The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Failed to build llbuild, reference 1.0.0 (783aec), with Swift 6.0 for macOS (SPM) on 15 Sep 2024 10:49:42 UTC.

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

Builder version: 4.53.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: 1.0.0
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * tag               1.0.0      -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at 783aec2 Fix a few comment typos in the codebase (#906)
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at 1.0.0
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $PWD
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete
Building for debugging...
[0/155] Compiling llbuildBasic ShellUtility.cpp
[1/155] Compiling libllbuild C-API.cpp
[2/155] Compiling llbuild main.cpp
[2/155] Write swift-build-tool-entitlement.plist
[4/155] Write swift-version-117DEE11B69C53C9.txt
[5/155] Compiling libllbuild BuildKey-C-API.cpp
[6/155] Compiling libllbuild BuildValue-C-API.cpp
[7/155] Compiling libllbuild Core-C-API.cpp
[8/155] Compiling llvmSupport Valgrind.cpp
[9/155] Compiling llvmSupport UnicodeCaseFold.cpp
[10/155] Compiling libllbuild BuildDB-C-API.cpp
[11/155] Compiling llbuildBasic SerialQueue.cpp
[12/155] Compiling llbuildBasic LaneBasedExecutionQueue.cpp
[13/155] Compiling llvmSupport circular_raw_ostream.cpp
[14/155] Compiling libllbuild BuildSystem-C-API.cpp
[15/155] Compiling llvmSupport Unicode.cpp
[16/155] Compiling llvmSupport Twine.cpp
[17/155] Compiling llvmSupport raw_ostream.cpp
[18/155] Compiling llvmSupport Triple.cpp
[19/155] Compiling swift-build-tool main.cpp
[20/155] Compiling llvmSupport Threading.cpp
[21/155] Compiling llvmSupport StringSaver.cpp
[22/155] Compiling llvmSupport YAMLParser.cpp
[23/155] Compiling llvmSupport TargetParser.cpp
[24/155] Compiling llvmSupport StringMap.cpp
[25/155] Compiling llvmSupport StringExtras.cpp
[26/155] Compiling llvmSupport SmallVector.cpp
[27/155] Compiling llvmSupport StringRef.cpp
[28/155] Compiling llvmSupport SmallPtrSet.cpp
[29/155] Compiling llvmSupport Mutex.cpp
[30/155] Compiling llvmSupport Options.cpp
[31/155] Compiling llvmSupport NativeFormatting.cpp
[32/155] Compiling llvmSupport SourceMgr.cpp
[33/155] Compiling llvmSupport Program.cpp
[34/155] Compiling llvmSupport Signals.cpp
[35/155] Compiling llvmSupport Process.cpp
[36/155] Compiling llvmSupport Memory.cpp
[37/155] Compiling llvmSupport MathExtras.cpp
[38/155] Compiling llvmSupport MemoryBuffer.cpp
[39/155] Compiling llvmSupport Path.cpp
[40/155] Compiling llvmSupport ManagedStatic.cpp
[41/155] Compiling llvmSupport Locale.cpp
[42/155] Compiling llvmSupport MD5.cpp
[43/155] Compiling llvmSupport Hashing.cpp
[44/155] Compiling llvmSupport FoldingSet.cpp
[45/155] Compiling llvmSupport FormatVariadic.cpp
[46/155] Compiling llvmSupport FileUtilities.cpp
[47/155] Compiling llvmSupport ErrorHandling.cpp
[48/155] Compiling llvmSupport Host.cpp
[49/155] Compiling llvmSupport Atomic.cpp
[50/155] Compiling llvmSupport Errno.cpp
[51/155] Compiling llvmSupport Error.cpp
[52/155] Compiling llvmSupport ConvertUTF.cpp
[53/155] Compiling llvmSupport Debug.cpp
[54/155] Compiling llvmSupport DJB.cpp
[54/155] Write sources
[57/155] Compiling llvmSupport ConvertUTFWrapper.cpp
[58/157] Compiling llvmSupport Allocator.cpp
[59/157] Compiling llvmDemangle MicrosoftDemangle.cpp
[60/157] Compiling llvmSupport Chrono.cpp
[61/157] Write llbuildNinjaTests-entitlement.plist
[62/157] Compiling llvmSupport APSInt.cpp
[63/157] Compiling llvmSupport APInt.cpp
[64/157] Compiling llvmDemangle ItaniumDemangle.cpp
[65/157] Compiling llvmSupport APFloat.cpp
[66/157] Compiling llvmSupport CommandLine.cpp
[67/157] Compiling llbuildNinja Parser.cpp
[68/157] Compiling llbuildNinjaTests main.cpp
[69/157] Compiling llbuildNinjaTests LexerTest.cpp
[70/157] Compiling llbuildNinja Lexer.cpp
[71/157] Compiling llbuildNinja Manifest.cpp
[72/157] Compiling llbuildNinjaTests ManifestTest.cpp
[73/157] Compiling llbuildNinja ManifestLoader.cpp
[74/157] Write llbuildCoreTests-entitlement.plist
[75/157] Compiling llbuildCoreTests main.cpp
[76/157] Compiling llbuildEvo EvoEngine.cpp
[77/157] Compiling llbuildCoreTests MakefileDepsParserTest.cpp
[78/157] Compiling llbuildCoreTests SQLiteBuildDBTest.cpp
[79/157] Compiling llbuildCoreTests DependencyInfoParserTest.cpp
[80/157] Compiling llbuildCore MakefileDepsParser.cpp
[81/157] Compiling llbuildCore DependencyInfoParser.cpp
[82/157] Compiling llbuildCore SQLiteBuildDB.cpp
[83/157] Compiling llbuildCore BuildEngineTrace.cpp
[84/157] Compiling llbuildCoreTests BuildEngineCancellationTest.cpp
[85/157] Compiling llbuildCore BuildDB.cpp
[86/157] Compiling llbuildCoreTests DepsBuildEngineTest.cpp
[87/157] Compiling llbuildCommands CommandLineStatusOutput.cpp
[88/157] Compiling llbuildCommands CommandUtil.cpp
[89/157] Compiling llbuildCommands NinjaCommand.cpp
[90/157] Compiling llbuildCommands BuildEngineCommand.cpp
[91/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystemTests main.cpp
[92/157] Compiling llbuildCore BuildEngine.cpp
[92/157] Write llbuildBuildSystemTests-entitlement.plist
[94/157] Compiling llbuildCommands BuildSystemCommand.cpp
[95/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystemTests TempDir.cpp
[96/157] Compiling llbuildCommands NinjaBuildCommand.cpp
[97/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystemTests MockBuildSystemDelegate.cpp
[98/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildValue.cpp
[99/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystemTests BuildValueTest.cpp
[100/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem ExternalCommand.cpp
[101/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem ShellCommand.cpp
[102/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystemTests BuildSystemFrontendTest.cpp
[103/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildSystemExtensionManager.cpp
[104/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystemTests BuildSystemTaskTests.cpp
[105/157] Compiling llbuildCoreTests BuildEngineTest.cpp
[106/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildSystemFrontend.cpp
[107/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildNode.cpp
[108/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildKey.cpp
[109/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildDescription.cpp
[110/157] Compiling llbuildBasicTests TempDir.cpp
[111/157] Compiling llbuildBasicTests main.cpp
[112/157] Compiling llbuildBasicTests ShellUtilityTest.cpp
[113/157] Write llbuildBasicTests-entitlement.plist
[114/157] Compiling llbuildBasicTests SerialQueueTest.cpp
[115/157] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildFile.cpp
[116/157] Compiling llbuildBasicTests POSIXEnvironmentTest.cpp
[117/157] Compiling llbuildBasic Version.cpp
[118/157] Compiling llbuildBasic Tracing.cpp
[119/157] Compiling llbuildBasicTests Defer.cpp
[120/157] Compiling llbuildBasicTests BinaryCodingTests.cpp
[121/157] Compiling llbuildBasicTests LaneBasedExecutionQueueTest.cpp
[121/157] Write sources
[121/157] Write llbuild-entitlement.plist
[124/157] Compiling llbuildBasicTests FileSystemTest.cpp
[125/157] Compiling llbuildBasic PlatformUtility.cpp
[126/157] Compiling llbuildBasic Hashing.cpp
[127/157] Compiling llbuildBasic Subprocess.cpp
[128/157] Compiling llbuildBasic FileInfo.cpp
[129/157] Compiling llbuildBasic FileSystem.cpp
[130/157] Compiling llbuildBasic ExecutionQueue.cpp
[131/157] Compiling libllbuild Ninja-C-API.cpp
[132/165] Compiling gmocklib
[133/165] Compiling llbuildBuildSystem BuildSystem.cpp
[134/165] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[136/165] Compiling gtestlib
[137/165] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[141/165] Linking llbuildBasicTests
[142/165] Linking llbuildNinjaTests
[143/165] Applying llbuildBasicTests
[144/165] Applying llbuildNinjaTests
[145/165] Linking swift-build-tool
[146/165] Applying swift-build-tool
[147/165] Linking llbuild
[148/165] Applying llbuild
[149/165] Linking llbuildCoreTests
[150/165] Applying llbuildCoreTests
[151/165] Linking llbuildBuildSystemTests
[152/165] Applying llbuildBuildSystemTests
[154/165] Emitting module llbuildTestSupport
[155/165] Compiling llbuildTestSupport XCTestCase+Extensions.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/unittests/TestSupport/XCTestCase+Extensions.swift:28:9: error: 'addTeardownBlock' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
 9 | import XCTest
10 |
11 | public extension XCTestCase {
   |        `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
12 |     /// Create a temporary file with the given contents and returns the path to the file.
13 |     //
14 |     // FIXME: Move to a shared location.
15 |     func makeTemporaryFile(_ contents: String? = nil) -> String {
   |          `- note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
16 |         let directory = NSTemporaryDirectory()
17 |         let filename = UUID().uuidString
26 |         }
27 |
28 |         addTeardownBlock {
   |         |- error: 'addTeardownBlock' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
   |         `- note: add 'if #available' version check
29 |             do {
30 |                 let fileManager = FileManager.default
[156/165] Emitting module llbuildSwift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/products/llbuildSwift/BuildSystemBindings.swift:540:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'CommandStatusKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 538 | }
 539 |
 540 | extension CommandStatusKind: CustomStringConvertible {
     | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'CommandStatusKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
     | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 541 |     public var description: String {
 542 |         switch self {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/products/llbuildSwift/BuildSystemBindings.swift:555:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildKeyKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 553 | }
 554 |
 555 | extension BuildKeyKind: CustomStringConvertible {
     | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildKeyKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
     | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 556 |     public var description: String {
 557 |         switch self {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/products/llbuildSwift/BuildSystemBindings.swift:584:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'DiagnosticKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 582 | }
 583 |
 584 | extension DiagnosticKind: CustomStringConvertible {
     | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'DiagnosticKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
     | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 585 |     public var description: String {
 586 |         switch self {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/products/llbuildSwift/BuildValue.swift:32:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildValueKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 30 | #endif
 31 |
 32 | extension BuildValueKind: CustomStringConvertible {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildValueKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 33 |     public var description: String {
 34 |         switch self {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/products/llbuildSwift/BuildValue.swift:59:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_info_t_' to imported protocol 'Equatable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 57 | }
 58 |
 59 | extension BuildValueFileInfo: Equatable {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_info_t_' to imported protocol 'Equatable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 60 |     public static func == (lhs: BuildValueFileInfo, rhs: BuildValueFileInfo) -> Bool {
 61 |         return lhs.device == rhs.device && lhs.inode == rhs.inode && lhs.mode == rhs.mode && lhs.size == rhs.size && lhs.modTime == rhs.modTime
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/products/llbuildSwift/BuildValue.swift:65:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_info_t_' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 63 | }
 64 |
 65 | extension BuildValueFileInfo: CustomStringConvertible {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_info_t_' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 66 |     public var description: String {
 67 |         return "<FileInfo device=\(device) inode=\(inode) mode=\(mode) size=\(size) modTime=\(modTime)>"
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/products/llbuildSwift/BuildValue.swift:71:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_' to imported protocol 'Equatable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 69 | }
 70 |
 71 | extension BuildValueFileTimestamp: Equatable {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_' to imported protocol 'Equatable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 72 |     public static func == (lhs: llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_, rhs: BuildValueFileTimestamp) -> Bool {
 73 |         return lhs.seconds == rhs.seconds && lhs.nanoseconds == rhs.nanoseconds
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/products/llbuildSwift/BuildValue.swift:77:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_' to imported protocol 'Comparable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 75 | }
 76 |
 77 | extension BuildValueFileTimestamp: Comparable {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_' to imported protocol 'Comparable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 78 |     public static func < (lhs: BuildValueFileTimestamp, rhs: BuildValueFileTimestamp) -> Bool {
 79 |         if lhs.seconds != rhs.seconds { return lhs.seconds < rhs.seconds }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/products/llbuildSwift/BuildValue.swift:84:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 82 | }
 83 |
 84 | extension BuildValueFileTimestamp: CustomStringConvertible {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 85 |     public var description: String {
 86 |         return "<FileTimestamp seconds=\(seconds) nanoseconds=\(nanoseconds)>"
BUILD FAILURE 6.0 macosSpm