The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Build Information

Successful build of soto-smithy with Swift 5.7 for macOS (SPM).

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64

Build Log

Builder version: 4.34.1
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: 0.4.0
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/builder/builds/o86TiJKT/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * tag               0.4.0      -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at 9d90291 Don't throw errors for unrecognised traits ouside of smithy.api and aws.api namespaces
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at 0.4.0
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             5.7
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64
Building for debugging...
[1/37] Compiling SotoSmithy SingleValueTrait.swift
[2/37] Compiling SotoSmithy StaticTrait.swift
[3/37] Compiling SotoSmithy Trait.swift
[4/37] Compiling SotoSmithy TraitList.swift
[5/37] Compiling SotoSmithy AuthenticationTraits.swift
[6/37] Compiling SotoSmithy BehaviourTraits.swift
[7/37] Compiling SotoSmithy ConstraintTraits.swift
[8/37] Compiling SotoSmithy DocumentationTraits.swift
[9/37] Compiling SotoSmithy EndpointTraits.swift
[10/37] Compiling SotoSmithy HttpProtocolBindingTraits.swift
[11/37] Compiling SotoSmithy DecodableShape.swift
[12/37] Compiling SotoSmithy ServiceShapes.swift
[13/37] Compiling SotoSmithy Shape.swift
[14/37] Compiling SotoSmithy SimpleShapes.swift
[15/37] Compiling SotoSmithy CustomTrait.swift
[16/37] Compiling SotoSmithy HttpProtocolComplianceTraits.swift
[17/37] Compiling SotoSmithy MqttProtocolBindingTraits.swift
[18/37] Compiling SotoSmithy ProtocolTraits.swift
[19/37] Compiling SotoSmithy ResourceTraits.swift
[20/37] Compiling SotoSmithy RulesTraits.swift
[21/42] Compiling SotoSmithy StreamingTraits.swift
[22/42] Compiling SotoSmithy SuppressTrait.swift
[23/42] Compiling SotoSmithy TypeRefinementTraits.swift
[24/42] Compiling SotoSmithy WaitersTraits.swift
[25/42] Compiling SotoSmithy XmlBindingTraits.swift
[26/42] Compiling SotoSmithy Document.swift
[27/42] Compiling SotoSmithy Errors.swift
[28/42] Compiling SotoSmithy Model.swift
[29/42] Compiling SotoSmithy ShapeId.swift
[30/42] Compiling SotoSmithy Smithy.swift
[31/42] Compiling SotoSmithy Parser.swift
[32/42] Emitting module SotoSmithy
[33/42] Compiling SotoSmithy LogicalSelectors.swift
[34/42] Compiling SotoSmithy Selector.swift
[35/42] Compiling SotoSmithy SelectorParser.swift
[36/42] Compiling SotoSmithy AggregateShapes.swift
[37/42] Compiling SotoSmithy ApplyShape.swift
[38/42] Compiling SotoSmithy Smithy+Parse.swift
[39/42] Compiling SotoSmithy TokenParser.swift
[40/42] Compiling SotoSmithy Tokenizer.swift
[41/42] Compiling SotoSmithy BasicSelectors.swift
[42/42] Compiling SotoSmithy DecodableSelector.swift
[43/50] Compiling SotoSmithyAWS Smithy.swift
[44/51] Compiling SotoSmithyAWS AwsProtocolTraits.swift
[45/51] Compiling SotoSmithyAWS AwsS3Traits.swift
[46/51] Compiling SotoSmithyAWS AwsApiGatewayTraits.swift
[47/51] Compiling SotoSmithyAWS AwsCloudFormationTraits.swift
[48/51] Compiling SotoSmithyAWS AwsAuthenticationTraits.swift
[49/51] Compiling SotoSmithyAWS AwsCoreTraits.swift
[50/51] Emitting module SotoSmithyAWS
[51/51] Compiling SotoSmithyAWS AwsIAMTraits.swift
Build complete! (4.78s)
Build complete.

Build Machine: Mac 5