The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Build Information

Successful build of Dribble with Swift 5.8 for Linux.

Build Command

bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4606859-1":/host -w "/host/spi-builder-workspace" swift build 2>&1

Build Log

Builder version: 4.22.5
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Cloned into /host/spi-builder-workspace
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at main
Selected platform:         linux
Swift version:             5.8
Building package at path:  /host/spi-builder-workspace
Running build ...
bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4606859-1":/host -w "/host/spi-builder-workspace" swift build 2>&1
Client: Docker Engine - Community
 Version:    24.0.6
 Context:    default
 Debug Mode: false
  buildx: Docker Buildx (Docker Inc.)
    Version:  v0.11.2
    Path:     /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
  compose: Docker Compose (Docker Inc.)
    Version:  v2.21.0
    Path:     /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose

 Containers: 3
  Running: 3
  Paused: 0
  Stopped: 0
 Images: 7
 Server Version: 24.0.2
 Storage Driver: overlay2
  Backing Filesystem: extfs
  Supports d_type: true
  Using metacopy: false
  Native Overlay Diff: false
  userxattr: false
 Logging Driver: json-file
 Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
 Cgroup Version: 1
  Volume: local
  Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
  Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog
 Swarm: inactive
 Runtimes: runc io.containerd.runc.v2
 Default Runtime: runc
 Init Binary: docker-init
 containerd version: 3dce8eb055cbb6872793272b4f20ed16117344f8
 runc version: v1.1.7-0-g860f061
 init version: de40ad0
 Security Options:
   Profile: builtin
 Kernel Version: 5.4.0-1109-azure
 Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
 OSType: linux
 Architecture: x86_64
 CPUs: 8
 Total Memory: 31.36GiB
 Name: lb1
 Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
 Debug Mode: false
 Experimental: false
 Insecure Registries:
 Live Restore Enabled: false
[1/1545] Fetching swift-atomics
[1546/13880] Fetching swift-atomics, swift-collections
[13881/76961] Fetching swift-atomics, swift-collections, swift-nio
Fetched (4.30s)
Fetched (4.33s)
Fetched (4.40s)
[1/6899] Fetching swift-crypto
Fetched (0.99s)
Computing version for
Computed at 2.1.0 (0.44s)
Computing version for
Computed at 2.60.0 (0.80s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.5 (0.33s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.2.0 (0.33s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.2.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 2.60.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 2.1.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.5
Building for debugging...
[0/432] Compiling a_d2i_fp.c
[1/432] Compiling a_dup.c
[2/432] Compiling a_bool.c
[3/432] Compiling a_gentm.c
[4/432] Compiling a_bitstr.c
[5/432] Compiling a_strex.c
[6/432] Compiling CNIOWindows WSAStartup.c
[7/432] Compiling CNIOWindows shim.c
[7/432] Compiling _AtomicsShims.c
[9/432] Compiling a_int.c
[10/432] Compiling CNIOLinux liburing_shims.c
[11/432] Compiling CNIODarwin shim.c
[12/432] Compiling CNIOLinux shim.c
[13/432] Compiling v3_skey.c
[14/432] Compiling v3_prn.c
[15/432] Compiling v3_purp.c
[16/432] Compiling v3_utl.c
[17/456] Compiling v3_pmaps.c
[18/456] Compiling CCryptoBoringSSLShims shims.c
[19/475] Compiling v3_pcons.c
[20/475] Compiling v3_pcia.c
[21/475] Compiling v3_ocsp.c
[22/475] Compiling v3_pci.c
[23/475] Compiling v3_ncons.c
[24/475] Compiling v3_lib.c
[25/475] Compiling v3_int.c
[26/475] Compiling c-nioatomics.c
[27/475] Compiling v3_info.c
[28/475] Compiling v3_genn.c
[29/475] Compiling v3_ia5.c
[30/475] Compiling v3_extku.c
[31/475] Compiling v3_enum.c
[32/475] Compiling v3_crld.c
[33/475] Compiling c-atomics.c
[34/475] Compiling v3_cpols.c
[35/477] Compiling v3_conf.c
[37/481] Compiling Atomics Primitives.native.swift
[38/481] Compiling Atomics Primitives.shims.swift
[39/483] Compiling Atomics ManagedAtomicLazyReference.swift
[40/483] Compiling Atomics UnsafeAtomic.swift
[40/483] Compiling v3_bitst.c
[41/483] Compiling v3_bcons.c
[43/483] Emitting module Atomics
[44/483] Compiling Atomics OptionalRawRepresentable.swift
[45/483] Compiling Atomics RawRepresentable.swift
[46/483] Compiling Atomics AtomicBool.swift
[48/485] Compiling Atomics AtomicInteger.swift
[49/485] Compiling Atomics AtomicOptionalWrappable.swift
[50/485] Compiling Atomics AtomicStorage.swift
[51/485] Compiling Atomics AtomicValue.swift
[52/485] Compiling Atomics AtomicMemoryOrderings.swift
[53/485] Compiling Atomics DoubleWord.swift
[54/485] Compiling Atomics ManagedAtomic.swift
[58/485] Compiling Atomics AtomicReference.swift
[63/485] Emitting module DequeModule
[64/485] Compiling Atomics IntegerConformances.swift
[65/485] Compiling Atomics PointerConformances.swift
[72/485] Compiling DequeModule _DequeSlot.swift
[76/485] Emitting module _NIOBase64
[77/485] Compiling _NIOBase64 Base64.swift
[77/486] Compiling v3_alt.c
[81/487] Compiling Atomics IntegerOperations.swift
[84/487] Compiling Atomics Unmanaged extensions.swift
[84/487] Compiling v3_akey.c
[85/489] Compiling v3_akeya.c
[87/489] Compiling _NIODataStructures PriorityQueue.swift
[88/489] Compiling _NIODataStructures _TinyArray.swift
[92/491] Wrapping AST for _NIOBase64 for debugging
[93/491] Wrapping AST for DequeModule for debugging
[94/491] Compiling pcy_node.c
[95/491] Compiling pcy_tree.c
[96/491] Compiling pcy_map.c
[97/491] Compiling pcy_lib.c
[98/491] Compiling pcy_cache.c
[99/491] Compiling pcy_data.c
[100/491] Compiling x_x509a.c
[102/491] Emitting module NIOConcurrencyHelpers
[103/491] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers NIOAtomic.swift
[103/491] Compiling x_sig.c
[104/491] Compiling x_val.c
[105/491] Compiling x_spki.c
[106/491] Compiling x_x509.c
[107/491] Compiling x_req.c
[108/491] Compiling x_pubkey.c
[109/491] Compiling x_info.c
[110/491] Compiling x_pkey.c
[111/491] Compiling x_name.c
[112/491] Compiling x_exten.c
[113/491] Compiling x_crl.c
[114/491] Compiling x_attrib.c
[115/491] Compiling x_algor.c
[116/491] Compiling x509spki.c
[118/491] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers NIOLock.swift
[119/491] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers lock.swift
[119/491] Compiling x509name.c
[121/491] Emitting module _NIODataStructures
[122/491] Compiling _NIODataStructures Heap.swift
[122/491] Compiling x509rset.c
[123/492] Compiling x_all.c
[125/493] Compiling x509cset.c
[127/493] Compiling x509_trs.c
[128/493] Compiling x509_vfy.c
[129/493] Wrapping AST for _NIODataStructures for debugging
[130/493] Compiling x509_txt.c
[131/493] Compiling x509_v3.c
[132/493] Compiling x509_vpm.c
[134/493] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers atomics.swift
[135/493] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers NIOLockedValueBox.swift
[135/493] Compiling x509_set.c
[136/494] Compiling x509_ext.c
[137/494] Compiling x509_req.c
[139/494] Compiling x509_obj.c
[140/495] Compiling x509_def.c
[142/495] Compiling x509_d2.c
[143/495] Wrapping AST for NIOConcurrencyHelpers for debugging
[144/495] Compiling x509_att.c
[145/495] Compiling t_x509.c
[146/495] Compiling x509.c
[147/495] Compiling x509_lu.c
[148/507] Compiling t_x509a.c
[149/549] Compiling x509_cmp.c
[150/553] Compiling rsa_pss.c
[151/553] Compiling t_crl.c
[152/553] Compiling name_print.c
[153/553] Compiling i2d_pr.c
[154/553] Compiling by_file.c
[155/553] Compiling t_req.c
[156/553] Compiling by_dir.c
[157/553] Compiling algorithm.c
[158/553] Compiling a_verify.c
[159/553] Compiling asn1_gen.c
[160/553] Compiling a_sign.c
[161/553] Compiling a_digest.c
[162/553] Compiling voprf.c
[163/553] Compiling thread_win.c
[164/553] Compiling thread.c
[165/553] Compiling trust_token.c
[166/553] Compiling thread_pthread.c
[167/553] Compiling thread_none.c
[168/553] Compiling pmbtoken.c
[169/553] Compiling siphash.c
[170/553] Compiling stack.c
[171/553] Compiling rc4.c
[172/553] Compiling rsa_print.c
[173/553] Compiling windows.c
[173/553] Compiling refcount_lock.c
[175/553] Compiling refcount_c11.c
[176/553] Compiling rand_extra.c
[177/553] Compiling rsa_asn1.c
[178/553] Compiling fuchsia.c
[179/553] Compiling passive.c
[180/553] Compiling deterministic.c
[181/553] Compiling forkunsafe.c
[182/553] Compiling poly1305_arm_asm.S
[183/553] Compiling pool.c
[184/553] Compiling poly1305_arm.c
[185/553] Compiling poly1305.c
[186/553] Compiling pkcs8.c
[187/553] Compiling pkcs7.c
[188/553] Compiling pkcs8_x509.c
[189/553] Compiling pem_xaux.c
[190/553] Compiling pkcs7_x509.c
[191/553] Compiling p5_pbev2.c
[192/553] Compiling pem_x509.c
[193/553] Compiling pem_pkey.c
[195/553] Compiling NIOCore MarkedCircularBuffer.swift
[196/553] Compiling NIOCore MulticastChannel.swift
[197/553] Compiling NIOCore NIOAny.swift
[198/553] Compiling NIOCore NIOCloseOnErrorHandler.swift
[199/553] Compiling NIOCore NIOLoopBound.swift
[200/553] Compiling NIOCore NIOSendable.swift
[201/553] Compiling NIOCore PointerHelpers.swift
[202/553] Compiling NIOCore RecvByteBufferAllocator.swift
[202/553] Compiling pem_oth.c
[203/561] Compiling pem_pk8.c
[204/561] Compiling pem_info.c
[205/561] Compiling obj_xref.c
[206/561] Compiling pem_lib.c
[207/561] Compiling pem_all.c
[1/1545] Fetching swift-atomics
[1546/13880] Fetching swift-atomics, swift-collections
[13881/76961] Fetching swift-atomics, swift-collections, swift-nio
Fetched (4.30s)
Fetched (4.33s)
Fetched (4.40s)
[1/6899] Fetching swift-crypto
Fetched (0.99s)
Computing version for
Computed at 2.1.0 (0.44s)
Computing version for
Computed at 2.60.0 (0.80s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.5 (0.33s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.2.0 (0.33s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.2.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 2.60.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 2.1.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.5
Building for debugging...
[0/432] Compiling a_d2i_fp.c
[1/432] Compiling a_dup.c
[2/432] Compiling a_bool.c
[3/432] Compiling a_gentm.c
[4/432] Compiling a_bitstr.c
[5/432] Compiling a_strex.c
[6/432] Compiling CNIOWindows WSAStartup.c
[7/432] Compiling CNIOWindows shim.c
[7/432] Compiling _AtomicsShims.c
[9/432] Compiling a_int.c
[10/432] Compiling CNIOLinux liburing_shims.c
[11/432] Compiling CNIODarwin shim.c
[12/432] Compiling CNIOLinux shim.c
[13/432] Compiling v3_skey.c
[14/432] Compiling v3_prn.c
[15/432] Compiling v3_purp.c
[16/432] Compiling v3_utl.c
[17/456] Compiling v3_pmaps.c
[18/456] Compiling CCryptoBoringSSLShims shims.c
[19/475] Compiling v3_pcons.c
[20/475] Compiling v3_pcia.c
[21/475] Compiling v3_ocsp.c
[22/475] Compiling v3_pci.c
[23/475] Compiling v3_ncons.c
[24/475] Compiling v3_lib.c
[25/475] Compiling v3_int.c
[26/475] Compiling c-nioatomics.c
[27/475] Compiling v3_info.c
[28/475] Compiling v3_genn.c
[29/475] Compiling v3_ia5.c
[30/475] Compiling v3_extku.c
[31/475] Compiling v3_enum.c
[32/475] Compiling v3_crld.c
[33/475] Compiling c-atomics.c
[34/475] Compiling v3_cpols.c
[35/477] Compiling v3_conf.c
[37/481] Compiling Atomics Primitives.native.swift
[38/481] Compiling Atomics Primitives.shims.swift
[39/483] Compiling Atomics ManagedAtomicLazyReference.swift
[40/483] Compiling Atomics UnsafeAtomic.swift
[40/483] Compiling v3_bitst.c
[41/483] Compiling v3_bcons.c
[43/483] Emitting module Atomics
[44/483] Compiling Atomics OptionalRawRepresentable.swift
[45/483] Compiling Atomics RawRepresentable.swift
[46/483] Compiling Atomics AtomicBool.swift
[48/485] Compiling Atomics AtomicInteger.swift
[49/485] Compiling Atomics AtomicOptionalWrappable.swift
[50/485] Compiling Atomics AtomicStorage.swift
[51/485] Compiling Atomics AtomicValue.swift
[52/485] Compiling Atomics AtomicMemoryOrderings.swift
[53/485] Compiling Atomics DoubleWord.swift
[54/485] Compiling Atomics ManagedAtomic.swift
[58/485] Compiling Atomics AtomicReference.swift
[63/485] Emitting module DequeModule
[64/485] Compiling Atomics IntegerConformances.swift
[65/485] Compiling Atomics PointerConformances.swift
[72/485] Compiling DequeModule _DequeSlot.swift
[76/485] Emitting module _NIOBase64
[77/485] Compiling _NIOBase64 Base64.swift
[77/486] Compiling v3_alt.c
[81/487] Compiling Atomics IntegerOperations.swift
[84/487] Compiling Atomics Unmanaged extensions.swift
[84/487] Compiling v3_akey.c
[85/489] Compiling v3_akeya.c
[87/489] Compiling _NIODataStructures PriorityQueue.swift
[88/489] Compiling _NIODataStructures _TinyArray.swift
[92/491] Wrapping AST for _NIOBase64 for debugging
[93/491] Wrapping AST for DequeModule for debugging
[94/491] Compiling pcy_node.c
[95/491] Compiling pcy_tree.c
[96/491] Compiling pcy_map.c
[97/491] Compiling pcy_lib.c
[98/491] Compiling pcy_cache.c
[99/491] Compiling pcy_data.c
[100/491] Compiling x_x509a.c
[102/491] Emitting module NIOConcurrencyHelpers
[103/491] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers NIOAtomic.swift
[103/491] Compiling x_sig.c
[104/491] Compiling x_val.c
[105/491] Compiling x_spki.c
[106/491] Compiling x_x509.c
[107/491] Compiling x_req.c
[108/491] Compiling x_pubkey.c
[109/491] Compiling x_info.c
[110/491] Compiling x_pkey.c
[111/491] Compiling x_name.c
[112/491] Compiling x_exten.c
[113/491] Compiling x_crl.c
[114/491] Compiling x_attrib.c
[115/491] Compiling x_algor.c
[116/491] Compiling x509spki.c
[118/491] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers NIOLock.swift
[119/491] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers lock.swift
[119/491] Compiling x509name.c
[121/491] Emitting module _NIODataStructures
[122/491] Compiling _NIODataStructures Heap.swift
[122/491] Compiling x509rset.c
[123/492] Compiling x_all.c
[125/493] Compiling x509cset.c
[127/493] Compiling x509_trs.c
[128/493] Compiling x509_vfy.c
[129/493] Wrapping AST for _NIODataStructures for debugging
[130/493] Compiling x509_txt.c
[131/493] Compiling x509_v3.c
[132/493] Compiling x509_vpm.c
[134/493] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers atomics.swift
[135/493] Compiling NIOConcurrencyHelpers NIOLockedValueBox.swift
[135/493] Compiling x509_set.c
[136/494] Compiling x509_ext.c
[137/494] Compiling x509_req.c
[139/494] Compiling x509_obj.c
[140/495] Compiling x509_def.c
[142/495] Compiling x509_d2.c
[143/495] Wrapping AST for NIOConcurrencyHelpers for debugging
[144/495] Compiling x509_att.c
[145/495] Compiling t_x509.c
[146/495] Compiling x509.c
[147/495] Compiling x509_lu.c
[148/507] Compiling t_x509a.c
[149/549] Compiling x509_cmp.c
[150/553] Compiling rsa_pss.c
[151/553] Compiling t_crl.c
[152/553] Compiling name_print.c
[153/553] Compiling i2d_pr.c
[154/553] Compiling by_file.c
[155/553] Compiling t_req.c
[156/553] Compiling by_dir.c
[157/553] Compiling algorithm.c
[158/553] Compiling a_verify.c
[159/553] Compiling asn1_gen.c
[160/553] Compiling a_sign.c
[161/553] Compiling a_digest.c
[162/553] Compiling voprf.c
[163/553] Compiling thread_win.c
[164/553] Compiling thread.c
[165/553] Compiling trust_token.c
[166/553] Compiling thread_pthread.c
[167/553] Compiling thread_none.c
[168/553] Compiling pmbtoken.c
[169/553] Compiling siphash.c
[170/553] Compiling stack.c
[171/553] Compiling rc4.c
[172/553] Compiling rsa_print.c
[173/553] Compiling windows.c
[173/553] Compiling refcount_lock.c
[175/553] Compiling refcount_c11.c
[176/553] Compiling rand_extra.c
[177/553] Compiling rsa_asn1.c
[178/553] Compiling fuchsia.c
[179/553] Compiling passive.c
[180/553] Compiling deterministic.c
[181/553] Compiling forkunsafe.c
[182/553] Compiling poly1305_arm_asm.S
[183/553] Compiling pool.c
[184/553] Compiling poly1305_arm.c
[185/553] Compiling poly1305.c
[186/553] Compiling pkcs8.c
[187/553] Compiling pkcs7.c
[188/553] Compiling pkcs8_x509.c
[189/553] Compiling pem_xaux.c
[190/553] Compiling pkcs7_x509.c
[191/553] Compiling p5_pbev2.c
[192/553] Compiling pem_x509.c
[193/553] Compiling pem_pkey.c
[195/553] Compiling NIOCore MarkedCircularBuffer.swift
[196/553] Compiling NIOCore MulticastChannel.swift
[197/553] Compiling NIOCore NIOAny.swift
[198/553] Compiling NIOCore NIOCloseOnErrorHandler.swift
[199/553] Compiling NIOCore NIOLoopBound.swift
[200/553] Compiling NIOCore NIOSendable.swift
[201/553] Compiling NIOCore PointerHelpers.swift
[202/553] Compiling NIOCore RecvByteBufferAllocator.swift
[202/553] Compiling pem_oth.c
[203/561] Compiling pem_pk8.c
[204/561] Compiling pem_info.c
[205/561] Compiling obj_xref.c
[206/561] Compiling pem_lib.c
[207/561] Compiling pem_all.c
[208/561] Compiling mem.c
[209/561] Compiling lhash.c
[210/561] Compiling obj.c
[211/561] Compiling x86_64-mont5.mac.x86_64.S
[212/561] Compiling hkdf.c
[213/561] Compiling hpke.c
[214/561] Compiling poly_rq_mul.S
[215/561] Compiling poly1305_vec.c
[216/561] Compiling hrss.c
[217/561] Compiling x86_64-mont.linux.x86_64.S
[218/561] Compiling x86_64-mont.mac.x86_64.S
[219/561] Compiling x86_64-mont5.linux.x86_64.S
[220/561] Compiling
[221/561] Compiling vpaes-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[222/561] Compiling x86-mont.linux.x86.S
[223/561] Compiling vpaes-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[225/561] Compiling NIOCore GlobalSingletons.swift
[226/561] Compiling NIOCore IO.swift
[227/561] Compiling NIOCore IOData.swift
[228/561] Compiling NIOCore IPProtocol.swift
[229/561] Compiling NIOCore IntegerBitPacking.swift
[230/561] Compiling NIOCore IntegerTypes.swift
[231/561] Compiling NIOCore Interfaces.swift
[232/561] Compiling NIOCore Linux.swift
[232/561] Compiling
[233/561] Compiling vpaes-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[234/561] Compiling vpaes-x86.linux.x86.S
[235/561] Compiling vpaes-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[236/561] Compiling vpaes-armv7.linux.arm.S
[237/561] Compiling vpaes-armv7.ios.arm.S
[238/561] Compiling kdf.c
[239/561] Compiling sha512-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[240/561] Compiling sha512-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[241/561] Compiling sha512-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[242/561] Compiling sha512-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[243/561] Compiling sha512-armv4.linux.arm.S
[244/561] Compiling sha512-armv4.ios.arm.S
[245/561] Compiling
[246/561] Compiling sha512-586.linux.x86.S
[247/561] Compiling sha256-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[248/561] Compiling sha256-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[249/561] Compiling sha256-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[250/561] Compiling sha256-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[251/561] Compiling sha256-armv4.ios.arm.S
[252/561] Compiling sha256-armv4.linux.arm.S
[253/561] Compiling
[254/561] Compiling sha256-586.linux.x86.S
[255/561] Compiling sha1-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[256/561] Compiling sha1-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[257/561] Compiling sha1-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[258/561] Compiling sha1-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[259/561] Compiling sha1-586.linux.x86.S
[260/561] Compiling sha1-armv4-large.ios.arm.S
[260/561] Compiling sha1-armv4-large.linux.arm.S
[260/561] Compiling
[263/561] Compiling sha512.c
[264/561] Compiling sha1-altivec.c
[265/561] Compiling sha256.c
[266/561] Compiling self_check.c
[267/561] Compiling rsaz-avx2.mac.x86_64.S
[268/561] Compiling fips.c
[269/561] Compiling sha1.c
[270/561] Compiling rsaz-avx2.linux.x86_64.S
[271/561] Compiling rdrand-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[272/561] Compiling blinding.c
[273/561] Compiling rsa_impl.c
[274/561] Compiling rdrand-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[274/561] Compiling rsa.c
[276/561] Compiling padding.c
[277/561] Compiling rand.c
[278/561] Compiling fork_detect.c
[280/561] Compiling NIOCore EventLoop+SerialExecutor.swift
[281/561] Compiling NIOCore EventLoop.swift
[282/561] Compiling NIOCore EventLoopFuture+Deprecated.swift
[283/561] Compiling NIOCore EventLoopFuture+WithEventLoop.swift
[284/561] Compiling NIOCore EventLoopFuture.swift
[285/561] Compiling NIOCore FileDescriptor.swift
[286/561] Compiling NIOCore FileHandle.swift
[287/561] Compiling NIOCore FileRegion.swift
[287/561] Compiling ctrdrbg.c
[288/561] Compiling p256_beeu-x86_64-asm.mac.x86_64.S
[289/561] Compiling p256_beeu-armv8-asm.linux.aarch64.S
[290/561] Compiling urandom.c
[291/561] Compiling p256_beeu-x86_64-asm.linux.x86_64.S
[292/561] Compiling p256_beeu-armv8-asm.ios.aarch64.S
[293/561] Compiling p256-x86_64-asm.mac.x86_64.S
[294/561] Compiling p256-armv8-asm.linux.aarch64.S
[295/561] Compiling p256-armv8-asm.ios.aarch64.S
[295/561] Compiling ofb.c
[297/561] Compiling p256-x86_64-asm.linux.x86_64.S
[298/561] Compiling polyval.c
[299/561] Compiling cbc.c
[300/561] Compiling gcm_nohw.c
[301/561] Compiling gcm.c
[302/561] Compiling ctr.c
[303/561] Compiling cfb.c
[304/561] Compiling md5.c
[305/561] Compiling md5-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[306/561] Compiling md5-586.linux.x86.S
[307/561] Compiling ghashv8-armx64.linux.aarch64.S
[308/561] Compiling
[309/561] Compiling hmac.c
[310/561] Compiling md5-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[311/561] Compiling md4.c
[313/561] Compiling NIOCore SingleStepByteToMessageDecoder.swift
[314/561] Compiling NIOCore SocketAddresses.swift
[315/561] Compiling NIOCore SocketOptionProvider.swift
[316/561] Compiling NIOCore SystemCallHelpers.swift
[317/561] Compiling NIOCore TimeAmount+Duration.swift
[318/561] Compiling NIOCore TypeAssistedChannelHandler.swift
[319/561] Compiling NIOCore UniversalBootstrapSupport.swift
[320/561] Compiling NIOCore Utilities.swift
[320/561] Compiling ghashv8-armx64.ios.aarch64.S
[321/561] Compiling ghashv8-armx32.ios.arm.S
[322/561] Compiling ghash-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[323/561] Compiling ghashv8-armx32.linux.arm.S
[324/561] Compiling
[325/561] Compiling ghash-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[326/561] Compiling ghash-ssse3-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[327/561] Compiling ghash-x86.linux.x86.S
[328/561] Compiling ghash-ssse3-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[329/561] Compiling fips_shared_support.c
[330/561] Compiling ghash-neon-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[331/561] Compiling ghash-neon-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[332/561] Compiling
[333/561] Compiling ghash-ssse3-x86.linux.x86.S
[334/561] Compiling ghash-armv4.ios.arm.S
[335/561] Compiling ghash-armv4.linux.arm.S
[336/561] Compiling util.c
[337/561] Compiling ecdh.c
[338/561] Compiling ecdsa.c
[339/561] Compiling simple_mul.c
[340/561] Compiling wnaf.c
[341/561] Compiling simple.c
[342/561] Compiling scalar.c
[344/561] Compiling NIOCore ChannelOption.swift
[345/561] Compiling NIOCore ChannelPipeline.swift
[346/561] Compiling NIOCore CircularBuffer.swift
[347/561] Compiling NIOCore Codec.swift
[348/561] Compiling NIOCore ConvenienceOptionSupport.swift
[349/561] Compiling NIOCore DeadChannel.swift
[350/561] Compiling NIOCore DispatchQueue+WithFuture.swift
[351/561] Compiling NIOCore EventLoop+Deprecated.swift
[351/561] Compiling p256.c
[352/561] Compiling oct.c
[353/561] Compiling felem.c
[354/561] Compiling p224-64.c
[355/561] Compiling ec_montgomery.c
[356/561] Compiling ec_key.c
[357/561] Compiling check.c
[358/561] Compiling digest.c
[359/561] Compiling digests.c
[360/561] Compiling dh.c
[361/561] Compiling ec.c
[362/561] Compiling
[363/561] Compiling co-586.linux.x86.S
[364/561] Compiling bsaes-armv7.linux.arm.S
[365/561] Compiling aead.c
[366/561] Compiling cipher.c
[367/561] Compiling bsaes-armv7.ios.arm.S
[368/561] Compiling e_aes.c
[369/561] Compiling sqrt.c
[370/561] Compiling rsaz_exp.c
[371/561] Compiling p256-nistz.c
[372/561] Compiling shift.c
[373/561] Compiling prime.c
[374/561] Compiling random.c
[375/561] Compiling montgomery_inv.c
[376/561] Compiling mul.c
[377/561] Compiling generic.c
[378/561] Compiling jacobi.c
[379/561] Compiling montgomery.c
[380/561] Compiling gcd_extra.c
[381/561] Compiling gcd.c
[382/561] Compiling div_extra.c
[383/561] Compiling exponentiation.c
[384/561] Compiling ctx.c
[385/561] Compiling bytes.c
[386/561] Compiling cmp.c
[387/561] Compiling div.c
[388/561] Compiling bn.c
[389/561] Compiling bn-586.linux.x86.S
[390/561] Compiling armv8-mont.ios.aarch64.S
[391/561] Compiling armv8-mont.linux.aarch64.S
[392/561] Compiling
[393/561] Compiling add.c
[394/561] Compiling armv4-mont.linux.arm.S
[395/561] Compiling x86_64-gcc.c
[396/561] Compiling aesv8-armx32.linux.arm.S
[397/561] Compiling aesv8-armx64.linux.aarch64.S
[398/561] Compiling aesv8-armx64.ios.aarch64.S
[399/561] Compiling aesv8-armx32.ios.arm.S
[399/561] Compiling aesni-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[401/561] Compiling armv4-mont.ios.arm.S
[402/561] Compiling
[403/561] Compiling aesni-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[404/561] Compiling aesni-x86.linux.x86.S
[405/561] Compiling key_wrap.c
[406/561] Compiling aesni-gcm-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[407/561] Compiling mode_wrappers.c
[408/561] Compiling aesni-gcm-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[409/561] Compiling aes.c
[410/561] Compiling aes_nohw.c
[411/561] Compiling scrypt.c
[412/561] Compiling sign.c
[413/561] Compiling ex_data.c
[414/561] Compiling pbkdf.c
[415/561] Compiling p_rsa_asn1.c
[416/561] Compiling print.c
[417/561] Compiling p_x25519_asn1.c
[418/561] Compiling p_x25519.c
[419/561] Compiling p_ed25519_asn1.c
[420/561] Compiling p_ed25519.c
[421/561] Compiling p_ec_asn1.c
[422/561] Compiling p_rsa.c
[423/561] Compiling p_ec.c
[424/561] Compiling p_dsa_asn1.c
[425/561] Compiling digestsign.c
[426/561] Compiling evp_ctx.c
[427/561] Compiling evp_asn1.c
[428/561] Compiling err_data.c
[430/561] Compiling NIOCore NIOAsyncSequenceProducerStrategies.swift
[431/561] Compiling NIOCore NIOAsyncWriter.swift
[432/561] Compiling NIOCore NIOThrowingAsyncSequenceProducer.swift
[433/561] Compiling NIOCore BSDSocketAPI.swift
[434/561] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-aux.swift
[435/561] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-conversions.swift
[436/561] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-core.swift
[437/561] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-hexdump.swift
[438/561] Compiling NIOCore AddressedEnvelope.swift
[439/561] Compiling NIOCore AsyncAwaitSupport.swift
[440/561] Compiling NIOCore AsyncChannel.swift
[441/561] Compiling NIOCore AsyncChannelInboundStream.swift
[442/561] Compiling NIOCore AsyncChannelInboundStreamChannelHandler.swift
[443/561] Compiling NIOCore AsyncChannelOutboundWriter.swift
[444/561] Compiling NIOCore AsyncChannelOutboundWriterHandler.swift
[445/561] Compiling NIOCore CloseRatchet.swift
[446/561] Compiling NIOCore NIOAsyncSequenceProducer.swift
[447/561] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-int.swift
[448/561] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-lengthPrefix.swift
[449/561] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-multi-int.swift
[450/561] Compiling NIOCore ByteBuffer-views.swift
[451/561] Compiling NIOCore Channel.swift
[452/561] Compiling NIOCore ChannelHandler.swift
[453/561] Compiling NIOCore ChannelHandlers.swift
[454/561] Compiling NIOCore ChannelInvoker.swift
[454/561] Compiling evp.c
[455/561] Compiling err.c
[456/561] Compiling engine.c
[457/561] Compiling ecdsa_asn1.c
[458/561] Compiling ec_asn1.c
[459/561] Compiling hash_to_curve.c
[459/561] Compiling ecdh_extra.c
[461/561] Compiling ec_derive.c
[462/561] Compiling dsa_asn1.c
[463/561] Compiling dsa.c
[464/561] Compiling dh_asn1.c
[465/561] Compiling params.c
[466/561] Compiling digest_extra.c
[467/561] Compiling crypto.c
[468/561] Compiling spake25519.c
[468/561] Compiling cpu_ppc64le.c
[470/561] Compiling x25519-asm-arm.S
[471/561] Compiling cpu_arm_linux.c
[472/561] Compiling des.c
[473/561] Compiling curve25519.c
[474/561] Compiling cpu_intel.c
[475/561] Compiling cpu_arm.c
[476/561] Compiling cpu_aarch64_fuchsia.c
[477/561] Compiling cpu_aarch64_win.c
[478/561] Compiling cpu_aarch64_linux.c
[479/561] Compiling cmac.c
[480/561] Compiling conf.c
[481/561] Compiling cpu_aarch64_apple.c
[482/561] Compiling e_rc4.c
[483/561] Compiling tls_cbc.c
[484/561] Compiling e_tls.c
[485/561] Compiling e_null.c
[486/561] Compiling e_des.c
[488/561] Emitting module NIOCore
[488/561] Compiling e_rc2.c
[490/562] Compiling e_chacha20poly1305.c
[492/563] Compiling e_aesctrhmac.c
[493/563] Compiling derive_key.c
[494/563] Compiling cipher_extra.c
[495/563] Compiling chacha20_poly1305_x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[496/563] Compiling e_aesgcmsiv.c
[497/563] Compiling e_aesccm.c
[498/563] Compiling chacha20_poly1305_x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[499/563] Compiling chacha.c
[500/563] Compiling aes128gcmsiv-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[501/563] Compiling chacha-x86.linux.x86.S
[501/563] Compiling chacha-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[501/563] Compiling
[501/563] Compiling chacha-x86_64.mac.x86_64.S
[505/563] Compiling chacha-armv8.linux.aarch64.S
[506/563] Compiling aes128gcmsiv-x86_64.linux.x86_64.S
[507/563] Compiling chacha-armv8.ios.aarch64.S
[508/563] Compiling cbb.c
[509/563] Compiling unicode.c
[510/563] Compiling chacha-armv4.linux.arm.S
[511/563] Compiling chacha-armv4.ios.arm.S
[512/563] Compiling ber.c
[513/563] Compiling asn1_compat.c
[514/563] Wrapping AST for NIOCore for debugging
[515/563] Compiling cbs.c
[516/563] Compiling blake2.c
[517/563] Compiling socket_helper.c
[518/563] Compiling bn_asn1.c
[519/564] Compiling buf.c
[520/588] Compiling printf.c
[521/612] Compiling convert.c
[522/612] Compiling socket.c
[523/612] Compiling hexdump.c
[524/612] Compiling pair.c
[525/612] Compiling file.c
[526/612] Compiling fd.c
[527/612] Compiling time_support.c
[528/612] Compiling bio_mem.c
[529/612] Compiling connect.c
[530/612] Compiling base64.c
[531/612] Compiling bio.c
[532/612] Compiling tasn_utl.c
[533/612] Compiling tasn_typ.c
[534/612] Compiling tasn_fre.c
[535/612] Compiling tasn_new.c
[536/612] Compiling tasn_enc.c
[537/612] Compiling f_string.c
[538/612] Compiling f_int.c
[539/612] Compiling tasn_dec.c
[540/612] Compiling asn1_par.c
[541/612] Compiling asn_pack.c
[542/612] Compiling asn1_lib.c
[543/612] Compiling a_utf8.c
[544/612] Compiling a_utctm.c
[545/612] Compiling a_type.c
[546/612] Compiling a_time.c
[547/612] Compiling a_strnid.c
[549/612] Compiling NIOEmbedded AsyncTestingChannel.swift
[550/612] Emitting module NIOEmbedded
[550/612] Compiling a_octet.c
[551/612] Wrapping AST for Atomics for debugging
[552/612] Compiling a_print.c
[553/612] Compiling a_i2d_fp.c
[554/612] Compiling a_object.c
[555/612] Compiling a_mbstr.c
[557/612] Compiling NIOEmbedded AsyncTestingEventLoop.swift
[558/612] Compiling NIOEmbedded Embedded.swift
[560/659] Wrapping AST for NIOEmbedded for debugging
[562/670] Compiling Crypto ECDH_boring.swift
[563/670] Compiling Crypto DH.swift
[564/670] Compiling Crypto ECDH.swift
[565/670] Compiling Crypto HKDF.swift
[566/670] Compiling Crypto AESWrap.swift
[567/670] Compiling Crypto AESWrap_boring.swift
[568/670] Emitting module NIOPosix
[569/676] Compiling Crypto Ed25519_boring.swift
[570/676] Compiling Crypto EllipticCurvePoint_boring.swift
[571/676] Compiling Crypto EllipticCurve_boring.swift
[572/676] Compiling Crypto NISTCurvesKeys_boring.swift
[573/676] Compiling Crypto X25519Keys_boring.swift
[574/676] Compiling Crypto Curve25519.swift
[575/676] Compiling Crypto Ed25519.swift
[576/676] Compiling Crypto NISTCurvesKeys.swift
[577/676] Compiling Crypto X25519Keys.swift
[578/676] Compiling Crypto SymmetricKeys.swift
[579/676] Compiling Crypto HMAC.swift
[580/676] Compiling Crypto MACFunctions.swift
[581/676] Compiling NIOPosix Thread.swift
[582/676] Compiling NIOPosix ThreadPosix.swift
[583/676] Compiling NIOPosix ThreadWindows.swift
[584/676] Compiling NIOPosix Utilities.swift
[585/676] Compiling NIOPosix VsockAddress.swift
[586/676] Compiling NIOPosix VsockChannelEvents.swift
[587/676] Compiling Crypto HashFunctions.swift
[588/676] Compiling Crypto HashFunctions_SHA2.swift
[589/676] Compiling Crypto ASN1Identifier.swift
[590/676] Compiling Crypto ASN1Integer.swift
[591/676] Compiling Crypto ASN1OctetString.swift
[592/676] Compiling Crypto ArraySliceBigint.swift
[593/676] Compiling Crypto ObjectIdentifier.swift
[594/676] Compiling Crypto ECDSASignature.swift
[595/676] Compiling Crypto PEMDocument.swift
[596/676] Compiling Crypto PKCS8PrivateKey.swift
[597/676] Compiling Crypto Insecure.swift
[598/676] Compiling Crypto Insecure_HashFunctions.swift
[599/676] Emitting module Crypto
[600/683] Compiling Crypto ASN1BitString.swift
[601/683] Compiling Crypto SEC1PrivateKey.swift
[602/683] Compiling Crypto SubjectPublicKeyInfo.swift
[603/683] Compiling Crypto CryptoKitErrors.swift
[604/683] Compiling Crypto Digest_boring.swift
[605/683] Compiling Crypto Digest.swift
[606/683] Compiling Crypto Digests.swift
[607/683] Compiling Crypto AES-GCM.swift
[608/683] Compiling Crypto AES-GCM_boring.swift
[609/683] Compiling Crypto ChaChaPoly_boring.swift
[610/683] Compiling Crypto ChaChaPoly.swift
[611/683] Compiling Crypto Cipher.swift
[612/683] Compiling Crypto Nonces.swift
[613/683] Compiling Crypto ASN1.swift
[615/685] Wrapping AST for NIOPosix for debugging
[617/687] Emitting module NIO
[618/687] Compiling NIO Exports.swift
[631/689] Compiling Crypto EdDSA.swift
[632/689] Compiling Crypto Signature.swift
[633/689] Compiling Crypto ArbitraryPrecisionInteger_boring.swift
[634/689] Compiling Crypto CryptoKitErrors_boring.swift
[635/689] Compiling Crypto FiniteFieldArithmeticContext_boring.swift
[651/689] Wrapping AST for NIO for debugging
[677/695] Emitting module _NIOConcurrency
[678/695] Compiling _NIOConcurrency Empty.swift
[679/695] Emitting module NIOFoundationCompat
[680/696] Compiling NIOFoundationCompat JSONSerialization+ByteBuffer.swift
[681/696] Compiling NIOFoundationCompat Codable+ByteBuffer.swift
[684/697] Compiling Crypto RNG_boring.swift
[685/697] Compiling Crypto SafeCompare_boring.swift
[686/697] Compiling Crypto Zeroization_boring.swift
[687/697] Compiling Crypto PrettyBytes.swift
[688/697] Compiling Crypto SafeCompare.swift
[689/697] Compiling Crypto SecureBytes.swift
[690/697] Compiling Crypto Zeroization.swift
[691/699] Wrapping AST for _NIOConcurrency for debugging
[693/699] Wrapping AST for Crypto for debugging
[695/699] Compiling NIOFoundationCompat ByteBuffer-foundation.swift
[697/701] Wrapping AST for NIOFoundationCompat for debugging
[699/709] Compiling Dribble TurnChannels.swift
[700/710] Compiling Dribble StunClient.swift
[701/710] Compiling Dribble StunInboundHandler.swift
[702/710] Compiling Dribble TurnAllocation.swift
[703/710] Compiling Dribble TurnClient.swift
[704/710] Emitting module Dribble
[705/710] Compiling Dribble Heplers.swift
[706/710] Compiling Dribble Errors.swift
[707/710] Compiling Dribble STUN.swift
[709/712] Wrapping AST for Dribble for debugging
[711/714] Emitting module CLIExample
[712/714] Compiling CLIExample CLI.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CLIExample/CLI.swift:68:46: warning: non-sendable type 'ChannelPipeline.Position' exiting main actor-isolated context in call to non-isolated instance method 'addHandler(_:name:position:)' cannot cross actor boundary
        try await allocationChannel.pipeline.addHandler(ByteToMessageHandler(PrintHandler()))
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-nio/Sources/NIOCore/ChannelPipeline.swift:1280:17: note: enum 'Position' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
    public enum Position {
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/CLIExample/CLI.swift:69:50: warning: non-sendable type 'ChannelPipeline.Position' exiting main actor-isolated context in call to non-isolated instance method 'addHandlers(_:position:)' cannot cross actor boundary
        try await proxyTargettedChannel.pipeline.addHandlers(
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-nio/Sources/NIOCore/ChannelPipeline.swift:1280:17: note: enum 'Position' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
    public enum Position {
[714/716] Wrapping AST for CLIExample for debugging
[715/716] Linking CLIExample
Build complete! (53.28s)
Build complete.

Build Machine: Linux 1