The Swift Package Index logo.Swift Package Index

Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of CachedAsyncImage with Swift 5.10 for macOS (SPM) (f05012) on 27 Jun 2024 02:16:07 UTC.

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64

Build Log

Builder version: 4.44.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at f05012f Add missing newline
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SPI manifest file found: $workDir/.spi.yml
SUCCESS checkout at main
Resolving dependencies ...
  "identity": ".resolve-product-dependencies",
  "name": "resolve-dependencies",
  "url": "/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies",
  "version": "unspecified",
  "path": "/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies",
  "dependencies": [
      "identity": "cachedasyncimage",
      "name": "CachedAsyncImage",
      "url": "",
      "version": "unspecified",
      "path": "/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.resolve-product-dependencies/.build/checkouts/CachedAsyncImage",
      "dependencies": [
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.31s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at main (f05012f)
warning: '.resolve-product-dependencies': dependency 'cachedasyncimage' is not used by any target
Found 0 product dependencies
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             5.10
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64
Building for debugging...
[0/2] Write sources
[1/2] Write swift-version-33747A42983211AE.txt
[3/4] Emitting module CachedAsyncImage
[4/4] Compiling CachedAsyncImage CachedAsyncImage.swift
Build complete! (12.33s)
Build complete.
✅  Doc result (pending) reported
Generating docs at path:  $workDir/.docs/0xwdg/cachedasyncimage/main
Repository:               0xWDG/CachedAsyncImage
Swift version used:       5.10
Target:                   CachedAsyncImage
Generating documentation for 'CachedAsyncImage'...
Converting documentation...
warning: No external resolver registered for ''.
  --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:20:10-20:71
18 | ///
19 | /// This view uses the shared
20 + /// <doc://>
21 | /// instance to load an image from the specified URL, and then display it.
22 | /// For example, you can display an icon that's stored on a server:
warning: Resource 'AsyncImage-1' couldn't be found
  --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:32:5-34:59
30 | /// than the frame, and so appears smaller than the placeholder.
31 | ///
32 + /// ![A diagram that shows a grey box on the left, the SwiftUI icon on the
33 + /// right, and an arrow pointing from the first to the second. The icon
34 + /// is about half the size of the grey box.](AsyncImage-1)
35 | ///
36 | /// You can specify a custom placeholder using
warning: 'init(url:scale:content:placeholder:)' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage'
  --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:37:7-37:43
35 | ///
36 | /// You can specify a custom placeholder using
37 + /// ``init(url:scale:content:placeholder:)``. With this initializer, you can
   |       ╰─suggestion: Replace 'init(url:scale:content:placeholder:)' with 'init(url:urlCache:scale:content:placeholder:)'
38 | /// also use the `content` parameter to manipulate the loaded image.
39 | /// For example, you can add a modifier to make the loaded image resizable:
warning: 'ProgressView' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage'
  --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:48:41-48:53
46 | ///     .frame(width: 50, height: 50)
47 | ///
48 + /// For this example, SwiftUI shows a ``ProgressView`` first, and then the
   |                                         ╰─suggestion: Replace 'ProgressView' with 'progressViewStyle(_:)'
49 | /// image scaled to fit in the specified frame:
50 | ///
warning: Resource 'AsyncImage-2' couldn't be found
  --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:51:5-52:78
49 | /// image scaled to fit in the specified frame:
50 | ///
51 + /// ![A diagram that shows a progress view on the left, the SwiftUI icon on the
52 + /// right, and an arrow pointing from the first to the second.](AsyncImage-2)
53 | ///
54 | /// > Important: You can't apply image-specific modifiers, like
warning: 'Image' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage'
  --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:55:9-55:14
53 | ///
54 | /// > Important: You can't apply image-specific modifiers, like
55 + /// ``Image/resizable(capInsets:resizingMode:)``, directly to an `AsyncImage`.
56 | /// Instead, apply them to the ``Image`` instance that your `content`
57 | /// closure gets when defining the view's appearance.
warning: 'Image' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage'
  --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:56:36-56:41
54 | /// > Important: You can't apply image-specific modifiers, like
55 | /// ``Image/resizable(capInsets:resizingMode:)``, directly to an `AsyncImage`.
56 + /// Instead, apply them to the ``Image`` instance that your `content`
57 | /// closure gets when defining the view's appearance.
58 | ///
warning: 'init(url:scale:transaction:content:)' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage'
  --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:60:7-60:43
58 | ///
59 | /// To gain more control over the loading process, use the
60 + /// ``init(url:scale:transaction:content:)`` initializer, which takes a
   |       ╰─suggestion: Replace 'init(url:scale:transaction:content:)' with 'init(url:urlCache:scale:transaction:content:)'
61 | /// `content` closure that receives an ``AsyncImagePhase`` to indicate
62 | /// the state of the loading operation. Return a view that's appropriate
warning: 'AsyncImagePhase' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage'
  --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:61:42-61:57
59 | /// To gain more control over the loading process, use the
60 | /// ``init(url:scale:transaction:content:)`` initializer, which takes a
61 + /// `content` closure that receives an ``AsyncImagePhase`` to indicate
62 | /// the state of the loading operation. Return a view that's appropriate
63 | /// for the current phase:
warning: 'Image' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage/init(url:urlCache:scale:)'
   --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:116:30-116:35
114 |     ///
115 |     /// If you want to customize the placeholder or apply image-specific
116 +     /// modifiers --- like ``Image/resizable(capInsets:resizingMode:)`` ---
117 |     /// to the loaded image, use the ``init(url:scale:content:placeholder:)``
118 |     /// initializer instead.
warning: 'init(url:scale:content:placeholder:)' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage/init(url:urlCache:scale:)'
   --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:117:40-117:76
115 |     /// If you want to customize the placeholder or apply image-specific
116 |     /// modifiers --- like ``Image/resizable(capInsets:resizingMode:)`` ---
117 +     /// to the loaded image, use the ``init(url:scale:content:placeholder:)``
118 |     /// initializer instead.
119 |     ///
warning: 'init(url:scale:transaction:content:)' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage/init(url:urlCache:scale:content:placeholder:)'
   --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:162:19-162:55
160 |     /// If the load operation fails, SwiftUI continues to display the
161 |     /// placeholder. To be able to display a different view on a load error,
162 +     /// use the ``init(url:scale:transaction:content:)`` initializer instead.
163 |     ///
164 |     /// - Parameters:
warning: 'AsyncImagePhase' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage/init(url:urlCache:scale:transaction:content:)'
   --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:196:11-196:26
194 |     /// If you set the asynchronous image's URL to `nil`, or after you set the
195 |     /// URL to a value but before the load operation completes, the phase is
196 +     /// ``AsyncImagePhase/empty``. After the operation completes, the phase
197 |     /// becomes either ``AsyncImagePhase/failure(_:)`` or
198 |     /// ``AsyncImagePhase/success(_:)``. In the first case, the phase's
warning: 'AsyncImagePhase' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage/init(url:urlCache:scale:transaction:content:)'
   --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:197:26-197:41
195 |     /// URL to a value but before the load operation completes, the phase is
196 |     /// ``AsyncImagePhase/empty``. After the operation completes, the phase
197 +     /// becomes either ``AsyncImagePhase/failure(_:)`` or
198 |     /// ``AsyncImagePhase/success(_:)``. In the first case, the phase's
199 |     /// ``AsyncImagePhase/error`` value indicates the reason for failure.
warning: 'AsyncImagePhase' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage/init(url:urlCache:scale:transaction:content:)'
   --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:198:11-198:26
196 |     /// ``AsyncImagePhase/empty``. After the operation completes, the phase
197 |     /// becomes either ``AsyncImagePhase/failure(_:)`` or
198 +     /// ``AsyncImagePhase/success(_:)``. In the first case, the phase's
199 |     /// ``AsyncImagePhase/error`` value indicates the reason for failure.
200 |     /// In the second case, the phase's ``AsyncImagePhase/image`` property
warning: 'AsyncImagePhase' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage/init(url:urlCache:scale:transaction:content:)'
   --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:199:11-199:26
197 |     /// becomes either ``AsyncImagePhase/failure(_:)`` or
198 |     /// ``AsyncImagePhase/success(_:)``. In the first case, the phase's
199 +     /// ``AsyncImagePhase/error`` value indicates the reason for failure.
200 |     /// In the second case, the phase's ``AsyncImagePhase/image`` property
201 |     /// contains the loaded image. Use the phase to drive the output of the
warning: 'AsyncImagePhase' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage/init(url:urlCache:scale:transaction:content:)'
   --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:200:43-200:58
198 |     /// ``AsyncImagePhase/success(_:)``. In the first case, the phase's
199 |     /// ``AsyncImagePhase/error`` value indicates the reason for failure.
200 +     /// In the second case, the phase's ``AsyncImagePhase/image`` property
201 |     /// contains the loaded image. Use the phase to drive the output of the
202 |     /// `content` closure, which defines the view's appearance:
warning: 'AsyncImage' doesn't exist at '/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage/init(url:urlCache:scale:transaction:content:)'
   --> Sources/CachedAsyncImage/CachedAsyncImage.swift:215:11-215:21
213 |     ///
214 |     /// To add transitions when you change the URL, apply an identifier to the
215 +     /// ``AsyncImage``.
216 |     ///
217 |     /// - Parameters:Conversion complete! (1.86s)
Generated DocC archive at '/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.docs/0xwdg/cachedasyncimage/main'
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.29s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.3.0 (0.02s)
Fetching from cache
Fetched from cache (0.66s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.0 (0.05s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.3.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.0
Building for debugging...
[0/8] Write sources
[3/8] Write snippet-extract-entitlement.plist
[4/8] Write swift-version-33747A42983211AE.txt
[6/52] Emitting module Snippets
[7/52] Compiling Snippets SnippetParser.swift
[8/52] Compiling Snippets Snippet.swift
[9/52] Compiling SymbolKit SourceOrigin.swift
[10/52] Compiling SymbolKit GenericConstraints.swift
[11/52] Compiling SymbolKit Swift.swift
[12/52] Compiling SymbolKit SemanticVersion.swift
[13/52] Compiling SymbolKit AccessControl.swift
[14/52] Compiling SymbolKit Availability.swift
[15/57] Compiling SymbolKit AvailabilityItem.swift
[16/57] Compiling SymbolKit Domain.swift
[17/57] Compiling SymbolKit DeclarationFragments.swift
[18/57] Compiling SymbolKit Fragment.swift
[19/57] Compiling SymbolKit FragmentKind.swift
[20/57] Compiling SymbolKit FunctionParameter.swift
[21/57] Compiling SymbolKit Mixin+Equals.swift
[22/57] Compiling SymbolKit Mixin+Hash.swift
[23/57] Compiling SymbolKit Mixin.swift
[24/57] Compiling SymbolKit LineList.swift
[25/57] Compiling SymbolKit Position.swift
[26/57] Compiling SymbolKit SourceRange.swift
[27/57] Compiling SymbolKit Generics.swift
[28/57] Compiling SymbolKit Namespace.swift
[29/57] Compiling SymbolKit Symbol.swift
[30/57] Compiling SymbolKit SymbolKind.swift
[31/57] Compiling SymbolKit SymbolGraph.swift
[32/57] Compiling SymbolKit SPI.swift
[33/57] Compiling SymbolKit Snippet.swift
[34/57] Compiling SymbolKit Extension.swift
[35/57] Compiling SymbolKit GenericConstraint.swift
[36/57] Compiling SymbolKit GenericParameter.swift
[37/57] Compiling SymbolKit FunctionSignature.swift
[38/57] Compiling SymbolKit Identifier.swift
[39/57] Compiling SymbolKit KindIdentifier.swift
[40/57] Compiling SymbolKit Location.swift
[41/57] Compiling SymbolKit Mutability.swift
[42/57] Compiling SymbolKit Names.swift
[43/57] Compiling SymbolKit Metadata.swift
[44/57] Compiling SymbolKit Module.swift
[45/57] Compiling SymbolKit OperatingSystem.swift
[46/57] Compiling SymbolKit Platform.swift
[47/57] Compiling SymbolKit Relationship.swift
[48/57] Compiling SymbolKit RelationshipKind.swift
[49/57] Emitting module SymbolKit
[50/57] Compiling SymbolKit GraphCollector.swift
[51/57] Compiling SymbolKit UnifiedSymbol+Encodable.swift
[52/57] Compiling SymbolKit UnifiedSymbol.swift
[53/57] Compiling SymbolKit UnifiedSymbolGraph+Encodable.swift
[54/57] Compiling SymbolKit UnifiedSymbolGraph.swift
[55/61] Compiling snippet_extract SymbolGraph+Snippet.swift
[56/61] Compiling snippet_extract SnippetBuildCommand.swift
[57/61] Compiling snippet_extract URL+Status.swift
[58/61] Emitting module snippet_extract
[58/61] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[59/61] Linking snippet-extract
[60/61] Applying snippet-extract
Build complete! (4.77s)
Building for debugging...
[0/1] Write swift-version-33747A42983211AE.txt
Build complete! (0.15s)
10	/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/0/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.docs/0xwdg/cachedasyncimage/main
✅  Doc result (uploading) reported
Doc archive source directory: $workDir/.docs/0xwdg/cachedasyncimage/main
File count: 1268
Doc size:   10.0MB
Preparing doc bundle ...
Uploading to s3://spi-docs-inbox/
Copying... [12%]
Copying... [23%]
Copying... [31%]
Copying... [42%]
Copying... [54%]
Copying... [61%]
Copying... [73%]
Copying... [81%]
Copying... [92%]
Copying... [100%]