The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Build Information

Failed to build SKServer with Swift 5.7 for Linux.

Build Command

docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4606859-1":/host -w "/host/spi-builder-workspace" swift build 2>&1

Build Log

Builder version: 4.22.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: 4.1.2
Cloned into spi-builder-workspace
SUCCESS checkout at 4.1.2
Selected platform:         linux
Swift version:             5.7
Building package at path:  spi-builder-workspace
Running build ...
docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4606859-1":/host -w "/host/spi-builder-workspace" swift build 2>&1
[1/288] Fetching skcore
[220/582] Fetching skcore, skwebapi
[583/6541] Fetching skcore, skwebapi, swifter
Fetched (0.69s)
Fetched (0.69s)
Fetched (0.71s)
Computing version for
Computed at 4.1.3 (0.26s)
Computing version for
Computed at 4.1.3 (0.28s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.4.7 (0.91s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.4.7
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 4.1.3
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 4.1.3
Building for debugging...
[1/44] Emitting module SKCore
[2/47] Compiling SKCore Channel.swift
[3/47] Compiling SKCore Comment.swift
[4/47] Compiling SKCore CustomProfile.swift
[5/47] Compiling SKCore CustomProfileField.swift
[6/47] Compiling SKCore SlackError.swift
[7/47] Compiling SKCore Team.swift
[8/47] Compiling SKCore TeamIcon.swift
[9/47] Compiling SKCore Reaction.swift
[10/47] Compiling SKCore Reply.swift
[11/47] Compiling SKCore Scope.swift
[12/47] Compiling SKCore Topic.swift
[13/47] Compiling SKCore User.swift
[14/47] Compiling SKCore UserGroup.swift
[15/47] Compiling SKCore File.swift
[16/47] Compiling SKCore History.swift
[17/47] Compiling SKCore Item.swift
[18/47] Emitting module Swifter
[19/49] Compiling SKCore DoNotDisturbStatus.swift
[20/49] Compiling SKCore Edited.swift
[21/49] Compiling SKCore Event.swift
[22/49] Compiling SKCore Extensions.swift
[23/49] Compiling SKCore Action.swift
[24/49] Compiling SKCore Attachment.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swifter/XCode/Sources/Socket+File.swift:24:60: error: generic parameter 'Element' could not be inferred
                    let writeResult = send(target, &buffer + writeCounter, readResult - writeCounter, Int32(MSG_NOSIGNAL))
[25/49] Compiling SKCore AttachmentField.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swifter/XCode/Sources/Socket+File.swift:24:60: error: generic parameter 'Element' could not be inferred
                    let writeResult = send(target, &buffer + writeCounter, readResult - writeCounter, Int32(MSG_NOSIGNAL))
[29/49] Compiling SKCore Bot.swift
[30/49] Compiling SKCore Message.swift
[31/49] Compiling SKCore OAuthConfig.swift
[32/49] Compiling SKCore RTMOptions.swift
error: emit-module command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)[50/55] Compiling SKWebAPI Endpoint.swift
[51/55] Emitting module SKWebAPI
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:33:27: error: 'URLSession' (aka 'AnyObject') cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
    private let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:33:54: error: cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'default'
    private let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:133:66: error: 'URLResponse' is unavailable: This type has moved to the FoundationNetworking module. Import that module to use it.
    internal static func handleResponse(_ data: Data?, response: URLResponse?, publicError: Error?) throws -> [String: Any] {
Foundation.URLResponse:2:18: note: 'URLResponse' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias URLResponse = AnyObject
[52/55] Compiling SKWebAPI WebAPI.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:33:27: error: 'URLSession' (aka 'AnyObject') cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
    private let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:33:54: error: cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'default'
    private let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)
[53/55] Compiling SKWebAPI NetworkInterface.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:33:27: error: 'URLSession' (aka 'AnyObject') cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
    private let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:33:54: error: cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'default'
    private let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:133:66: error: 'URLResponse' is unavailable: This type has moved to the FoundationNetworking module. Import that module to use it.
    internal static func handleResponse(_ data: Data?, response: URLResponse?, publicError: Error?) throws -> [String: Any] {
Foundation.URLResponse:2:18: note: 'URLResponse' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias URLResponse = AnyObject
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:47:23: error: cannot find 'URLRequest' in scope
        let request = URLRequest(url: url)
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:51:68: error: cannot convert value of type '_' to expected argument type 'Data?'
                successClosure(try NetworkInterface.handleResponse(data, response: response, publicError: publicError))
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:51:84: error: argument type '_' expected to be an instance of a class or class-constrained type
                successClosure(try NetworkInterface.handleResponse(data, response: response, publicError: publicError))
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:63:23: error: cannot find 'URLRequest' in scope
        let request = URLRequest(url: url)
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:65:23: error: 'URLResponse' is unavailable: This type has moved to the FoundationNetworking module. Import that module to use it.
        var response: URLResponse? = nil
Foundation.URLResponse:2:18: note: 'URLResponse' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias URLResponse = AnyObject
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:69:20: error: cannot assign value of type '_' to type 'Data'
            data = reqData
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:89:23: error: cannot find 'URLRequest' in scope
        var request = URLRequest(url:url)
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:117:23: error: cannot find 'URLRequest' in scope
        var request = URLRequest(url:url)
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:126:68: error: cannot convert value of type '_' to expected argument type 'Data?'
                successClosure(try NetworkInterface.handleResponse(data, response: response, publicError: publicError))
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:126:84: error: argument type '_' expected to be an instance of a class or class-constrained type
                successClosure(try NetworkInterface.handleResponse(data, response: response, publicError: publicError))
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:134:60: error: 'HTTPURLResponse' is unavailable: This type has moved to the FoundationNetworking module. Import that module to use it.
        guard let data = data, let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse else {
Foundation.HTTPURLResponse:2:18: note: 'HTTPURLResponse' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
public typealias HTTPURLResponse = AnyObject
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/SKWebAPI/Sources/NetworkInterface.swift:142:29: error: value of type 'HTTPURLResponse' (aka 'AnyObject') has no member 'statusCode'
            switch response.statusCode {
                   ~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~

Build Machine: Linux 1