The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of Fastlane, reference 2.222.0 (e1ab95), with Swift 5.9 for macOS (SPM) on 26 Jul 2024 21:51:42 UTC.

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64

Build Log

Builder version: 4.48.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: 2.222.0
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * tag               2.222.0    -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at e1ab951 Version bump to 2.222.0 (#22159)
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at 2.222.0
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             5.9
Building package at path:  $PWD
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64
Building for debugging...
[1/10] Compiling SwiftShell Lazy-split.swift
[2/10] Compiling SwiftShell Process.swift
[3/10] Compiling SwiftShell Array.swift
[4/10] Compiling SwiftShell Files.swift
[5/10] Compiling SwiftShell String.swift
[6/10] Compiling SwiftShell Stream.swift
[7/10] Compiling SwiftShell Context.swift
[8/10] Compiling SwiftShell Bash.swift
[9/10] Compiling SwiftShell Command.swift
[10/10] Emitting module SwiftShell
[11/38] Compiling Fastlane GymfileProtocol.swift
[12/38] Compiling Fastlane LaneFileProtocol.swift
[13/38] Compiling Fastlane MainProcess.swift
[14/41] Compiling Fastlane Scanfile.swift
[15/41] Compiling Fastlane ScanfileProtocol.swift
[16/41] Compiling Fastlane Screengrabfile.swift
[17/41] Compiling Fastlane Appfile.swift
[18/41] Compiling Fastlane ArgumentProcessor.swift
[19/41] Compiling Fastlane Atomic.swift
[20/41] Emitting module Fastlane
[21/41] Compiling Fastlane ControlCommand.swift
[22/41] Compiling Fastlane Deliverfile.swift
[23/41] Compiling Fastlane DeliverfileProtocol.swift
[24/41] Compiling Fastlane Matchfile.swift
[25/41] Compiling Fastlane MatchfileProtocol.swift
[26/41] Compiling Fastlane OptionalConfigValue.swift
[27/41] Compiling Fastlane Precheckfile.swift
[28/41] Compiling Fastlane PrecheckfileProtocol.swift
[29/41] Compiling Fastlane RubyCommand.swift
[30/41] Compiling Fastlane RubyCommandable.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/fastlane/swift/Runner.swift:60:30: warning: generic parameter 'T' shadows generic parameter from outer scope with the same name; this is an error in Swift 6
        func memoizedClosure<T>(_ closure: @escaping () throws -> T) -> (Bool) throws -> T {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/fastlane/swift/Runner.swift:59:33: note: 'T' previously declared here
    static func waitWithPolling<T>(_ expression: @autoclosure @escaping () throws -> T, toEventually predicate: @escaping (T) -> Bool, timeout: Int, pollingInterval: DispatchTimeInterval = .milliseconds(4)) -> DispatchTimeoutResult {
[31/41] Compiling Fastlane Runner.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/fastlane/swift/Runner.swift:60:30: warning: generic parameter 'T' shadows generic parameter from outer scope with the same name; this is an error in Swift 6
        func memoizedClosure<T>(_ closure: @escaping () throws -> T) -> (Bool) throws -> T {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/fastlane/swift/Runner.swift:59:33: note: 'T' previously declared here
    static func waitWithPolling<T>(_ expression: @autoclosure @escaping () throws -> T, toEventually predicate: @escaping (T) -> Bool, timeout: Int, pollingInterval: DispatchTimeInterval = .milliseconds(4)) -> DispatchTimeoutResult {
[32/41] Compiling Fastlane RunnerArgument.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/fastlane/swift/Runner.swift:60:30: warning: generic parameter 'T' shadows generic parameter from outer scope with the same name; this is an error in Swift 6
        func memoizedClosure<T>(_ closure: @escaping () throws -> T) -> (Bool) throws -> T {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/fastlane/swift/Runner.swift:59:33: note: 'T' previously declared here
    static func waitWithPolling<T>(_ expression: @autoclosure @escaping () throws -> T, toEventually predicate: @escaping (T) -> Bool, timeout: Int, pollingInterval: DispatchTimeInterval = .milliseconds(4)) -> DispatchTimeoutResult {
[33/41] Compiling Fastlane SocketClient.swift
[34/41] Compiling Fastlane SocketClientDelegateProtocol.swift
[35/41] Compiling Fastlane SocketResponse.swift
[36/41] Compiling Fastlane ScreengrabfileProtocol.swift
[37/41] Compiling Fastlane Snapshotfile.swift
[38/41] Compiling Fastlane SnapshotfileProtocol.swift
[39/41] Compiling Fastlane Fastfile.swift
[40/41] Compiling Fastlane Fastlane.swift
[41/41] Compiling Fastlane Gymfile.swift
Build complete! (18.41s)
[1/4863] Fetching swiftshell
Fetched (1.93s)
Computing version for
Computed at 5.1.0 (2.29s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 5.1.0
Build complete.