The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Build Information

Failed to build SwiftKuerySQLite with Swift 5.10 for Linux.

Build Command

bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4606859-0":/host -w "$workDir" swift build 2>&1

Build Log

Builder version: 4.29.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: 2.0.201
Initialized empty Git repository in /host/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint: 	git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint: 	git branch -m <name>
 * tag               2.0.201    -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at b4ce5fa Merge pull request #49 from dannys42-contrib/MISC-CommunityVersion2
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at 2.0.201
Selected platform:         linux
Swift version:             5.10
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4606859-0":/host -w "$workDir" swift build 2>&1
[1/5661] Fetching swift-kuery
Fetched from cache (0.98s)
Computing version for
Computed at 3.0.200 (0.38s)
[1/771] Fetching loggerapi
Fetched from cache (0.24s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.9.200 (0.39s)
[1/3170] Fetching swift-log
Fetched from cache (0.35s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.5.4 (0.40s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.9.200
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 3.0.200
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.5.4
Building for debugging...
[0/6] Write sources
[4/6] Compiling CSQLite anchor.c
[5/6] Write swift-version-24593BA9C3E375BF.txt
[7/11] Compiling Logging MetadataProvider.swift
[8/11] Compiling Logging Locks.swift
[9/11] Emitting module Logging
[10/11] Compiling Logging LogHandler.swift
[11/11] Compiling Logging Logging.swift
[13/14] Emitting module LoggerAPI
[14/14] Compiling LoggerAPI Logger.swift
[16/59] Compiling SwiftKuery QueryError.swift
[17/59] Compiling SwiftKuery QueryResult.swift
[18/59] Compiling SwiftKuery QuerySuffixProtocol.swift
[19/59] Compiling SwiftKuery Raw.swift
[20/59] Compiling SwiftKuery RawField.swift
[21/59] Compiling SwiftKuery ResultFetcher.swift
[22/59] Compiling SwiftKuery OrderBy.swift
[23/59] Compiling SwiftKuery Parameter.swift
[24/59] Compiling SwiftKuery Predicate.swift
[25/59] Compiling SwiftKuery PreparedStatement.swift
[26/59] Compiling SwiftKuery Query.swift
[27/59] Compiling SwiftKuery QueryBuilder.swift
[28/65] Emitting module SwiftKuery
[29/65] Compiling SwiftKuery ConditionalClause.swift
[30/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Connection.swift
[31/65] Compiling SwiftKuery ConnectionPool.swift
[32/65] Compiling SwiftKuery ConnectionPoolConnection.swift
[33/65] Compiling SwiftKuery ConnectionPoolOptions.swift
[34/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Delete.swift
[35/65] Compiling SwiftKuery AggregateColumnExpression.swift
[36/65] Compiling SwiftKuery AuxiliaryTable.swift
[37/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Buildable.swift
[38/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Column.swift
[39/65] Compiling SwiftKuery ColumnAndExpressions_Extensions.swift
[40/65] Compiling SwiftKuery ColumnCreator.swift
[41/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Condition.swift
[42/65] Compiling SwiftKuery ResultSet.swift
[43/65] Compiling SwiftKuery SQLDataType.swift
[44/65] Compiling SwiftKuery ScalarColumnExpression.swift
[45/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Select.swift
[46/65] Compiling SwiftKuery SpecialOperators_Extensions.swift
[47/65] Compiling SwiftKuery String+Buildable.swift
[48/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Subqueries_GlobalFunctionsAndExtensions.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Swift-Kuery/Sources/SwiftKuery/Utils.swift:71:61: error: ambiguous use of operator '+'
            resultQuery += inputQuery[..<_range.lowerBound] + marker + "\(index)"
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:2:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:3:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Other, rhs: Self) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:5:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : RangeReplaceableCollection, Self.Element == Other.Element
[49/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Table.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Swift-Kuery/Sources/SwiftKuery/Utils.swift:71:61: error: ambiguous use of operator '+'
            resultQuery += inputQuery[..<_range.lowerBound] + marker + "\(index)"
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:2:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:3:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Other, rhs: Self) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:5:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : RangeReplaceableCollection, Self.Element == Other.Element
[50/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Union.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Swift-Kuery/Sources/SwiftKuery/Utils.swift:71:61: error: ambiguous use of operator '+'
            resultQuery += inputQuery[..<_range.lowerBound] + marker + "\(index)"
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:2:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:3:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Other, rhs: Self) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:5:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : RangeReplaceableCollection, Self.Element == Other.Element
[51/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Update.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Swift-Kuery/Sources/SwiftKuery/Utils.swift:71:61: error: ambiguous use of operator '+'
            resultQuery += inputQuery[..<_range.lowerBound] + marker + "\(index)"
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:2:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:3:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Other, rhs: Self) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:5:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : RangeReplaceableCollection, Self.Element == Other.Element
[52/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Utils.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Swift-Kuery/Sources/SwiftKuery/Utils.swift:71:61: error: ambiguous use of operator '+'
            resultQuery += inputQuery[..<_range.lowerBound] + marker + "\(index)"
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:2:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:3:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Other, rhs: Self) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:5:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : RangeReplaceableCollection, Self.Element == Other.Element
[53/65] Compiling SwiftKuery With.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Swift-Kuery/Sources/SwiftKuery/Utils.swift:71:61: error: ambiguous use of operator '+'
            resultQuery += inputQuery[..<_range.lowerBound] + marker + "\(index)"
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:2:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:3:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Other, rhs: Self) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:5:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : RangeReplaceableCollection, Self.Element == Other.Element
[54/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Index.swift
[55/65] Compiling SwiftKuery IndexColumn.swift
[56/65] Compiling SwiftKuery IndexColumnOrdered.swift
[57/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Insert.swift
[58/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Join.swift
[59/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Migration.swift
[60/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Field.swift
[61/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Filter.swift
[62/65] Compiling SwiftKuery FilterAndHaving_Extensions.swift
[63/65] Compiling SwiftKuery FilterAndHaving_GlobalFunctions.swift
[64/65] Compiling SwiftKuery ForeignKey.swift
[65/65] Compiling SwiftKuery Having.swift
error: fatalError
[0/1] Planning build
Building for debugging...
[0/1] Write swift-version-24593BA9C3E375BF.txt
[2/8] Compiling SwiftKuery With.swift
[3/10] Compiling SwiftKuery Delete.swift
[4/10] Compiling SwiftKuery Insert.swift
[5/11] Compiling SwiftKuery Select.swift
[6/11] Compiling SwiftKuery Union.swift
[7/11] Compiling SwiftKuery Table.swift
[8/11] Compiling SwiftKuery Update.swift
[9/11] Emitting module SwiftKuery
[10/11] Compiling SwiftKuery Subqueries_GlobalFunctionsAndExtensions.swift
[11/11] Compiling SwiftKuery Utils.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Swift-Kuery/Sources/SwiftKuery/Utils.swift:71:61: error: ambiguous use of operator '+'
            resultQuery += inputQuery[..<_range.lowerBound] + marker + "\(index)"
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:2:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:3:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Other, rhs: Self) -> Self where Other : Sequence, Self.Element == Other.Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:5:35: note: found this candidate
    @inlinable public static func + <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Self where Other : RangeReplaceableCollection, Self.Element == Other.Element
[12/21] Compiling SwiftKuery IndexColumn.swift
[13/21] Compiling SwiftKuery AuxiliaryTable.swift
[14/21] Compiling SwiftKuery Column.swift
[15/23] Compiling SwiftKuery IndexColumnOrdered.swift
[16/23] Compiling SwiftKuery Join.swift
[17/25] Compiling SwiftKuery Having.swift
[18/25] Compiling SwiftKuery Predicate.swift
[19/25] Compiling SwiftKuery Filter.swift
[20/25] Compiling SwiftKuery ForeignKey.swift
[21/25] Compiling SwiftKuery Index.swift
[22/35] Compiling SwiftKuery Raw.swift
[23/38] Compiling SwiftKuery Migration.swift
[24/40] Compiling SwiftKuery ScalarColumnExpression.swift
[25/42] Compiling SwiftKuery FilterAndHaving_Extensions.swift
[26/42] Compiling SwiftKuery OrderBy.swift
[27/42] Compiling SwiftKuery Parameter.swift
[28/44] Compiling SwiftKuery QueryBuilder.swift
[29/44] Compiling SwiftKuery QueryError.swift
[30/46] Compiling SwiftKuery ConnectionPoolConnection.swift
[31/46] Compiling SwiftKuery ConnectionPoolOptions.swift
[32/46] Compiling SwiftKuery Field.swift
[33/46] Compiling SwiftKuery Condition.swift
[34/46] Compiling SwiftKuery Connection.swift
[35/46] Compiling SwiftKuery ConnectionPool.swift
[36/46] Compiling SwiftKuery ResultSet.swift
[37/46] Compiling SwiftKuery SQLDataType.swift
[38/46] Compiling SwiftKuery QueryResult.swift
[39/46] Compiling SwiftKuery RawField.swift
[40/46] Compiling SwiftKuery ConditionalClause.swift
[41/46] Compiling SwiftKuery FilterAndHaving_GlobalFunctions.swift
[42/46] Compiling SwiftKuery AggregateColumnExpression.swift
[43/46] Compiling SwiftKuery ColumnAndExpressions_Extensions.swift
[44/46] Compiling SwiftKuery ColumnCreator.swift
[45/46] Compiling SwiftKuery SpecialOperators_Extensions.swift
[46/46] Compiling SwiftKuery String+Buildable.swift
error: fatalError
BUILD FAILURE 5.10 linux

Build Machine: Linux 1