentifier.swift
[596/697] Compiling Crypto ECDSASignature.swift
[597/697] Compiling Crypto NISTCurvesKeys.swift
[598/697] Compiling Crypto X25519Keys.swift
[599/697] Compiling ArgumentParserToolInfo ToolInfo.swift
[600/697] Compiling Crypto SymmetricKeys.swift
[601/697] Compiling Crypto HMAC.swift
[602/697] Compiling Crypto MACFunctions.swift
[603/732] Compiling ArgumentParser CommandConfiguration.swift
[604/732] Compiling ArgumentParser EnumerableFlag.swift
[605/732] Compiling ArgumentParser ExpressibleByArgument.swift
[606/732] Compiling ArgumentParser Flag.swift
[607/732] Compiling ArgumentParser NameSpecification.swift
[608/732] Compiling ArgumentParser Option.swift
[609/732] Compiling ArgumentParser OptionGroup.swift
[610/732] Compiling ArgumentParser HelpGenerator.swift
[611/732] Compiling ArgumentParser BashCompletionsGenerator.swift
[612/732] Compiling ArgumentParser Parsed.swift
[613/732] Compiling ArgumentParser ParsedValues.swift
[614/732] Compiling ArgumentParser ParserError.swift
[615/732] Compiling ArgumentParser SplitArguments.swift
[620/735] Compiling ArgumentParser CompletionsGenerator.swift
[621/735] Compiling ArgumentParser FishCompletionsGenerator.swift
[622/776] Compiling TSCBasic CollectionExtensions.swift
[623/776] Compiling TSCBasic Condition.swift
[624/776] Compiling TSCBasic Path.swift
[625/776] Compiling PackageCollectionsModel PackageCollectionModel.swift
[626/776] Compiling PackageCollectionsModel PackageCollectionModel+v1.swift
[627/776] Emitting module PackageCollectionsModel
[628/776] Compiling Yams Tag.swift
[629/776] Compiling Yams String+Yams.swift
[630/777] Compiling Yams YamlError.swift
[631/777] Compiling Yams Representer.swift
[632/777] Compiling Yams Resolver.swift
[633/777] Compiling llbuildSwift NinjaManifest.swift
[634/777] Compiling llbuildSwift Internals.swift
[635/777] Compiling llbuildSwift CoreBindings.swift
[636/777] Emitting module llbuildSwift
[637/777] Compiling llbuildSwift BuildSystemBindings.swift
[638/777] Compiling llbuildSwift BuildKey.swift
[639/777] Compiling llbuildSwift BuildValue.swift
[640/777] Compiling llbuildSwift BuildDBBindings.swift
[641/777] Compiling TSCBasic ByteString.swift
[642/777] Compiling TSCBasic CStringArray.swift
[643/777] Compiling TSCBasic CacheableSequence.swift
[644/777] Compiling TSCBasic FileInfo.swift
[645/777] Compiling TSCBasic FileSystem.swift
[646/777] Compiling TSCBasic GraphAlgorithms.swift
[647/783] Compiling TSCBasic HashAlgorithms.swift
[648/783] Compiling TSCBasic JSON.swift
[649/783] Compiling TSCBasic JSONMapper.swift
[650/783] Compiling TSCBasic KeyedPair.swift
[651/783] Compiling TSCBasic LazyCache.swift
[652/783] Compiling TSCBasic Lock.swift
[653/783] Compiling TSCBasic StringConversions.swift
[654/783] Compiling TSCBasic SynchronizedQueue.swift
[655/783] Compiling TSCBasic TemporaryFile.swift
[656/783] Compiling TSCBasic TerminalController.swift
[657/783] Compiling TSCBasic DeltaAlgorithm.swift
[658/783] Compiling TSCBasic DiagnosticsEngine.swift
[659/783] Emitting module Crypto
[660/783] Compiling TSCBasic OSLog.swift
[661/783] Compiling TSCBasic ObjectIdentifierProtocol.swift
[662/783] Compiling TSCBasic OrderedDictionary.swift
[663/783] Compiling TSCBasic OrderedSet.swift
[664/783] Compiling TSCBasic Await.swift
[665/783] Compiling TSCBasic Base64URL.swift
[668/783] Compiling Crypto ECDSASignature_boring.swift
[669/783] Compiling Crypto ECDSA_boring.swift
[670/783] Compiling Crypto EdDSA_boring.swift
[671/783] Compiling Crypto ECDSA.swift
[672/783] Compiling Crypto Insecure.swift
[673/783] Compiling Crypto Insecure_HashFunctions.swift
[674/783] Compiling Crypto ECDH_boring.swift
[678/783] Compiling TSCBasic SortedArray.swift
[679/783] Compiling TSCBasic Closable.swift
[680/783] Compiling TSCBasic CodableResult.swift
[681/783] Compiling TSCBasic CollectionAlgorithms.swift
[684/783] Compiling TSCBasic DictionaryExtensions.swift
[685/783] Compiling TSCBasic DictionaryLiteralExtensions.swift
[686/783] Compiling TSCBasic EditDistance.swift
[687/783] Compiling TSCBasic ProcessSet.swift
[688/783] Compiling TSCBasic RegEx.swift
[689/783] Compiling TSCBasic Result.swift
[691/783] Compiling TSCBasic PathShims.swift
[692/783] Compiling TSCBasic Process.swift
[693/783] Compiling TSCBasic ProcessEnv.swift
[694/783] Compiling Crypto FiniteFieldArithmeticContext_boring.swift
[695/783] Compiling Crypto RNG_boring.swift
[696/783] Emitting module ArgumentParser
[718/783] Emitting module Yams
[734/783] Compiling Crypto SafeCompare_boring.swift
[735/783] Compiling Crypto Zeroization_boring.swift
[736/783] Compiling Crypto PrettyBytes.swift
[737/783] Compiling Crypto SafeCompare.swift
[738/783] Compiling Crypto SecureBytes.swift
[739/783] Compiling Crypto Zeroization.swift
[766/787] Compiling TSCBasic Thread.swift
[767/787] Compiling TSCBasic Tuple.swift
[768/787] Compiling TSCBasic WritableByteStream.swift
[769/787] Compiling TSCBasic misc.swift
[775/787] Emitting module TSCBasic
[785/824] Compiling TSCUtility FSWatch.swift
[786/824] Compiling TSCUtility FloatingPointExtensions.swift
[787/824] Compiling TSCUtility Git.swift
[788/824] Compiling TSCUtility Hex.swift
[789/828] Compiling TSCUtility BuildFlags.swift
[790/828] Compiling TSCUtility CollectionExtensions.swift
[791/828] Compiling TSCUtility Context.swift
[792/828] Compiling TSCUtility Diagnostics.swift
[793/828] Compiling TSCUtility Platform.swift
[794/828] Compiling TSCUtility PolymorphicCodable.swift
[795/828] Compiling TSCUtility ProgressAnimation.swift
[796/828] Compiling TSCUtility SQLite.swift
[797/828] Compiling TSCUtility OSLog.swift
[798/828] Compiling TSCUtility OrderedZip.swift
[799/828] Compiling TSCUtility PersistenceCache.swift
[800/828] Compiling TSCUtility PkgConfig.swift
[801/828] Compiling TSCUtility Archiver.swift
[802/828] Compiling TSCUtility ArgumentParser.swift
[803/828] Compiling TSCUtility ArgumentParserShellCompletion.swift
[804/828] Compiling TSCUtility Array+Extensions.swift
[805/828] Compiling TSCUtility Tracing.swift
[806/828] Compiling TSCUtility Triple.swift
[807/828] Compiling TSCUtility URL.swift
[808/828] Compiling TSCUtility Verbosity.swift
[809/828] Compiling TSCUtility SerializedDiagnostics.swift
[810/828] Compiling TSCUtility SimplePersistence.swift
[811/828] Compiling TSCUtility StringExtensions.swift
[812/828] Compiling TSCUtility StringMangling.swift
[813/828] Compiling TSCUtility Version.swift
[814/828] Compiling TSCUtility Versioning.swift
[815/828] Compiling TSCUtility dlopen.swift
[816/828] Compiling TSCUtility misc.swift
[817/828] Compiling TSCUtility Bits.swift
[818/828] Compiling TSCUtility Bitstream.swift
[819/828] Compiling TSCUtility BitstreamReader.swift
[820/828] Compiling TSCUtility BitstreamWriter.swift
[821/828] Compiling TSCUtility IndexStore.swift
[822/828] Compiling TSCUtility InterruptHandler.swift
[823/828] Compiling TSCUtility JSONMessageStreamingParser.swift
[824/828] Compiling TSCUtility Netrc.swift
[825/828] Emitting module TSCUtility
[826/861] Compiling Basics Triple+Extensions.swift
[827/861] Compiling Basics Version+Extensions.swift
[828/863] Compiling Basics String+Extensions.swift
[829/863] Compiling Basics SwiftVersion.swift
[830/863] Compiling SwiftOptions ParsedOptions.swift
[831/863] Compiling Basics VirtualFileSystem.swift
[832/863] Compiling Basics WritableByteStream+Extensions.swift
[833/863] Emitting module Basics
[834/863] Compiling Basics SQLiteBackedCache.swift
[835/863] Compiling Basics Sandbox.swift
[836/863] Compiling Basics Netrc.swift
[837/863] Compiling Basics Observability.swift
[838/863] Compiling Basics ByteString+Extensions.swift
[839/863] Compiling Basics Cancellator.swift
[840/863] Compiling Basics ConcurrencyHelpers.swift
[841/863] Compiling Basics Archiver+Zip.swift
[842/863] Compiling Basics Archiver.swift
[843/863] Compiling Basics AuthorizationProvider.swift
[844/863] Compiling Basics Dictionary+Extensions.swift
[845/863] Compiling Basics DispatchTimeInterval+Extensions.swift
[846/863] Compiling Basics EnvironmentVariables.swift
[847/863] Compiling Basics Errors.swift
[848/863] Compiling Basics FileSystem+Extensions.swift
[849/863] Compiling Basics HTPClient+URLSession.swift
[850/863] Compiling Basics HTTPClient.swift
[851/863] Compiling Basics JSON+Extensions.swift
[852/863] Compiling Basics JSONDecoder+Extensions.swift
[853/931] Compiling LLBuildManifest DOTManifestSerializer.swift
[854/931] Compiling LLBuildManifest BuildManifest.swift
[855/931] Compiling LLBuildManifest ManifestWriter.swift
[856/931] Emitting module SPMLLBuild
[857/931] Compiling SPMLLBuild llbuild.swift
[858/931] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning BoringSSLKey.swift
[859/931] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning Key+EC.swift
[860/931] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning PackageCollectionSigning.swift
[861/931] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning BoringSSLSigning.swift
[862/931] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning Key+RSA.swift
[863/931] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning Key.swift
[864/931] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning Signature.swift
[865/931] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning Signing+ECKey.swift
[866/933] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning ASN1BitString.swift
[867/933] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning ASN1Identifier.swift
[869/936] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning SubjectPublicKeyInfo.swift
[872/936] Compiling PackageModel Diagnostics.swift
[873/936] Compiling PackageModel Manifest.swift
[874/936] Compiling PackageModel PackageConditionDescription.swift
[875/936] Compiling PackageModel PackageDependencyDescription.swift
[876/936] Compiling PackageModel PlatformDescription.swift
[877/936] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning ASN1Integer.swift
[878/936] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning ASN1ObjectIdentifier.swift
[879/936] Compiling PackageModel BuildSettings.swift
[880/936] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning Base64URL.swift
[881/936] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning Utilities.swift
[886/936] Compiling LLBuildManifest Command.swift
[887/936] Compiling LLBuildManifest Target.swift
[888/936] Emitting module LLBuildManifest
[889/936] Compiling LLBuildManifest Node.swift
[890/936] Compiling LLBuildManifest Tools.swift
[895/936] Emitting module PackageCollectionsSigning
[896/936] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning Certificate.swift
[897/936] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning CertificatePolicy.swift
[898/936] Compiling PackageCollectionsSigning ASN1.swift
[907/936] Compiling PackageModel ToolsVersionSpecificationGeneration.swift
[908/936] Compiling PackageModel UserToolchain.swift
[909/936] Compiling PackageModel WindowsToolchainInfo.swift
[914/936] Compiling PackageModel SupportedLanguageExtension.swift
[915/936] Compiling PackageModel SwiftLanguageVersion.swift
[916/936] Compiling PackageModel Target.swift
[917/936] Compiling SwiftOptions PrefixTrie.swift
[918/936] Compiling SwiftOptions OptionTable.swift
[919/936] Compiling SwiftOptions OptionParsing.swift
[920/936] Emitting module SwiftOptions
[921/936] Compiling SwiftOptions Option.swift
[922/936] Compiling SwiftOptions Options.swift
[923/936] Compiling SwiftOptions ExtraOptions.swift
[924/936] Compiling SwiftOptions DriverKind.swift
[925/936] Emitting module PackageModel
[926/936] Compiling PackageModel PlatformRegistry.swift
[927/936] Compiling PackageModel Product.swift
[928/936] Compiling PackageModel Resource.swift
[929/936] Compiling PackageModel Sanitizers.swift
[931/936] Compiling PackageModel ManifestSourceGeneration.swift
[932/936] Compiling PackageModel MinimumDeploymentTarget.swift
[933/936] Compiling PackageModel ModuleMapType.swift
[934/1045] Compiling PackageFingerprint Model.swift
[935/1045] Compiling PackageFingerprint PackageFingerprintStorage.swift
[936/1045] Compiling PackageFingerprint FilePackageFingerprintStorage.swift
[937/1045] Emitting module PackageFingerprint
[938/1045] Compiling SourceControl RepositoryManager.swift
[939/1045] Compiling PackageLoading Target+PkgConfig.swift
[940/1045] Compiling PackageLoading TargetSourcesBuilder.swift
[941/1046] Emitting module SourceControl
[942/1046] Compiling SourceControl Repository.swift
[943/1046] Compiling SourceControl GitRepository.swift
[944/1071] Compiling PackageLoading PkgConfig.swift
[945/1071] Compiling PackageLoading ModuleMapGenerator.swift
[946/1071] Compiling PackageLoading ManifestLoader.swift
[947/1071] Compiling PackageLoading ManifestJSONParser.swift
[948/1071] Compiling PackageLoading IdentityResolver.swift
[949/1071] Emitting module PackageLoading
[950/1071] Compiling PackageCollections PackageCollections.swift
[951/1071] Compiling PackageCollections PackageIndex+Configuration.swift
[952/1071] Compiling PackageLoading PackageBuilder.swift
[953/1071] Compiling PackageLoading ToolsVersionParser.swift
[954/1076] Compiling PackageCollections FilePackageCollectionsSourcesStorage.swift
[955/1076] Compiling PackageCollections PackageCollectionsSourcesStorage.swift
[956/1076] Compiling PackageCollections PackageCollections+Configuration.swift
[957/1076] Compiling PackageCollections PackageCollections+Storage.swift
[958/1076] Compiling PackageCollections PackageCollections+Validation.swift
[959/1078] Compiling PackageRegistry RegistryConfiguration.swift
[960/1078] Compiling PackageRegistry RegistryDownloadsManager.swift
[965/1078] Compiling PackageCollections Trie.swift
[966/1078] Compiling PackageCollections Utility.swift
[967/1078] Compiling SwiftDriver Loader.swift
[968/1078] Compiling SwiftDriver SwiftScan.swift
[969/1078] Compiling SwiftDriver DarwinToolchain.swift
[970/1078] Compiling SwiftDriver GenericUnixToolchain.swift
[973/1087] Emitting module PackageCollections
[974/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver IncrementalCompilationSynchronizer.swift
[975/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver IncrementalDependencyAndInputSetup.swift
[976/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver InputInfo.swift
[977/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver KeyAndFingerprintHolder.swift
[978/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver ModuleDependencyGraph.swift
[979/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver DependencySource.swift
[980/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver Integrator.swift
[981/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver InternedStrings.swift
[982/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver Node.swift
[983/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver NodeFinder.swift
[984/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver BuildRecord.swift
[985/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver BuildRecordInfo.swift
[986/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver DependencyGraphDotFileWriter.swift
[987/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver DependencyKey.swift
[988/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver DirectAndTransitiveCollections.swift
[989/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver ExternalDependencyAndFingerprintEnforcer.swift
[990/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver FirstWaveComputer.swift
[991/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver IncrementalCompilationProtectedState.swift
[992/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver IncrementalCompilationState+Extensions.swift
[993/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver IncrementalCompilationState.swift
[994/1087] Compiling PackageCollections API.swift
[995/1087] Compiling PackageCollections CVE.swift
[996/1087] Compiling PackageCollections Collection.swift
[997/1087] Compiling PackageCollections Search.swift
[998/1087] Compiling PackageCollections TargetListResult.swift
[999/1087] Compiling PackageCollections PackageCollections+CertificatePolicy.swift
[1000/1087] Compiling PackageCollections PackageCollectionsStorage.swift
[1001/1087] Compiling PackageCollections SQLitePackageCollectionsStorage.swift
[1002/1087] Compiling PackageCollections PackageCollectionProvider.swift
[1003/1087] Compiling PackageCollections PackageMetadataProvider.swift
[1004/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver DriverExecutor.swift
[1005/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver ParsableOutput.swift
[1006/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver ProcessProtocol.swift
[1007/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver ClangVersionedDependencyResolution.swift
[1008/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver ExplicitDependencyBuildPlanner.swift
[1009/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver CommonDependencyOperations.swift
[1010/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver InterModuleDependencyGraph.swift
[1011/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver InterModuleDependencyOracle.swift
[1012/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver ModuleDependencyScanning.swift
[1013/1087] Compiling SwiftDriver SerializableModuleArtifacts.swift
[1014/1087] Compiling PackageRegistry Registry.swift
[1015/1087] Emitting module PackageRegistry
[1016/1087] Compiling PackageRegistry RegistryClient.swift
[1017/1110] Emitting module SwiftDriver
[1018/1110] Compiling PackageGraph DependencyResolutionNode.swift
[1019/1110] Compiling PackageGraph DependencyResolver.swift
[1020/1110] Compiling PackageGraph Diagnostics.swift
[1021/1110] Compiling PackageGraph Incompatibility.swift
[1022/1110] Compiling PackageGraph BoundVersion.swift
[1023/1110] Compiling PackageGraph DependencyMirrors.swift
[1024/1110] Compiling PackageGraph PackageRequirement.swift
[1025/1110] Compiling PackageGraph PinsStore.swift
[1026/1110] Compiling PackageGraph Assignment.swift
[1027/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver Toolchain.swift
[1028/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver WebAssemblyToolchain.swift
[1029/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver WindowsToolchain.swift
[1030/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver DOTJobGraphSerializer.swift
[1031/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver DateAdditions.swift
[1032/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver Diagnostics.swift
[1033/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver FileList.swift
[1034/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver FileType.swift
[1035/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver PredictableRandomNumberGenerator.swift
[1036/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver CompileJob.swift
[1037/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver DarwinToolchain+LinkerSupport.swift
[1038/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver EmitModuleJob.swift
[1039/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver EmitSupportedFeaturesJob.swift
[1040/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver FrontendJobHelpers.swift
[1041/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver GenerateDSYMJob.swift
[1042/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver GeneratePCHJob.swift
[1043/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver GeneratePCMJob.swift
[1044/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver GenericUnixToolchain+LinkerSupport.swift
[1045/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver InterpretJob.swift
[1046/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver Job.swift
[1047/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver LinkJob.swift
[1048/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver MergeModuleJob.swift
[1049/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver ModuleWrapJob.swift
[1050/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver Planning.swift
[1051/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver PrebuiltModulesJob.swift
[1052/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver PrintTargetInfoJob.swift
[1053/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver ReplJob.swift
[1054/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver SwiftHelpIntroJob.swift
[1055/1110] Compiling SwiftDriver Toolchain+InterpreterSupport.swift
[1065/1110] Compiling PackageGraph GraphLoadingNode.swift
[1066/1110] Compiling PackageGraph ResolvedProduct.swift
[1067/1110] Compiling PackageGraph ResolvedTarget.swift
[1068/1110] Compiling PackageGraph PackageGraph.swift
[1069/1110] Compiling PackageGraph PackageGraphRoot.swift
[1070/1110] Compiling PackageGraph PackageModel+Extensions.swift
[1071/1110] Compiling PackageGraph PartialSolution.swift
[1072/1110] Compiling PackageGraph PubgrubDependencyResolver.swift
[1073/1110] Compiling PackageGraph Term.swift
[1074/1110] Compiling PackageGraph ResolvedPackage.swift
[1075/1110] Compiling PackageGraph ModuleAliasTracker.swift
[1076/1110] Emitting module PackageGraph
[1084/1112] Compiling SwiftDriver RelativePathAdditions.swift
[1085/1112] Compiling SwiftDriver Sanitizer.swift
[1086/1112] Compiling SwiftDriver StringAdditions.swift
[1087/1112] Compiling SwiftDriver System.swift
[1088/1112] Compiling SwiftDriver Triple+Platforms.swift
[1089/1112] Compiling SwiftDriver Triple.swift
[1090/1112] Compiling SwiftDriver TypedVirtualPath.swift
[1091/1112] Compiling SwiftDriver VersionExtensions.swift
[1092/1112] Compiling SwiftDriver VirtualPath.swift
[1096/1112] Compiling PackageGraph Version+Extensions.swift
[1097/1112] Compiling PackageGraph VersionSetSpecifier.swift
[1104/1112] Compiling PackageGraph PackageContainer.swift
[1105/1112] Compiling PackageGraph PackageGraph+Loading.swift
[1110/1133] Compiling SPMBuildCore PrebuildCommandResult.swift
[1111/1134] Compiling SPMBuildCore PluginScriptRunner.swift
[1112/1134] Compiling SPMBuildCore XCFrameworkMetadata.swift
[1113/1134] Compiling Xcodeproj XcodeProjectModel.swift
[1114/1134] Compiling Xcodeproj SchemesGenerator.swift
[1115/1134] Compiling Xcodeproj PropertyList.swift
[1116/1134] Compiling Xcodeproj XcodeProjectModelSerialization.swift
[1117/1134] Emitting module Xcodeproj
[1118/1134] Compiling Xcodeproj Target+PBXProj.swift
[1119/1134] Compiling Xcodeproj pbxproj.swift
[1120/1134] Compiling Xcodeproj generate.swift
[1121/1134] Compiling SPMBuildCore ArtifactsArchiveMetadata.swift
[1122/1134] Compiling SPMBuildCore BinaryTarget+Extensions.swift
[1123/1134] Compiling SPMBuildCore BuildParameters.swift
[1124/1134] Compiling SPMBuildCore BuildSystem.swift
[1125/1134] Compiling SPMBuildCore PluginInvocation.swift
[1126/1134] Compiling SPMBuildCore BuildSystemCommand.swift
[1127/1134] Compiling SPMBuildCore BuildSystemDelegate.swift
[1128/1134] Emitting module SPMBuildCore
[1129/1134] Compiling SPMBuildCore PluginMessages.swift
[1130/1134] Compiling SPMBuildCore PluginContextSerializer.swift
[1131/1134] Compiling SPMBuildCore BuiltTestProduct.swift
[1132/1157] Compiling Build SwiftCompilerOutputParser.swift
[1133/1157] Compiling Build SPMSwiftDriverExecutor.swift
[1134/1157] Compiling Build LLBuildManifestBuilder.swift
[1135/1157] Compiling Build BuildOperation.swift
[1136/1157] Compiling Build BuildOperationBuildSystemDelegateHandler.swift
[1137/1157] Compiling Workspace Workspace+Configuration.swift
[1138/1157] Compiling Workspace Workspace+BinaryArtifacts.swift
[1139/1157] Compiling Workspace SourceControlPackageContainer.swift
[1140/1157] Compiling Workspace ToolsVersionSpecificationRewriter.swift
[1141/1157] Compiling Workspace ResolvedFileWatcher.swift
[1142/1157] Compiling Workspace ResolverPrecomputationProvider.swift
[1143/1157] Compiling Workspace CheckoutState.swift
[1144/1157] Compiling Workspace DefaultPluginScriptRunner.swift
[1145/1157] Compiling Workspace Diagnostics.swift
[1146/1157] Compiling Workspace FileSystemPackageContainer.swift
[1147/1157] Compiling Workspace InitPackage.swift
[1148/1157] Compiling Workspace ManagedArtifact.swift
[1149/1157] Compiling Workspace Workspace+State.swift
[1150/1157] Compiling Workspace ManagedDependency.swift
[1151/1157] Compiling Workspace RegistryPackageContainer.swift
[1152/1158] Emitting module Workspace
[1153/1158] Emitting module Build
[1154/1158] Compiling Build BuildPlan.swift
[1155/1158] Compiling Workspace Workspace.swift
[1156/1170] Compiling CreateXCFramework Zipper.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:49:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
47 |         // MARK: - Output Options
48 |
49 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
50 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
51 |                 "A list of platforms you want to build for. Can be specified multiple times."
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:64:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
62 |         var zip = false
63 |
64 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
65 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
66 |                 "The version number to append to the name of the zip file\n\nIf the target you are packaging is a dependency,"
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Zipper.swift:117:26: warning: reference to var 'localFileSystem' is not concurrency-safe because it involves shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
115 |     #if swift(>=5.7)
116 |     private func checksum(forBinaryArtifactAt path: AbsolutePath) throws -> String {
117 |         let fileSystem = localFileSystem
    |                          `- warning: reference to var 'localFileSystem' is not concurrency-safe because it involves shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
118 |         let checksumAlgorithm = SHA256()
119 |         let archiver = ZipArchiver(fileSystem: fileSystem)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/FileSystem.swift:1132:12: note: var declared here
1130 |
1131 | /// Public access to the local FS proxy.
1132 | public var localFileSystem: FileSystem = LocalFileSystem()
     |            `- note: var declared here
1133 |
1134 | extension FileSystem {
[1157/1171] Compiling CreateXCFramework main.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:49:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
47 |         // MARK: - Output Options
48 |
49 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
50 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
51 |                 "A list of platforms you want to build for. Can be specified multiple times."
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:64:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
62 |         var zip = false
63 |
64 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
65 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
66 |                 "The version number to append to the name of the zip file\n\nIf the target you are packaging is a dependency,"
[1158/1171] Compiling CreateXCFramework Platforms.swift
[1159/1171] Compiling CreateXCFramework XcodeBuilder.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:49:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
47 |         // MARK: - Output Options
48 |
49 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
50 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
51 |                 "A list of platforms you want to build for. Can be specified multiple times."
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:64:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
62 |         var zip = false
63 |
64 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
65 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
66 |                 "The version number to append to the name of the zip file\n\nIf the target you are packaging is a dependency,"
[1160/1171] Compiling CreateXCFramework PackageModel+Extensions.swift
[1161/1171] Compiling CreateXCFramework ProjectGenerator.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:49:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
47 |         // MARK: - Output Options
48 |
49 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
50 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
51 |                 "A list of platforms you want to build for. Can be specified multiple times."
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:64:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
62 |         var zip = false
63 |
64 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
65 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
66 |                 "The version number to append to the name of the zip file\n\nIf the target you are packaging is a dependency,"
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/ProjectGenerator.swift:89:25: warning: reference to var 'localFileSystem' is not concurrency-safe because it involves shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 87 |                 useLegacySchemeGenerator: true
 88 |             ),
 89 |             fileSystem: localFileSystem,
    |                         `- warning: reference to var 'localFileSystem' is not concurrency-safe because it involves shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 90 |             observabilityScope: self.package.observabilitySystem.topScope
 91 |         )
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/FileSystem.swift:1132:12: note: var declared here
1130 |
1131 | /// Public access to the local FS proxy.
1132 | public var localFileSystem: FileSystem = LocalFileSystem()
     |            `- note: var declared here
1133 |
1134 | extension FileSystem {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/ProjectGenerator.swift:204:28: warning: reference to var 'localFileSystem' is not concurrency-safe because it involves shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
202 |     //
203 |     // This avoids unnecessarily triggering Xcode reloads of the project file.
204 |     if let contents = try? localFileSystem.readFileContents(path), contents == stream.bytes {
    |                            `- warning: reference to var 'localFileSystem' is not concurrency-safe because it involves shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
205 |         return
206 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/FileSystem.swift:1132:12: note: var declared here
1130 |
1131 | /// Public access to the local FS proxy.
1132 | public var localFileSystem: FileSystem = LocalFileSystem()
     |            `- note: var declared here
1133 |
1134 | extension FileSystem {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/ProjectGenerator.swift:209:9: warning: reference to var 'localFileSystem' is not concurrency-safe because it involves shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
207 |
208 |     // Write the real file.
209 |     try localFileSystem.writeFileContents(path, bytes: stream.bytes)
    |         `- warning: reference to var 'localFileSystem' is not concurrency-safe because it involves shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
210 | }
211 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/FileSystem.swift:1132:12: note: var declared here
1130 |
1131 | /// Public access to the local FS proxy.
1132 | public var localFileSystem: FileSystem = LocalFileSystem()
     |            `- note: var declared here
1133 |
1134 | extension FileSystem {
[1162/1171] Compiling CreateXCFramework PackageInfo.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:49:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
47 |         // MARK: - Output Options
48 |
49 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
50 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
51 |                 "A list of platforms you want to build for. Can be specified multiple times."
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:64:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
62 |         var zip = false
63 |
64 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
65 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
66 |                 "The version number to append to the name of the zip file\n\nIf the target you are packaging is a dependency,"
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/PackageInfo.swift:273:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'SupportedPlatform' to imported protocol 'Comparable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'PackageModel' introduce this conformance in the future
271 | }
272 |
273 | extension SupportedPlatform: Comparable {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'SupportedPlatform' to imported protocol 'Comparable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'PackageModel' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
274 |     public static func == (lhs: SupportedPlatform, rhs: SupportedPlatform) -> Bool {
275 |         return lhs.platform == rhs.platform && lhs.version == rhs.version
[1163/1171] Compiling CreateXCFramework Command.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command.swift:20:16: warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because it is nonisolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 18 |     // MARK: - Configuration
 19 |
 20 |     static var configuration = CommandConfiguration (
    |                |- warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because it is nonisolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                |- note: convert 'configuration' to a 'let' constant to make 'Sendable' shared state immutable
    |                |- note: annotate 'configuration' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 21 |         abstract: "Creates an XCFramework out of a Swift Package using xcodebuild",
 22 |         discussion:
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:49:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
47 |         // MARK: - Output Options
48 |
49 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
50 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
51 |                 "A list of platforms you want to build for. Can be specified multiple times."
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:64:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
62 |         var zip = false
63 |
64 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
65 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
66 |                 "The version number to append to the name of the zip file\n\nIf the target you are packaging is a dependency,"
[1164/1171] Compiling CreateXCFramework Collection+Extensions.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command.swift:20:16: warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because it is nonisolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 18 |     // MARK: - Configuration
 19 |
 20 |     static var configuration = CommandConfiguration (
    |                |- warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because it is nonisolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                |- note: convert 'configuration' to a 'let' constant to make 'Sendable' shared state immutable
    |                |- note: annotate 'configuration' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 21 |         abstract: "Creates an XCFramework out of a Swift Package using xcodebuild",
 22 |         discussion:
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:49:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
47 |         // MARK: - Output Options
48 |
49 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
50 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
51 |                 "A list of platforms you want to build for. Can be specified multiple times."
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:64:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
62 |         var zip = false
63 |
64 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
65 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
66 |                 "The version number to append to the name of the zip file\n\nIf the target you are packaging is a dependency,"
[1165/1171] Compiling CreateXCFramework Xcodeproj+ProductValidation.swift
[1166/1171] Emitting module CreateXCFramework
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:49:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
47 |         // MARK: - Output Options
48 |
49 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
50 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
51 |                 "A list of platforms you want to build for. Can be specified multiple times."
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:64:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
62 |         var zip = false
63 |
64 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
65 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
66 |                 "The version number to append to the name of the zip file\n\nIf the target you are packaging is a dependency,"
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:88:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildConfiguration' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'PackageModel' introduce this conformance in the future
86 | // MARK: - ParsableArguments Extensions
87 |
88 | extension PackageModel.BuildConfiguration: ExpressibleByArgument {}
   | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildConfiguration' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'PackageModel' introduce this conformance in the future
   | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
89 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command.swift:20:16: warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because it is nonisolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 18 |     // MARK: - Configuration
 19 |
 20 |     static var configuration = CommandConfiguration (
    |                |- warning: static property 'configuration' is not concurrency-safe because it is nonisolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                |- note: convert 'configuration' to a 'let' constant to make 'Sendable' shared state immutable
    |                |- note: annotate 'configuration' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 21 |         abstract: "Creates an XCFramework out of a Swift Package using xcodebuild",
 22 |         discussion:
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/PackageInfo.swift:273:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'SupportedPlatform' to imported protocol 'Comparable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'PackageModel' introduce this conformance in the future
271 | }
272 |
273 | extension SupportedPlatform: Comparable {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'SupportedPlatform' to imported protocol 'Comparable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'PackageModel' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
274 |     public static func == (lhs: SupportedPlatform, rhs: SupportedPlatform) -> Bool {
275 |         return lhs.platform == rhs.platform && lhs.version == rhs.version
[1167/1171] Compiling CreateXCFramework BuildSetting.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:49:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
47 |         // MARK: - Output Options
48 |
49 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
50 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
51 |                 "A list of platforms you want to build for. Can be specified multiple times."
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:64:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
62 |         var zip = false
63 |
64 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
65 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
66 |                 "The version number to append to the name of the zip file\n\nIf the target you are packaging is a dependency,"
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:88:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildConfiguration' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'PackageModel' introduce this conformance in the future
86 | // MARK: - ParsableArguments Extensions
87 |
88 | extension PackageModel.BuildConfiguration: ExpressibleByArgument {}
   | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildConfiguration' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'PackageModel' introduce this conformance in the future
   | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
89 |
[1168/1171] Compiling CreateXCFramework Command+Options.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:49:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
47 |         // MARK: - Output Options
48 |
49 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
50 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
51 |                 "A list of platforms you want to build for. Can be specified multiple times."
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:64:10: warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
62 |         var zip = false
63 |
64 |         @Option (
   |          `- warning: extraneous whitespace between attribute name and '('; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
65 |             help: ArgumentHelp (
66 |                 "The version number to append to the name of the zip file\n\nIf the target you are packaging is a dependency,"
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CreateXCFramework/Command+Options.swift:88:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildConfiguration' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'PackageModel' introduce this conformance in the future
86 | // MARK: - ParsableArguments Extensions
87 |
88 | extension PackageModel.BuildConfiguration: ExpressibleByArgument {}
   | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildConfiguration' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArgument'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'PackageModel' introduce this conformance in the future
   | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
89 |
[1168/1171] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[1169/1171] Linking swift-create-xcframework
[1170/1171] Applying swift-create-xcframework
Build complete! (88.81s)
Build complete.
  "dependencies" : [
      "identity" : "swift-argument-parser",
      "requirement" : {
        "exact" : [
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "swift-package-manager",
      "requirement" : {
        "branch" : [
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "swift-tools-support-core",
      "requirement" : {
        "branch" : [
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
  "manifest_display_name" : "swift-create-xcframework",
  "name" : "swift-create-xcframework",
  "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace",
  "platforms" : [
      "name" : "macos",
      "version" : "11.0"
  "products" : [
      "name" : "swift-create-xcframework",
      "targets" : [
      "type" : {
        "executable" : null
  "swift_languages_versions" : [
  "targets" : [
      "c99name" : "CreateXCFrameworkTests",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "CreateXCFrameworkTests",
      "path" : "Tests/CreateXCFrameworkTests",
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "test"
      "c99name" : "CreateXCFramework",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "CreateXCFramework",
      "path" : "Sources/CreateXCFramework",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "type" : "executable"
  "tools_version" : "5.3"