The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of webber-tools with Swift 5.10 for macOS (SPM).

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64

Build Log

Builder version: 4.29.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: 1.4.3
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/builder/builds/UKfvDsi8u/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * tag               1.4.3      -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at d342e52 🛠 Improve swift errors printing
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at 1.4.3
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             5.10
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64
Building for debugging...
[0/3] Write sources
[2/3] Write swift-version--423B1241ED78D482.txt
[4/63] Emitting module Crypto
[5/71] Compiling Crypto ECDSASignature.swift
[6/71] Compiling Crypto PEMDocument.swift
[7/71] Compiling Crypto PKCS8PrivateKey.swift
[8/71] Compiling Crypto SEC1PrivateKey.swift
[9/71] Compiling Crypto SubjectPublicKeyInfo.swift
[10/71] Compiling Crypto CryptoKitErrors.swift
[11/71] Compiling Crypto Digest_boring.swift
[12/71] Compiling Crypto Digest.swift
[13/71] Compiling Crypto Digests.swift
[14/71] Compiling Crypto HashFunctions.swift
[15/71] Compiling Crypto HashFunctions_SHA2.swift
[16/71] Compiling Crypto Insecure.swift
[17/71] Compiling Crypto Insecure_HashFunctions.swift
[18/71] Compiling Crypto ECDH_boring.swift
[19/71] Compiling Crypto DH.swift
[20/71] Compiling Crypto ECDH.swift
[21/71] Compiling Crypto HKDF.swift
[22/71] Compiling Crypto ECDSASignature_boring.swift
[23/71] Compiling Crypto ECDSA_boring.swift
[24/71] Compiling Crypto EdDSA_boring.swift
[25/71] Compiling Crypto ECDSA.swift
[26/71] Compiling Crypto EdDSA.swift
[27/71] Compiling Crypto Signature.swift
[28/71] Compiling Crypto ArbitraryPrecisionInteger_boring.swift
[29/71] Compiling Crypto CryptoKitErrors_boring.swift
[30/71] Compiling Crypto AES-GCM.swift
[31/71] Compiling Crypto AES-GCM_boring.swift
[32/71] Compiling Crypto ChaChaPoly_boring.swift
[33/71] Compiling Crypto ChaChaPoly.swift
[34/71] Compiling Crypto Cipher.swift
[35/71] Compiling Crypto Nonces.swift
[36/71] Compiling Crypto ASN1.swift
[37/71] Compiling Crypto ASN1Any.swift
[38/71] Compiling Crypto ASN1BitString.swift
[39/71] Compiling Crypto Ed25519.swift
[40/71] Compiling Crypto NISTCurvesKeys.swift
[41/71] Compiling Crypto X25519Keys.swift
[42/71] Compiling Crypto SymmetricKeys.swift
[43/71] Compiling Crypto HMAC.swift
[44/71] Compiling Crypto MACFunctions.swift
[45/71] Compiling Crypto MessageAuthenticationCode.swift
[46/71] Compiling Crypto AES.swift
[47/71] Compiling Crypto AESWrap.swift
[48/71] Compiling Crypto AESWrap_boring.swift
[49/71] Compiling Crypto Ed25519_boring.swift
[50/71] Compiling Crypto EllipticCurvePoint_boring.swift
[51/71] Compiling Crypto EllipticCurve_boring.swift
[52/71] Compiling Crypto NISTCurvesKeys_boring.swift
[53/71] Compiling Crypto X25519Keys_boring.swift
[54/71] Compiling Crypto Curve25519.swift
[55/71] Compiling Crypto ASN1Boolean.swift
[56/71] Compiling Crypto ASN1Identifier.swift
[57/71] Compiling Crypto ASN1Integer.swift
[58/71] Compiling Crypto ASN1Null.swift
[59/71] Compiling Crypto ASN1OctetString.swift
[60/71] Compiling Crypto ASN1Strings.swift
[61/71] Compiling Crypto ArraySliceBigint.swift
[62/71] Compiling Crypto GeneralizedTime.swift
[63/71] Compiling Crypto ObjectIdentifier.swift
[64/71] Compiling Crypto FiniteFieldArithmeticContext_boring.swift
[65/71] Compiling Crypto RNG_boring.swift
[66/71] Compiling Crypto SafeCompare_boring.swift
[67/71] Compiling Crypto Zeroization_boring.swift
[68/71] Compiling Crypto PrettyBytes.swift
[69/71] Compiling Crypto SafeCompare.swift
[70/71] Compiling Crypto SecureBytes.swift
[71/71] Compiling Crypto Zeroization.swift
[72/80] Compiling WebberTools String+SHA.swift
[73/81] Compiling WebberTools SwiftPackage.swift
[74/81] Compiling WebberTools Preview.swift
[75/81] Compiling WebberTools CompilationErrorsParser.swift
[76/81] Compiling WebberTools FS.swift
[77/81] Compiling WebberTools Bash.swift
[78/81] Compiling WebberTools CompilationError.swift
[79/81] Emitting module WebberTools
[80/81] Compiling WebberTools Swift.swift
[81/81] Compiling WebberTools DirectoryMonitor.swift
Build complete! (6.04s)
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.17s)
Computing version for
Computed at 2.6.0 (0.02s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 2.6.0
Build complete.